View Full Version : Fiji hears calls for stoning of sex offenders

06-09-2003, 05:47 AM
Calls have been made in the Fiji Senate for sex offenders to be stoned to death.

The calls came after the Fijian Government proposed an increase penalties for sex offences, suggesting jail terms be increased from 10 to 20 years in an attempt to curb the rising number of rapes, abuse of children and incest.

Veteran politician Senator Apisai Tora says the communities in Fiji must consider creating an environment in which people can live without fear.

He says the courts should only have two options open to them when sentencing sex offenders: death or life imprisonment.

He says there should be no remission or release of sexual offenders when they are sentenced to life.

06-11-2003, 07:05 AM
sounds fair to me !

06-11-2003, 07:18 AM
Sounds extraordinarily harsh to me. Capital punishment is never appropriate, and even if it must be done it should at least be done quickly and with dignity.


06-15-2003, 12:32 AM
Sorry casper I disagree!!!!!!!!!

To hell with what is human for the idots that hurt little kids or rape people....

Why should they be treated with respect and their feeling takin into consideration...they didn't ask the people they hurt it they minded.

Let the punishment fit the crime!!!!!!!!!

06-19-2003, 12:01 AM
I think pedophile rape is defintly game for captiol punsihment.

Teen rape is maybe a 15 year offense, unless like below it has further threat,

Adult rape, although awful, should be maybe a 5 year offense as long as little harm was actually dealt to the victim and no threat of death (kinfepoint, gunpoint, etc.) was used.

06-20-2003, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by txgrneyes
Sorry casper I disagree!!!!!!!!!

To hell with what is human for the idots that hurt little kids or rape people....

Why should they be treated with respect and their feeling takin into consideration...they didn't ask the people they hurt it they minded.

Let the punishment fit the crime!!!!!!!!!

Thankyou, txgrneyes - it's a fair argument. However, I stand by my original claim.

Let the punishment fit the crime? This is my point - who decides what is a fitting punishment? The victims? Ordinary people? Politics?

No, they didn't ask the people they hurt if they minded. That is not the point - thieves don't ask for permission to steal, yet we don't murder them. Arsonists don't ask if we'd like our hedges burnt, but we don't murder them either. But because someone doesn't ask for permission to touch up a kid, we're supposed to not only murder them, but do it by stoning? How barbaric.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not supporting child abuse or sex abuse. But there is no way I can condone the taking of another person's life, except in some cases of Euthenasia.

Simply because someone does something abhorrent, doesn't give us the right to stoop to their level. Especially not when we cannot guarantee the accuracy of our courts. People are wrongly convicted all the time - and you're willing to murder someone even though evidence may turn up years later exonerrating them?? Are you certain your judgement is perfect? The jury is perfect? The judge is perfect?

And even if they are, we should stoop to the criminal level to exact "justice"?? Only the government can kill people, cos they're always right?

To paraphrase the great J.R.R. Tolkien,
"Many that live deserve death. And many that are dead deserve life. Can you give it to them? Do not be so quick to deal out death and judgement."

It is not up to us to decide who should live and who should die.

06-20-2003, 05:15 PM
I vote for Capital Punishment!!