View Full Version : Dildo dilemma

01-27-2003, 04:01 PM
Ok folks imagine the scene:

You've stayed overnight in a hotel somewhere, you check out the following day and are out and about shopping. Suddenly, the horror hits you: you have left your week-old, perfectly proportioned and pretty damned pricey waterproof vibrator behind.

To top it all off, it was a gift from someone special. You know that by the time you go back for it the maid will have already discovered it so you can't just request the key from reception and retrieve it privately.

Do you go back for it (or phone or e-mail the hotel to get them to post it to you) or do you just give it up for lost?

I'm sorry to say that we gave it up for lost. :( I am devastated, naturally, but what would YOU have done in my position?

And what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever left in a hotel or other public place? I NEED to know....I need the comfort of knowing I'm not the only nympho who's masturbatory habits have been thwarted by my own shyness!

01-27-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Loulabelle

I'm sorry to say that we gave it up for lost. :( I am devastated, naturally, but what would YOU have done in my position?

Stand at the front desk and say in a loud voice "did the maid cleaning room ** take my expensive waterproof masturbation aid" :D

01-27-2003, 04:26 PM
Damn T-S! If only I'd thought of that!

01-27-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Loulabelle
Damn T-S! If only I'd thought of that!

You're too much of a lady Loula ;) :D

01-27-2003, 05:10 PM
I woulda made my hunny bunny ask for it. :D

01-27-2003, 05:38 PM
I'm sure you would have babybunny and if he is in love he would have, just like I sometimes have to pick up pads, vagisil, or other items and then try to rush through the check-out. Most women think it is very sweet of me to do this, but really guys unless I want to sleep on the couch I have no choice!

01-27-2003, 05:50 PM
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would just be happy knowing some maid is really really liking her job.........


call the hotel and ask which one has had a marked improvement in her demeanor and ask for contact info........

Forget it!!!!!!! Get "someone special" to make a lifelike model casting of his:D:D:p

01-27-2003, 06:06 PM
Well Lil..........funny you should mention that........

I was gonna post a thread in the advice section to see if anyone could recommend a good site which sells Make-you-own-vibe kits at an not too unreasonable price.

But while we're on the subject . . . . . ;) :P :D

01-27-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Loulabelle
Ok folks imagine the scene:

You've stayed overnight in a hotel somewhere, you check out the following day and are out and about shopping. Suddenly, the horror hits you: you have left your week-old, perfectly proportioned and pretty damned pricey waterproof vibrator behind.

To top it all off, it was a gift from someone special. You know that by the time you go back for it the maid will have already discovered it so you can't just request the key from reception and retrieve it privately.

Do you go back for it (or phone or e-mail the hotel to get them to post it to you) or do you just give it up for lost?

I'm sorry to say that we gave it up for lost. :( I am devastated, naturally, but what would YOU have done in my position?

And what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever left in a hotel or other public place? I NEED to know....I need the comfort of knowing I'm not the only nympho who's masturbatory habits have been thwarted by my own shyness!

How about another option? Write them a letter asking about it. No need to see them in person.

01-27-2003, 07:21 PM
Ooppss LOL

I would have written a letter or emailed them and asked for it back :D

01-27-2003, 07:26 PM
I don't believe I would want to be the one on the housekeeping staff to check for a stray dildo in room 469. Even if they found it, they probably used the rubber gloves and put it in the waste bin.

There are always other fish in the sea, and other dildoes at the porn shop.

Go shopping with your S/O and put your new one in a safe place... a very safe place :)

01-27-2003, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Loulabelle
Well Lil..........funny you should mention that........

I was gonna post a thread in the advice section to see if anyone could recommend a good site which sells Make-you-own-vibe kits at an not too unreasonable price.

But while we're on the subject . . . . . ;) :P :D


01-28-2003, 02:47 AM
T-S -

Thanks. I owe you one. ;)

01-28-2003, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Loulabelle
T-S -

Thanks. I owe you one. ;)

:) ;)

01-28-2003, 10:14 AM
OMG..that is too funny!!! That is something I have never done!

My toys travel with me wherever I go..in their own little bag...and that is the first thing I pack when I leave!! And I leave on the top of the suitcase..jsut in case I need my toys on the way home...5 hours in a car is boring..but when you have toys.....Mmmmmm!!

I say forget it..it's probably in the trash by now...(well I would hope so anyway...could you imagine taking a didlo home that you found and using it??? :eek: )

01-28-2003, 11:35 AM
Loulabelle-In the first place,you should have asked the maid if she
was into SHARING!
Many years ago,when I worked for Sikorsky Aircraft,We built some
helicoptors for the Malaysion(sp?)Govt.I had to fly(with them)to the docks,in Brooklyn,to get them ready to be loaded on a freighter.The Co. put us up in a Quality Courts hotel(motel?)We
were supplied with many rental cars,to get back and forth.I grabbed the keys for one.Even tho there was an all night bar accross the street,I was in my 20s,and wasn't going to be stuck in for the nights.I bought some "Stroke"books on 42cd St,at the
"Porno"shops.Every day, when I got back from the docks,the books,were in a different order in my open suitcase.Housekeeping
must have been using them!I sniffed the pages,but No Clue!

01-29-2003, 01:02 PM
I wonder if the maid was impressed by the size of the tip you left?

01-29-2003, 09:51 PM
OMG Loulabelle! I CAN imagine that.........but not specifically.....and I may hit "submit reply" to this when I type it.....and I may not. Time will tell!

OMG....what won't I reveal at this point? OK.......picture this....

I am on a trip with my boyfriend. "THE" trip....*wink*.....that we'd been waiting for. Alright........it was only our 4th date, but it was "THE" date! We traveled all day and then settled for a night at a mutually agreed stopping point. Ahhhhh.....lovemaking with abandon.......then we decided we needed sleep and I partially unpacked. I needed my jammies (Shut up! Yes I have to sleep with "something" on) and I needed my teddy.

*waits for the gasps and laughter to stop*

OK......sooooooooo.........sleep, sleep, sleep.........snore, snore, snore......and up and showered and out and on the road again to our destination. Three quarters of the way to our final destination.........I suddenly remembered I didn't remember if I had repacked my teddy. Yes! A friggin stuffed animal.......alright?

Screech! I made him stop at the very next rest stop.......I had to call the motel and find teddy, didn't I? I called......they checked.....snicker, snicker,......with the maid. Yes, she found teddy.....she'd mail him to my home. We'd continue on.......right?

Well....I tried and tried to forget and make the best of it. We drove 4 more miles and I started crying. He stopped.......said he understood.......and we drove back........67 miles back......to the motel. Screech! I leaped from the car and ran into the lobby....hoping upon hope that they hadn't sent the mail off yet.

OMGGGGGGGG! Teddy was in a box and couldn't breathe! More snickers.......from them.......not me.......and I was clawing at the box like a crazed mother bear protecting her cub. Ahhhhhhhhhh.........got him back. Got back in the car.....and off we went again........doing double time because of a stuffed animal (I loved that bear!).

So........to answer your question? Yep! If something meant that much to me..........I'd call, I'd go back, I'd scratch and claw the box open in the middle of a packed lobby..............Who cares? I'd probably never see these people again.........and they would be glad of that I am sure!

LOL hun! Sorry for your loss............gimme the number of the hotel and I'll get that magnificent vibe back in your life!

01-29-2003, 10:05 PM
(LixyChick, you're always a riot!)
H@rdRock is right -it probably made it into the trash an hour or so after you left.
However, I DID vote on going back and getting it.
One, it's yours.
Two, like Lixy said, you'll... ...probably never see these people again.........
and Three, who really cares if you (and/or HOW you) masturbate?

Besides, the thought of it all may just be tantilizing enough to the hotel staff that they go home and masturbate thinking about it... (Wouldn't that be ironic?)

01-30-2003, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by Lilith
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would just be happy knowing some maid is really really liking her job.........


call the hotel and ask which one has had a marked improvement in her demeanor and ask for contact info........

Forget it!!!!!!! Get "someone special" to make a lifelike model casting of his:D:D:p

I would make a casting of mine for ya, but im not sure how to keep it hard long enough for the plaster to dry :D

01-30-2003, 07:17 AM
OMG LMAO Lixy honey you're CRAZZZZZZY ! I loves ya !

Well I have to yup I would never have gone back !!! I'm far too shy ! ;) ;)

01-30-2003, 03:07 PM
Lixy - a teddy is a bit different frokm a vibe. I'd have gone back for a teddy but I'm just not sure I could have gone back for the vibe........I mean......we left it IN THE BED having just been playing with it! It wasn't even.....well.......clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason I haven't written a letter is because I'm sure it will have gone straight in the dustbin. I pity the poor person who found it, I really do. I can't stop picturing them happily stripping the bed and then hearing *thud* as it rolls onto the floor!!!!

I'm truly not embarassed about the masturbation side of it and to be honest I think we both more embarassed about what they might have thought of my honey - would they think he wasn't capable of satisfying me himself or something?!?!?!?! Because that's SOOOOOOOOOOO not true! LMAO

Oh well - it's gone now. All the most passionate love affairs are brief, so they say.........

01-30-2003, 03:09 PM
Wow Lou I cannot believe you understood a word Lixy said....I was to much in awwe of the words

01-30-2003, 03:19 PM
Well Skip, Lixy is the ONLY person who even comes close to 'out rambling' me - we're kindred spirits in the 'words' department! Lol

Good in the sac
01-30-2003, 03:30 PM
In the trash? Well I'm sure it's it's as good as gone but I doubt it's in the trash. It most likely has been found and claimed as "found property" or not to be given up easily by the maid or who ever.

01-30-2003, 05:04 PM
I just thought of something else,to do with that trip!You would
,probably,be welcomed back!I doubt if housekeeping wants me
to come back.The bed was a vibrating bed.You put in a coin&it
vibrated for X-mins.I got back,after work,one night,put a coin in
the slot&it didn't work.Being curious,I looked under the bed.
There was a used(bloody)Tampex-like thing under it,on the floor.
I tossed it in the trash!When I left,they gave me a card to fill out
asking how the accommodations were.I awnsered honestly.I said
that it was good except for the used feminine product,under my
bed.If they didn't want to know,they shouldn't have asked.I have
never been accused of bashfullness! Irish

01-30-2003, 05:49 PM
You know, I looked at that site referenced for buying the stuff needed to mold your own private parts. That "Mould a WIlly" and "Mould a Boob" idea sounds kind of neat. Anyone know of a US location for those products?

That could be a fun rainy day project. I can see it now, "Hun, wanna whip up a chocolate dick?"

Or, "Dang, the power went out, can we fix up a Boob-Candle?"

So much to do, so little time. :D :D

Oops ... guess we were talking about recovering a dildo. I suggest you have Lixy call. You might get three dildo's and a "John Holmes" blow-up doll. :D

01-31-2003, 07:08 AM
Loulabelle? I'd go back for ANYTHING.......I mean ANYTHING........I "loved with a passion"!!!

BTW......*overhearing ya'll going.........OMG, here she goes again!*

BTW.......I was a housekeeper for a McIntosh Motor Lodge when I was in high school. And when we moved to Key Largo the first job I applied for and got (I didn't want to sew anymore) was at The Ramada Inn, Key Largo. I quit cause they wanted me to take out my nose ring......but that's beside the point!

Anyway............While cleaning many, many rooms in my day I have come across some pretty strange things. A vibrator seemed more usual than most stuff. I actually found seven used (visibly full) condoms, strewn about a room, once. Yep! Made me wonder too! As to Good in the sac's suggestion that they would put it in the "Lost and Found" property box......Not True! Especially since, in your instance......it was still "under the sheets". If it had been in some sort of case atop a dresser.....well, then maybe......but not definitely......the maid might deposit it in "Lost and Found". It would depend on the mood of the maid at the time. But I'd have to say that the property box would be chock full of vibrators if every one was recovered and saved for X amount of days.

And as suggested earlier too.........I would have NEVER tried out the goods. Momma taught me proper........"Put that down, you don't know where it's been", would ring in my ears! LMAO!

And just to leave with a thought about hotel and motel housekeeping practices...........did you know that the maids are only required to change the comforter on the beds once a month? Unless. of course, there is obvious stains or disgusting smells on them! *OK.....everybody go throw up.....I'll wait!* TeeHee! At least that's the practice in the places I worked! The sheets are bleached and changed everyday, though! So, the next time you are romping on the bed and haven't bothered to turn down the comforter (I take it off completely and put it in the closet), just imagine all the people who "came" before you that month (if it's near the end of it) and what they might have been doing on top of that comforter!

OMG........Sorry bout that! LOL!

P.S.....skip and db? *RASPBERRIES* LMAO!

Pussy Willow
02-01-2003, 06:08 PM
I think I would have gone back for it !!!!!!!!!
Unless my kids were with me, then I might phone or e-mail.