View Full Version : Truth Game
03-02-2003, 02:04 AM
I like my anonymity - but sometimes I'd like to ask members direct questions, which I can't do as I prefer to keep my email locked out.
So I've devised this little game if anyone wants to play.
Simple rules - if you are in the chair you can be asked almost any question by any member and you must be honest in your reply.
You can claim the fifth if the answer compromises your anonymity or your partner's feelings if they are also a member.
You must answer at least five questions - more if you want - and then you nominate one of the questioners into the chair.
So if you are going to ask a question be prepared to be nominated.
Could this be fun?
If yes, I suppose that I have to be in the chair first as it is my dumb idea.
03-02-2003, 02:08 AM
seems like a cool game....
vigil...where is the most unusual and kinkiest place you've ever had sex or done anything sexual?
03-02-2003, 02:09 AM
what do you find most attractive about a girl?
03-02-2003, 02:24 AM
1/ Had sex a few times when we thought that we were alone, only to find out that we were'nt. But on the equivalent of your Greyhound buses on a trip across Europe with a coach load of people aboard.
2/ Strong independent minded women do it for me. And of course a good full womanly backside. Apetites and a joie de vivre.
03-02-2003, 04:45 AM
3. What is your ultimate fantasy?
03-02-2003, 09:54 AM
4--What's your views on one night stands?
03-02-2003, 11:38 AM
3/ "And Vigil crashes Warne out of the SCG, equalling Sir Garfield Sobers feat, passing Sir Donald Bradman's average, and securing the Ashes for the fifth consecutive series"
Alright Aussies, I can hear you scoffing and laughing from here.
I'm not big on fantasysing - more of a doer than an imanginer - but then I probably haven't got my head round the fun of fantasy.
I do though have this recurring thought of an orgy where the men and women are separated by a totally flexible material that allows anything to happen between them, but cannot be seen through. It is a cacophany of flesh, lust, and pleasuring. There are areas where the women can sit and men beneath will pleasure them with their tongues. Other areas where men lie, their erections sticking out for the women to suck, play with and mount. The women can push their asses back against the material offering themselves for whatever a man might desire.
If I find the material, I'll open the club and you are all invited.
03-02-2003, 11:44 AM
4/ One night stands. Hmmmm. Well Fine for two consenting adults with the same expectations. After all we all get a scratch that needs itching. Though I would say at this stage in my life (late thirties) I would prefer relationships. Actually its been such a long time since I've been with anyone else, that I would be very nervous that I wouldn't know what to do anymore.
I'm going to give myself 24 hours in the chair - a global cycle -
03-02-2003, 12:29 PM
What is the wildest thing you have ever done, sexually?
03-02-2003, 02:55 PM
5/ Oh well why not. I had a bi-sexual lover some time ago and her lesbian lover would make up a threesome. There was never much contact, certainly not sexual between myself and the lesbian, but my lover sure did get her cookies.
I enjoy a passionate (wild) sex life with my SO.
03-03-2003, 01:12 AM
Ok - time for me to hand over the baton.
Thank you whatswithme, sexkitten, sharniqua, celticangel, and tinkerbell (hope you sorted out your job issues). I hope my answers satisfied your questions.
By the magic of the world wide web, I nominate my favourite little possum, the opposite sex on the opposite side of the world SHARNIQUA.
And my question
What was your most embarassing sexual experience?
03-03-2003, 04:28 AM
Hmmmm...not had many of them (thank gawd)
But there was one time *L*
Trying new position...everytime he thrust in he filled me with air and....yes well...the air has to come out ya know...ya get my drift.
Could've put us in a band as a new musical instrument...was very embarrassing at first....til we both ended up cracking up and seeing what tunes we could belt out :D:D
03-03-2003, 05:22 AM
Well Miss Sharni... what would you consider your most gratifying sexual endeavor? (oh and btw, I LOVE those wind instrument duets, I've even performed a few orally...... ohhhhhhh Baby):D
03-03-2003, 05:42 AM
#2 When Bilbo and I have plenty of time for foreplay (as in no kids to ourselves...a rare thing)....we can be as noisy as we in whatever room we wish whenever the urge strikes....just the whole freedom of it i think is very gratifying indeed
03-03-2003, 08:40 AM
If you could have sex ANYWHERE, where would you choose & why?
03-03-2003, 09:32 PM
if you could have sex with ANYONE in the whole world wo woult it be
03-03-2003, 09:38 PM
#3 On a deserted tropical island...with the white sand beaches....swaying palm trees...and the crystal clear water.
Just the thought of having all them gorgeous places to get it on under and in...makes me hot!! :p
03-03-2003, 09:40 PM
#4 Anyone you say.....well now...hmmmmm
03-03-2003, 09:45 PM
Sharni what is the weirdest place you've had sex?
03-03-2003, 09:58 PM
Sharni what gave you the idea for corn?:D
03-03-2003, 10:12 PM
#5 Riding on a beach on a was errrrrr.interesting to say the least :D
03-03-2003, 10:16 PM
#6 All them lumps and bumps Lil :D....i sorta look at all sorts of things and consider the possibilities *LOL* as some of my pics prove....some are better than others....corn so far has been the best!!
I tell ya girls...get into them thar fields and plant yaself some corn!! ;):D:D
03-04-2003, 04:35 AM
My turn in the hot seat must be over :D
I'd like to nominate Lilith
03-04-2003, 07:47 AM
Alrighty......... *hears Jeopardy theme playing in her head*
03-04-2003, 08:32 AM
Where (location not orifice) is your fave place to have sex?
03-04-2003, 08:51 AM
Lilith, what personality trait would most want you to have sex with someone?
03-04-2003, 09:45 AM
Lixy~ Have to say the it hot and wet.
IAKaraokeGirl~ I would want them to be genuine and funny.
03-04-2003, 09:53 AM
Lilith darling who would be your Celebrity bookends ?
*runs off to write some jokes on Lil's shower walls*
03-04-2003, 09:58 AM
Hugh Jackman and Kevin Spacey
03-04-2003, 11:46 AM
Are you strapped comfortably in the chair. (no question mark on that one)
Where does pain end and pleasure begin?
03-04-2003, 11:57 AM
Well....... now that is some question!
The simple answer would be in the mind. When you are so overcome by desire, passion, need, what at first seems painful often is realized to be a manifestation of the pleasure the other person is derriving from your body. In many sexual scenarios pain is explored in a loving way. If I don't care about someone I would never take the time to explore aspects of pleasure and pain with them. But in the's all about the nervous system! If yur brain is sending out gooey sexy message they may override the pain sensors.
03-04-2003, 05:50 PM
Okay lillith here is question five I belive.
Silk and lace or leather and vinyl?
03-04-2003, 06:07 PM
airhog~ leather, latex, pvc:p
03-05-2003, 08:02 AM
What is the biggest turn on? (NO TOUCHING! lol)
03-05-2003, 08:07 AM
Tinkerbell69~ Someone who respects me and is interested in my views, opinions and feelings......
Next up is IAKaraokeGirl
03-05-2003, 08:19 AM
Somehow, I had a premonition of this. :D
Ask away--I'll do my best. :)
03-05-2003, 09:00 AM
What is the most embarassing thing you've ever said/done during sex?
03-05-2003, 09:10 AM
Okay--let's start with an easy one. ;) :D :p
On my honeymoon, my husband and I were doing a little food play. We had gotten some rather good-sized strawberries, and he had placed one where he could have the pleasure of retrieving it with his mouth. Unfortunately, he pushed it in a little too far...and couldn't get it out. We tried for ten minutes or so when the panic started in for him...he started imagining having to take me to the emergency room and trying to explain this situation. Fortunately, I discovered that evening that I have pretty strong muscles, and I pushed it out on my own. :D
03-05-2003, 11:32 AM
What is your biggest fantasy that you think will get fufilled someday??
03-05-2003, 11:58 AM
Have you ever embarassed yourself while singing karaoke? And if so, what happened?
03-05-2003, 12:07 PM
Gosh, you all don't go easy, do you?
Ando, first:
It was suggested to me that I should answer, "Having Ando3 show up on my doorstep unexpectedly someday." :D
A lot of my fantasies involve being seduced, by someone I know in real life or someone I "know" otherwise. And, as I think I posted in that thread, I do have fantasies about being taken advantage of, not having control...I haven't found anyone to role play that fully with me.
So...nothing really "out there" in my fantasy world--I've already done *those* things. ;)
Well, several things come to mind right off the bat. I was at karaoke with my sister one night and I got up for the first time by myself. I was going to sing the Carpenters' "Close to You," something I sing to my son all of the time. As the music started...the words stopped. The music continued, though, so I made a split second decision and sang along...without words. :) Then, I think it was the same night, my sister and I got up to sing, "Games People Play" by the Alan Parsons Project...only we'd forgotten that there is a 1:42 musical interval in the we stood...and stood...and stood...and felt like idiots until it was time to sing again. :)
One of the first times I did karaoke, I got up to sing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." LOVE that song. Well, I get up there and the song starts...just in time for me to figure out it's the seven minute, mostly TALKING, not singing, version. From that point on, I've always reminded myself that it's the Tammi Terrell version I want, NOT the Diana Ross one. I thought that song would never end!
03-05-2003, 12:10 PM
the line forms behind me to fufil that fantasy IKG....
03-05-2003, 02:16 PM
I knew you had an ulterior motive, Ando. ;)
What is your favorite song to sing?
03-05-2003, 04:31 PM
Hmmmm...*this* post could take a long time. ;)
If you mean as in karaoke, the ones you are most likely to hear me sing are:
Let Me Be There~Olivia Newton-John
I Honestly Love You~Olivia Newton-John
Again~Janet Jackson
Dancing Queen~ABBA
I've also been known to karaoke in public to:
Billy, Don't Be a Hero~Bo Donaldson
Hot Child in the City~Nick Gilder
We Built this City~Starship
I Will Survive~Gloria Gaynor
What About Me~Moving Pictures
Shadows of the Night~Pat Benetar
I Think I Love You~Partridge Family
I'm soooooo tempted to sing the Divinyl's "I Touch Myself" at karaoke one night, especially after I watched a group perform it this weekend, but I don't want to offend these poor Iowa farmers.
At home or in the car, you could find me singing to any of those, but I listen/sing a lot to ABBA, Olivia Newton-John, Wilson Phillips, Styx, Chicago, REO Speedwagon, anything from the 80s...hell, anything from the 70s, 60s, and 50s, if you want to be honest. Newer stuff, too. Usually if there's music on, I'm singing. Sing when I'm dancing, too. :D
Then, of course, I sing in my church choir and in community choruses, but they haven't yet let me break out with any Cyndi Lauper or anything. ;)
03-05-2003, 06:05 PM
IaKG if you could do anything in life what would it be? Sexually and Real life.
03-06-2003, 02:03 AM
What's been your best sexual experience?
03-06-2003, 08:54 AM
kleclere, if I could have anything I wanted sexually in real life, I'd have an extremely passionate, caring man, who wasn't afraid to try new things in the bedroom, who put my needs before his own, who would entice me just with the sound of his voice or the touch of his lips up on my neck, and with whom I had a deep, inner connection...much more than friendship or love or anything else we have a word to describe.
Fortunately, I know that such an animal exists. Unfortunately, as much as I love him, I know it's not my husband. Funny how compromises come into play. :)
Steph...hmmmm...that's a hard question. It's difficult to pick just one, so how about a series? When a friend of mine and I were dating, we used to "lunch" together. Several times a week, I'd swing by his office and pick him up, and then we'd head over to his apartment, about five minutes away.
I don't remember that much food was eaten during those one-hour lunch periods. :) In fact, one time my friend's boss called him on the fact that he always seemed to be hungry when he returned from lunch...asked to smell his fingers. I'm still half-mortified. :D
Next 'bout SugarSprinkles?
03-06-2003, 09:44 AM
Question 1: If you could turn back time, and change one thing, only one thing, what would you change and why?
03-06-2003, 02:02 PM
There are a few things I would change, but since I can only choose one.......
I would change the fact that from 4th grade in elementary school all the way until I graduated High School I was picked on and ostracized, mostly just by the boys. I was the one they teased and said I had "cooties", ran if I came close, acted like they had to disinfect anything of theirs I may accidentally have touched, and laughed like hell if I gave any wrong answers in class. Although I don't dwell on it or still harbor any hatred for these kids, it has affected my life. Because of the way I was treated I learned to be afraid of 'standing out', afraid of being criticized, afraid of being laughed at if I make a mistake. It really has played hell with my self-confidence. If I hadn't had to endure 8 yrs of torment I would probably be more out-going and self confident, and would no doubt feel a lot better about myself than I do.
03-06-2003, 02:06 PM
SugarSprinkles, if you were marooned on a desert island with Gilligan and the gang, which one of them would you sleep with, and why? :D (You *have* to pick one.)
03-06-2003, 08:33 PM
Great question, IAKG!!
Well, let's use the process of elimination.....
First of all I've never slept with a woman, although I will confess a curiosity. But neither of the female castaways do anything for me.
Ginger? Waayyy to much of an airhead and full of herself, not the least bit attractive about that.
Maryanne? Oh no....I can't take 'goody-two-shoes' types.
Mrs. Howell?? OMG! Even if I was attracted to her, she' probably die of shock if another woman made any advances to her.
The Skipper??? Uh uh... Too old for me.
Mr. Howell ?? ..... Nope, He's too self absorbed, stuffy and married. And not only is he married but his wife is always around.
The professor?? ....No way...he's too preoccupied with his inventions and with trying to find a way for everyone to get off the island. He's probably never given sex a thought since they were shipwrecked.
I guess that leaves our "Little Buddy" Gilligan...
It's not that he's that attractive per se, but he has no pretentions about himself, he is who he is. He's got a good sense of humor, which I just love. He's an extremely generous person and I'm sure he'd be a very giving lover.
So my choice would be Gilligan!!
03-06-2003, 10:03 PM
Sugar Sprinkles:
Silk and lace, or leather and laxtex?
03-07-2003, 01:32 AM
SS: Are you glad you moved?
Also, are you getting enough sex now? :)
03-07-2003, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by airhog
Sugar Sprinkles:
Silk and lace, or leather and laxtex?
Silk and lace. :D
03-07-2003, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Steph
SS: Are you glad you moved?
Yes, I'm thrilled that I've moved. I love it here in Missouri for many reasons. Except for family, I don't miss Michigan one bit!
Also, are you getting enough sex now? :)
NO! But I'm getting more than I did before I moved. ;);):p :p
03-07-2003, 04:23 PM
SS secret fantasy?
03-07-2003, 06:48 PM
Secret Fantasy, eh?
Well, I don't think my 'secret fantasy' is very unsual. Probably very common... Not really a "rape" fantasy, but just being taken suddenly, and unexpectedly and having no control over the situation. No violence or pain!!
03-07-2003, 06:52 PM
Ok...I nominate for the next hotspot.......
You're Up!!!!! :D:D
03-07-2003, 07:03 PM
kleclere........After a wild night of sex, sex, sex.......
snuggle and chat or smoke a cig (metaphorical or real) and go to sleep?
03-07-2003, 07:06 PM
Awww...and I didn't get to ask SS a question...
And by the way:
"I would probably be more out-going and self confident, and would no doubt feel a lot better about myself than I do."
I hadn't noticed either of those lacking, my dear!
03-07-2003, 07:07 PM
What is your best outdoor memory?
03-07-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Murphy
Awww...and I didn't get to ask SS a question...
And by the way:
"I would probably be more out-going and self confident, and would no doubt feel a lot better about myself than I do."
I hadn't noticed either of those lacking, my dear!
Thank you Sweetheart! You have a lot lot to do with the improvemnt in the way I feel about myself now, as does Pixies.
:D:D :heart:
03-07-2003, 08:01 PM
Fantasize a moment...describe your "ideal" encounter with the Pixie's woman of your dreams. What makes her special? What activities would occur that would send you over the edge?
03-07-2003, 09:19 PM
Is there any one particular sexual activity you've always wanted to try but haven't yet? And why haven't you?
03-08-2003, 07:04 AM
Lixy after sex I would like to cuddle and talk and maybe another round. But usually she falls to sleep.So hope that answers quesyion 1.
2. Murphy Best outdoor memory? Setting on the front porch swing with wife in a dress riding away and all the traffic going by.
03-08-2003, 07:31 AM
3. We would get to the room, we would hurriedly take each others clothes off and I would push her against the wall. We kiss madly I hold her hands above her head as I kiss her neck, ears mouth. Then I would enter her and hopefully pleasure her,caressing her breasts, nipping at her neck please both of us together. What makes her special? The way she makes me feel when she talks to me and how horny she is. Activities? All of the above plus some slow initimate lovemaking, over the edge? Making her cum repeatedly orally.
4. Always wanted to try? Always wanted to some type of group sex I guess. Why not tried? S/O not really open to me pleasing another lady. Haven't found more than one person to please at a time. Ok that is 4 next victim, I mean question.
03-08-2003, 09:52 PM
kleclere, what turns you on most about a lady?
03-09-2003, 10:35 AM
5. Their eyes and their smile, a sense of humor is nice.
Think that is 5 for me. I pick Murphy for the next one on the hot seat.
03-09-2003, 11:39 AM
murphy, why does your law, (murphy's law) always screw me over? j/k, thats not my question...
my question is.......................what is the kinkiest thing you've ever done?
03-09-2003, 12:11 PM
Murphy what would you consider your best sexual talent?
03-09-2003, 01:44 PM turn to put you on the spot, dear....
Imagine if you please that we have 24 hrs all to one will miss us or question where we've been....
How would we spend those 24 hrs???
03-09-2003, 02:14 PM
1) Kinkiest? I dunno, getting a quickie at the top of the ferris wheel at Great Adventure NJ
2) Talent? I sincerely believe that listening to my partner, and watching their bodylanguage, to learn their turn-ons and turn-offs is my best talent.
3) Hmmm....what a toughie... 24 whole hours? I just don't know... I mean I know what I want it to include, but I would really want to include some time to explore other entertainment as well...
03-09-2003, 02:42 PM
Addendum to #3 above:
slowly waking up together and snuggling into some slow, sweet lovemaking, then going out for breakfast, taking a walk thru the woods, finding a secluded spot for a late-morning quickie, then back to town for lunch. Renting a pontoon boat for the afternoon and alternating swimming with loving, maybe packing a dinner to eat on the lake and finish the day making love to the sunset and the moonrise before drifing off to sleep, gently rocked by the water.
That better Dear?
03-09-2003, 02:49 PM
Oh MYYYYY.....
That would be absolutely wonderfull.............I just love it!!!
Thank you so much for such a fantastic day!!
03-09-2003, 04:58 PM
Murphy, what's the best fantasy you've already had come true?
03-15-2003, 05:14 PM
Sorry it took so long to get back to this...night shift work is sooo exhausting!
anyway IAK, best fufilled fantasy? You can probably get into this one: It was at my old Karoke bar, I was on my own, singing modern balads and torch songs, then someone - a lady - asked for "What's Your Name" I'm singing it to her and she's just about creaming on her barstool... and showing me ALOT of leg...and no undies. I finish the song and she comes over and asks So What ARE we doing after the show... We got a couple of drinks and found a booth.. I had 3 more songs scheduled, and as a fellow karokeholic, you know I couldn't leave. Anyway, while waiting for my next set, we got to know each other, and our parts, rather well, then my closing 3 were called - "Wanted, Dead or Alive", "Paridise by the Dashboard Light", and finaly "You've lost that Lovin' Feelin'" , which I sang into her eyes, dropping to my knees for "Baby, baby, I get down on my knees for you". After the show we drove to her place and made love untill dawn.
03-15-2003, 10:49 PM
Murphy, terrific answer!
Looking for Question #5, everyone. :)
03-16-2003, 02:02 AM
Do you ever think of completely changing your life and becoming footloose and fancy free again?
03-16-2003, 02:04 AM
i wanna be in the hot seat!!! i wanna be in the hot seat!! *begs* please let me be in the hot seat!!! lol
03-16-2003, 12:42 PM
not saying a word.....
03-16-2003, 08:02 PM
(rabbit waits for Murphy to give answer #5)
03-18-2003, 10:20 AM
Damned good question Steph, of course I've THOUGHT about it, but with a darling 7yo daughter, and my wonderful relationship with Sugarsprinkles, that's about as footloose and fancy-free as I can manage right now...
OK, time for me to pass the baton..... next in the hot seat...
Whatswithme69,! You aked for itt , you got it!
Describe your most foot-loose and fancy-free encounter.
03-18-2003, 11:53 AM
*jumps up and down* yay :) its my turn its my turn!!! lol :P
oh well....hmmm Q1: my most foot-loose and fancy-free encounter? well, hmmm...tough question......probably this past weekend with my girlfriend, cause we dont need to have anything fancy. we can just do whatever we want to do without worrying about anything. its special just being together......(i hope that answers the question, lol)
03-18-2003, 05:48 PM
Whatswithme69 your deepest darkest fantasy.
03-18-2003, 05:54 PM
Whatswithme69, if you could be any rock 'n roller singer of the last forty-five years or so, who would you be, and why?
03-19-2003, 01:12 AM
OK, since you were so eager :) , here's a multi-layer question:
-why did you come to Pixies?
-do you have a significant other and, if so, does he/she know you come here?
-have you learned some new things here?
03-19-2003, 11:39 AM
deepest, darkes fantasy: to be tied up and blindfolded while being dominated by girlfriend and a celebrity (like Stephanie Mcmahon from WWE).
rock n' roll singer: hmm...tough question, probably Kid Rock because i respect him for who he is and how he has the balls to admit when he's made a huge mistake in his life.
why did i come to pixies, significant other, learning new things: i came to pixies because it looked like an interesting place to be a part of, i do not have a significant other but i do have a girlfriend and she knows im on pixies because she is here aswell (she's the one who suggested i come here) and yea, i've learned a few new things here.
well, i've answered questions from 4 for one more then im out of the hotseat.
03-19-2003, 05:19 PM
What makes u smile?
03-20-2003, 12:25 AM
nothing makes me smile more than to see my wonderful girlfriend happy.
now, i've really enjoyed my time on the hotseat, but its time for me to move on (my butt burnt cause its too hot) so next up is................................Steph
03-21-2003, 12:09 AM
I blinked and missed whatswithme. Maybe another time.
Steph - can you tell us the three things about a man that you find the horniest?
03-21-2003, 07:15 AM
That makes me the horniest? Physically, it would be the calves, first and foremost, move then up to the bum and then the smile. An inquisitive mind, a sweet countenance and a rocking sense of humour will also get me going any day of the week (except for this week, as I've just worked two days of double shifts in a row! :) )
03-21-2003, 07:22 AM
If you could 'do' one NHL player, who would it be and why? And which player would you LEAST want to do, and why?
(hehehehe You KNOW I had to work hockey into this somehow *grins* )
03-21-2003, 07:28 AM
ONE PLAYER!?!?! You're so mean! If you were on the hotseat, I would have allowed you to hand pick a team of NHLers who were at your bidding :)
OK, you have to understand that this is difficult! I'm thinking Hasek first because I love the cheekbones (not to mention the flexibility) but isn't Stevie Yzerman the cutest? Jagr got rid of the mullet and he's very doable and then there are the Bure brothers . . . . ACK! I'm going to go with Hasek - the strong, silent Czech.
The person I'd LEAST like to do is Alexi Yashin. He made Ottawa proud but then choked in the playoffs and the next year demanded more money and sat out. Very poor sportmanship. Also, he donated a million dollars to the National Arts Centre in Ottawa and then took it back when they wouldn't agree to hire his parents!!! A close second would have to be Tie Domo, he's been in too many fights and his he looks worse for wear.
Can we put SS in the hot seat again so we can ask her this question!?!
03-21-2003, 07:54 AM
LOL, Steph!!!
Not until you've answered your full quota of 5 questions, hun!
*grins and starts thinking*
03-21-2003, 07:38 PM
Steph most exciting sexual adventure.
03-21-2003, 09:36 PM
Steph have you ever been caught having sex in a less than private setting?
03-22-2003, 12:26 AM
Most exciting sex adventure . . . on a rainy day in St. John's, my boyfriend, my best friend and I had a threesome. It was my first time with a woman. Unfortunately, I got a bit freaked out seeing my boyfriend and my girlfriend getting it on and put a stop to it so I think there will be more adventures to come. I'll definitely keep Pixies posted!
Another boyfriend of mine got a study room in the library one night. It had wall-to-wall windows . . . . being slackers, our studying soon was given up and I was on his lap . . . a disapproving stare from a librarian walking by put a quick stop to it! :)
03-22-2003, 03:22 AM
Steph, you seem to be the exhibitionist your profile claims. If you could exhibit yourself somewhere that you wouldn't be recognized (to take care of any chances of bosses or the like finding out), What would you do for the audiance?
03-22-2003, 12:45 PM
rabbit queueing up here... :D
03-22-2003, 12:52 PM
Interesting question, Nuelaan. I think part of the thrill is even that someone *might* be watching. Even to be in a backyard on a lovely day would be awesome. I'd start playing with myself then hunt down boyfriend for some loving. I wish I could have been more imaginative but I just woke up. It was fun to think about. :)
Rabbit's up!
03-22-2003, 12:57 PM
Rabbit what part of your body do you look at first in a woman?
03-22-2003, 05:50 PM
Rabbit -- what is a fantasy that you'd like to fulfill someday?
03-22-2003, 05:54 PM
Rabbit whatever will you do with yourself all alone in your hotel room during alumni weekend?;)
03-23-2003, 08:18 AM
Please describe your 'perfect' ROMANTIC time with that special lady. ;)
03-23-2003, 09:44 AM
kleclere~I am a breast man, no question about it. It is a problem for me when I am at work...have to always remember to maintain eye contact!! :rolleyes:
IenkiMoonshine~Tough question. There are a number of them. One would be to have a purely physical relationship with the woman that I used to have a relationship with when I was a freshman in college. We were both teens at the time and when I would come home from school, I was over at her house (just across the street from where I lived) almost every day. Damn she loved sex...we couldn't get enough of each other. We did it in every room of her parent's house, including their bedroom. And she LOVED oral sex...getting and giving. Anyway, she's married now and lives in another part of the country.
Lilith~ Will I be alone? :rolleyes: I guess it will be just to sleep off a lot of partying and to dream about a certain somebody who I wish would have visited with me. ;) :D
Sugarsprinkles~Good question. For me it is driving to a really good restaurant in her favorite car, followed by a nice walk on the beach (one hand in hers, the other with a champagne glass). I would take so much pleasure letting her know how beautiful she was to me, inside and out. We'd talk about everything, no inhibitions. After the beach, it would be back home for hours of slow passionate sex (oral, anal, vaginal). Finally, falling asleep in each others arms, completely open, completely loving.
4 down, 1 to go...
03-25-2003, 12:24 PM
Worst or funniest sexual encounter?
03-26-2003, 01:18 AM
hello all finally got some Internet that is LOL you all pervs after my own heart LOL. since i am back i thought i would play along and throw my hat in the bunch
Sassy Rose
03-26-2003, 02:42 AM
I am glad to see this thread going upon my return...waiting my turn to ask some questions :p
03-26-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Steph
Worst or funniest sexual encounter?
I guess funny and worst go together for me on this one...
Worst and funniest sexual encounter would have to be the time I was sent home with a case of "blue balls" after pleasuring my date orally for an hour only to discover that she didn't want to reciprocate in any way. Really pissed me off... up is....SassyRose
03-26-2003, 09:50 PM
Sassyrose what is your ultimate fantasy?
03-26-2003, 11:30 PM
sassyrose what do you prefer if you could only have one Oral sex intercourse or anal sex and why
Sassy Rose
03-26-2003, 11:44 PM
kleclere, my ulitimate fantasy huh? Wow, that's a tough one as I have a few fantasies that I would like fullfilled but to select one I guess I would have to say that I would love to meet Master so that I can give Him my body to use for His pleasure. That would include His tying me up, spanking, and possibly His sharing me with Lady.
grotochp, another tough question *LOL* If I had to chose just one, it would be a toss up between oral and intercourse. I am torn, but I would have to say oral as I enjoy both giving and receiving and tend to have more orgasms that way. :p
03-27-2003, 01:22 AM
sassy here are some questions for you
1. are you shaven trimmed or lots of hair
2. tell us one of your fantasys since you have a few
3. if you could do it anywhere where would it be
03-27-2003, 01:23 AM
Ok..What is your favorite thing about Pixie's...what is it that makes you keep returning over and over again?
Sassy Rose
03-27-2003, 01:28 AM
1) I am shaved completely, well alternate shaving and waxing but it's baby smooth :p
2) I've already given a fantasy but another along that same line is to have a 3some and to experience double penetration :D
3) I have already done it on the side of a mountain, one of my favorite places so I would have to say on a beach at sunset or next to a waterfall (I've written a story about that).
Sugar, what I love most about Pixies is the family like atmosphere...some people may just call this a porn site but it's so much more then that. I have developed some very wonderful relationships here.
Sassy Rose
03-27-2003, 01:32 AM
Now, it's my turn to place someone in the hotseat and I want question is 2 part...... what is the wildest thing sexually you've done and where is the strangest place you've had sexual acts?
03-27-2003, 01:38 AM
I would say the wildest thing would be to have a 3some sort of MMF where the F wanted to have her pussy eatten due to the guy didnt eat pussy and he wanted to watch her be eatten cause he didnt beleave men ate pussy. As for your strangest place to have sex I would have to say when I was in the air force over in England in a alley along a canal next to a popeyes chicken and behind the local police station
03-27-2003, 02:01 PM
Interesting thread, questions and responses! If my mind were in gear I'd ask one ;)
Ah well, keep up the good work :)
03-27-2003, 06:00 PM
Grotochp what is it that first attracts to a lady?
And Sassy waving and shouting "PICK ME PICK ME"
03-27-2003, 07:44 PM
Grotochp -- Do you like your woman to be shaved or natural?
03-27-2003, 09:16 PM
Klecere I would say the first thing to attract me is the Eyes then legs then the breasts.
Ienkimoonshine I prefer the woman to be completly shaved as i am not a cat and dont like to cough up furballs LOL if not completly bald no hair around the lips as I like to nibble and suck them
Sassy Rose
03-27-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by kleclere
Grotochp what is it that first attracts to a lady?
And Sassy waving and shouting "PICK ME PICK ME"
I'd love to pick you :D
03-28-2003, 01:21 AM
One more before i can nominate and ask LOL
03-28-2003, 01:09 PM
grotochp.....would you please explain your nick?
03-28-2003, 01:17 PM
Good question, SS! I hope you're also getting ready to pick a team of hockey players/love slaves! :)
03-28-2003, 08:22 PM
sure sugarsprinkles it is a combination of two nicknames one from military and the other from being a cop in military and nickname from highschool the groto is cause no one can pronounce my last name correctly so they shorten it and chp for the movie chips LOL so i combined them
03-28-2003, 08:25 PM
i nominate ienkimoonshine and her question is if you had to choose a word to describe your sexual appetite what would it be and why.
03-28-2003, 09:44 PM
ienki, have you have been with another woman?
03-28-2003, 09:48 PM
IM, as an addition to the illustrious rabbit's question, if not, would you ever want to be with another woman? :D
03-30-2003, 10:00 AM
At the risk of being repetative, did you get your nickname and what does it mean?
03-30-2003, 12:44 PM
Ienki favorite play to have sex?
04-02-2003, 02:52 PM
Ok ill nominate Lilith since Ienki has gotten lost LOL
so Lilith here is your question what is your defetniton of kinky
04-06-2003, 12:18 AM
Ienki - can you describe your Yoni for us?
04-06-2003, 12:27 AM
How bout we all PM ienki and let her know she's up! If she does not reply in 24 hours then grotochp picks a new victim!
04-06-2003, 01:23 AM
Ok, first of all, I apologize for my tardiness in responding, I didn't realize I'd been nominated.. (and after waiting anxiously for so long!!)
So without buildup I will answer the questions: :D
Grotochp asked:
If you had to choose a word to describe your sexual appetite what would it be and why.
1st answer: Ok, wow this is a nasty question and I'm not sure what word is right so I will say ummmm unpredictable actually because one day I'm horny as a bunny, the next I can do without. *shrugs*
rabbit asked: ienki, have you have been with another woman?
Answer 2: No, the most I've done is my first time in college I had some cool friends and would cuddle with my girlfriends and kiss them on the lips, but that was just friend stuff not sex stuff.
IAKaraokeGirl IM, as an addition to the illustrious rabbit's question, if not, would you ever want to be with another woman?
IAKaraokeGirl asked: IM, as an addition to the illustrious rabbit's question, if not, would you ever want to be with another woman?
Answer 3: Well I admit that I'm kind of curious to know what being with another woman would be like.. For that reason I'd like to try a ffm 3sum sometime just because that would be 'safe' (or seems safer to me anyway )
Sugarsprinkles asked: At the risk of being repetative, did you get your nickname and what does it mean?
Well SS, I played the online role-playing game, EverQuest for a few months and Ienki Moonshine was my characters name. "Ienki" is just a random name the computer generated, and "Moonshine" was my ex-bf's idea actually.
kleclere asked: Ienki favorite play to have sex?
Ummmm in a bed? I dunno, I don't get much sex so I haven't experimented with places much but as long as I don't have pointy things sticking into my back it's ok with me ;)
VIgil -- what's a Yoni?
04-07-2003, 12:58 AM
and I'm back off to check out this site myself.
04-07-2003, 02:58 PM
oh I forgot.. Ok I nominate Lilith :D
Have you ever had sex/done sexual things 'on the road'? if so, storyyyyyyyyy
Lilith, Hypothetical situation....
Mr. Lilith grants permission for you to meet a Pixies guy (just once) for a night of anything goes. (That or Mr. Lilith is locked in the dungeon... :p ) Do you do dinner and hotel room, or just go straight to the room? Or, since it's anything goes, bring him home for a threeway with Mr. Lilith?
Oh, and what's the closest airport I can fly in to??? :p ;)
04-07-2003, 05:30 PM
Lilith this is a continuation from aqua since you have permission what if mr lilith is locked in the dungeon and he is not let out until you would have 100 orgasms how long would he be locked up LOL
04-07-2003, 05:35 PM
Ienki TY! As for your querry~
Yes I once had a lusty teenage escapade while "on the road". I was 17, "head" cheerleader and much more flexible :p Boyfriend drove a cougar......mmmm bench seats. He lived about 1.5 hours from me and we were headed to his place. I leaned over and started nuzzling his neck, he in turn began to pinch and fondle my tits. Not being able to resist, I slid closer and started rubbing his swelling cock. After some effort I was able to free his dick and began to stroke him. I'm not exactly sure at what point but I know I took my pants off and he started playing with my pussy til I was so wet and horny I had to have him. I told him to pull over and he began to tease me. He said he would not. I said fine then I will fuck you right here and now. He laughed and I proceded to wriggle into is lap. My back was to the steering wheel and I remember trying very hard to hold onto him and not lean back against it. I had my right leg along the side on the seat and my left thrown over the top of it. After alot of writhing I managed to get his rock hard cock right at the entrance of my sex. I then teased him a bit be fore thrusting onto his stiff rod and riding him till he eventually had to pull over and fuck me til he came.
Aqua~ Dinner than the room if I meet him somewhere other than here. If he came here, hypothetically of course,;) I'd go to his hotel and then eventually, I might call Mr. Lilith to join us. Damn what a delicious thought! Now I just need a willing victim!
04-07-2003, 06:02 PM
#3 grotochp~ Since I still have to go to school and shop I'd say 5 days. That's roughly 20 O's a day. It would be a tough task but one I would gladly attempt. Any ideas for some sort of training regimen I should begin? I truly believe a long, hard...............schedule should help to prepare me;)
04-07-2003, 06:03 PM
Lilith how many willing victim do you think you would have here at Pixies?
04-07-2003, 06:25 PM
#4 kleclere~ I hope at least one;)
Lilith, let me assure you, it's at least one! ;) :p
04-07-2003, 07:50 PM
Lilith I also volunteer to be your victim once i have your training in order ill email it to you lol
04-09-2003, 10:20 AM
Hi Lilith.................
If you could change anything about yourself, would you? And if you would, what would you change, and why?
04-09-2003, 11:45 AM
Last Question....TY SS!
If I could change one thing about me it would be my propensity to care too much. Often causes me problems.
OK since he always has to follow me, LOL, stalking the stalker, I nominate Aqua.........
#1) Aqua have you ever fantasized about having sex with someone(or maybe 2), in a state that begins with the letter F?:p
Hmmm, a state that begins with the letter F.... then it's not a state of euphoria... a state of Flamboyancy? State of flagrant disregard? :p
Well if you mean a state of the union that begins with F and a fantasy that goes along the lines of a discreet meeting in a hotel, followed by furious disrobing, tongues tasting any and all bare flesh, smothering my face with a hot ass, unabashed fucking, finished up with passionate anal sex, well..... maybe. :p
Or put more simply, Yes. ;)
04-09-2003, 04:31 PM
Aqua what is your greatest sexual experience?
04-09-2003, 04:34 PM
And what is the greatest you've yet to have? :D
Oh, damn, Kleclere. That's a hard one. Hmmmm... 'Cause on one hand, there's the time I met a girl in a bar and within' an hour I was sucking her nipples, at the booth where we were sitting in the bar. When the bouncer told us to take it somewhere else, we did. 20 yards from the front door to the backseat of my car.
Then there's the marathon session involving toys, golden showers, rimming, and anal sex, over and over until we couldn't move anymore. Both were great experiences... I don't know if I could choose one as greater than the other. Wait, strike that... the second description was also with someone I love, so it was greater.
Originally posted by IAKaraokeGirl
And what is the greatest you've yet to have? :D
Hmmmm... maybe in Iowa, IAK.... ;) Or maybe in a state that starts with the letter F... :p Actually, it'd probably be a combination of the the two encounters I described in answer to Kleclere, but taking place on a long international flight. ;)
04-09-2003, 08:47 PM
Aqua, ever had sex with another man before?
04-09-2003, 10:56 PM
Aqua if someone your fantasizing about wants a 3some and she wants it to be both combination of MMF and MFF and and she said you can be the one in the MMF but not the MFF and get to watch only would you
Rabbit ~ Yes I have. Many years ago, I did it for my S/O. The whole turnabout is fairplay thing... I had been asking her to be with a woman for me, which she was open to. I did oral on him, and him on me and I entered him but he was too big for me. And it was a turn on doing it, but mainly cause it excited my S/O.
grotochp ~ Wow, interesting question... very good. I think I would insist I be part of the MFF, only because that is one fantasy I have not lived out yet. I have been in MMF and MMFF but never a MFF. Dammit. :p
Oh, and I nominate Loulabelle to be next in the hot seat! :D
04-10-2003, 05:21 PM
Loulabelle if you could sex as often as you wanted how often would that be?
04-11-2003, 01:28 AM
if you could meet someone for a night of no holds bar fun what would that fun be
White Noise
04-11-2003, 08:34 AM
To whoever wants to take the chair - fave colour? Do you drink to get drunk? 3 famous people (dead or alive) to invite to dinner?
04-11-2003, 12:24 PM
*Climbing into the big leather hot seat, hoping it has a vibrate function*
Aqua - I'll get you for this! :p
klerclere - It all depends on who I'm doing it with but when it's done properly (I think Fussy knows what I'm talking about ;) ) then I'd have to say.....I an ideal world I could handle three or four times a day QUITE happily! Of course in an ideal world I wouldn't have to spend eight hours a day working so there'd be far more time for sex! :D
grotochp - well sexually I always have 'no holds barred' fun....what would be the point in having any other kind of sex? So I'd have to say that 'no holds barred fun' to me would have to be a night of no holds barred sex before going out to eat great food with friends, laughing with them until I cry, dancing crazily until the early hours and then snuggling up with you-all-know-who until morning......then in the holds barred sex again!
Whitenoise - Pink, red or purple. NO I DO NOT! I drink because I lurrrve good wine! Freddie Mercury......Tom Jones (mmmmmm) Wax. I'd love to meet some other famous people but I'm not sure I'd want to spend a sociable evening with some of the worlds great politicians etc.
04-11-2003, 12:32 PM
Lou~ Have you had anal sex????? Your feelings on it in general please.
04-11-2003, 12:32 PM
I know that your first thought will be both and more besides - but Penetration or Oral? And if I can be cheeky - why?
04-11-2003, 12:50 PM
Lilith - Two rather dismal attempts at anal sex to my name:
The first was pretty much aborted due to my other half at the time freaking out and deciding it was all a bit too seedy and nasty for him (he had a few issues with sex which are too complicated to go into here)
The second was more succesful although until a guy has actually cum up there I don't think I'll feel like I've really had proper anal sex....I found it an oddly emotional experience requires a lot of trust and it is reminded me a lot of losing my virginity in that I felt nervous and it wasn't entirely pleasurable yet certainly not without pleasure.
It's an ambition of mine to get better at anal as I find it's an area of my body I'm becoming more sexually aware of and I like the idea of a guy being able to do EXACTLY what he wants with me! I'm such a sub! Lol
Vigil - Confession time: I wrote a whole reply to this thinking that you were meaning do I prefer to suck or fuck and only now have thought that you probably mean do I prefer to be sucked or be fucked! The answer is I DON'T KNOW! I LOVE oral and it's probably the easiest way for me to cum and it kinda turns me on more than penetration (thinking about the fact that my partner wants to lick me!) but if I could only have one kind of sex for the rest of my life I'd have to say's just a NEED unlike oral which is more of a frill.......I have no idea if that will make sense to you! Lol
Originally posted by Loulabelle
[B]*Climbing into the big leather hot seat, hoping it has a vibrate function*
Aqua - I'll get you for this! :p
Mmmmmmmmm, I hope so! You know... I can help you out with that whole Anal sex thing... :p However, I do think someone else is going to get that pleasure. ;)
04-11-2003, 02:39 PM's a kind offer.....perhaps you'll have to give Fussy some tips should he ever wish to venture down that so to speak. :D
04-12-2003, 12:05 AM
Perfect sense Loulabelle - as always. It did cross my mind which way you might take the question after I had posted - but the answer does address the question as intended. A+ ;-)
04-12-2003, 02:47 AM
Well I suppose it must be time to nominate someone else......
I nominate our resident voyeur......T-S...... to be in the hotseat next.
04-12-2003, 10:49 AM
T-S welcome to the hot seat. If you could have one thing that you haven't yet had sexually what would it be and why?
Originally posted by Loulabelle
Well I suppose it must be time to nominate someone else......
I nominate our resident voyeur......T-S...... to be in the hotseat next.
Isn't there some rule about only those who ask questions have to answer ;) :D
Originally posted by kleclere
T-S welcome to the hot seat. If you could have one thing that you haven't yet had sexually what would it be and why?
I suppose it would have to be a 3some or more,
why ? I just want to try it at least once.
04-13-2003, 08:31 AM
T-S~ what is the sexiest thing someone ever said to you?
Originally posted by Lilith
T-S~ what is the sexiest thing someone ever said to you?
Tough one, thinking hard.
When someone told me that something I'd said had touched her deeper emotionly than they'd been touched before.
04-14-2003, 12:26 AM
T-S, what has been your best voyeuristic experience?
Originally posted by Vigil
T-S, what has been your best voyeuristic experience?
Apart from looking at the Pixies pics..well....watching someone please herself without her knowing at the time but finding out it turned her on later.
3 down 2 to go :D
04-14-2003, 08:00 AM
Hi T-S!
Other than perving at Pixies, do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles
Hi T-S!
Other than perving at Pixies, do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Hi mean there's other stuff to do than perv here :eek: :D ;)
Lets's see like sufring round elsewhere on the net, music, sport (mainly watching now).
Only one more to go :D
04-15-2003, 01:48 AM
T.S if you were to disappear and not tell anyone where would you go
How can I tell you without telling anyone ;)
Anyway I'm thinking Fiji sounds like a good spot to disappear too.
Is that me done in the hotseat ? Who to nominate...whos asked but not answered?
Think I'll pick TinkerBell69
04-15-2003, 01:29 PM
what is one fantasy that you are itching desiring need and must do asap.
04-15-2003, 04:41 PM
Tinkerbell69 most exciting place you've made love in.
04-16-2003, 01:37 AM
I've pinched this question from a sex poll -
Please choose and state why Tinkerbell69
A guy with a big cock
A modest man with great oral technique?
05-30-2003, 12:17 PM
My fantasy.... a bit of a cliche here (can't spell in my sleepy state)
A 3sum, 2 girls and my bf... the idea just mmmm can't even put it into words!
Where is the most exciting place I've ever had sex?
hmmmm... on a golf corse, on the bonnet of my ex bfs car...yummy! attempted it up a tree once... lets not get into that...LOL
Big cock... or good tongue.... that is tough.
But tongue.... My vibrator isnt an ornament!
A big cock is easier to find than someone with a good tongue... but then again.... If you get someone with a big cock, you can always "train them".
Change it, lets go for a big cock!
By the way ppl, TINKER'S BACK!
06-01-2003, 11:33 AM
Hi Tinkerbell!
How did you come to choose "Tinkerbell" as your nickname?
06-01-2003, 03:08 PM
Hi again Tinkerbell. Glad to have you back with us. What is your most embarrassing sexual moment?
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