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View Full Version : Doctors strip for calendar

12-06-2002, 10:06 PM
Phil Bartsch
December 04, 2002

FOR years doctors have been asking patients to say "aaahh!". But with the publication of a fundraising calendar this week by the medicos at Mullumbimby District Hospital in Byron Bay region of northern NSW, it's now more like "ooh-la-la!".

SOMEBODY call for a doctor . . . Mullumbimby District Hospital doctors pose nude for their fundraiser calendar to raise money for emergency equipment.

Eleven of the hospital's doctors – nine men and two women – posed nude in the emergency room for the calendar dubbed "The Full Mullum".

"We all kept looking at the camera, not at each other," said local doctor Philip Aitken – the man behind the medical Monty.

"Fitting 11 of us in a small room naked . . . it was a pretty warm atmosphere." He said "almost all" of the hospital doctors had been exposed in the calendar – albeit with "the interesting bits" covered up.

"One (doctor) isn't, because his teenage kids were too embarrassed for him to be in it," he said.

Dr Aitken said funds raised from the sale of the 500 limited edition calendars would be used to update equipment in the hospital's emergency department.

"It's really just a light-hearted way of raising money . . . it's not a sign of desperation," he said.

"Mullum's a pretty relaxed community and most of the people here have a pretty good sense of humour."

For the patients of the disrobed doctors, it is a titillating turnaround after years of being asked to take off their clothes and hop up on the table to be examined.

"We've probably seen most of the community naked so now they can have a little look back and have a laugh at us," Dr Aitken said.

The calendar is available from the Hospital Auxiliary, c/o Mullumbimby District Hospital, PO Box 240, Mullumbimby NSW 2482.

12-08-2002, 05:23 PM
That is neat. I think I read there were a lot of fires in NSW because of the drought with a number of homes destroyed. If that's true, you've got my prayers for rain to help bring them under control.

12-09-2002, 12:20 PM

It's not raining yet, but the cooler conditions have helped

the firies get them under control.

Lil', any more Monty calendars which aren't absolutely dazzling

women will have me gagging all over my keyboard.

Mullumbimby, hmmmmm, on Sharni's doorstep almost.