View Full Version : The Three Way Interview

06-01-2003, 03:14 AM
Author’s note:

Hi there. I just wanted to take time to let my two special people at Pixie's know that they inspired me to write this story. You'd BETTER know who you are!! Special credit must be given to the 3 volumes of photo sessions in the Couples amateur pic section that were done by kendyyz and cherryred!! You guys ROCK !!!

Although the two ladies in said story do exist here in Pixies, I am changing their names and descriptions to protect the innocent from the more than certain-nasty things I have to say about them :-)

Here goes 100% nothing!



Drew had been an outside the loop-quasi-semi-partial regular at Pixies for the better part of two years and enjoyed himself immensely when he checked out the website. He had recently become “closer” with two ladies at Pixies and they were all seriously considering meeting up (they had in fact set up a “meet” during the past year, but things fell through). All three felt that sparks could certainly occur if they could only get together!

Ann was the “first” of Drew’s “buddies” on Pixies. She stood about 5’6” tall had a very nice body, she was 35 and was pregnant with her second child in September. Drew had been taken with Ann right from the start on Pixies… things began and led first to cyber- then phone-sex. Drew felt a tight bond (pun intended?!?) with Ann on many levels.

DD was the “second” buddy and the last member of this trio. She was a tad taller than Ann and just about lived up to her nickname! She was a little younger than Drew and Ann, but Drew was interested in helping her “learn the ropes” in many situations sexually. Drew hadn’t yet cum with DD in any way yet, not even after the sometimes-sad pleading that went on, but knew that she was QUITE interested in bringing things to “reality”…

Drew had recently gotten some new responsibilities at work and some would include travel! Drew knew that he would have business in Chicago, the hometown of the two ladies and one of his favorite cities around! Drew’s wife hadn’t a clue about any of this, but Drew was thinking that things might turn out so that she would consider checking things out if they went as he hoped they would!

Drew, Ann, and DD were then able to set up a Friday and Saturday “meet” and they would stay in a suite at the luxury Pixiedust Resort on Michigan Avenue also know as the “The Magnificent Mile” in Chicago. Drew was just hoping that the goings-on during those two days would be equally ‘Magnificent’!!!!!


Any interest in me continuing this?? (Shameful plea for comments and feedback to boost the ego!)