View Full Version : Are you a peeping tom?

03-26-2003, 05:05 AM
I will admit it, Im a peeping tom. My eyes are always averting to some girls chest. even better when they are bending over giving me a nice view :D

It would turn me on to catch to people having sex and I could see them through their window. even better if they saw me and kept on going :D

One time the neighbor came over because she had locked her keys in the house. My phone was on a coffee type table, and I was standing their near her. She was wearing a very loose shirt, almost a tanktop, bends way over, and gives me a very nice view of her breasts. After that I was hooked. I just wish I had approached her.
she used to mow her lawn in a bikini. And didnt seem to mind that I was always outside doing something :D

03-26-2003, 09:06 AM
Hmmmmm....not so sure that makes you a peeping tom. I would say that is voyeuristic. I think a peeping tom is more someone that goes out of their way to find someone to "peep" at. For example approaching someones house and looking through the windows for a glimpse, uninvited of course! Sounds as if your neighbor was a bit of an exhibitionist, she most likely wanted you to watch her pushing that mower around in her bikini. In my opinion if someone is doing it in front of an open window they obviously don't care who may be able to see them. As long as your not slinking through bushes and illegally tresspassing to find what you want to see, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

03-26-2003, 01:08 PM
I think there is a much much bigger question at stake here.. your neighbor situation sounds like the begining of a great porn.. and it's real. What are you doing on the computer?

lol :)

03-27-2003, 12:54 AM
well for starters this was some time ago, when I was only 18 or 19. two, she doesnt live there anymore. three, I have a girlfriend.

I do wish I had the courage to strike up a conversation, even if she was a bit easy, she was hot :D

03-27-2003, 12:57 AM
I like looking but . . . I remember once happening upon two people in a car having sex on a beach. It didn't do it for me. I think I'd get turned on more if I were to be walking by someone's house and I could see shadows in the window.

03-28-2003, 03:07 AM
I think its more of a turn-on if its someone I know, rather than two strangers...

03-29-2003, 12:18 AM
I wouldn't go out of my way to peek but I came across someone I would watch

03-29-2003, 05:17 PM
When I was in the Air Force...there was a girl that lived in the next dorm over..maybe 20 yards away..that used to walk around her dorm naked after her nightly shower. Yes, I would watch out my window every night..with the lights turned off in my room of course..lol. So, yeah...I guess I am.

03-29-2003, 06:26 PM
I think huntersgirl was right about that not being a peeping tom. Rather, it is a bit of voyeurism, and I think you'll find it's real common with guys (and maybe gals, too). I know I'll look at a loose top or at the girl in a short skirt going up the stairs. I even like to "study" the form when the jeans are tight.

Don't know if girls do the same, but wouldn't surprise me if they check out a guys equipment or rear end. Ladies, is that true?

03-31-2003, 08:21 AM
Don't know if girls do the same, but wouldn't surprise me if they check out a guys equipment or rear end. Ladies, is that true?

Sometimes, probably not as often as you guys do. But I have been known to sneak a peek or two;)

03-31-2003, 11:12 AM
Ummmm...my name's not Tom, so technically I'm not one :D
I mean, It's not worth it to me to get arrested taking a peek,
but if folks don't take the necessary precautions to keep their
activities from my eyes then you'd better believe I'll look!!!!!!!
"Peeping Soulminer" seems more apropos....

03-31-2003, 05:33 PM
Hmmmmmmm! Never had the opportunity. But if the opportunity presented itself.....I'd look.

I'm the person who would like to be looked at more than go out of my way to do the looking. I walk around the house naked all the time. If I see someone walking past, I don't hide my stuff. Hey, if you don't want to know what's going on inside......just don't look! That's my motto!

*opens the curtains* LOL!

04-01-2003, 12:49 AM
where do you live lixy? I need to take a walk ;)

04-01-2003, 10:51 PM
I seem to have quite the knack for catching people in compromising situations. I've caught people in a park, watched them in the apartment building next door, and I've even busted two co-workers going at it in a supply closet.

Always a huge turn-on. I especially love that avoidance that the culprits have toward me the next day!

04-01-2003, 11:21 PM
I wouldn't go out of my way but I'd probably look if the chance popped up.

Twenty years ago I lived across from an apartment where some bonehead had changed the bathroom window with plain glass. I didn't notice it until 5am one morning when I went out to start my truck. Damn if the major babe that lived there wasn't taking a shower and (as cold as it was) the window was totally clear. Man what view! I stood there for the entire thing. There is something about women running soap over their tits that really turns me on. :)