View Full Version : Mary Jane and the green buds
05-18-2003, 02:23 PM
Of course I'm talking about Cannibus. I don't think I've asked this, certainly I haven't seen someone else ask it but I am extreamly curious. How do you feel about the plant? Do you toke? Would you vote to make it legal?
I realize that in some other countries this doesn't apply as much but I've always lived in the U. S. A.
05-18-2003, 02:30 PM
I have tried it and found out I am alergic to it, which is fine with me. I get my high from good sex, don't need pot for that!
05-18-2003, 02:31 PM
I haven't smoke in a while but support legalizing it, always have.
Canada's prime minister has recently gone on record to support it, too.
My question is, why does pot always come up in Pixies?
05-18-2003, 02:48 PM
Yepper......I smoke everyday, for about the last 10 years (not while being pregnant though). I love it!:D
05-18-2003, 02:53 PM
Sex and drugs? I wouldn't know why these things get brought up together a lot. I hear that weed has been known to stimulate sexual appitites in some but for me I can use it to mellow out when I really want to get laid.
Go Canadas Prime Minister! I know that Canada is THINKING of legalizing it. I also know that Baby Bush says if that were to happen it could hinder relationships between US and Canada.
Personally I don't think I would being fucked up while fucking. Certainly not drunk but stoned I haven't had the chance to do. Hmm... I think it's obviously a very intimate experience and when you're clear eyed and can focus well then I think you're more likely to A) be sensitive to your lovers needs B) Enjoy the fullness of the situation and have a deeply moving experience C) hold the camera steady :D
Btw, this poll (my first poll) was my 100th post. Yay
05-18-2003, 03:59 PM
I say to each his own. I smoke from time to time, but nothing like I used to in my youth. I get paranoid now, when in public (ie: at a party with lots of people I don't know) and I don't smoke after I've had a few drinks (makes me way too.....shall we say...."sloppy"). I usually only smoke at home now...where it's safe to drift into my thoughts. I clean like a maniac, too, while I'm it's a great motivator when I need to tackle something I've been avoiding (ie: cleaning the closets or refridgerator). I have always been an advocate of legalization. I think it's way safer than alcohol......and I've never had a "hangover" from pot. Course I'd say yes to legalization......I am a product of the 60's and 70's (a hippy leftover....if you will). LOL! Party on Garth!
05-18-2003, 04:19 PM
You missed one criteria.
"Don't use it, don't care if others do."
And that is where I stand on it... alcohol already costs me an arm and a leg, and with my personallity I am sure that I would like the kind bud. But then I would have to worry about work, so that is not worth it.
I would not vote against it either.
05-18-2003, 04:48 PM
Don't use it anymore but support it for medical purposes.I still have a 1/2 of a 1/4oz baggie.I don't use it or sell it,because I'm
the kind of person that will leave it alone but gets nervous if
nones there. Irish
P.S.I don't use ANY mind-altering substances anymore but that is
a personal decision.I have been told(by many)that my mind is altered ENOUGH!
05-18-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by MilkToast
"Don't use it, don't care if others do."
And that is where I stand on it...
Same here.
I've never touched the stuff. Only had it offered to me once and was to scared to try it. The way my luck runs, I'd have been caught and been in serious trouble. I was way to 'chicken' to take that chance.
Alcohol is enough for me, and I don't even imbibe that frequently.
I think way too many resources are wasted on marijuana arrests. Resources that would be better spent on fighting REAL crime.
Legalize it, and probably some of the other lesser drugs, and tax the hell out of it!!
05-18-2003, 06:56 PM
I say frequently that I really need to smoke more weed but I never find the time...... I like it, I would do it more often if I remembered too, and I have signed many petitions to get it on ballots. I think it is no more harmful than cigarettes and probably less fatal then alcohol. I don't know too many people who really try to drive stoned most are just fine where they are.:D
05-18-2003, 08:05 PM
Smoked it heaps when i was younger.....but i stopped the night the guys had me chasing pink elephants and purple cockatoos and all sorts of other weird shit....I was tripping major league.....frightened the bejeesus out of me....not had any since
Not against it any the smell of it...but now that i dont smoke(normal) ciggies anymore....i doubt i'll ever have it again
05-18-2003, 08:52 PM
didn't vote... didn't have an appropriate option.. :)
No, I do not toke... tho.. I did long ago. I don't have a problem with it being legalized and believe that it isn't any worse than alcohol (actually I think it is better).
I spent my senior year in high school stoned.. have lots of wonderful memories from that period of time.. and no regreats :)
05-18-2003, 09:04 PM
I agree with milktoast. Never used it; don't care if others do.
05-19-2003, 12:35 AM
I used to smoke it quite a bit but i've stopped now, I miss it like hell but I'm a paranoid motherfucker, Souls can vouch for that.
What am I Pixies ONLY POT HEAD?????
Have smoked almost every day since 1969.
Even today I smoke, do a toke or 4 in the afternoon.
No joints just the small pipe. pinch here pinch there.
15 years ago I smoked every morn at 6.30am on the way to work, got promoted every year and was responsible for $100.000 worth of products every month and ordered food for 5 restaurants and kept it all correct and together and billed the restaurants for their share.
05-19-2003, 10:03 AM
m45---Is that why there was"munchies"on the menu? Irish
Ya must be...............;-)
I tried it once in my life. The second the smoke went down my throat I had a major coughing fit. I have never tried it since. I would support legalizing it for medicinal use and think it should be used more in the textile industry. I do not support legalization for recreational use, but I do support treatment over jail sentences. When I go out to a club or a bar I don't care much for breathing second hand cigarette smoke and care much less for the thought of breathing second hand pot smoke.
I acutally was wonding the same about the Pixies and pot smokers.
I, too, smoke nightly. It really helps me medically. I was on meds for epilepse (sp?) which made me suicidal and kept me so sedated I couldn't function well enough to hold the gun to my head (which I suppose is a good thing looking back). Anyhow, long story short, I decided to get off of the meds and begin smoking pot to fight the shakes. Low and behold, it works wonders and I don't spend a majority of my life thinking about eating a bullet ..
:D Legalize it.
05-20-2003, 12:30 PM
I have never tried any kind of illegal drug, but I have to say that I believe it should be legalised.
Having said that I have a far bigger problem with the act of smoking itself, so perhaps if it were to be legal it should only be legal in certain forms (i.e. you should be able to eat it, but not smoke it).
The only reason it's illegal in so many cases is because it grows so easily, carries such medicinal benefits and therefore going back in history it was banned to prevent pharmaceutical companies from going out of business. Who the hell would bother with buying aspirin when you could take a little hemp from your back garden?!
05-20-2003, 01:21 PM
I think Liliths answer is funny. No, M45 you're not the only pothead here.
I don't have any right now or I might be smoking it. I don't have a job either.
There are MANY MANY MANY issues on this, there are forums dedicated to pot talk, so I won't flood too much about it. Hemp was banned mostly by the cotton lobbyists, you know someone has always got to make a buck, no matter what they fuck up.
Yes, smoking it is awful on the lungs, one joint throws more crap in your lungs than a pack of little white slavers. However, while cigarettes make sure the junk stays in your lungs, mj helps "keep it moving" on out. I've had it in tea form, certainly I've chewed it and had it in brownies.
I would agree that it shouldn't be "sparked" in a restraunt unless it's a pot smokers lounge, but I wouldn't have a problem stepping outside of Dennies to tokeabowl :)
I think that the idea that it should be medical vs recreational is obscene. I know that it can be taken to excess in recreational form tho it when I've seen it done that personal usually has other problems they haven't addressed, ie chainsmoking, cracksmoking, etc. Yet it has been used religiously for centuries, for centuries people burned it as incense to see and speak to god. Hindus still use it in ceremonies today as well as Rastafarians. I'd like to see the point when the self proclaimed Jesus Freaks learn that all leafy green plants were put here by god for our use. *smiles*
Sugarspinkles, you hit the nail on the head "Fight crime, not pot." I mean, seriously, the stuff grows from seeds and we spend billions of dollars making sure this country doesn't have access to it. The D.E.A. doesn't see/stop 10% of the drugs brought into this country, the government is fighting a losing war and making many responcible adults casualties. My REASON for this post was the young man who talked about going to jail for a month, for POT. How he was in fear of getting raped and the things he had to do. You know how bad that could have been?
Yes, I think I'll write my congressmen or local state representative right now!
The only people who want to keep it illegal, that I've known, either A) have some prejuidice against it or B) Make more money this way.
*takes a deep breath and goes back to being STILLwater*
05-20-2003, 01:41 PM
I wrote a thread about how the prices have changed yesterday
It got lost&I don't have time to rewrite it now.Maybe later.It's
interesting,I think! Irish
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