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03-30-2003, 08:33 PM
What was the last movie you saw at a drive-in?

Is there a drive-in still open where you live?

I don't remember what I saw but I know it was 12 years and I was hugely pregnant. Had to walk forever to go pee every 20 minutes and it was of course a double feature:D

03-30-2003, 09:49 PM
Saw Lord of The Rings - Fellowship , there is one about 20 miles from me

03-30-2003, 09:51 PM
Cheech & Chongs "Up in Smoke" in 1983. Still in highschool. There aren't any drive-ins around here anymore. Too bad.

03-30-2003, 10:31 PM
oh yes...The Starlite Drive In

I went this past summer!

03-30-2003, 10:40 PM
Great thread Lilith!

Just a little bio here.........I was born in the town where the very first drive-in in the USA was built (Camden, N.J.). And, not that I am proud of the town......just that it's history doesn't have all that much good and so I feel this is something to be said for a "pimple on the ass of the world" type town!

First movie I ever saw in one was a double feature.....Elvis's "Blue Hawaii" prefaced by Disney's "Pinnochio".

Last movie ever viewed in one.........Cinderella XXX. It was such a great movie...........snapping pussy and all! LMAO! Oh, the memories!

P.S. sex-24-7?........I saw "Up In Smoke" at a walk-in theatre........ironically, while I was so high I was afraid I would miss the concept! LMAO! (same year, btw!)

03-30-2003, 11:01 PM
OMG Lixy!!!! I love Cinderella's snapping pussy!:p It is like the one thing that is sure to get me rolling on the floor. I thought me and Mr. Lilith were the only peeps who saw it!!! Too funny!

I actually saw Star Wars at the drive in and Grease. This is the first place I have lived that does not have one:(

03-30-2003, 11:15 PM
Too funny Lixy.... I remember those times well.... I think!

03-31-2003, 12:00 AM
Alas, the Drive-ins went away here long ago...can't remember what the last movie I saw at one, if only I'd known it would be the last time I might have made a note of it...prob some Roger Corman flik, or some similar R-rated T & A...one of the best memories is of seeing "Flesh Gordon & the Sex Ray"...really funny sex spoof with some pretty good special effects...

03-31-2003, 12:06 AM
I only went to a drive-in once and don't recall the movie because I was with my first boyfriend :)

A couple of years ago, on my drive from Newfoundland to NW Ontario, I remember pulling over in heavy traffic because I had to pee so badly and the deserted spot I picked was an old drive-in. I guess it's hard to build anything new on the site of an old drive-in.

03-31-2003, 01:22 AM
last movies i saw at a drive in were Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Backdraft, and Arachnaphobia. it was a triple feature. Cant remember how old i was though.

03-31-2003, 01:59 AM
Star Wars...a long time ago in a city far far away :0)

Teddy Bear
03-31-2003, 02:37 AM
Don't remember the movie I saw last,,,,,

There is a drive-in about 45 minutes from where I live now.

When I was first married my so & I had an apartment next to a drive-in. You could see the screen from the second floor bathroom window. No sound of course.... But we had alot of fun making up lines,,,,,

Teddy :D :D

03-31-2003, 04:09 AM
LOL Teddy Bear...my best friend and i love playing that game...especially with old movies.

If you can get a copy of it, an aussie movie "Hurcules Returns" is an absolute classic...we have a party about once every six months and watch it again and again.

this link should help you find it:


Teddy Bear
03-31-2003, 05:30 AM
TY ryker I'll look it up.

The Conan movies are great fun to..... and any of the old westerns w/ Clint Eastwood.

Teddy :D :D

03-31-2003, 08:13 AM
I love the drive-in...when my oldest son was little I'd take him along. He would just sleep in his car seat! It was great to be able to go to the movies even with a baby. You don't have to worry about them disturbing anyone.

Can't remember the last movie I saw it may have been Austin Powers, but I'm not really sure. Recently moved, but I hear rumors of drive-ins in the area. I will definitely have to scout them out this summer. Especially since I have another little one! 13 months old. So it may be the only way I get to see a movie on the big screen w/out having to get a babysitter.

03-31-2003, 08:29 AM
Too funny BiBi, the drive-in near me is called the Starlite as well...

Lixxy and Lilith....I love that Cinderella Movie...saw that the first time when I was like 14......

03-31-2003, 09:18 AM
I remember going to the Drive-In when I was a kid with my parents. The vehicle they had was one of the first SUV's - a Travel-All. There was usually some sort of cartoon (Mr. Magoo) on first and then my parents would make my sister and I lay down in the back, we had blankets and pillows. Then the "movie" they would watch (porn) would come on. I would pretend to be asleep, but I wasn't. If I layed just right, I could see the movie reflected in the back window. And of course, I could hear what was going on through the window speaker.

I was a perv even then.

03-31-2003, 10:42 AM
I've always lived near a drive-in...still do. I remember those friday
nights when dad would borrow a pick-up truck from work and
we'd load our lawn chairs in the back and head out on those
warm summer nights. I know I've seen tons of movies at the d-i;
the ones I remember the most were The Empire Strikes Back, Grease, Risky Business (my mom was MORTIFIED that we saw
that one...ah, the age of innocence!) Think the last one I saw was
Goldmember...just me and my dog spending a "boys" night out!!!
OH, and do those green coil incense-like mosquito repelant things REALLY WORK?!?!?!?!?!?! Not with NH mosquitos they don't!!!!!!!

03-31-2003, 03:59 PM
I really miss Drive-in movies.My wife/girlfriend used to go almost
every weekend.You could wear/notwear anything that you wanted.Take your shoes off,fool around sexually,etc.My wife used to make a HUGE bag of popcorn& put it inside a plastic bag.Also,
when I used to drink,you could always bring it in the car with you!
When I had a hatchback Nova,I tought my kids how to sneak into
a Drive-in!They lay in back,with a blanket over them & snuck in.
They were scared to death!You'ld think that they robbed a bank!
Alas,there are no more Drive-ins around.I told my wife/girlfriend
that the reason that the trees&grass grow,so good,there,is because of all of the sperm-filled tissues that we left there!(Got
to keep the evidence,from her mother,you know!) Irish
P.S.They even started doing away with the old speaker boxes.
you tuned-in you're car radio to a certain station.

03-31-2003, 04:05 PM
The last drive-in near me Studio Drive In (http://www.drive-insdownunder.com.au/worldwide/ca_studio.htm) closed down about three years ago.

There are houses on the land now. The joke is that half the people moving in there were conceived there.

03-31-2003, 06:04 PM
Long gone from the landscape here, it's a high density housing

development now.

Last drive in movie I saw was "The Return of the Evil Dead"

scared the shit out of me, the memory still does.

03-31-2003, 06:08 PM
Last drive-in around home closed right after Indepenence Day came out...that was the last film they showed..and I got to see it.

03-31-2003, 06:44 PM
The last movie my wife and I saw was one of the James Bond movies ... but that's been maybe 10 years ago. Don't remember exactly which one. There hasn't been a drive-in in the Peoria area for about that long. Used to be 6 or 7.

I kind of miss them. They used to be fun. But then, I'm nostalgic for some things. :)

03-31-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Alas, the Drive-ins went away here long ago...can't remember what the last movie I saw at one, if only I'd known it would be the last time I might have made a note of it...prob some Roger Corman flik, or some similar R-rated T & A...one of the best memories is of seeing "Flesh Gordon & the Sex Ray"...really funny sex spoof with some pretty good special effects...

LMAO scotz! I saw that one too! I am such a fiend! "Flesh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" OMG! Too funny! I also saw The Story of "O" at a drive-in.........oh.....and Caligula XXX (as if they had to put the X's behind that one!?...duh!) as well.......lemme just jot down the ones I didn't see instead.....the list is shorter!

BTW! If you ever cum across....er um...come across it scotz.....check out Flesh Gordon again.......it's so corny it's worth another peek!

LOL! Lilith..........I seen um all! I think..............

04-01-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by LixyChick

LMAO scotz! I saw that one too! I am such a fiend! "Flesh!

BTW! If you ever cum across....er um...come across it scotz.....check out Flesh Gordon again.......it's so corny it's worth another peek!
Been looking for it for years, one memory: Wife & I were watching it with a bandmate & his g/f, we decided that "Your Assholiness" would be a great way to address our lead guitarist at the time...hmmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern here...