View Full Version : Child porn/prostitution
david owiye
01-14-2003, 06:36 AM
Today 14th of jan 2003 i was seated here and watching cnn when BOOM!!.. came the news that i thoughti'do never hear from abroad.Some musician (legendary guitarist) Pete Townshend was allegedly bail out on charges of being in possesion with chid porn. Then i went to the site (cnn) and guese what? theres some other guy who calls himsel Gary Glitter who is serving four months for being in possesion with child porn.
The one million dollar question is,
Does child porn exist in your area?
I'm 26y/o and have never seen such stuff.
have a holy day
01-14-2003, 07:58 AM
Gary Glitter~ he only wrote one memorable thing......Rock and Roll Anthem, I think (played at every sporting event in the US)
Child porn exists everywhere there are children........
I wanna know if any one believes Pete's story..........he was lookin' it up for research about abuse for his biography:rolleyes:??????????????????????
01-14-2003, 08:22 AM
i god dam hope its tru what he says i aint a big fan but he his a god dam good guitar player. What was weird was a lot of people going to these sites had something to do with children in there Profession......
Originally posted by Lilith
Gary Glitter~ he only wrote one memorable thing......Rock and Roll Anthem, I think (played at every sporting event in the US)
Child porn exists everywhere there are children........
I wanna know if any one believes Pete's story..........he was lookin' it up for research about abuse for his biography:rolleyes:??????????????????????
Glitter was bloody huge in the UK and is now being bounced from one far east country that don't want him to another.
Pete's excuse is crappy though he has done anti-paedophile / child porn stuff in the past so who knows
01-14-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by T-S
Pete's excuse is crappy though he has done anti-paedophile / child porn stuff in the past so who knows
Do you think it's a case of "me thinks he doth protest too much"? and that he was just trying to deflect attention?
01-14-2003, 09:31 AM
There were also judges, politicians, CEO's and 50 police officers that have been arrested in Britian due to this child porn raid. 1,300. have been arrested so far!!
Like Lilth said..Child porn is all over the place! And's gotta stop!!
As for Pete Townsend...whether it was for his auto-biography or not...If he was in possesion of child porn then he should be charged.
Now..if you are a voyeur of child are one sick person. Seek Help now. Looking at porn of adults is are an adult. But looking at children...OMG...that is just sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Lilith
Do you think it's a case of "me thinks he doth protest too much"? and that he was just trying to deflect attention?
could well be, would have been easier/safer to go to anti child porn campaigners/charities or the police for help rather than pay to enter a site, unless he has something to hide.
01-14-2003, 11:45 AM
Must agree with LoveDiva, he was in possession, therefore should be charged...and that goes for any other person who might normally be seen as "above the law," like the judges and police officers she mentioned who have been busted. Townsend COULD very well have had it for this autobiographical research~but he should have gone the legal route to visting with reseachers/psychologists or the anti-Kiddie Porn crusaders who I'm sure could have supplied him with more information than one really wants to know. I don't know if the reports of him being involved in the crusade against it are true, but if so he definitely should have known better!!
01-14-2003, 11:53 AM
All I know is that when I find out for sure, I have a whole lot of Who albums I am going to burn.
Originally posted by Lilith
Gary Glitter~ he only wrote one memorable thing......Rock and Roll Anthem, I think (played at every sporting event in the US)
Child porn exists everywhere there are children........
I wanna know if any one believes Pete's story..........he was lookin' it up for research about abuse for his biography:rolleyes:??????????????????????
Correction Lilith, I believe it is Rock and Roll Anthem Pt. 2 :p ;) :p
Has anyone heard they actually found it on Pete's computer? He said he used his credit card to go into a pay site that advertised child porn, but I had not heard that he had files on his computer. I've seen ad's for these kind of sites before and I always wonder if they really have what they advertise there, but I'm not about to put in my card # just to find out. I can somewhat buy in to the defense of 'To battle the enemy, you must know the enemy.' But why research it alone like that? All we can do is watch the story unfold...
01-14-2003, 05:13 PM
I heard he was charged with posession and making it on CNN last night but they did not go into what they meant by "making"
Aqua~ correct as usual TnA
01-14-2003, 05:21 PM
Does child porn exist in your area?
I live in the state of Qld where they have just let a known pedophile out of prison and back into the community....well needless to say the public are pissed off and appalled that this monster is free....he will do it again...the media showed his face on that when he settled somewhere ppl could be aware of what he is.
Beware all who use Yahoo too....I had a mother and father trying to send me naked pictures of their 14 &16 yr old daughters...whom they both sleep with i might add...i was horrified...i gave there ID to Yahoo to chase them up
It is everywhere...all over the world...
01-14-2003, 05:27 PM
Here is a CNN report about it all..............
01-14-2003, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Sharniqua
I live in the state of Qld where they have just let a known pedophile out of prison and back into the community....well needless to say the public are pissed off and appalled that this monster is free....he will do it again...the media showed his face on that when he settled somewhere ppl could be aware of what he is.
Beware all who use Yahoo too....I had a mother and father trying to send me naked pictures of their 14 &16 yr old daughters...whom they both sleep with i might add...i was horrified...i gave there ID to Yahoo to chase them up
It is everywhere...all over the world...
I heard of that one on the radio recently (I'm in the Northern Territory). Apparently this guy didn't show up at the police station in the area he was moving into. There are rules in place now that every time a known pedophile moves house they must notify their move with the local police. Its something but not enough in my opinion.
01-15-2003, 01:22 AM
I don't believe that Pete Townsend is a paedophile. People like Gary Glitter, Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis were all known for liking young teenagers. Lewis married a thirteen year old- didn't he? Townsend was a victim of child abuse and wrote the Rock Opera Tommy about his abuse. I can understand his obsession with the subject but he was dumb to pay to see some.
I read the CNN article and some of the implications are a little scary. For example what about these pop-ups and misleading sites or links that turn out to be something else?
What if a minor (and the definition varies all over) posts a pic here and men or women members enjoy looking at it - are they/we paedophiles?
01-15-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Vigil
....Elvis were all known for liking young teenagers
I'm an Elvis fan...and refuse to believe he preyed on children...but thats me!!
What if a minor (and the definition varies all over) posts a pic here and men or women members enjoy looking at it - are they/we paedophiles?
Yes we would be...if we knowingly knew they were under 18!!
01-15-2003, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by Kitsune
I heard of that one on the radio recently (I'm in the Northern Territory). Apparently this guy didn't show up at the police station in the area he was moving into. There are rules in place now that every time a known pedophile moves house they must notify their move with the local police. Its something but not enough in my opinion.
The guy in question is being victimized by the terrified one wants him living in their part of the state...
He should never have been let out and that is all there is to it!!!
01-15-2003, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Sharniqua
Yes we would be...if we knowingly knew they were under 18!!
I thought that in some european states the legal age was 16?
Heres another question, what if your 15 or 16 and looking at nude pictures of women that are your age? does that make you a pedo?
01-15-2003, 02:55 AM
i Don't know what the laws are in other countries...but in Australia the legal age is 18!!
Also in Australia it is illegal to view pics of anyone under 18....and for anyone that is under is illegal for them to view pornagraphic sites...
Might i add that if you are 15 or are in this country still a no you would not be a paedophile
Paedophilia ~ Sexual attraction in an Adult towards children
01-15-2003, 03:39 AM
The legal age of consent is 14 in the Netherlands, 13 in some parts of Spain I think, and sixteen in the UK.
I'm not saying that Elvis "preyed" on children/teenagers/young adults. I just think that he would have been happy in the Netherlands.
I like his music, but I have to say that I have always had nothing but contempt for older people who go for much younger/sexually immature people. What is their problem? Give me a sexually mature and confident woman any day.
01-15-2003, 03:56 AM
Make no difference to me what the age limits are in other countries....I am Australian and as such am bound by Australian law...
If an Australian goes to another country and commits crimes against children...and get found out....when they set foot back on Australian soil they will be charged!
I still do not understand why you have brough Elvis's name into a thread about paedophilia...he may have liked girls....but he did not prey on them...and that is ultimately what a peadophile is...a dangerous predator of children!!
01-15-2003, 05:24 AM
Children need to be protected at all costs. There are so many different ways in which evil/sick/twisted individuals can harm and exploit them. Any form of child abuse must be acted on. My kids are aware of the dangers--but u can't be with them 100% of the time--and evil doesn't always wear black!
01-15-2003, 07:33 AM
If Elvis had been an Australian, he would have been a paedophile, as he wasn't he isn't. But there is a little difficulty here surely?
Don't you have different ages of consent across the US?
01-15-2003, 04:41 PM
We have different ages of consent for sex, but there's a categorical limit of 18 for posing for pornography.
It's caused some interesting court cases such as one in Utah where a scumbag had sex with a girl. He also took pictures of it. When it ended up in court he was arguing how can the sex be legal but to take a picture of it (they were not published) not be? (The prosecution was trying to throw the book at him since the blackmail charge wasn't enough to make them happy.) We moved before I found out how it came out.
david owiye
01-15-2003, 05:50 PM
HALLOOOOOO......PEOPLE...!!!!! Why isn't anyone talking of child prostitution?
01-15-2003, 05:54 PM
I guess that most of us don't know anything about it.
But I hope that there is a special place for those who create the market for those so desperate to take their money.
01-16-2003, 12:43 AM
Remeber, Priscilla was 15 when she began "dating" Elvis.
I have little to say about the Pete Townsend issue at this time. I am a firm believer in "innocent until proven guilty." Unfortunately, the media (such as CNN) love to ostracize people long before there is even sufficient evidence to proceed with criminal charges. I will wait until the entire story unfolds, and all of the factual evidence is presented before I pass judgment myself.
As for his story of "research", it is plausible yet questionable as well. Of course, we should not be misled by thinking he should have gone to "real researchers" because many of them are loose screws.
If he's guilty of viewing child porn, I say tear out his eyes. If he's guilty of child sexual abuse, slowly tear off his balls. But if he's truly an innocent victim with a lapse in judgment, exonerate him.
As for O.J., I strongly believe that he IS guilty of murder.
As for Michael Jackson, I do not believe that he molested the child he was accused of molesting.
But those are topics for another time/forum.
01-16-2003, 12:54 AM
Yes i know what age she was....but also remember her parents allowed it....Back then it may have been acceptable for such a thing...maybe it turned into an arranged marriage
I do not know the facts as i'm sure you do not....but i still stand by my feelings that he was by no means a paedophile!!
Like i've already stated paedophiles are predators...they assault children not take them on "dates"....
01-16-2003, 01:47 AM
i was looking at webcam pics on Kazaa today and there was child porn to download. ick.
01-16-2003, 07:28 AM
Don't get me wrong! I don't believe that Elvis was a "mean paedophile." I am a big fan of the KING myself. I was merely making a point. Besides, he married her and was with her for quite some time. That is definitely different than preying on children. But don't be deceived by parental consent, that does not make it right. Besides, back then, what parent wouldn't let their daughter marry Elvis?
01-16-2003, 10:50 AM
don't you think if some one like Pete Townsend was into child porn it would have come out before now think about it his reputation when the Who was big the party animal bad boy rep he had don't you think it would have come out back then
he may be guilty of bad judgement but of a crime something tells me not
BTW skipthisone even if he is guilty why burn the who albums if he is dose it make him any less talented or dose it make his music bad now and burning the albums dosn't do any good you paid for them they got there money and the funny thing about it is most of them after it they end up buying the ablums again in thge end
01-17-2003, 04:53 AM
Ahhhhh, the wondeful Pixies Lynch mob is out again!
Ok... so what do we have?
* Media speculation? Yep.
* Rumours and supposition? Got them too.
* A society where the merest hint of paedophilia is cause for public stoning, and evidence is an added bonues? Yup, definitely got that.
And have we got:
* Witness statements, made under oath? I haven't seen them.
* Copies of the paedaphilic material allegedly wanked over? Nobody's shown me any.
* A defense statement from the accused, made under oath? I haven't seen one in any newspaper I've read.....
So until you have those, and until he has been found guilty of paedophilia by a court of law, you cannot possibly judge the man. However dubious Pete Townsend's excuse is, we do not know the full facts and it is not for us to decide if he should be thrown in jail, or even have his balls removed.
On the other hand, I've heard his music and therefore think he should have his balls chopped off and thinly sliced and fed to him with garlic and lemon juice.
But that's only my opinion :)
01-17-2003, 11:49 PM
You forgot the Chianti.
I am not in any mob......
Townsend admitted to paying for membership to a porn site that promoted children. He was arrested but not charged. This is factual not gossip. It seems many others have been already and will be in the same boat he is in too. If a person does not have an interest in viewing child porn then why join a site, especially when it is illegal and morally revolting? If a person wanted to investigate the world of child porn and paedophilia there are many sites that are informative and cater to informing the public about this dont have to buy a membership and see the pictures to do "research".
~just my opinion for what it's worth~
BUT I never liked him as a kid......he just made my skin crawl for some reason. :confused:
01-18-2003, 09:28 AM
i've never had an urge to look at such. but i've joined a couple groups on yahoogroups that posted a pic or two and i reported them to yahoogroups and the groups were terminated. i try to do my part!
Originally posted by divot109
Don't get me wrong! I don't believe that Elvis was a "mean paedophile." I am a big fan of the KING myself. I was merely making a point. Besides, he married her and was with her for quite some time. That is definitely different than preying on children. But don't be deceived by parental consent, that does not make it right. Besides, back then, what parent wouldn't let their daughter marry Elvis?
ALL paedophiles are mean degenerate bastards who believe what they feel towards children is just "natural"... these perverts pick out a victim very carefully and groom them gaining their trust until they begin to molest them and there is no cure for them because they hold this belief and they don't just pick one child to inflict their harm on. They are usually attracted to a specific age group and do not veer from that age group. From what I have read about Elvis, he was very busy with Ann Margret, Ursla Andress, Juliet Prowse and many other fully grown women. I have not heard he was involved with any other young females...other than Priscilla. When I was 16 I had a 28 year old chasing me but it was not the act of a paedophile.....I just turned his crank for some reason but he never once tried to do a damn thing to me. In fact he treated me with kid gloves and was respectful in every way. Does that make him one too??? I don't think so....maybe just momentarily misguided with his feelings due to his own immaturity and issues at the time.......oh boy enough ramblings from me I think!
01-22-2003, 01:33 AM
Under UK law, the act of accessing an image onto your screen is classed as "making" it, or re-making it really. So Townsend isn't involved at the production end. But the media love to overuse the words Paedophile, abuser etc to improve the story.
It appears that Mr. Townsend like 7000 other UK residents and 14,000 US people, payed to see what they knew were paedophile images. These are pictures of any child under the age of 18, which covers an awful lot of ground. If we had first degree etc etc paedophilia, Townsend would be up for third degree.
These sites that show people under 18 advertise themselves as doing so in order to have a product for those that hold an interest in such......People knowingly enter these sites with full knowlege that what they are going to see is illegal.
Now why do people enter these sites if they don't want to see what the site is offering...that being underage children engaged in various sex acts etc..
I am of the adage that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......usually is a duck or really has an interest in being one!
I run a treatment home for teen girls....some have been victims of these kind. Luckily there is no rating system for paedophilia. I wouldnt want to explain to my girls in my home that they shouldn't be so traumatized.....after all Uncle Chuckie was just a third degree paeophile who just liked see you naked......
01-22-2003, 10:23 AM
I think that there is a difference between someone who physically and sexually abuses an eight year old and someone who has sex with a sexually mature but under eighteen child and again some one who looks at pictures of mature (physically) seventeen year olds.
I don't condone any of these acts and I am glad to say that none attract me in any way, though they do disgust me in varying degrees and this should be reflected in how the law deals with offenders.
I find it a double standard that it is legal to have sex with a seventeen year old, but if you look at a picture of this act you are a paedophile in the same group as baby-rapist and people want your eyes gauged out. This was the point about Elvis - he wasn't a paedophile for having sex with Priscilla at sixteen - but if he were still alive and looked at the pictures of it he would be. So looking at something is worse than doing it? Is it just me?
01-22-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Vigil
I think that there is a difference between someone who physically and sexually abuses an eight year old and someone who has sex with a sexually mature but under eighteen child and again some one who looks at pictures of mature (physically) seventeen year olds.
I don't condone any of these acts and I am glad to say that none attract me in any way, though they do disgust me in varying degrees and this should be reflected in how the law deals with offenders.
I find it a double standard that it is legal to have sex with a seventeen year old, but if you look at a picture of this act you are a paedophile in the same group as baby-rapist and people want your eyes gauged out. This was the point about Elvis - he wasn't a paedophile for having sex with Priscilla at sixteen - but if he were still alive and looked at the pictures of it he would be. So looking at something is worse than doing it? Is it just me?
It's not just you. I also think it's unreasonable for it to be illegal to look at what's legal to do.
I can understand making it illegal to make such material--being in porno can come back to haunt one and the decision someone would make at 16 very well might not be what they would do in hindsight later. However, if such material was created in places with a younger age limit I just don't see the problem.
Also, I just don't see what's being a pedophile about it. That *USED* to be the usual age to pair off, females of that age are what we are wired to find most attractive. That's a very different issue than children!
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