View Full Version : Sum of the total difference.

01-15-2003, 01:01 PM
Ok, I am hoping this will get a lot of responses. I was thinking along these lines for a story I was writing and thought I would pose a question.

If you had been dating someone for a time or maybe having a relationship with someone online and then decided to take it to the sexual level. Is there anything under their clothes that you didnt know about that would make you not want them??

From reading the other threads, it could be the size of their member, it could be they have too much hair or that crazy one testicalled bastard. Anyway...let me know what you think.

01-15-2003, 01:03 PM
a pussy:p

01-15-2003, 01:04 PM
LMAO @ Lilith...but damn I was asking seriously

01-15-2003, 01:07 PM
not really....I can think of nothing so horriffic it would change how I had been feeling about a person. How would a man react to a woman who had a breast removed but had not disclosed it?

01-15-2003, 01:13 PM
A breast??? Come on, that to me is no biggie whatsover...breasts are like sunroofs on cars, they are fun sometimes, but not always necessary.

01-15-2003, 01:17 PM

What you are asking really is do you get attracted to the body or

the person inside?

I could cope with most things, except the gender issue Lil referred to.

01-15-2003, 01:18 PM
Basically I am asking if there was a physical turn off you just would not be able to get past.

01-15-2003, 02:30 PM
I have loved someone who was severely burned over a large portion of his body.......can't think of anything so physically repulsive that I could not get past if the person was the one whose soul spoke to mine!

01-15-2003, 05:38 PM
I may sound terrible for saying this... :o but I'd have to say an STD would probably turn me off, unless you could prevent transmission 100% through protection, or be at that point where you love that person so much it wouldn't matter and plan on having a monogamous relationship. That's definitely something I'd want to know about before the clothes came off in the relationship, then I could make an informed decision on intimacy at that point.

01-15-2003, 05:47 PM
If you love the person inside and don't rely on the physical confines most problems can be overlooked. STDs would definiantly have to be discussed before hand.

01-15-2003, 07:25 PM
STD definately, but only if it is of the uncurable variety.

01-16-2003, 05:53 AM
OK Skip......

Everything everyone said here's true - if you love the person, pretty much anything physical is overcumable.

But I think what you're asking for is more along the lines of what would be a huge surprise that would make you feel very uncomfortable at first?
I think for me, if I was with a guy and found he had a highly pierced cock, that would put me off for a bit because I am simply not attracted to that. If I loved they guy enough, it wouldn't be an issue, but the inital shock would be considerable.
With a woman, well the only thing that would put me off initially is something like a serious yeast or bacterial infection or something.

If they were very hairy - it'd be a big disappointment, but hey I still wouldn't pass it up :)

So yes I think love conquers all etc, but those things would make me at least think twice initially.


Teddy Bear
01-18-2003, 04:44 AM
Bad hygiene, smelly, yucky, nasty........ with a rash or scabies or something developing because of it.

I think that would be a big turn off.

Teddy :D:D

01-19-2003, 12:23 PM
Superfluous nipples!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! JK! Really I am! I just like typing "superfluous".

Hmmmmmmmm???? I am truly trying to think of a physical repulsion and I can't at the moment. You know me.......gimme a moment here.........talk amongst yourselves........I'll be right with you!

OK....here ya go skip.........

I have heard of people who have had a growth that may have been a conjoined twin that never developed. If I discovered that under someones clothes and they hadn't told me of it prior to the heat of the moment, YES, I would be taken aback but not completely turned off. At least I don't think I would!? Unless the growth had eyes and talked! OMGGGGG!

Hygiene can be corrected....albeit an awkward subject to bring up in the moment. "Oh, BTW baby......your ass stinks!" Kinda hard to do something like that at the time! LOL!

An unexplained, horrid looking, rash would get my attention but I would ask immediately what it was and if it were contagious.

I've never considered myself a shallow or superficial person.......so I guess my answer is NO! Not many things that would make me bolt for the door!

Sooooooooooo...........Why do you ask skip? You don't have a twin you aren't telling us about....do you?

01-19-2003, 02:20 PM
Yes, but my twin only has one eye and his favorite hobby is spelunking :D

01-21-2003, 02:11 AM
I guess it is possible for me to turn and scream 'Run Away, Run Away' like I was in a Monty Python movie.

It would not be the item itself that I found repulsive or disgusting, but the feeling of being deceived. For example (Hypothetically): I had been dating this gorgeous woman for a few weeks now, and one night at my place things are getting hot and heavy. We start fooling around, I put my hand up her skirt, and all I find is a tree trunk and coconuts.

01-21-2003, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by skipthisone
Yes, but my twin only has one eye and his favorite hobby is spelunking :D

OMG! A cave dweller huh? I'm a little claustraphobic myself but I love the adventuresome type! TeeHee!

01-20-2006, 11:03 PM
Any new thoughts on this??

01-21-2006, 07:26 PM
AIDS would do it for me. I think hygiene would also...I'm just way too much of a neat freak for that.

01-22-2006, 07:26 AM
Hey how about this one.....What if the person that you were having this relationship with kept what gender they are? How would you feel if the guy you were dating was infact a women????? Or the other side of the fence, if you were a guy dating a person you thought was a women, but was instead a transexual????

Makes one think doesn't it????

01-22-2006, 11:38 PM
Superfluous nipples!
I have heard of people who have had a growth that may have been a conjoined twin that never developed. If I discovered that under someones clothes and they hadn't told me of it prior to the heat of the moment, YES, I would be taken aback but not completely turned off. At least I don't think I would!? Unless the growth had eyes and talked! OMGGGGG!

Reminds me of the movie 'Total Recall', and 'Kuwato' , and the line - "...Open your mind...open your mind...open your minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd...........".

:rolleyes: it sort makes you think...i guess.

01-23-2006, 04:16 PM
I'm sorry if it makes me seem shallow, but there is something that, when discovered, would make me hesitate to pursue a relationship. I can't honestly say that knowing about it in advance would make any difference either. But then again, never say never. It's much easier to reject something as a part when you haven't become entertwined in the heart and mind of the person that part is attached to.

That having been qualified, my answer is...
an ass tulip. :eek:

01-28-2006, 02:57 PM
Hygiene would be a big one for me. It is certainly correctable but I think during the lead up to the first sexual encounter in a new relationship turn ons/turn offs can be discussed and hopefully a whacky hygiene issue could be avoided. Hopefully!