View Full Version : Pregnant Sex Fantasies

Fondle You
12-15-2002, 02:47 AM
I have no idea who else has this desire besides me. You see, one of my fantasies is to have sex with pregnant women. For me, I just have this vision of a pregnant woman as being so in need when expecting that she needs my cock. For years and years, I've thought about this. I think it stems from when I was a young kid. My family comes from a country in the developing world. When I was there, I used to see young, attractive women(back then, they were in their early twenties, some late teens) with bulging bellies walking out in public. Keep in mind that I was already entering adolescence at that time and already started to become more interested in sex. Anyway, the big thing(no pun intended :D ) I noticed when I saw them was who weren't there most of the time: their husbands. The men would go out during the day and only come home at night. Sometimes on the weekends, one of the guys would hang out with his friends at his house. So the other children would play outside with my siblings and me.

It was a close-knit neighborhood so it was possible for a group of young mothers to gather in one house to gossip for the whole night. Since I was still young, they sort of allowed me to walk in and out of the house. I started to look real closely at many of the women and noticed their curvy hips, their tits and the crotch area. I was very shy and knew I wasn't supposed to publicly display my desire but I still stared at them whenever I got the chance, being careful as to not arouse their suspicions. Yet, I would also spy on their conversations and some of them talked about their problems with their husbands. I started to wonder why they stayed with them and keep having children if they're so unhappy. As the years went by, I started to think many of them needed a "real man"-- one who would love them all the time and touch and feel them and be inside them and make them happy. Please keep in mind that I was arguing from my own, self-interested, hormone-charged perspective. :D :p

Now that you had a little of my background, you have an idea of how this fantasy of mine get started. I grew up in a somewhat conservative family so I was taught to be a responsible person: go to school, don't get into trouble and don't have sex before 18. So I never got myself into a situaton where I got a girl pregnant in high school. HONEST After I left home for good that's when I started dating full-time. Since I was barely making ends meet I didn't want to start a family. Today, I'm still single w/ no children.

And yet I still haven't had the chance to experience what it's like to fuck a woman who's expecting. I'd no luck with that yet and I still want to do it some day. So much so that I've even started reading up about the subject in the Internet. The minute when I learned that pregnant women also would like sex and even demand it in some cases....I was ecstatic!!!! It was a very good sign. Then, I read about a study that said that semen from a man can be beneficial and help the women in her pregancy because of certain enzymes that's found in semen. Wow!!! That was better than I dreamed about. Now the hard part is to hook up with a young, pregnant lady who's unhappy that her man doesn't want to have sex with her. I'm trying to overcome my timidity on this and, also, it's a kind of subject that's still out there, if you get my drift.

I hope that another guy besides me has this desire and is willing to express it here.

12-15-2002, 09:53 AM
Fondle You...

You are not the first guy I know of that has this fantasy... I think it is far more common than what you currently believe. Altho you may think that the situations you described above is the reason, I don't think that it is. :) I truly believe that every man has some level of desire towards pregnant women.. I think it is instiled in them genetically... part of the "survival" of the fittest.

12-15-2002, 10:27 AM
I also think that pregnancy repsresent the most womanly a woman ever is. Her body is doing what only a woman's can and so her figure and the aura she gives off can be highly sexual without her even being aware of it. I know I became highly sexual during my second trimester....even having sexual dreams to the point of orgasming in my sleep.......no touching just cumming from hormones and nocturnal imagination (freaked me the hell out :D). You are correct that semen does contain chemicals that can help to prepare a woman to give birth. My first child was 2 weeks over due and a kind sweet doctor gently whispered to me that I should try to have sex at least once a day and that it should work. For me preganacy was a very erotic experience......not to mention I was so happy.

12-15-2002, 11:09 AM
You're certainly not the only one. I've seen MANY posts online with guys saying they want to have sex with a pregnant woman.

12-15-2002, 12:17 PM
I have to agree completely with Lilith...she is always right you know! When a women is pregnant...she is just so beautiful...I have had sex with one pregnant women and she was amazing..very aggressive and just could not get enough...gotta love horemones..well some of the time :)

Fondle You
12-15-2002, 12:50 PM
Hot damn!!! I wish I was there with you, Lilith. :D :p Oh, my! I would have loved to help you out. That would make me so happy to help you smooth the transition. Hey, there more of that cum where it came from. LOL

Yes. A pregnant woman is SO MUCH woman. The swollen tits, the nice belly that hides her crotch that I must move my head down to find it. :) I imagine myself just leaving my erect member deeply inside her, shooting off every other minute. The smile on her face would make my day.

I would truly appreciate it if a lady here would describe in great detail what it was like to be penetrated while expecting. Were there any differences in the feeling, comfort, positions, etc.? What about the pressure down there? I read that it's different from woman to woman. Some would prefer it to be more gentle, afraid of hurting what's inside her but others had about as normal a sexual behavior as when not expecting.

12-15-2002, 11:33 PM
Women are so hot when they are pregnant. They are more of what makes a woman beautiful! Making love to my wife while we were expecting was truely great. It's as much the increase in love as it is the lust. When love and lust are both at a peak you are in for one great ride.

It's also handy that woman are much more moist during that time... :)

12-15-2002, 11:41 PM
Fun things to note:

Stimulating the nipples leads to contractions. After the baby is born you can use that to tighten her vagina.

Licking her clit and work two fingers into her. Keep her wet and stretch her out while you lick. Work up to stretching her a lot.

Notice that you'll clear her sinuses when she cums.

Cum in her often in final few weeks. All this will help the labor.

12-16-2002, 11:09 AM
my lover loves to see pregnant women. he loves searching for porn that has pregnant women involved. he is always telling me about his fantasies of making love to me while i'm carrying his child.....my tummy swollen with our baby....things like that. makes me melt!

12-16-2002, 11:13 AM
I had a horrible horrible pregnancy. I was sick the entire time with morning sickness. Lost 30 pounds. Had migraines everyday. I was horny as hell, but when my hubby and I would have sex, it would hurt so bad. I don't know if he was hitting my uterus or not, but it was really uncomfortable and I cried. he finally left me alone for the last few months. I read in a novel once where the woman was pregnant and the man fucked her with just the head of his cock because he didn't want to hurt her. to me, that was so sweet and considerate. i'm sure other women have had better sex while pregnant, but mine wasn't a good experience.

Fondle You
12-16-2002, 06:21 PM
Awwww!!! I'm so sad that you didn't get to enjoy that phase in your life, pepsigirl. :( :(

If I may so ask, is your hubby large down there? I'm thinking that if he's long that it may be a disadvantage in your case. If he's not that large than it may be that he should've been more gentle when penetrating you. You know, just smoothly get his dick inside, with soft, nice thrusts and plenty of cumming. :D

Well, at least that's my idea of how to approach the situation. It still hasn't happened with me so I'll have to see for myself the results. :p What I would do is go slow at first, stimulting the nipples as the other poster suggested, then gently put my rod safely inside an appreciating lady. Keep stimulating the nipples so that the pussy tightens up...OHHH! That'll make my day. :)

69 HER
12-16-2002, 07:28 PM
I too like pregnant women.

I think its because my wife was soo horny during her pregnancies that I now see pregnant women in a diffrent light. I love to lick their pussy during their pregnancy and that is how I got her to have 3 out of the 4 babies to be born. The doctor told us to try sex when the firstbaby was late. She had a giant orgasm while eating her out. 3 hours latter we where on our way to the hospital.

Fondle You
12-16-2002, 09:22 PM
I should mention another nice thing about it: having the pleasure of sucking that nice, warm milk. I was an infant when I last did that, so I have no idea of the taste. :D Do you guys like doing that?

12-16-2002, 11:17 PM
NO, my hubby isn't large down there. he's right at the edge of 5 inches and average. i'm the only person he's ever been with. although he is okay in the bedroom, he has always been after his own pleasure. but when he saw that he was hurting me, he just gave it up altogether. which was fine with me.

12-19-2002, 05:28 PM
Could not keep my hand of my other half when she was pregnant, especially the first 6/7 months. Got a bit awkward towards the end, limited the postions.

As for milk, it was a shock for me when I groped and got a face full. It was warm and sweeter than cows milk but not something I would pour over my cornflakes in the morning.

12-20-2002, 12:27 AM
One of our best love making sessions involved loads of milk. We had a great time. My son was sick and fell behind on his eating. My wife was in pain with her breasts engorged. She walked by while I was in bed. I grabbed her hips, pulled her to me. Her breast was hanging down right at my mouth. I started to suck her and she about burst. I got mouth-fulls of milk. I sucked each breast dry. She was so relieved. She relaxed while I licked her pussy. She was wetter than she has ever been. Her orgasm was huge and she almost passed out.

It's a fond memory...

Fondle You
12-21-2002, 10:35 PM
Hot damn!! But, wait, did she really wanted you to suck her breasts or did she just wanted to get it over with? If I were there I would get very hard in a jiffy. Man, that took quite some discipline not to put the dick in.

I guess it's better to be lucky than good in certain cases, if you get my drift. :D ;) :p