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12-17-2002, 07:27 PM
You know I find it soo funny that all my friends love what I do part time. For those of you who don't know me, I work as a part time masseur. My friends think it is so cool that I rub down strippers, for the most part, for a living. I am not knocking strippers or anything...I mean I enjoy my work, but the ones of my clients that I allow to turn into a social thing, and start dating them. They tend to be sooo shallow, and boring. Where is the woman who wants a good looking, strong man, who reads actual literature? I mean on one point I am soo vain that a woman in my life does of course have to be attractive, and pink nipples and fair hair are a plus, but I would like one who knows who Sarte, Wurtzel, or Conroy are. She would not necessarily have to like them, but she would have to have a reason as to why she doesn't. I am sorry if this has turned into a rant, but it is who I am and what I am looking for. So if you can keep with me on a physical level as well as an intellectual one, drop me a line.

12-17-2002, 07:39 PM
You seem to get to the point. I like that.


Did you come through ROTC, OCS, or West Point?

12-17-2002, 07:55 PM
None of the above...let me explain. If you were ever active service in the Army, you might have heard of a program called Green to Gold. It is called different things depending on your MOS but I think it is generally referred to as Green to Gold...ok that was repetitive.... Anyways. It is a program where an enlisted man, can get authorization to be cut from the army and go back to college to finish his already started college education. While you are off being a waste of tax dollars =) you get paid as a Seargent (E-5) and you attend on the gov's dollar. You have to attend the last two years of ROTC, you get to skip the first two, even if you have not.....you know...PM and I will explain all this. This is really boring...lol. I will be more than happy to bore just you, but I hate to do it to everyone. =)

12-17-2002, 08:15 PM

tis a shame that Houston is soo far away :( You seem like such a wonderful guy.. not just from the few posts you have made.. but from your PM's as well... I have no doubt that you will find what you are looking for..


12-18-2002, 12:56 AM
I was very active service. USASF- 5th GP, 10thGp

Never heard of Green to Gold.

But the 1st Cav. was TO&E saddles then.

12-19-2002, 09:31 PM
You know I am amazed that I have had so few replies on my thread. I was kinda hoping to get to know some people.... I hope it was not that boring speal about the military, I really do try to not talk about it much except with those other grunts out there. Anyways, if you are female and beautiful, drop me a line. Jenna will attest that I am quite the catch. =)

12-19-2002, 10:08 PM
ah yes... I think I can attest you are a catch ;) Keep in mind that with the holidays approaching.. many of us aren't spending the time here that we would like.. so be patient :)

12-22-2002, 10:22 AM
soldm9~ while many look in here.......many don't. Get busy at the site and meet people, make friends. I am sure if you are truly scrumptious (sexy minds get extra points here) then you will stand out to the type of women you are hunting!

And Jennaflowers is right......the site slows down drastically during the big holidays! Everyone gets too busy to perv!

12-22-2002, 12:36 PM
Everyone gets too busy to perv!
Say it isn't so!!