View Full Version : Where the hell have I been?

05-26-2003, 08:43 AM
For all who have been concerned about my recent absence from the boards, I have been overwhelmed by health problems the last 2 months...nothing life-threatening (as yet), primarily a painful infection & inflamation in the vicinity of one of my testicles...which leaves me unable to enjoy the sexy pics & posts here, also very uncomfortable to sit in the computer chair (I am hurting just a little as I type this :( ). Also, while they were testing me to find out what was causing my pain, they discovered I had high blood sugar - further tests confirm I am a diabetic. I will find a way to get thru this, but all this at once has left me feeling quite sorry for myself, seems like all the little pleasures I had left are being taken away at once. Thanks to all who have shown their concern for my well-being, & please understand that I'm not staying away because I want to - I hope that soon I'll be back to my old self, dazzling all here with my rapier-like wit...or at least bulldozing you with my bullshit ;)

05-26-2003, 09:03 AM
((hugs)) love and kisses to you. I would kiss your boo0boo but that might not be a good idea:o Please just keep me posted... you know I like to worry bout you;)

05-26-2003, 09:14 AM
|___ the master of “if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
Where the hell have I been?
For all who have been concerned about my recent absence from the boards,….., but all this at once has left me feeling quite sorry for myself, ….. I hope that soon I'll be back to my old self, dazzling all here with my rapier-like wit...or at least bulldozing you with my bullshit.

Youv’e been gone? :rolleyes:

I was kind of hoping that with all that rebuilding you’re going through, they could send us something that WOULDN’T be your old self.;)

05-26-2003, 09:46 AM
exsqueeze me...I think you misplaced your arrow :p

05-26-2003, 10:15 AM
I hope you are feeling better soon!!! Don't let it get you down. My hubby was just diagnosed with diabetes recently and it was very hard for him ( he too had other medical problems at the time). You just have to stay positive and just think as soon as you are better all the pixies women (and maybe some of the fellas) will be lining up to kiss your boo boo all better.

05-26-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by vampeyes
as soon as you are better all the pixies women will be lining up to kiss your boo boo all better.

*taking cuts to move the front of the line*

I'll kiss that boo boo all better as soon as it's better enough to be kissed, Hun......:devil::lust: :sex: :D :D

Always did want to go to Music City.........what better excuse can there be than to go to "visit a sick friend?"

Do you think Hubby and Murphy would mind???? ;):D

05-26-2003, 01:04 PM
<======== *gets her boo boo kissing gear ready for you*


05-26-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
exsqueeze me...I think you misplaced your arrow :p
Yes Lilith, I did start out to make the first post to Scotzoids flimsy excuse for being AWOL. I did see that you oozed in ahead of me:eek: and thought about changing that.;)

Then I thought about it again.:rolleyes:

05-26-2003, 02:06 PM
think about this................................................. *flashes you*:D:D:p

05-26-2003, 02:43 PM
Think I'll pass on the "kissing your boo0boo" part Scotz.... but, hang in there and get well soon!! :D


05-26-2003, 07:26 PM
Scotz ... I've also got adult onset diabetes but, knock on wood, it's controllable and I've gotten fairly use to the medicines and watching the diet. Some would say I need to watch it more.

Anyway, we'll sure keep you in our thoughts and if there's anything we can do ... let us know. Just take care.

05-26-2003, 08:29 PM

Take care of you... so that we can ALL continue to treasure the time you are able to spend here... I have missed you.. and really look forward to your return..

If you need any extra attention to your owie.. I will be more than happy to volunteer my services :)

05-27-2003, 11:02 PM
Thank you all - even the ones who dog-cussed me in PM for not keeping you all updated ;) - it has been an awful long time since I felt good, I've had only enough energy to drag my ass to work each day, & then home to bed & pray for the pain to go away - I must admit it cut in to my will to live at times - it's hard to be happy when you hurt all the time, & for the 1st time in my life I lost my sense of humor about things - but I'm too stubborn to let this get me, & I will beat this or go down fighting...well, enough of my whining, back to the perving which is already in progress...

05-28-2003, 12:21 AM
I missed your rapier-like wit, scotzoidman. Glad to see you back!

05-28-2003, 12:24 AM
I miss your raper-like wit too. :rolleyes:

(I think that's called a mind-fuck):dizzy:

05-28-2003, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Thank you all - even the ones who dog-cussed me in PM for not keeping you all updated ;)

Sorry :o but you scared me! I consulted Madame Lilith and she said things are looking up in June ;) When you are feeling all better just let me know and I will post some welcome back boob pics :p

05-28-2003, 03:20 PM
<-----Breathes a sigh of relief.

You really had us worried there Scotz. Glad to see you are (somewhat) ok and I know you will persevere. Keep your chin up and your manhood loose... at least for know. :p And if the pain is getting to you, cuss at Lilith... she can take it! :p :p

05-28-2003, 09:23 PM
Dayummmmmmmmm Scot...............I hope your doing okay Bud...................You will make it through this and I have no doubt about that. I just want you to know that no matter how bad it gets...............you got friends here that care for you. Face Trials with Smiles................we're here for you. Chin up or Lilith will have to RESERVE a session in the Dungeon for You for sure.

05-29-2003, 11:01 AM
So sorry about your health. YOu know they say a positive outlook is all you need to overcome this situation or at least get it under control. Look forward to you getting back to "normal"...Miss you....

OH can I kiss your boo-boo too. :)

05-29-2003, 01:19 PM
Sorry to hear that, dude... Hope things start looking up for ya.