View Full Version : How do I get her to give me oral?

05-14-2001, 06:55 PM
Ok ppl, I need your help. I recently met this girl that I like very much...we clicked imidiately and its been great since. Now the thing is...her last bfs have basicallly SUCKED in bed. I was the first to give her an orgasm (last Friday) and I did it with just my fingers. Now that night things were obviously hot and heavy...but the thing that stiinks is that she didn't give me oral. Now i personally am not all mad about it..but when I asked her what it was she told me that she did it once and didn't like it...but on the bright side I do think she will warm up to it. My question is, how do I get her to warm up a lil faster and how do I get her to at least not hate it?....All advise will be greatly appricieated.

05-23-2001, 03:50 PM
Ok - try to give her oral, but do it so that you are in the 69 position with her underneath and you on top! Make sure that your manhood is in close reach of her and, who knows, she may get the hint!

Or you could try coating your manhood with yogurt/chocolate etc. and see if she'll suck that off - won't work if shes on a diet, though!

Or the best advice - sit down and talk to her, tell her what you want and how much it would mean to you...
and if that fails, well - thats what wine is for :rolleyes:

05-31-2001, 11:56 AM
I agree with Kim. Take things slow and do little things that might give her a hint.
There are some people that just don't like oral sex, then there are the ones, like me, that just can't give enough....

Big & Hard
06-01-2001, 04:47 AM
I agree with the going down on her first - most likely she will want to return the favor.

11-11-2002, 02:11 AM
see, ive been with this real modest girl who was a virgin for a while, and she's just plain stubborn, she wont suck my shit if my life depended on it, and to be honest it makes me so irritable..

Ive done everything you have said, everything less than forceing it into her mouth and fucking it lol

if a girl isnt gonna do it, they wont do it, she claims to be in love with me, and I give her oral and have for months, but she wont touch!!


makes me so mad.

oh well, just to let ya know, wine may be the best solution.


Uncle Silky
11-11-2002, 05:29 AM
give her candy... or money. worked when i was a camp counselor.

11-11-2002, 09:15 AM
LMAO at Uncle Silky!
I didn't want to do it for a long time either but I do now. I can't say what caused the turn around. Try getting some flavored massage oil, that helped me when I first started giving oral. Let her go with you and pick the flavor.

11-11-2002, 09:31 AM
I'm glad my daughters are grown up now!I have this vision;of my
girlish daughters.Sending them to camp.Then finding that Uncle
Silky;is their camp counselor.NOW I know why we didn't send our
kids to camp! Irish

11-12-2002, 11:16 AM
Stick it in her mouth! LOL Sorry it was the first thing that popped in my head seeing the title of this thread.
-Summer :D

11-12-2002, 11:39 AM
I would definitely go down on her lots and take your time. Does she give hand jobs?

11-12-2002, 04:33 PM
Get her to give it wash then ask her to have a little lick when she finds out it tastes OK go from there after a while they take to it like ducks to water.

On the other hand refuse to go down her for awhile. Treat am mean keeps am keen!!

Only ever had the problem with my first long term girl !!. Do I have to spell it out?????????? I wonder if she does it now, shame I'll never know:D

11-12-2002, 04:41 PM
if u make her cum with your tongue she wont have felt anything like it. try "i dont mind, as long as you are happy"

i was in the same situation and i did that. now im getting a lot of head! :) it takes time tho and a lot of talking. recently she dripped my cum from her mouth over her tits. from sumone who wudnt giv head when we met to this is a big step.

give and you shall recieve!