View Full Version : kinston ont, looking for people to play with

01-12-2003, 10:38 AM
good day to you all my nick is Master Surbris. i have been an S&M teacher for cupples for 2 yeasr and a dom for over 7 :fly: I'm living in kingston right now and i'm looking for some people that are intrested in firstly talking and maby playing some of my fun!!! adult games on line and in real life.

if you go and read my icq you will understand that i have seen about the right amount to be willing to try all most any thing. but if you are intrested i only ask one thing of you.

Please have an open mind.:cool:

01-12-2003, 11:16 AM
Hi there! and welcome.........please make yourself at home. Have a good read and get involved with the forums and I am sure you will meet lots of interested people.

01-12-2003, 05:08 PM

Welcome to Pixies :)