View Full Version : Roller Skating

02-26-2003, 12:45 PM
That was fun. Three of us were chatting this morning and we decided to go roller skating. Now that doesn't sound like much but when it's been 40-years ... those wheels seem almost scary.

Anyway, skated for an hour and only fell once. It was terrific!

One person there who was very good said that skating "normally" burns about 600 calories an hour. I asked him if my flailing around bumped that to 1000. He laughed, which I took to mean yes! :D :D

Any of you roller skate or anything like that?

02-26-2003, 12:54 PM
ohhhhhhhh yes.......and my ass is still broke! Took the kids last summer!

02-26-2003, 01:20 PM
Haven't roller skated in eons....my butt would never forgive me if i decided to start again now either i'm sure :D

02-26-2003, 01:22 PM
I rollerblade regulary when there isn't all this snow... dose that count

02-26-2003, 02:43 PM
Rollerskating was definitely my thing maybe about 10 years ago! I got to the point where I was going every-other weekend because I loved it so much...and was into racing on them too! I'd never fall unless you got tripped by some munchkin who fell right in front of you! :D

Never did quite get the hang of rollerblades once those started to replace regular old skates. I've still got mine and every summer I'll always take a few spins around our driveway in them...my skill hasn't declined :) It's like riding a bike!

02-26-2003, 04:09 PM
Once a week I go to the indoor rink with my grandson and daughter and in summer I go to a park with biking/blading trails......great way to meet men in the summer lol.

02-26-2003, 04:17 PM
I like skating, but haven't been for about 6 or 7 years. I'm with you BlondCurlGirl, rollerbades just aren't the same!

02-26-2003, 05:56 PM
.....but this thread couldn’t be resisted.

What do you mean by roller-skating?

I vaguely remember reading about a place called the Rollercade in Cleveland. A converted K-ration planted after the war, it was the biggest roller rink between Chicago and New York. I think it said something about it being where you used those low-quarter type boot things that had the trucks on the front and back, along with the giant, screw-on, renewable, toe-stops that were bigger than your girlfriends pointy boobs (even with the Kleenex packing).:)

They had carefully painted, half white and half black, faces on the wheels that you had to lubricate every couple weeks whether they needed it or not. You took the recessed nut off of each axel (8) with your special “skate wrench” and watched all the little ball bearings fall everywhere no matter how careful you were.:mad: After cleaning off a light coat of special “skate grease”,... you put on a light coat of special “skate grease”, reassemble, tighten up the axel nuts (back off 1/8th turn) and you were ready.

Well….. you were ready after you combed the Brill Cream through your DA haircut one last time, turned up the cuffs on your white shirt two laps, undid the top 3 buttons (giving your chest air incase a hair wanted to grow), and turned up your collar.:cool:

I was important to cut right in front of the prettiest 3 girls on the floor during your first speed lap before the skate guard blew his whistle at you to slow down:). And you always wanted to be right behind the girl that fell in her special SHORT:D “skating skirt” with the special:p “skating panties” to help her up.;)

The real fun came when the old guy in the glass booth, playing the organ (yes, a real person and a real organ) would crank out “Night Train” and only the flea-hoppers were allowed on the floor. Now it was the inside ring for the slower skaters and the outside for the showoffs. (opposite the standard) The high-speed, smart-ass competition often blew away the entire days coolness with one LOOONG, sliding flop.:eek:

Is that what you are talking about?:confused:

(good thing I read a lot):rolleyes:

02-26-2003, 06:12 PM
As a kid the local Skateland was the social outlet for the teenagers to gather I have very fond memories of this place og getting amonsts other things my 1 st kiss.My daughter now wonders why I will not let her skate the Friday and Saturday night skate, its all cause Dads been there done that

02-26-2003, 06:20 PM
Let her go to Skateland. It's still a pretty safe place.

and give thanks that drive-ins are about gone. ;)

02-26-2003, 06:25 PM
Did you know "You Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd". Yes I did here that somewhere.

02-26-2003, 07:10 PM
Are you kidding, Scarecrow? You mean I'll have to wait and do it again when the buffalo herd leaves? :D

02-26-2003, 08:09 PM
I never learned :( Tooooo big to do so now..

02-26-2003, 09:11 PM
Grew up on skates...skating parties and racing competitions. Been QUITE some time though since I have been on wheels.


02-27-2003, 01:28 AM
I grew up rollerskating and now rollerblade. I like the smoothness of the blades and you can really pick up some serious speed!

02-27-2003, 06:43 AM
ROFLMFAO @ PF! Geezzzzzzzzzz! I remember the ball bearings oh so well! Too damn funny hun! *I gotta brand new pair of rollerskates, you got a brand new key. I kinda wish we'd get together and try them out to see. La la la la la.....la la la.....la la la la la la........oh, I got a brand new pair of rollerskates, you got a brand new key!*.....if ya know what I mean...*wink* Hey babe! A little dab'll do ya!!!!!!!

Used to roller skate all the time! Then I realized I suck at it and, if after 7 years, I still can't skate backwards.......I should hang it up! Only thing I ever really got the knack for was the foot over foot turn (left or right). Big friggin whoop! How do you think my ass got so big? From those leg flailing flops on it....that's how! And I always hated those smarty ass pants guys who would skate up to me so fast I'd pull my hands up to my chest to protect them from being skated on........and they would stop on a dime and extend a hand and say, "Are you ok? That was a tough spill", with that snide snicker on their face. Back then if I yelled...."Fuck You!" at them, I would have been kicked out of the rink for life. And I thought......I don't really care for the skating part but I do like the music (when they spun records....not the organ part...LOL!....Yes, I remember the organist PF.....OMG! Guess we were making the transition to records and didn't want to fire that guy just yet!) and there is that one cute guy over there and all my friends are here.......and so I held my tongue and reached for the hand and got up and skated away! Oh..the memories!

I do still bowl on occasion. I shoot pool. I (snow) ski.....but not so much anymore......I figured out I do indeed hate being cold (regardless of the Khalua in my coffee). I scuba dive....and I'm actually rather good at that (suprisingly). And lately.....in my spare time...I shovel snow! Arrgggggggg! Will this winter ever end???

Great thread db! TY hun!

02-27-2003, 08:06 AM
Rollerblades RULE!

I go a lot to a place where there is a paved walking trail through the woods, but the weather has sucked all winter, but spring is soon upon us.


02-27-2003, 09:21 AM
I love to rollerskate. Started when I was young. Not professional level or competition or anything like that but would skate for HOURS. I picked up ice skating from there. :) We still have some skating rinks near by and even some drive-in's. It is West Virginia after all, we are 20yrs behind everyone else. ;)

03-04-2003, 08:59 PM
Just today I went bowling. Not a big deal for most, but I don't think I've been bowling in more than twenty years.

I think I'm having a second childhood. Or is it my third. Actually, it could even be my fourth. You'd think having another childhood would help memories too. :D :D

Oh well, at least I gave the other guys I was bowling with reason to feel good about their games. Actually, though, I didn't think two of the games were too bad. A 145 and 155 respectively.

We won't talk about the other except to say it was more than 100 but 35 pins less than one of those two. :)

03-04-2003, 09:05 PM
Good for you DB :) I am glad to hear that you are reviving so many of your childhood experiences.

03-05-2003, 12:13 AM
I am learning to roller blade and I have a blast on the boardwalk at PB. I should have done this years ago.