View Full Version : Board Problems..Do You?

06-07-2003, 06:40 AM
Just a query !
does anyone else have problems with the navagating the board such as:

if you click on the notification of a private message pop up...does it take you to the private message board ..or does it just close, mine just closes and I have to open my messages manually

where the notifcation that tells you of the number of threads and posts scince your last vist, do you actually get that number when you view them.......I do not

and last if you refresh do your unread threads get marked as read....Mine do:(

06-07-2003, 06:53 AM
Nope, none of those probs....
Everything works damn fine for me! :)


06-07-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Bilbo
Just a query !

and last if you refresh do your unread threads get marked as read....Mine do:(

Mine too!!! :mad: :( :mad: :confused: :mad: :bite:

06-07-2003, 09:08 AM
if you click on the notification of a private message pop up...does it take you to the private message board ..or does it just close, mine just closes and I have to open my messages manually

It used to work for me, but I then installed Pop-up killing software and now it does not (software doing what I want it to)... something like that on your system?

where the notifcation that tells you of the number of threads and posts scince your last vist, do you actually get that number when you view them.......I do not
Hmm... I never stopped to look...

and last if you refresh do your unread threads get marked as read....Mine do:(
I notice that this happens if I spend to long a period of time in reading the new posts (i.e. I had to walk away)... there must be some time limit in the cookie/board information that tells it what threads you have not seen, then once you either refresh or browse the board after that time has elapsed it resets the counters (does that make any sense?)

As for browsing and just refreshing I do not have a problem with that.

06-07-2003, 12:00 PM
If you refresh because you were away you may have gotten logged out. So when you refresh there will be none or very few new posts because you already recieve the info on all those previous posts and basically you are making a whole new visit simply by hitting refresh. That is only if you timed out.

Your pm popup was set to NO that is why your PMs did not pop up. Hopefully I fixed that!

06-07-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Bilbo

where the notifcation that tells you of the number of threads and posts scince your last vist, do you actually get that number when you view them.......I do not

Had that problem just after the site changes were introduced but works perfectly now.

06-07-2003, 04:51 PM
]Your pm popup was set to NO that is why your PMs did not pop up. Hopefully I fixed that
The reason is was set to no (which we did last night) was because the PM wont pop up...and its a waste of time having it clicked as yes *LOL*
Im about to change it again Lil....because it still will not work. Sorry buddy
Pop-up killing software and now it does not (software doing what I want it to)... something like that on your system?
I will check into that.....but it used to work previously with the pop up remover we have...weird

The main one that gets on my nerves(and it doesn't happen all the time) is that when i first come to pixies and i'll have 400 posts or such to read....so i click on "Veiw New Posts" and it tells me there are none!!.....so i go back to main page and it has reset my posts......meaning i have lost the 400 new posts and have to search manually for them......very irritating

06-07-2003, 04:59 PM
Has it always been like this or just in the last couple of weeks???

06-07-2003, 05:04 PM
Off and on for me....for about 2-3 months

06-07-2003, 05:05 PM
OK well I know for sure no changes were made then but will def bring this thread to Kim's attention!

06-07-2003, 05:11 PM
Also the PM pop up wont come up at all for me now :(

Stupid bloody thing....i've clicked the yes...but nope wont work

Also turned off my pop up killer and still wont work