View Full Version : Do Older Women Like Younger Guys?

05-26-2003, 05:25 PM
I'm just curious, since I'm 19, how many woman actually like younger guys?

I definitely enjoy looking at older woman, but I haven't met many who want a younger guy. It's really no big deal, but I was just curious.

05-26-2003, 05:52 PM
For sex sure... for keeps probably not;)

I attend classes with alot of younger men and while I may find many of them extremely attractive I realize that for most we are at very different places in our lives. I have on several (more like 8957398573) occasions thought I should bed one but I have yet to.

05-26-2003, 06:38 PM
I'm 29 and with a 24-year-old. It works.

Good luck finding your Mrs. Robinson (or are you too young for that reference? :) )

05-26-2003, 06:42 PM
I usually end up dating guys that are several years younger than I am, but there's not that much difference between a single 45 y/o woman and a 35 y/o male in the social situations .... between 29 and 19 .... that's a huge social situation difference .... so ... good luck in finding what you are looking for, but I think anything more than about 5 years older than you and the woman is probably not looking for someone in your situation. Just my opinion. :)

05-26-2003, 08:25 PM
I agree with Lilith...for sex- definately...they can be fun but a little selfish. An older man has the maturity to know when to be selfish and when not to be.

But both tend to be real fun. Just depends on what your looking for.

05-26-2003, 08:39 PM
Depends on the guy..

I have had several younger male friends... that because of their life experiences, were mature enough and intelligent enough that I caught myself thinking that I would indeed date them if given the chance. Sadly, in those situations I didn't get the chance. Actually, 1 of them, is now engaged to a woman older than me... when I see them together I can't help but think what a lucky lady she is.

I don't personally put much importance on age... I have met some 35+ men who act far more immature than some of the 16 year olds I knew in my youth.... and the opposite can be said in my opinion. For me it is more about how they have dealt (and learned from) their life experiences.

At 33, I can honestly say that I might consider a relationship with a 19 year old, I just doubt that I would find a 19 year old truly willing to step up to the plate and be able to truly tend to ALL of my needs..

Just my thoughts...

05-26-2003, 09:49 PM
me being the younger guy have both had just sex with older women and have also actually dated..me being 24 now id almost rather date a woman that is older than me or at least close to the same age as when i was youger id rather have slept with older women for the experience they had, the best sex i have ever had are with women 10+ years older than me..i imagine when im 35-40 yrs old id ther sleep with an 18-23 yr old, and god willing ill be so lucky

05-26-2003, 10:26 PM
I agree with Lilith. At your age, probably for sex but not for keeps. A big age difference won't matter as much when you are a little older. I'm 12 years older than my fiance. At our ages, it doesn't make much difference. The biggest age difference for me as far as "dating" someone was 29 years; he was 21 at the time.

05-27-2003, 02:36 PM
I was just curious, not really looking. But thanks!

05-27-2003, 03:22 PM
I'm 35 and my wife is 42. Seems to work for us.

Wicked Wanda
05-28-2003, 05:47 PM
I recently had a wonderful experience that re-inforced my belief that men 13 years younger have something special to offer.
**wet slurping noises**

Orally, (with tired jaws and chapped lips)


05-28-2003, 05:49 PM
ummm..wicked wanda..giveing me wicked thoughts...how far is new orleans from dallas..ill brb..going to maps.com

06-23-2003, 03:58 PM
being young to have sex with an experienced women is a thrilling experience... and old women really hot and give youngster a lot of lessons to learn and do!! :)

06-23-2003, 10:14 PM
Old or Young.....no preference really

Have been with both.....but kept the older man *L*

06-24-2003, 07:05 AM
<< Jumps up and down - "Hey! Ladies! I'm only 22!! HELLO!!!!!">>



06-24-2003, 11:25 AM
Well, I was robbed from the cradle, a bigger difference than any mentioned so far on here. Since we've been married 15 years now I think it's reasonable to say it's worked.

On the other hand, people have generally thought I was older than I am and she was being kicked out of the casinos in her 40's. I have actually been accused of robbing the cradle once.

08-31-2003, 01:20 AM
I have wanted to be with an older woman for quite some time. I'm just 23 but I believe I'm in the right place now to be with an older woman. Who knows if it would work but who knows if any relationship would work. I just believe older women have some really great things to offer. I can't even say how far ahead of the game they are than the younger girls. Probably won't ever happen but would be great if it did.

08-31-2003, 01:29 AM
Welcome to Pixies, Jwilliams! There are lots of younger guys looking for older women on the Internet dating site I work for but there are also many "cougars" out there :) Good luck!

08-31-2003, 07:34 AM
21 here...I just wish I looked 21, I look older :/

08-31-2003, 08:29 AM
Belial~ Mr Lil was like that at your age ( which incidently I liked as he looked like a man not a boy;)) but by 27-30 it all caught up!

09-02-2003, 12:24 PM
Yes!!! DUH!:rolleyes:

09-02-2003, 01:18 PM
i'm 18 y.o. and according to me,i'd like to have some experiences with woman which are over 40..the've a good experience and they maybe help me to know better the sex's secrets{oh my god..it looks like something arcal.. =| }

09-03-2003, 11:15 PM
I'm 23 and I'd love to get down with an older woman... that would fulfill a fantasy!

09-03-2003, 11:21 PM
I always thought women just like guys, period. Been on both ends and the middle of the age spectrum and it's all good!

09-04-2003, 05:49 AM
Sorry been a bit busy lately but im back!! Ive slept with a 32 year old and being 18 it was fun! however i wouldnt have if i was sober! On the other hand i would like to meet an older woman but a nice caring older woman, i dont like girls my age (Too immature) and women too old just get freaked out if i show intrest so its catch 22!

09-04-2003, 07:03 AM
I have only ever been with, dated one girl younger than me. Have always went with older.

09-04-2003, 06:13 PM
I've been with guys younger and older than me~~~~~depends on the individual person rather than their age. My ex was 4yrs younger than me and Dm is almost 5 yrs older. Iam happier now in this relationship than I have ever been~~~~~but its the whole "package" that counts!

09-05-2003, 10:52 PM
I would agree that age is less an issue that then people involved and their personalities, expectations, and needs. However, I personally wouldn't be interested in dating anyone who wasn't done with school and in a professional job -- the big difference for me is being "established" in your life vs. just starting out. I prefer established mates.

The only other difference I have noticed is on the other end -- men older than me. While I have met men I like and click with (who are even as much as twice my age -- I am 26)...I know I want kids some day and want to have a family. Most older men already have gone thru this period...and aren't interested in doing it again...so I probably wouldn't seriously date a man 20+ years older than me.

...However, they're often fun to flirt with... and older man have other advantages as well.



09-06-2003, 05:13 AM
dang lol aw well guess I outta just quit the search for love until I actually make something of myself lol us poor hopeless romantics can't stand to the all mighty dollar lol

09-06-2003, 08:16 AM
I've been with an older woman before (~25 yrs my senior). She was single and there was no question she was interested in me for one thing only...sex. This was fine with me as that was my only agenda as well.

