View Full Version : riskiest place you have masturbated?

03-15-2003, 10:34 AM
On a train once.

03-15-2003, 11:04 AM
At School

03-15-2003, 11:32 AM
at school in the ladies bathroom..

03-15-2003, 11:41 AM
At work.

Pussy Willow
03-15-2003, 12:54 PM
I've masturbated sitting in the lobby of the Catholic School where my kids have religious instruction. I wore a loose sweat shirt and loose-fitting jeans. The directors husband kept walking back and forth. It was really fun !!!!!

critic 007
03-15-2003, 02:22 PM
hallway of my apartment building

03-15-2003, 02:28 PM
I would do it at my school in the bathroom. I would do this often as well. Like 2-3 times a week.

I mean, sitting in these classrooms with all these hot girls can get you HORNY. I would look at a girl in the classroom that I am attracted to that day and then I would go into the bathroom and jerk off thinking about fucking her. I would even jerk off standing up in the urinals. If I hear someone getting close to the door I would just pretend I am taking a leak. I like the idea of it being bad, that I am not supposed to do this. That I might get caught. I also like squirting my hot jizz in the toilets or urinals. It just looks so good to me.

03-15-2003, 09:11 PM
in my car while driving

03-16-2003, 01:29 AM
in my car on the interstate...while ex-hubby driving by a convoy of 18 wheelers

03-16-2003, 08:28 AM
Yup, when I was driving that truck, that's what I was looking for, and saw a few times. LOL ;)

Texas? Between Austin and Fort Worth? I might have seen you! ;)


03-16-2003, 09:26 AM
In the car while driving in downtown Hollywood.

03-16-2003, 11:25 AM
On the second-story in front of a window but angled so hopefully it's not too obvious.

03-16-2003, 11:54 AM
probably at my girlfriends place while her mom was home. although it was in her washroom, it was still kinda risky i think

03-17-2003, 02:36 AM
9th or 10th grade, back of class, during a movie so room was dark :D

03-17-2003, 11:25 AM
At work... at my desk... during business hours. I do not have my own office, just a cubicle. :eek: And it's all Pixies' fault... :p ;)

03-17-2003, 11:27 AM
on a park bank when all my friends where out for a walk and i went a few steps faster farward. so i got several private minutes on a bank under the trees...

03-17-2003, 11:39 AM
At my grandparents house when I was younger...

These days, here at the desk... (after hours, but you never know if they have a security cam placed here to spy on us!)

03-17-2003, 12:08 PM
In the library at elementary school :o

03-17-2003, 01:27 PM
at school...
in the bathrooms tho so it wasn't that risky

03-17-2003, 02:51 PM
In the dorm showers...was so hard to stay quiet!

03-17-2003, 03:13 PM
Same here BCG..but it wasn't at school..was barracks shower in the military. I used to get up hours before anyone else..just to have my "me time"..lol.

03-19-2003, 01:10 AM
Hey Don....it was on I 45 between dallas and houston....maybe...if you did hope you liked.

03-19-2003, 01:21 PM
At work on at my desk and on the reception desk where I cover at lunchtime with a client meeting going on just down the corridor.

In the back of the car while my Mum and Sister were in the front driving through France.

At school in the bathroom........in dorm showers at college.......and once in a bed I was sharing with my sister who was asleep at the time. :P

Yep...nothing can stop me if I'm horny enough! Lol

03-20-2003, 07:12 PM
on a bus, a train, back of my girlfriends car, stalls in clothing shops

03-21-2003, 08:21 AM
In my car, downtown, waiting for traffic jam to ease up.

03-22-2003, 04:38 AM
on an empty motorway while driving.

Wombats Dinner
03-24-2003, 12:46 AM
In the ladies at work on several occassions.. and also in bed next to my ex who had no idea that I masterbated..lol

03-24-2003, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by Wombats Dinner
In the ladies at work on several occassions.. and also in bed next to my ex who had no idea that I masterbated..lol

LMAO WD! I am assuming you meant in the ladies ROOM.....and not just in the ladies...here!

I used to sunbath on the roofs of the apartments I used to live in and I always get horny in the warm sun! I'd just turn over on my stomach and put my hand down my bottoms and voila! Anyone could see me if they looked up. Also, while driving down the Pa. turnpike next to an eighteen wheeler! Oh, how I love doing that!

03-24-2003, 01:22 PM
Been known to unzip the breeches at work with the propper motivation...have only taken it to completion one time.

Sweet Thing
03-24-2003, 09:16 PM
In class, in the ladies room, in my car waiting in the car line to pick the kids up, on a public pier.

03-24-2003, 09:45 PM
the only technically "risky" place i've masturbated in was the showers here in my dorm building. so, my answer is the same as BCG's, lol...and it is really hard to keep quiet!

03-26-2003, 08:30 AM
riskiest place for me was whilst driving, i see loads of women driving who i believe are doing the same, am i wrong?

04-01-2003, 07:22 PM
I replied to the other thread like this but I remembered a couple of other areas I did it.....in a public park and at a couple of public lakes

04-05-2003, 10:32 PM
In the library while in collage. It was a great study break!!!

04-06-2003, 04:41 PM
In the unlocked supply closet at my office....sweater up, bra down, tits out, skirt to my waist, nylons to my knees.....so hot!!!

04-07-2003, 05:55 PM
In school bathroom, many many moons ago,in a bean field, while walking beans, at work in the bathroom, and many other places. Now I do it for my wife!!!!!!!