View Full Version : I got booted
04-02-2003, 07:33 AM
from another site cause I was a lurker :o:p
Here for the server's database sake activity means visits to the site, posts or no posts. I had visited the site but had not posted. What do you guys think, is this a sound site policy? Boot people who do not post?
04-02-2003, 08:08 AM
I think that people who do not post should not be booted.
If there are technical reasons to do so, then perhaps age("months", today, last_posting_date) > 6
might be a reasonable period.
04-02-2003, 09:14 AM
Lilith I think we're doing fine as a tolerant group. Not everyone is here to be part of the 'posting community' - some people just wanna look at the gorgeous people who post pics. Others are afraid/cautious when they first start up - some people lurk without posting for maybe a year or more before they have a go.....
I don't like the idea of having only 1,000 posting members and 15,000 onlookers, but I don't really thing it's a problem. Slightly intimidating, perhaps, but not a problem really.
Unless you have a need from a technical point like jseal said, and you have to cull the numbers somehow, then his suggestion of having a six month or a one year period without posting sounds good.
My $0.02 :)
04-02-2003, 11:17 AM
The only reason I can see to boot lurkers would be limited bandwith on the site and I'm not for booting anyway.
Poor Lil... come on over here and I'll make you feel better. ;)
I don't like the lurk and be booted policy. No sir, I don't like it at all.
04-02-2003, 11:33 AM
Me neither but just thought it was interesting some sites do it.......*rubs her sore ass*;)
04-02-2003, 02:44 PM
I didnt know there were actually sites like that...Rather sucks..
Nice Guy
04-02-2003, 02:44 PM
I agree, unless there is a tech reason behind the need to boot them then let'em stay.
04-02-2003, 05:40 PM
As A kind of posting lurker, but sometime active in chat. I would not want to see people booted unless as stated for a good reason!
04-02-2003, 09:12 PM
Lil, If You Had Done Something To Get Booted I could See It, But Some Are Shy, Some Are Afraid, Some Are Curious, As For Me When I want To Look I Look. If I Want To Post I Post. If you can not tolerent How do you ever expect them to build up the courage to Join or Post.
Let Them Lurk, Let Them Look, Let Them Post If They Will, But Always Show Them What A Real Family Can Be!!
Love You One and All, Family,
04-02-2003, 10:28 PM
Can somebody please help the Old, Slow and Unenlightened.
I’m curious as to what exactly is meant by “boot” or “booted”. It’s not a term defined in my tutorials. I have heard and used it in reference to being DISCONECTED. Do you mean that you were disconnected from their site after you had entered it or that you were denied access to the site or something else?
04-02-2003, 10:40 PM
how bout I "define booted":D:D:p as used in this case;)
I was denied access to a site after registering as a member because, although I visited, I never posted. It's that site's policy.
04-02-2003, 10:45 PM
Personally, I don't think booting is acceptable unless someone does something serious that is extremely offensive and violates the rules of the website after being warned at least once.
04-02-2003, 11:01 PM
I was denied access to a site after registering as a member because, although I visited, I never posted. It's that site's policy. That's OK. Their loss, our gain.:)
04-02-2003, 11:12 PM
So I gotta ask, what does the other site give for a reason or do they? I assume the idea is to cull members that are inactive and that that is their measurement of inactivity.
04-02-2003, 11:18 PM
Doesn't feel very nice, does it, Lilith? Good thing nobody from this site ever got booted for some bullshit reason. That would just be cruel and unnecessary.
04-02-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by denny
So I gotta ask, what does the other site give for a reason or do they? I assume the idea is to cull members that are inactive and that that is their measurement of inactivity.
I am not sure, I can't get in to look :D:D:p ROTFLMAO
I do remember reading it somewhere there but had only been there a couple months I think. Obviously I did break the site rule but I just find it, a lurker. It's not a big deal I just got the giggles about it. The truth of it is their database just deletes nicks after a period of what they consider to be inactivity.
04-02-2003, 11:32 PM
Can't see you as a lurker, you have me there. But somebody booting your ass is a hoot. I hope it's not too sore.
04-03-2003, 04:40 AM
Come over here, I'll 'boot' your ass! LOL
Serves you right, what you doing at another site anyway???????
04-03-2003, 06:15 AM
I think that you need to be guilty of harrassment or abuse in THIS site to be excluded from here.
Let the lurkers lurk in peace. They are not harming anyone.
Tolerance and respect are the foundations of this wonderful place and that is why it is so unique
04-03-2003, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by don73153
Come over here, I'll 'boot' your ass! LOL
Serves you right, what you doing at another site anyway???????
04-03-2003, 10:23 AM
(A TOTALLY unofficial and personally motivated information request)
I’m PERSONALLY interested in the general concepts and opinions of my fellow Pixie members for a couple reasons.
A.) One is to look at and present some more information about ourselves in my “Who’s interested” thread. My intent was, and still is, to just see a bit of what we’ve done among ourselves, from our own inside prospective. No to “compare” our home to any other site, nor to look at it as a “business prospectus”. The best analogy I can think of is- I want to know what WE think of our neighborhood and how we feel about living here. Not a city wide real estate comp and appraisal.
B.) The other reason is to check and see if my head is as far up my ass as I was told. It seems the perceived definition of terms is a major point of contention. I will continue to state my criteria for hunting around and MY definition of terms. But they have to be ones that are “generally accepted” as the “members concepts” to be meaningful and not “controversial”. These are facts that are not available from them members list.
Numbers are fairly well defined and explicit. It is the “concept”, “feeling”, “idea” thing I’m going for. Please just state an answer that would be your normal thought or response. Thanks for help with this.
04-03-2003, 10:25 AM
1.) Lurking-
How many times or how long of a time period did you visit Pixies before you registered and was it before the time when it was changed to where you HAD to register to open the pics?
2.) Posting-
About how long was it before you made a post to a thread either after finding or registering at Pixies?
3.) Picture Posting-
How long was it before you posted a pic, if you ever have?
4.) Newbies –
Every one at the beginning was a “NEWBIE” here. As other come in behind you and you are involved with the forum, you suddenly feel “COMFY”. How long [days, weeks, months…] or how many post [10, 100, 1,000…] did you make when you recognized the smiling faces at the party and knew you were one of them?
5.) Regulars-
Just as at your local watering hole or the recurrent weekly party, you see the new face for the first time. After a while you see that face as a “REGULAR” you are not surprised to see. How long or how many posts do you normally need to see from a member before you recognize them as a regular?
(NO! You can not change your answer to No. 4 now);)
6.) Active-
You notice a new member that posts for the first time. Then you see nothing from them ever again or for a looooong time. How frequently [days, weeks, months…] do you need to see a post from a member to consider them an “ACTIVE” fellow member? (never mind the “very active”, “slightly active” stuff):rolleyes:
If you care to respond to any or all of these questions, please just number 1, 2, 3… and state your word, sentence, paragraph or page. Thanks again.
04-03-2003, 10:54 AM
Pantyfanatic~ I have some answers for you:D
1. registered on my very first visit
2.The same day I registered
3.Posted my first pics in just over a month of being a member, probably would have done it sooner, had I had some pics to post.
4.I don't know if I feel "comfy" so to speak yet, definitely recognize the faces, and am not shy about posting, but I still consider myself a newbie. That is not to say I don't feel welcome, nothing further from that. Even though I feel very welcumed;) , I still don't consider myself a "regular".
5.By the way I do consider myself a "regular newbie" since I am here A LOT! Became a pixieholic so to speak pretty quickly. And since I still consider myself a newbie, I don't really care how many posts or how often I see a certain member being active. Actually I don't think it would matter to me one way or another. Not surpised to see anyone. I do find it interesting to see some who come on and jump right in, and others who will post but not come back. But it doesn't have an effect on how I view them compared to the rest of the "family".
6. I think I sort of answered that in #5...
Good luck in your statistical analysis:D
04-03-2003, 11:22 AM
I can't help but wonder if sites that are that anxious to bump people have been anywhere near as successful as Pixies-Place.
I guess I'm just plain happy here. Best site on the web! Hip, hip hurray for Kim and all her moderators!
Originally posted by pantyfanatic
That's OK. Their loss, our gain.:)
Yeah PF, More Lilith for us!! :D :D
04-03-2003, 01:40 PM
1. lurked for 3 months
2. only registered so I could post a story to a thread
3. posted a pic for my 1,000 post
4. 60 days or so. There were people who went out of their way to make me feel welcome, peole like Diva, Pantyfanatic, Scotzoid, Sharni, Prophet Reality, Oldfart, Glyndwr and many others. It's because of those people I hung around and still do. So blame them :D
5. just seeing the nick in members online consistently a couple times a week for a couple weeks..... helps if they post cause then I feel like I am getting to know them
6. active is too subjective a term for me....... the statistics I have say you are active if you have visited the site in the past 6 months. Plus I feel that everyone contributes to the site in some way be they lurker or poster. I consider everyone who enters the site "active" just some more than others.
04-03-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
...6. active is too subjective a term for me....... the statistics I have say you are active if you have visited the site in the past 6 months. Plus I feel that everyone contributes to the site in some way be they lurker or poster. I consider everyone who enters the site "active" just some more than others.
That's why I had to do this hole dumb thing.:rolleyes: LOL
..and I'm doing this to see if other can understand how lurkers-only can be "CONTRIBUTORS". They ARE very welcome.:) They ARE "POTENTIAL” members.:) They are NOT contributors!:mad:
The ONLY product you have for them to “LURK” over is what the “ACTIVE” people bring here for them!!! Kim couldn’t be here with an empty site. You wouldn’t have assholes like me to MODERATE if we didn’t POST something to moderate.
Now quite “leading” the peoples answers so I can quite jumping up and down on my desk. (I’m getting boot prints all over these panties:eek: )
04-03-2003, 03:05 PM
Did I mention that I think our members make this place what it is? :rolleyes:
… and I DO love Kim for giving us this place and even my “moderator” for the really super job she does.:D
04-04-2003, 12:57 AM
Ok, been here so long, I had to go digging into Numbersville to answer these questions factually...byw, PF, I saw ya digging thru the filing cabs again...dude, you need to get out more ;)
1.) Lurking- I checked out the main stories page for months before I noticed the forum...checked it out, was hooked almost immediately...this was before you had to register to see the pics...that was May 01, this forum was only about a month old.
2.) Posting- I think I registered right away so I could post a reply...
3.) Picture Posting- that happened about 5 months later (after much trepidation...)
4.) Newbies – that sorta snuck up on me...must have been somewhere during that 5 mo. period.
5.) Regulars- I tend to recognize some as regs sooner if they post often...someone who reaches senior status (100 posts) in a month or 2 gets my attention...
6.) Active- I guess 6 months would make someone drop off my radar...of course, there are several special ladies who could pop back in at anytime & be very welcome be me ;)
...and once again, PF is absolutely right, it's about the people here...
04-04-2003, 01:18 AM
1.) Lurking- about 5 times
2.) Posting- couple of months (but i was in the process of building a house and moving in :o)
3.) Picture Posting- as soon as i find which damn box my cam is in i will be posting pics
4.) Newbies – today actually, 69 posts...had to giggle...then felt comfy.
5.) Regulars- am i a regular yet?
6.) Active- once you post you are active i spose...the more i post the more i want too....almost addictive :0)
04-04-2003, 07:41 AM
Freedom of speech includes silence.
04-04-2003, 03:09 PM
Good group of questions and answers here.
Most seem to deal with some sort of self imposed ethics.
I feel this way. That you should start out with some rules to the site.
If you like the rules and the game... join in.
Play by the rules.
Play nice.
Spectate until you are comfortable.
But I feel that you should contribute something.
Bring a little something to the table if you’re going to sit among the players.
Spectating from the cheap seats isn’t so bad but sitting in the luxury box for free?
I don’t go for that. Hell either your playing or paying
04-04-2003, 07:54 PM
1.) I think I must have lurked, reading the stories first then the forums for at least a few days before I registered.
2.) I think I posted within a day or so of registering. And Murphy was the first person to respond to my very first post. :heart:
3.) A clothed picture, about 5 months after first posting. A 'nakie', well, I posted my very first ones for my first anniversary of registering.
4.) I must have read a lot of the posts before I registered because I distinctly recall feeling very familiar with some of the 'regulars' when I posted the first time, and that was within a day or two after registering.
5.) Not any certain number of posts. A person can post a lot in a day or two and then disappear. It's more a length of time..........maybe a couple of weeks or a month. And I like to see them post to the threads as well as posting pics.
6.) Maybe at least every few days.....once a week maybe.
04-04-2003, 08:27 PM
Lurking Lilith........Now theres an oxymoron .
I think lurkers add a touch of sexual excitement.
You can see by the diffirece in the number of times your pics are viewed and the number of posted comments how many there are
but to boot them I dont think so.
04-05-2003, 03:25 AM
Is there any way you could give us a hint about the site you're talking about, Lilith? As you know, I work for a company that specializes in 'telepersonals' through phone and dating. You can stay inactive on the Web site as long as you like without getting booted but if you don't check your voice mailbox in three weeks, it gets deleted. Maybe the Web site you checked out has limited space?
04-05-2003, 09:16 AM
It may have to do with space but I seriously doubt it. It is a site much like this but very different too. I joined it to check it out cause the owner was on here and kept dropping the url in his posts.
I think it is interesting though that it does take me longer to "warm up" to different sites. I am sure I would have posted there eventually but I was still needing to check it out more. I have been a member of Lit almost as long as here yet, I only have like 7 posts there. Something about this place...............:p
04-05-2003, 02:26 PM
Lilith were else could you find helpless victims for Lilith's Lair:D
04-05-2003, 02:43 PM
Scarecrow I just had your name custom painted by your fave shackles:p
04-06-2003, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Lilith
I think it is interesting though that it does take me longer to "warm up" to different sites. I am sure I would have posted there eventually but I was still needing to check it out more. I have been a member of Lit almost as long as here yet, I only have like 7 posts there. Something about this place...............:p
I dunno . . . I love this place but I've just started posting on Lit, too. It's cool there, too. What don't people like about Lit?
04-06-2003, 06:41 AM
1. I was lured here by the stories also. It was before you had to
register, but it was soon after I found the place.
2.I haven't checked the stats, but not a long time.
3.The bastards at NASA still won't re-configure Hubble to get a
picture around my gut and the NSA can neither confirm nor deny
they have succeeded in doing so.
4. It snuck up on me, but the regular posters welcomed me and I
was at home before I knew it.
5. Some take weeks, others days. Depends on the personalities.
If they just live in the games room, months.
6. Active is now, I don't remember recognising a threshhold.
Perhaps the site has limited memory and processing resources
available and needs to be a little ruthless in it's definition of
"active". Does not augur well for their survival.
04-06-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
Scarecrow I just had your name custom painted by your fave shackles:p
Gosh I'm gon'a blush ;)
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