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Maid of Marvels
01-29-2003, 02:46 AM
Gather round!

I might be the new bad gal on the block but I believe we need a thread like this for all of us to share and get to know each other.

Make yourself at home. Curl up on a sofa or in a chair. Grab a stack of pillows and sprawl out on the floor. Jump naked on a trampoline. Do whatever it takes for you to feel comfy. :D

This is a place for all of us to share our thoughts. Ask and pose questions. Offer ideas. Get feedback. A place to share words and feed inspirations. Or simply a place where you can cum to read. (Who knows, you might be inspired to start a role play of your own? :D )

No idea or concern is too small or trivial. Everyone was new to role play at one time. You can't learn if you don't ask. ;)

The most important thing to remember is that this forum is a playground that belongs to all of us and role play is all about having fun. FUN! FUN! FUN!


01-29-2003, 11:45 PM
The purpose of this thread is to give our role players a place to hash out characters, story lines, or just share ideas. Feel free to post questions, suggestions etc.

I will pose a question first........ If SRP story has several characters (say 5 or more) do the participants usually discuss the story line's direction? or is the spontaneity part of the fun?

01-31-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
The purpose of this thread is to give our role players a place to hash out characters, story lines, or just share ideas. Feel free to post questions, suggestions etc.

I will pose a question first........ If SRP story has several characters (say 5 or more) do the participants usually discuss the story line's direction? or is the spontaneity part of the fun?

Hello, Howdy... Lilith and MoM :D,

Well, Lilith to answer your question, it's quite difficult in practice... in theory the thread starter is the GM (Game Master) the main Director of the plot. Or it could be someone who is chosen by the thread idea originator, and it's stated for example "This is .... Thread, I'm starting for him/her".

Usually in RP (Roleplaying) there is something called an OOC (Out of Character) Thread, where characters are given a name, attributes and/or background/history. The outline or usually the basic premise of the story is given by the GM. Then there's another new thread which actually the Story thread. The OOC is used to discuss plot ideas and characters. But as far as I can see, we might not want to clutter the first page with too much OOC, although I personally prefer OOCs. If a thread starter does not prefer a separate OOC, the the character's name, attributes and background history can be under the heading OOC:... and then in the same post IC(In Character) for his/her entrance.

A basic plot is always good. A growth from the basic premise. So in this case, too many cooks will not spoil the broth. I've ideas, but I do know that someone somewhere has a better one. So I'm not above "borrowing" their ideas, with their permission of course ;). The same can be said for sponteniety. Its like an orchestra, one conductor and may players to make the music work.

Hope that answers your question :D (long winded as it may seem)

I'll be doing the first kind, where there are separate threads for OOC and IC. Maybe you can see the difference more clearly.

Have a great day, boys and girls, and MoM...


Prophet Reality
02-01-2003, 12:26 AM
This is a great idea, wish I would have thought of it myself. BUt glad that someone has. As for me Lilith I usually swapped PM's with the other writers of my RP's to gt an idea of where they were heading, or we talked outside of Pixies. I know that my presense has dimished of late, but I would love to get into another good RP. So if anyone wants me, please let me know.

Maid of Marvels
02-01-2003, 11:38 AM
In my experience, the more players in a role play, the more chance of the original premise going astray (sometimes in a bad way) if the writers don't interact or at least post to an OOC thread. Personally, I prefer to discuss in PM, IM or group chat whenever possible.

I agree with Z, in that the originator of the thread normally has a premise and usually some sort of an "outcome" in mind as well. If all the players are aware of this, they can develop their characters accordingly. That's not to say it should be a scripted play, with no side stories permitted or with a plot so rigid that there isn't room for innovation. Far from it.

If the story is set in an "era", all players should be aware that there are no cars in medieval times or color TV and microwaves in 1930's. If it's a murder mystery, then the players shouldn't lose sight of that. If it's "modern/realistic", then we wouldn't expect to see magic and fairies or dragons if that were not part of the original intent.

Every player doesn't need to know every little plot twist that's coming. Seeing what the other players develop character and plot-wise as they write is part of what makes the whole group roleplay exciting.

I would LOVE to see a couple of good group stories begin. Ideas, anyone?

Prophet... Welcome back to Role Play. The stage is wide open, all that's needed is the play and players.

Maid of Marvels
02-01-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Boogieman
Perhaps only registered members should be able to reply!?!?!?

This was in response to an unregistered person replying in a disruptive way to a role play. I have to agree with Boogieman.

I've been reading through existing threads since I first came to Pixie's and I've seen a good story disrupted more than once by a non-registered poster. Why NOT require that someone be registered in order to post in this forum? It wouldn't hurt and it only takes a click of a button to "make it so".

What about not being able to edit a post after two hours? :eek:

I understand not wanting posters to be able to delete their posts. (I've seen it happen where someone got a bug up and deleted posts from within a story line. :rolleyes: ) However, for those of us who see something later that they didn't notice at the time of the post or for those times when you would like to change a description or undo something that you started with but is no longer viable... I, for one, would like to be able to have some control over my creative (or not) efforts. :D

And yes, there will be more!

Questions? Opinions? Ideas? This thread is for all of us... even if you've never written in a thread but have something you want to discuss or see discussed.

02-01-2003, 09:51 PM
Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is in great spirits and health.

I'd like to take this opportunity to throw out an idea that I have.

Has anyone here played the MS game called Crimson Skies? If not, it's ok.

This is the basic premise that I've been thinking of. A band of pirates/treasure hunters who uses an airship (much like the Zeppelin) as a mothership. And from the mothership, comes little airplanes that go in search of treasures on some forgotten island or the darkest-deepest jungles.

I haven't got a plot yet, but this is the basic premise that I've. So need input from interested players, suggestions, ideas and such. In addition, I would like to meld fantasy with history, like the era of the great airships and searching for the lost city of El Dorado or Machu Pichu...

Thanks :D


02-06-2003, 10:24 AM
By way of introduction, I'm an old friend of Maid. We've posted together on several different sites.
So following her sage advise I find myself among the 'Pixies'.
I've been Rping online about three years and will back up all that she has said here.

The larger and more complex a thread is, the harder it is to manage unless it is conceived to be more or less free style posting without a great deal of structure.

I personally do not like everything laid out and plotted before hand and find a bit of the unexpected to be one of the delights of this form of literary interaction.

Unregistered posters are a plague and a requirement to register first would be a very good move.

I often go back an edit posts after they're up for awhile. Maid and I both post to a site that has no 2 hour deadline on editing and as far as I can see there has been very little problem with that.

Zircon, I'm familiar with the game and think it would make a fine RP.

Nice to meet you all!

02-06-2003, 10:37 PM
Welcome ariosto! For the time being you can always contact me if the 2 hour edit limit has passed......I can fix things for you. Originally there was only 1 member's story forum. We have only fairly recently divided it into RP/Interactive and Stories and to be honest, very few have used this forum, so it was not necessary before to have members registered. Plus I can always remove posts that seem inappropriate. Sometimes I need a shout out to spot them:p I look forward to reading all of your endeavors:) and feel free to contact me if there is anything you need.

Prophet Reality
02-06-2003, 11:31 PM
Welcome aristo to Pixies. Glad to see someone else that I know from the other sites.

02-24-2003, 11:02 AM
All right! Some stuff I might be able to sink my teeth into. :D
Zircon, anytime you wanna start that thread we/ve discussed on here let me know. ;)

03-09-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
The purpose of this thread is to give our role players a place to hash out characters, story lines, or just share ideas. Feel free to post questions, suggestions etc.

I will pose a question first........ If SRP story has several characters (say 5 or more) do the participants usually discuss the story line's direction? or is the spontaneity part of the fun?

I think when you get multiple people in, an ooc discussion thread is a must. It's also my experience that some people are just familiar enough with one another (like my wife and I), that very little discussion is needed to keep going with one another. Many times too, I see certain people will discuss ideas privately, and prod along the others for spontaneous reactions to a formulated situation.

Btw, howdy all. ;) Blame Maid and Wench for my appearance. :D

03-10-2003, 05:49 PM
Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. Newbie at the Water Cooler. I recently met Maid of Marvels in another site through Tibvo - in yet another site. So? I'm shopping around. *smiling* Hope to join you in the games.

03-10-2003, 06:54 PM
Welcome Chloe! Seems Maid and Tibvo will have plenty of writing partners here!

03-13-2003, 04:13 PM
You could say that! Maid of Marvels was after me for quite a while to get me here. :D I was looking for a new place to spend some time too so the timing was right!!

Maid of Marvels
03-14-2003, 03:32 PM
It's my pleasure to take the blame for something as pleasant as you all coming here to play. :D

03-16-2003, 04:31 PM
Well, here is one person you haven't brought across, Miss Marvels.

Maid of Marvels
03-16-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Yoc ODubhthaigh
Well, here is one person you haven't brought across, Miss Marvels.

Ooh, baby! But you WILL be assimilated. ;)

03-16-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Maid of Marvels

Ooh, baby! But you WILL be assimilated. ;)

Possibly. But I somehow doubt it will be my individuality though I would be quite happy to give you something else to 'absorb'.

Maid of Marvels
03-16-2003, 04:39 PM
Indeed? That depends on what you're offering. ;)

03-16-2003, 04:42 PM
Well, Miss Marvels. Looking at your AV, something does "spring" to mind.

Perhaps we could go somewhere a little more private so we can discuss this in more depth?

Maid of Marvels
03-16-2003, 04:43 PM
Name the place, baby... I'm there.

03-16-2003, 04:55 PM
Mmmmm. I do admire your spirit as well as other things.

Your profile tells me that your favorite position is the lap. Would you like to describe further?

Maid of Marvels
03-16-2003, 04:59 PM
Umm... no. It would be far easier to show you.

03-16-2003, 05:02 PM
This is getting interesting.

I have just pm'd you. I have a MSN account if you wish to converse further.

Maid of Marvels
03-16-2003, 05:37 PM
The pleasure will be all... yours. ;)

03-16-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Maid of Marvels
The pleasure will be all... yours. ;)

Not only sexy but witty as well. ;)

Maid of Marvels
03-16-2003, 05:54 PM
Tell me if you like it when I nibble you right... here.

03-17-2003, 01:57 PM
Mmmmmm. Lovely but watch out that you don't catch your nose on the zip.


03-19-2003, 03:55 PM
Hey you two! Get a room will you? And wait for me. ;)

04-06-2003, 04:00 AM
Wait for me too! I'd love to join in the fun! :D

Maid of Marvels
04-07-2003, 12:37 PM
Hello and welcome, BlndCaliGrl! The more the merrier.

Do you RP at all? Not a prerequisite... We were all new once.

What are your interests? We have some fine writers here and a myriad of different topics to create from. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like?


04-13-2003, 07:27 AM
Mind if I join in, you will have to educate me on some of the abreviations though:fly: :yellghst: thanks

Maid of Marvels
04-13-2003, 03:51 PM
Hello, miloe! Welcome to Pixie's role play section! :D

You are more than welcome to join us... As to abbreviations, let me think of what you might have come across.

OOC - out of character (a thread or post/comment that is said as yourself rather than as your character)

IC - of course being the opposite. IN character.

RP - role play

SRP - sexual role play

Anything else you can think of?


04-13-2003, 03:53 PM
Do we pick a character to rp or do ask you to be a character:p

Maid of Marvels
04-13-2003, 03:58 PM
Well... first of all we need a story idea, yes? You would create a character based on that premise/idea and go from there.

04-13-2003, 04:18 PM
How do you want pleasure? Gescribe in detail so I:redghost: Know precisley what is your pleasure.:fly:

07-14-2003, 05:09 PM
Just like to express my sorrow to hear Pixies is closing.

It is always exciting to see a new site rise up. The reverse is often true when one falls.

I have enjoyed my time here.


Maid of Marvels
07-14-2003, 05:22 PM
I, too, will be sad to see this site disappear.

For any of you who would like to continue roleplaying, please join us at another incarnation of this thread. Drop in anytime at The Welcome Inn (

10-26-2003, 06:30 PM
Which is here by the way.


10-27-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Evggz
Just like to express my sorrow to hear Pixies is closing.

I have enjoyed my time here.

B-b-b-but I just arrived! :dizzy:

11-07-2003, 08:53 PM