View Full Version : Sexually Charged

05-27-2003, 11:30 AM
In spending just a few weeks perusing this site it amazes me how sexually charged so many people are. I go through spurts like that, but it doesn’t last for more than a few days. Who knows, maybe that’s because my partner is indifferent to sex and if he was more willing I might stay sexually energized indefinitely, but I don’t honestly think that I’d want to or even be able to stay sexually driven all the time. I noticed one log entry about how often people have sex and tons of you said 2-3 times a day, or at least every day. In a relatively new relationship where your discovering each other having non-stop sex is great, but then life just seems to get in the way and it’s hard to find the time, energy or mainly the desire to have sex all the time.

Is a supercharged sex life reality for anyone with a long-term relationship? If so how do you find the time and keep the day to day challenges of life from getting in the way of feeling sexy, kids, work, hobbies? Taking away all of the other issues, my big question is how do you keep it from getting monotonous? I mean too much of even a really good thing gets old and boring.

05-27-2003, 11:42 AM
I have only been in one relationship where it was sex based and we had sex anytime we touched and about anywhere we were...never got old, just couldnt stand her otherwise....

as for today, i would love to find out if i ever got bored with it....dont think so

05-28-2003, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by girls_rule
In a relatively new relationship where your discovering each other having non-stop sex is great, but then life just seems to get in the way and it’s hard to find the time, energy or mainly the desire to have sex all the time.

I think a lot of people here use sex as a way of getting away from the stresses of life. Orgasms are fantastic stress relievers!
Also, I think it might seem as though everyone here is thinking of sex all the time, but in reality a lot of us have our mood swings and a bit of sexual roller-coaster. But because so many people post here, it can seem as though everyone's horny.

I masturbate at least once a day - that's just what my libido is, typically. Maybe it's a male thing, I don't know.

And I think many people here have found that you can live without sex fine when you haven't had it for a long time, but the more you get the more you tend to want lol. Of course, it's an individual thing though.

And lastly, I think a lot of people even though they've been in long term relationships for some time, still want to keep the spark alive and sex is just one way of helping maintain that spiritual, emotional and physical attachment. Sure, we're busy people in this modern day and age, and we don't always have the time for a fourteen hour sex marathon. But if we never take time how can we ever have time? Some couples might schedule some 'quality time' for an hour or two on a Friday night, others might settle for a quickie when they can get it, some people might spend all evening several times a week for sex. And some people never have sex at all. Life's like that. Everyone's different, and every lifestyle has it's own challenges and advantages.

And then some people like skipthisone are just dirty pervs lol ;)

Well, as always I've written a damn thesis when a few paragraphs woulda been enough. Oh well. :)

Hope I've helped, and if I haven't, hope someone found it worth reading. :D


05-28-2003, 12:24 PM
I know I have been thinking of sex a LOT the past six months or so.....I have been wanting sex a lot too. Luckily for me I have a wonderful husband who is more than willing to help me out with that. I also seem to be finding plenty of people willing to keep me happy and satisfied when I want it.....even if I don't always take them up on their generous offers(ok....maybe I have with a couple....lol)

Anyway...as for finding time. You need to just fit it in when and where you can. We have to wait sometimes til our daughter is in bed. We may also just go out and have some time to ourselves. I feel that if you want it badly enough....you just have to make it happen. ;):)

We've never felt like it was getting monotonous....we are always trying new things. You just have to find ways to keep things interesting. I think we do a pretty good job of that in our marriage ;) We may not have been married as long as some others on Pixies (7 years in October) but I know I have not gotten tired of him. Even if I am with other people at times....I know he's the one I'll be coming back to. We really love each other and have a very deep connection. I don't think we will ever lose that something that keeps us wanting each other.

05-28-2003, 12:32 PM
Thinks Girls-ruls comments have merit....few times a month seems like lots when taxi'ing the kids all over.

05-28-2003, 12:35 PM
It comes down to making time for what you consider to be important or not...

05-28-2003, 01:20 PM
I think a lot of people here, use Pixies to keep themselves sexually charged as well.

This may seem like an odd concept, but there is so much sexual energy in this place, that you can draw from it. for example you'll notice that a lot of flirting goes on here and while most of us are not constantly fantasising about sex with people from Pixies (although obviously I'm fantasising about Fussy, Aqua, Skip, dicksbro, T-S etc etc pretty much constantly :p) it helps to make us feel sexy and gets our heart rate up a little at times, and we feel the benefit of that with our partners.

Even if our partners aren't active members, things which are discussed on Pixies can help to open up a discussion about sex with our partners allowing us to explore other avenues of our sexuality which stop sex from becoming boring.

As for having time for it: You find time to go to the bathroom in even the busiest day I'm sure. You probably rarely miss a meal. Sex is a physical need (just ask some of those people here who've been without it for a while) not a luxury and that stops people feeling like they haven't got time for it.

One last thing: if you don't want more sex than you're having and nor does you spouse, then where's the problem. Don't feel you HAVE to have a lot of sex just because some others on here do. There's nothing worse than having sex because you feel you ought to.

Casper - And you thought YOURS was a thesis! LMAO x

05-29-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Loulabelle
(although obviously I'm fantasising about Fussy, Aqua, Skip, dicksbro, T-S etc etc pretty much constantly :p)

Adjusts tie Jonathon Ross style :cool: :D

05-29-2003, 01:20 PM
:p Mmmmmm he's a cutie. ;)

05-29-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Loulabelle
:P Mmmmmm he's a cutie. ;)

And a hit with the ladies (knowing look to audience) ;) :D

05-29-2003, 02:35 PM
Casper, Kimberly and Lou expressed the thoughts I’ve been trying to put together since this thread was started a couple days ago. Particularly with reference to the time factor and Pixies being a place that “allows” these needs to surface.:)

I compare the frequency of sex with two people traveling across a desert and coming to a water hole. Dose it really matter how many swallows each take to refresh themselves as long as each has enogh.:rolleyes:

Just as a side note:
In our forum here at Pixies, we have 1,969 General Chat threads with 41,200 replies, and only 1,580 threads under General Sex Talk with 28,731 posts. :D