View Full Version : Birth Control dosage?

03-20-2003, 08:08 PM
My wife is having her birthcontrol dosage lower by her doctor... I am kinda worried about pregnancy now, should I be? Do any of the lovely ladies out there have any experiences with lowering doesage and/or unwanted pregnancies while using the pill?

03-21-2003, 12:01 AM
Hi Deno!

As far as I know.......when a dosage of birth control is lowered......it is to the benefit of the woman. Oral contraceptive, if taken properly, is a very effective contraceptive indeed!

However, there are reasons why "the pill" may not be 100%! Something as obscure as an antibiotic (like when you have an impacted tooth for example) can change the effectiveness of the pill and make it null! A lower dosage is still a dosage until something interrupts that flow. One missed pilll can and has resulted in pregnancy. Besides certain antibiotics, there are other chemical interactions that may make the pill ineffective! Check the web.......or ask your (her) doctor for all the info you can get!

Good Luck Hun! Hope this helped!

03-21-2003, 07:32 AM
From what I understand, they're constantly fine-tuning the pill - never sacrificing the effectiveness but always lowering the dosage for the benefit of the woman.

03-21-2003, 10:06 AM
Yep, the lower the dosage, usually the less sideeffects happen.

It's still effective at the lower dosage. As anyone that took the original versions of it. Now it's so darned much easier on a person.

03-21-2003, 10:48 AM
Not to hijack this thread or anything but does anyone lose their sex drive while on hormones? I haven't used homones for just this reason, but it has been many years and I am thinking about trying them again. But I hate to think of decreasing my sexual appetite. Maybe the new lower doses are better that way.

03-21-2003, 07:36 PM
An ORAL contraceptive always works!If you swallow,you'll never
get pregnant.My wife&I used an oral contraceptive&mutual
masturbation almost exclusively,before marriage& she never got
pregnant,until after. Irish

03-23-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Irish
An ORAL contraceptive always works!If you swallow,you'll never
get pregnant.My wife&I used an oral contraceptive&mutual
masturbation almost exclusively,before marriage& she never got
pregnant,until after. Irish

LMAO Irish! I know what you mean by "oral"........but "the pill" is called an "oral contraceptive" as well and so I feel the need to clarify this.

*AHEM.......Attention everyone! Irish meant a blow job and and strokin and fingering!*

ROFLMFAO@ Irish! Good point hun. I hear abstinence is pretty good too but I would never try it! TeeHee!

03-26-2003, 12:19 PM
Not to hijack this thread or anything but does anyone lose their sex drive while on hormones? I haven't used homones for just this reason, but it has been many years and I am thinking about trying them again. But I hate to think of decreasing my sexual appetite. Maybe the new lower doses are better that way.

i am currently taking 'the shot.' the first month after i get it, my sex drive is pretty low. but its a great method of birth control. i have been using it for quite a while now and havent had any problems thus far.

03-26-2003, 01:29 PM
For everyones information,I have also seen a "patch"
advertised,on TV.I have no idea of the side-effects,etc.
After anything has been around very long,they find a
multitude of side effects.Like Lixy said,abstinence works,
but its side effects put "HUGE" callouses on your hands&
fingers.I think priests use it,but I'm not into "little boys"
NO nasty comments!I'm Catholic too! Irish