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View Full Version : First Case of Woman To Woman HIV Reported

02-11-2003, 08:51 AM
By Anne Petrov

The first scientifically confirmed case where the HIV virus was transmitted from one woman to another has been documented.

It is believed that the virus was transmitted through sex toys.

The findings are reported in the journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases and tells of a 20-year old woman from Philadelphia who recently tested positive for HIV - six months after she had a negative test result.

For the past two years she has been in a relationship with a bisexual and HIV positive woman. During this time, the woman had no other sexual partners and never injected drugs or had blood transfusions.

The couple's sexual activities, however, included oral sex and sex toys.

Tests have confirmed that the woman's HIV positive partner did infect her with the disease because the genetic composition of the virus was similar in both women.

Although previous cases of woman-to-woman transmission of the virus have been documented, it was the first time that the genotypes of the virus were similar in both women.

Scientists acknowledge it is very difficult for woman to infect one another with the disease, but it is possible, and anyone using sex toys should ensure they are either new or have been sterilized before they are shared by either women.

Some AIDS groups are now handing out "finger condoms", to lesbians.

"Sometimes women have small cuts or they tear the skin along their nails without even being aware of it," says Dr Estelle Lawrence, who runs a clinic for women in South Africa.

"We therefore recommend that women wear surgical gloves or finger condoms."

"During oral sex, it is advisable that women place cut condoms or other forms of plastic over the vagina to prevent direct contact between the mouth and the skin."

02-15-2003, 04:11 AM
'Finger condoms' now. My mind keeps wondering back to the full-body condoms from the 'Naked Gun' movie! :D