View Full Version : First time I hope...

03-02-2003, 06:16 PM
I'm a sophomore in college and haven't had any. I'm going to visit some friends for spring break and this girl who I haven't seen for a few years (2). I've liked her forever and well I'm not flirtacious so nothing ever happened. She's probably out of my league but there is some sort of reciprocal feeling from her... so since she's studying abroad I'm taking her out to dinner but I don't know what to do after or how to arrange it. spring break is in one week from friday.

I need to make arrangements to visit her.
Should I ask her if I can stay with her for a night?
Anything else?


03-03-2003, 09:14 AM
Take it slow, and let things happen as they happen.

If you ask her, you run the risk of spoiling your friendship if she turns you down.

But by all means, make an effort. Be yourself, listen to her. Let her know that you like her, but dont just hand yourself to her on a plate.

Flowers n choccies always get brownie points tho!

03-03-2003, 09:28 PM
be careful in your resteraunt choice, i've found that few woemen like a reeeealy fancy resteraunt on a first date. Go someplace csua, but with atmosphere...And like tinkerbell said be a little reserved, dont give urself to her on a silver platter