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View Full Version : Gentlemens: WHY ???? Tell me WHY ?

01-08-2003, 04:22 PM
I have a question, why those guys who sing very well are really bad on bed, and those guys who can't sing are great on bed.

For the past, i date tone of guys, only one guy that I know he has great voice, sing so well, but too bad, he is not my type when it comes to the bed time. so disappoint!

now I married to my hubby, he is really bad , he can not sing at all but thanks god he is every thing that I want other than the singing.

why can't a man have a voice and has a nice dik ...blah..blah...

my hubby has a guy friend, he sang so well, he is amazing. He got some awards from singing contest as well.

I like to sing with him, but the thing is he has a wife as well, i can not just call him come over anytime i want him to sing right?

I was thinking of doing my records and has a couple of songs sing with him too....

but anyway is not so confident to sing with him since he is married and either do I.

i sometimes wish if my hubby has a great voice, wow! that is amazing!

01-08-2003, 05:48 PM
maby they put so much passion in to ther singing that
they have none for the bedroom

by the way i cant carry a tune ina bucket;)

01-08-2003, 10:31 PM
I think it must have something to do with BALLS.............the higher the Voice the less balls,,,,,,,,no balls,,,,,,,,,no dick,,,,,,,,,,,,no dick,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no Nookie. I'm just kidding Pussy...............I have no idea what's up with that. :)

Uncle Silky
01-09-2003, 06:28 AM
i was a soprano in 7th-grade music class. six months later, i sounded like Johnny Cash ate James Earl Jones. sounds like somebody's hittin a baby with a cat when i sing.

01-09-2003, 06:40 AM
Used to be I felt bad because I sing in the key of "Q" ... now i think I'm glad. Okay, I'll head back to bed now. :D :D

01-09-2003, 05:21 PM
you guys are so funny. you guys make me laught so hard now

:D :D :o

01-09-2003, 05:24 PM

You are so sexy, sweet and lovely - who cares about singin' when you have good lovin'?


01-10-2003, 01:00 AM
i don't care what so called music lovers say I CAN SO SING GOOD

01-10-2003, 02:33 AM
I think performance had nuthin to do with singing la.. i had a fren who sang very very well like hk star jackie cheung but he seems to be very good in bed..ok ok ... pls dun get misunderstood... We r no gays k... just that everytime he went to red light areas, i can sit around and wait for him for almost 2 hours... thats kind of an endurance race rite... anyway, to clear things up further, i had to say i never patronize those pros at all..

As for mi, i dunno how good was i in bed, but i had to say at least ill make an effort to do watever i can for the ladies, as long as i think they r worth it...:fly: :cool: :

01-10-2003, 07:14 AM
Hi Chinese Pussy

I think I've got a passable tenor voice, I think I'm also passable between the sheets.

Could it be I've been kidding myself in one way or the other for all these years. Please let my singing be crap ~lol~

01-10-2003, 01:04 PM
yes Glyndwr is right I agree with you


dam! about Jacky Cheung ' songs I haven't listen to his songs for 2 years. Coz in the past 2 years i don't like his songs at all. I like his songs from 1989 to 1998. after that i think his songs are not that good.

what about F4 ? do you like F4 music? they are the new brand and these guys are wow! hot, HOT, HOT! and cute as well. THey have sexy voice..as well.

look at the link of F4

and Yes i love F4's girl friend's look as well. that is why i put her pic on my icon last time.


have you watch F4's series ? they have a new series part 1 and 2. Dam! thoese guys are so cute in there. I wish i can wrap them.


01-10-2003, 01:09 PM
check out the web site


F4 is in town, but too bad I couldn't fly over to US. I want to see them...

01-10-2003, 01:11 PM
anyway my favourite guy is him

01-10-2003, 02:34 PM
come on... F4 isnt for mi lah.. im a guy ok... ask mi about A-mei or kelly chen i may be interested....

01-10-2003, 02:57 PM
if F4 isn't for you why you mention about Jacky Cheung ?

by the way i sing a lot of Ah_Mei songs

do you know that i even sing those Hokien songs that she sang as well.

01-10-2003, 03:03 PM
by the way do you know anything about Mei Fong ? she is one of the Taiwanese star as well.

people caught her on tape while she is making out with a guy. and she sued them..

i have that Video as well, somone burned the CD for me.

unbeliveable. we actually see someone have real sex not in the movie. especially she is pretty famouse.

she is such a bitch. she slept with someone's husband. That guy is a loser.

here is a link about her sex life


I think she is the most ugly Chinese star that I ever seen

what a bitch she is

01-10-2003, 03:06 PM
I guess after seeing that video, most of those guys want to sleep with her. Dam! she is so ugly can't even turn me on if i am a guy

01-10-2003, 03:10 PM
I wonder if Zhao Wei is dating this cute guy



I like Zhao Wei , she is living in the same area as my friend in Beijien , China. But he never see her............she had 8 body guides beside her

01-10-2003, 03:19 PM
Ruby Lin is my fan as well

01-10-2003, 03:21 PM
Rubby lin