View Full Version : Real life meeting

01-23-2003, 07:07 PM
Hi all!

As one of the few singles here, I was wondering if any of you guys ever met someone through the internet and then met in real life? And how did it go?

Myself, I had my first blind date with someone I met through the net and then we emailed a few times before he said he'd come visit. I didn't really want to but I thought "what the hell..", so we met in the town where I live in. Before he came here (he lives 350 km from me), I told him not to expect to be invited to stay over at my place. Anyway, we met in town, went for a walk, went for coffee, for dinner, talked a lot, then went to my place, and of course he stayed over, and we actually had sex.

The next day, he left, (him saying he had a great time and we'd stay in touch..) and I didn't hear from him since (it's been 6 days now). So that night I thought, wow, this is great, an intelligent, well-educated guy, we had a lot in common and a lot to talk about, and he seemed to have a good sense of humour. Now I feel kind of used. I guess I should have expected that.... Does he now think I'm a slut because we had sex the first time we met? Now that I didn't here again from him, I kind of feel like one. I guess I should know better. I don't think I will do that again. maybe I should better wait to meet someone in real life. Without him knowing that I post pictures of myself on the internet...!? I mean, honestly, guys, what do you think? Does a woman who likes to show her pictures on the net deserve to be treated like a whore?

Or am I overreacting?

I guess my main question is: Do you guys think a girl who has sex with you on your first date "qualifies" for a serious relationship?

01-23-2003, 07:51 PM
Sugar, speaking from a guys point of view, I think it's fair to say we ALL would like women to "put out" on the first date.... but some of us don't judge a woman on whether she does or not ~ rather, we (OK, me) go for how well we gel as a couple... you know, similar interests/outlook, future plans, etc... plus whether you fancy each other, as you two obviously did. I've had "proper" long-term relationships with girls I slept with on the first date.... and also with women with whom it took quite a while to get "down & dirty" with!

My lady and I didn't sleep together for almost 2 months after we started going out: I didn't want to pressure her, for a variety of reasons (not least of which was because of her anal rape by her ex) but in the end it was her who instigated the actual sex.... it was wonderful, and just keeps getting better!

I'm waffling here, I know; what I'm trying to say is, if he thinks you're a slut, then IMHO he's an asshole ~ ditto if he doesn't get in touch, WHATEVER he thinks! From the posts of yours I've read, you seem like a lovely, warm lady, and if you post pix of yourself on the 'net - so what?! I posted pics of my lady a few days ago, and I certainly don't think any less of her for it!!


1. You most certainly are NOT a whore (for ANY reason!!!)
2. Yes, you (or anyone) qualifies for a serious relationship, first-date sex or not!

Sorry for rambling on, but I really detest guys with attitudes like this guy appears to have!!

Hope things work out for you in the future, Sugar!


01-23-2003, 09:00 PM
Hi sugar

No woman deserves to be treated like a 'whore'. I hope you don't judge all men by the behaviour of this individual. Look on the bright side he might have been run down by a bus, and can't get to the 'phone. It's a shame you had to get hurt.

Back to your question...the answer is yes if that is what both people want. There is no reason why first date sex can't lead on to 1000th date sex. But both have got to want that and you won't know until you have done it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is there is no easy answer, we are all different. You just have to do what makes you comfortable and forget everyone else.

01-23-2003, 09:16 PM
Sugar, I think this guy treated you like crap and there is no reason for you to feel bad in any way. He obviously doesnt derserve someone of your caliber.

On a side note on the 1st date putting out:

A girlfriend of mine once said she never put out on the first date. So that is why she always went out to lunch with the guy first, then later when they had Dinner it was technically the 2nd date :D.

01-23-2003, 09:26 PM
...thanks, guys....

Well, actually... this guy was awesome.... otherwise I wouldn't have slept with him. Which was good too. I am trying just to see it as a fun night without bad feelings... Well, I'm TRYING... I guess it's my problem that I always get attached to people too easily.

I mean, nobody talked about marriage or commitment. So what can I really blame him for...

Hey, and it's not even a week. I'm sure his mobile phone was stolen, and then he was run over by a bus and brought to a hospital. Since both his hands are hurt, he can't hold the phone, plus, my number was only in the mobile. Now he's somewhere, lonesome, sad, and will never see me again...

Poor guy.... ;-)

01-23-2003, 09:33 PM
when my second wife called it quits i went online, met someone, hooked up with them, didn't quite jell but had some fun sex anyway. the next weekend i tried again and been with her for close to 2 years (really? wow that's longer than either marriage lol). as far as being treated like a whore (not sure how to put this) hmmm wasn't there a song "i'm a whore/i'm a lover/i'm a mother" basically isn't that a facet a womenhood? i've never dated a woman a second time who didn't enjoy sex the first time. way i see it is if men and women are equals than all that matters is if you enjoyed yourself. if you start looking for more than enjoyment in the beginning gonna bang head off many walls. let it grow if/when it's there. just my 2 cents

01-24-2003, 12:10 AM
sugar, I have met 4 women online, and had sex with everyone of them. The latest one and I have been dating for almost a year. the last one I dated for 3 months, and had sex with her for another 3 months after that. The other 2 were one night, or one weekend stands.

I think its a great thing. Meeting people on the internet allows me to instantly know If we would connect in the real world, and I dont have to spend 30 bucks finding out.

01-24-2003, 05:03 AM
Sugar, the right man for u is out there somewhere and when the time is right u will get together. Last year was pretty "weird" on the relationship front for me-----was assualted by the man I thought I would be spending my life with, had an "affermation"---okay, one night stand that streached a wee bit!, made bad decisions that could have cost me dear(wee Glasgow Hard-man!) and several guys who were more needy than me!---also seemed to attract the wrong type of guy big time!!!
But in October I met my guy through the internet and have never been happier-------feel that he accepts me for all that I am----Paddington Bear Syndrome included("please look after this bear!") and makes me feel safe---------------took us a while to sleep together-----but it was worth it!-----and I don't think that sleeping with him on the first date would have changed the way I feel just now---------Good luck and remember---you have to kiss a lot of toads before u find ur prince!xxxx

01-24-2003, 05:14 AM

You both "tested the water" and he's having trouble with the


You are allowed to sleep, wake and doze with whoever you want and if he

has a problem with this, tough titties for him.

Meeting online is a new kind of blind date and he thought enough

to drive 350k to see you.

If it works, fine. If not, it's just another blind date. Move on.

Vintage Vixen
01-24-2003, 07:21 AM
No...you do not deserve to be called a whore.Meeting someone this way can be exciting and fun.So you met a guy and it didn't work his loss i'm sure.Don't give up though ...like dz said we met almost 2 yrs ago been together since,and hell yeah we had sex the first night lol.Don't let one bad meeting stop you from possibly meeting a great guy,they are out there:)

01-25-2003, 06:06 AM
Sugar sweetie - you seem to be missing the obvious.

Perhaps.......this guy is NOT a nice guy. Perhaps........he met up with you because he wanted sex and charmed you into bed. Don't feel like a slut....you are not one.

In my opinion the thing you've learnt is that you need to wait a LOT longer before actually meeting up with someone in person for the first time. I recently met with someone I met online for the first time after we'd been talking for about four months EVERYDAY for hours on end and on the phone many times. I honestly didn't think that we'd meet and sleep together straight away (hell, I've never even kissed a guy the first day of meeting him) but it just felt so right and it was fantastic. The thing was that there was no doubt in my mind that he'd stay in touch as we are such good friends and care a great deal for each other, even if it doesn't turn into romance of the century (only time will tell on that one).

By all means, meet guys online, but don't rush into it. Wait until you meet someone that you're burning to meet up with in person and make sure you think carefully through all the possible consequences before you actually meet up and discuss them with him first.

OMG - sorry for writing an essay but I hope this helps. :D

01-25-2003, 02:33 PM
i have a really sweet experience to share with you all but my english is damn poor, hope you all can understand ...

i met a gal over the net 3 months ago and we started it all with cybersex. after she went offline that day, she gave her phone number to me and since then, we started to sms each other through out the day. she called me when i off work on the same day and we had phonesex ;) . she was in Perth during that time where i am in Malaysia. The rate for her to call me it's really cheap and that's why we spend most of our time talking over the phone everyday. i crushed on her after i've seen her couple of times over the webcam. she asked not to do that but i just couldn't control myself. one month ago, she went back to Malaysia but her home town is damn far away from mine and... me.. actually fly to her place to meet her... we spent 2 wonderful days inside my room before i have to rush back in order not to lose my job..

she is coming to my place on 29th of this month..

but she is going back to Perth on Feb, to continue her study there and guess i won't see her again until the end of this year....as if we're still together...

am i happy?? i dunno .....

i just know i feel lonely....

01-25-2003, 02:49 PM
Wish I could help!

I've met so many people on-line that I would have loved to meet personally!

Have met one for a short visit! I've known him for over a year. It could have been more..........but it was wonderful as it was!

I'm very cautious........VERY CAUTIOUS!

Guess you could say.....I talk the talk.....but I rarely walk the walk!

Don't forget.......If you "feel" a red flag........pay attention to your instincts! The signs are ALWAYS there...the red flag signs! Don't dismiss them for things you want to hear!

P.S Welcum to Pixies rocker! Your English is fantastic! Never doubt that! And TY for sharing! I wish you the best with your "found" love! Please have fun and share again!

01-25-2003, 04:44 PM
I had a good friend for seven or more years online............we Met had great Sex and then she Wanted to Change me and give me ultimatums. I didn't bend and she's History. I got a Broken Heart and am not very much interested in any kind of a relationship now. People are not what they seem online. (not all but most) She won't even be a Friend anymore and that's what hurts the Most.

01-27-2003, 03:20 PM
Quisath - I think perhaps you learnt the other side of the lesson. If you wait tooooo long to meet someone, then they aren't going to live up to your expectations. What a shame. Don't let it stop you from forming bonds in the future though. You only get one chance in this life - make sure you live it, yeah?! ;) x