View Full Version : TOO many LURKERS !!

04-14-2003, 07:15 PM
Why is is that a thread I posted has over 500 views .. and only 15 replies ?!

Talk about lurker haven!

Any plans to delete these lurker accounts?

04-14-2003, 07:30 PM
Sometimes I go back and visit a thread . . . I think that counts as a view, does it not? Also, oftentimes I read the replies to a thread and think, "Hmm, that was exactly what I was thinking but I wouldn't have said it as well." Then I don't bother posting . . .

04-14-2003, 09:23 PM
Of the 17,031, there are very few active members here...and of them some are more active than others...

It would sure be nice if more of the lurkers posted....they'd get a as hell of alot more out of the site if they interacted with the other members...a quick hi or nice comment on someones pics doesn't kill ya know!!

{side note.....I reckon that after a decent amount of time (say a year) has passed ...that inactive members accounts should be deleted too...but hey thats just me}

04-14-2003, 09:55 PM
Currently we do not delete members. At some point it may become necessary but even at that point lurkers are, for database purposes, considered active when they visit the site. Posting is not a requirement to remain active in the database.

I agree whole heartedly that too many people look and do not participate. I do what I can by trying to start threads that are easy to join in on. I know that many members, especially Sharni, go out of their way to make all members who post feel welcome. I am honestly interested in what everyone has to say. I find all topics worthy of discussion. I wish that more members would take the initiative to start threads.

Remember though, just because a thread does not get alot of replies does not mean people are not interested. I would say a thread like bm4all mentioned, with 500 views, shows people are very interested but may not have thought enough about it before to feel ready to reply. That is why digging through old threads can be fun.

04-14-2003, 10:04 PM
I guess I could be considered a lurker on this site, but in most cases I just don't have much to say :)

04-15-2003, 05:19 AM
MilkToast; with that number of posts, no way could you be described as a "lurker"...... anyone who qualifies as a Senior Member is NOT a lurker, IMHO!! :)

And to bm4all ~ from the Threads I/we have started, 15 for 500 isn't too shabby at all!! Most of the threads that pull in more than that are Games ones... would I be right in thinking that, all you number-crunchers out there?? (thinkin' of PantyFanatic esp!! :))

I agree though, it would be nice if a lot more folks "joined in" a bit more actively but, hey..... wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same?!?! ;)

Just my tuppence worth... any Lurkers care to reply too?!?!?! LOL :D


04-15-2003, 08:51 AM
When I first became a member and read some of the replies, I was in awe at the wit and intellegent replies and was very reluctant to put in my ten penny worth. But once I started, I realised that we are all different and all replies were of value.
Hell...now you can't shut me up. Maybe there are a lot more like me out there, and just need to make that first reply.
So come on you lurkers....get replying!!! Make that first move, you'll enjoy it....I promise

04-16-2003, 05:24 AM
I was just lurking.....

oops! Now I replied.....

going now! TeeHee!

04-16-2003, 04:27 PM
I'm just lurking and looking at the two av's above my post

04-16-2003, 04:50 PM
if all the lurkers replied, we would drown. say half of all the members replied, how would you keep up with it.

04-16-2003, 09:00 PM
I guess I don't really pay much attention to the "lurkers." Hopefully, whether they post or not, they feel like Pixies has been a warm and friendly place to be. Who knows, some of them may post one of these days. Santiago is probably right, if they all replied we'd probably have other problems. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the posting. Who can read hundreds of new posts every day?

04-16-2003, 09:24 PM
Who can read hundreds of new posts every day?

I love to read everybodies thoughts....wether i agree with them or not

04-16-2003, 10:13 PM
i dunno if it's just me, but i think alot of the lurkers are probably intimidated by what is said here. i made an account to read the posts and stuff, but i never said anything on this site until i had done more than just kiss...even then i'm still a virgin and ALOT of the posts i feel that i have no right in responding to since what right does a virgin have telling some experience person their thoughts on sex? i mostly read and respond to posts like this...:o

04-16-2003, 10:15 PM
Virgin or not....you say is still valued :)

04-16-2003, 10:20 PM
I hope this site stays just as it is. Friendly and non-judgemental.

04-17-2003, 04:32 AM
Amen, denny. :)

04-17-2003, 05:40 AM
My writing skills are horrid. I often make an ass of myself or accidentally insult people. So I try and stay quite so other or I do not get hurt.

In the picture forums I do not want to have my compliments seem false. The posters are sharing an amazed thing and I am very grateful for it. However, I do not want to cheapen it with short or repetitive comments.

Just shy too I guess. Not all of us are extroverts : )


04-17-2003, 06:38 AM
nekosan~ I have been to other forums where members are ridiculed for typing/ grammar skills. It's repulsive in my opinion. We are all here to share, encourage and make our naughty bits tingle:p Please don't be hesitant!!!!

04-17-2003, 10:12 PM
sometimes I feel like a lurk ............
sometimes I don't .........

04-17-2003, 11:19 PM
I think opinions are valued and respected here. Lurkers can speak up! Don't be shy! What's on your minds? Start a thread!

04-18-2003, 11:37 AM
I honestly don't have much to say.. when I do I am often a very sarcastic person and most people may take offense to some stuff I would say even though I am only kidding. So yeah, I figured I would keep my trap shut for the most part. I'll try to be more 'vocal' in the future, but you may be sorry. ;)

04-18-2003, 11:47 AM
Sometimes I feel like posting... sometimes I don't. Depends upon my mood. I find the responses very educational, not only from the information provided, but how a person posts. Personality can be indicated by how someone teases, posts a reply, gives advice and so on....
I have made some good friends :) at Pixies which I wouldn't have if I didn't post. That is what the lurkers are missing when they don't post or interact with members...

04-18-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Deno
.. when I do I am often a very sarcastic person and most people may take offense to some stuff I would say even though I am only kidding. ..... Have you met my buddy Irish yet? lmao LOL

06-24-2003, 05:03 PM
Lurker Here :) well at least fot the last few days
trying figure out how the threds work and when to post,,

06-24-2003, 08:40 PM
Hiya Griz...

Jump in anywhere really...Just post whenever ya feel the urge *LOL*....

06-25-2003, 01:30 AM
drwinxp - You really shouldn't feel that your opinions are any les valid because you are a virgin, sweetie. Yes obviously there are some threads you may not be able to contribute to (such as what your most recent position was, etc) but there is plenty you can still say. A lot of the threads here are about the emotional side of sex, or about fantasies and turn ons etc which even as a virgin you probably have experience of. Please don't feel that your virgin status invalidates anything you have to say. There are quite a few very active posters here who are virgins, except you may not have even realised it. ;)

nekosan - Those same concerns kept me out of the chatroom for nearly a year, but I've finally got over myself and wouldn't want to be without it now! As for not posting on pic threads, I don't know about anyone else, but when I see that people are looking at my pics and not posting, I assume that they don't actually like the pics and are therefore not commenting on them. I also think that if there were more lurkers replying to picture threads, that people would be encouraged to post pictures more frequently, which would be better for everyone! You don't need to say anything flowery, all you need to say is the first thing that comes into your head when you see the pics. Whether you realise it or not, your sincerity will shine through. You're right, we are sharing something amazing, and we do it (on the whole) for the positive comments of those with whom we share.

Griz1960 - Welcome! Sharni's right, just find a topic that interests you and reply with how you feel.

06-25-2003, 01:39 AM
lol generally I don't post often unless I have something important to say, perhaps giving out a few comments on the people who post would be more helpfull

aw well I've been posting more frequently lately, mainly I spend alot of time in the chat ,lol where people have to listen to my whining lol ^_^

06-25-2003, 01:47 AM
I only reply to threads I feel I can contribute, or if I feel like contributing. The reasons I click on a thread could be many, whether it is the poster I know, or the title, ect. Lilith said it best, just because you get lots of views but few replies, doesn't mean it is not interesting. Not everyone feels compelled to post...

Midnight Kiss
06-25-2003, 01:00 PM
And not only do you look at the number of views, but look at the number of times a pic has been viewed, if you are talking about a picture thread. When I 1st started posting pics I was a little disappointed, but after seeing that the pics are still looked at even though no one is saying anything and that the thread itself has a lot of views, than I turned red and realized that yes people are interested, they are just being quiet about it. But the numbers under the pics are screaming out loud :D for them.