View Full Version : Why performing fellatio is good for you

04-09-2003, 03:44 PM
Why performing fellatio is good for you

Fellatio (oral sex: stimulation of the penis with the mouth and tongue, also known as head) is always enjoyable for the man, but what about his partner. Does she (or he) get anything from? Performing fellatio? The answer is plenty, according to current research.

1. Drug Free Stress Reduction

Performing fellatio is fundamentally an oral behavior and like many activities involving oral manipulation, R can reduce stress and relax the individual. One oral behavior may also serve as a Substitute for another, more harmful one (i.e. smoking) Modern research has shown that stress can make many conditions such as ulcers, heart disease and high blood pressure worse. Fellatio is one method of natural, drug free stress reduction. Also, with fellatio there is no fear or worry of an unwanted pregnancy.

2. Beneficial Hormone Increase

Regular sexual activity has been shown to increase the sex hormone levels in healthy women. Estrogen, a sex hormone, lowers the cholesterol level and helps to prevent calcium loss. In studies, it has been found that women in their 20's who had sporadic (occasional) sex had lower estrogen levels than women in their 70's.

3. Naturally Healthy Skin

Human semen contains an abundance of natural lipids and essential amino acids in a natural gel base. Many skin care products now incorporate lipids for improved skin conditioning. Human Semen also contains prostaglandins; natural substances which aid in skin repair. Prostaglandins are potent dilators of blood vessels and increase blood flow to the skin, bringing in more nutrients to the area.

4. Natural Nutritional Benefits

Human semen is rich in zinc and in all essential amino acids (4). It has been discovered that zinc intake may be inadequate even in healthy and well-fed people; many vitamin and mineral supplements do not contain zinc. (5) The recommended dose of zinc is 15 mg per day for adults (National Research Council). There is evidence to suggest that amino acids naturally facilitate the absorption of zinc by the body. Fresh human semen has a high content of amino acids (1.25g/100ml). Amino acids are the building blocks the body uses to create the proteins essential for life.

5. Natural Protection against Ulcers

Fresh human semen contains naturally occurring prostaglandins; substances which have been found to have cytoprotective properties in low dosages. This ability has been shown to prevent the formation of many gastric and duodenal ulcers. Research has shown that prostaglandins in low dosages protect against ulcers induced by stress, hydrochloric acid and even boiling water.

04-09-2003, 07:31 PM
Now, the next time I get lucky enough to get a date, how do I interpret that and tell her that "It's good for you!"



04-09-2003, 08:48 PM
wow, better show my gf this thread.. so a facial is actually good for her skin :D mmmmmmmm!

04-09-2003, 11:04 PM
I have got to show this to my wife

04-09-2003, 11:16 PM
Dontcha just luv this???? I showed this to Sex 24/7 and he just :D :D :D :D

04-10-2003, 12:32 AM
I've always know it was good for both the man and the woman...at least the woman I do it with!

04-11-2003, 08:35 AM
Gosh, I can hear all the guys firing up their printers for this one...

White Noise
04-11-2003, 08:36 AM
Now that is great news

04-11-2003, 11:42 AM
I trust you, Cheyanne, but just so I have that edge in credibility, do you happen to remember the source? Being able to cite a medical journal (or something similar) would make this strong arguement even better. We all want to do our best for health, don't we?

04-11-2003, 11:59 AM
Flynn, I had heard many times that semen was good for the skin. I did a search on Google and looked at a site that had a "paper" on it. Noticing that my skin was softer after getting coated, I wondered about it.....



1. Budd, William C., Behavior Modification: The
Scientific Way to Self Control, pp. 63,
Roslyn Heights, New York, Libra Publishers, Inc.., 1973

2. Cutler, Dr. Winifred, informaton taken from a quote In
the Toronto Star, pp. B3, "Wanted: Big,
strong guy to take out the trash", article by Bill Taylor, Tuesday, May 18,

3. Zimmerman, Ben G., et al, Prostaglandins and the
Cutaneous Vasculature, pp. 91,
Prostaglandins, organ- and tissue-specific actions. (Modern
pharmacology-toxicology; 21), New York,
Marcel Dekker Inc. 1982

4. Mann, Thaddous, The Biochemistry of Semen and of the
Male Reproductive Tract, pp.90 - 92,
London, Methuen, 1964

5. Hendler, Sheldon S., The Complete Guide to Anti-Aging
Nutrients, pp. 185 - 191, New York,
Simon and Schuster, 1985

6. Burks, Thomas F., Prostaglandin Actions on the
Gastrointestinal Tract, pp. 335 - 336,
Prostaglandins, organ- and Tissue-specific actions. (Modern
pharmacology-toxicology; 21), New York,
Marcel Dekker Inc.

04-11-2003, 12:01 PM
Does that work for you? Some of my search sites said that animal seman may soon be a part of anti-aging lotions... I much prefer the "human" side of the equation... besides it if free and abundant. ;)

04-11-2003, 12:17 PM
I'm impressed! And armed with information. :)

04-11-2003, 01:45 PM
I'm standing in shock and awe.

Or was that shocking whore?

Damn these homophones.

04-12-2003, 12:05 AM
uhmm guys this may not work like we think it will. I showed it to my wife, and well lets just say she was not amused. So be careful about how you present this startling bit of info. I wish you better luck than I had.

04-13-2003, 09:25 PM
Sorry to hear about that hitachi... :( Will have to find something similar about going down on a woman and why it is good for you....... *searching Google..... searching, searching, searching...*

04-13-2003, 09:52 PM
Isn't science wonderful?

All this time you hear people calling fellation selfish male behavior now is shown to be a matter of caring and concern. Makes a guy feel proud.

04-14-2003, 05:59 AM
It is only selfish if the guy doesn't reciprocate!!! ;)