View Full Version : Dog help!
11-24-2002, 11:48 AM
This might sound stupid to alot of you but it's not stupid to me!I
remember that one of the members;knows alot about animals.
My dog(11 1/2 yr old;mostly Black Lab,part Rotty)hadn't been eating.He would reach over;his food dish;and just drink from his
water dish.It sounds like alot but he is down to 104lbs.He is a BIG
dog;not fat;and usually runs about 112-120lbs.I give him 30% less fat food.I took him to the Vet;Friday.The Vet said he had a
large cancerous tumor in his stomach.He said that it possibly could
have already infected his liver&spleen.He said that the only way to check it was by ultra-sound(minimum $300)or to cut him open;
with the agreement;that if it was too bad;they wouldn't wake him
back up.He said that even if the money was spent;and the results;not bad;that big dogs don't live long anyway and he was
on"borrowed"time now.I brought him home and am just feeding him anything that appeals to him.So far he eats bologna and also
likes a hamburg&rice concoction that I cooked up.He drinks alot&
throws up alot of Yellowish bile!Any suggestions would be appreciated.He has always been my buddy;loves to ride;and is my
constant companion.I tell people;that I have 2 white daughters&
one black son!I know that he is going to die;I'm just trying to make him enjoy in the mean time!Thanks! Irish
11-24-2002, 11:56 AM
Irish - I am by no means an expert on anything let alone animals... but I just wanted to say that it sounds like you are doing whats right for your best friend... just love him and make him happy as long as you can ...
11-24-2002, 12:09 PM
Hugs Irish..
Again.. it isn't about quantity in this life.. in my opinion.. quality is what counts.. and you are giving your best friend the quality.. I am sure that this is gut wrenching for you.. I am sorry..
11-24-2002, 12:21 PM
I CAN share the feelings. My 16 year old girl died over 4 years ago and I still miss her.
Only thing I can add is to be careful of mixing your emotions with his.
I was going to just let her go as long as she wasn’t in any pain. The last week she only drink water and couldn’t move at all. I’d carry her and her blanket out side and hose her off after she’d mess herself and wash more blankets. It was when my daughter came over and pointed out that she deserved as much dignity as I’ve told my kids I wanted.
We put her down that day.:mad:
11-24-2002, 12:22 PM
My heart goes out to you my friend! I know the feelings you are having now. As my contribution to you I are doing everything you can do in this place in time for your friend!!!
As long as he isn't in pain.....and you will know if he is when he is......I think the only course of action is what you are doing right now. The hamburger/rice dish is probably the best meal for him if it is mashed up and not left really chunky. The more you mash it, the easier it is to digest and so therefore he might keep it down better. The hamburger should be the leanest you can get too as the fattier the hamburger the harder it will be to digest. Use more rice than hamburger if you can. Smaller meals fed more often would be best too. A cup of this or that fed in intervals of every two to 4 hours would sit better than a huge meal fed once or twice a day.
Your dog is a lucky pup to have such a caring and loving caretaker! Your love is felt by him.....never forget that! And as far as his life span, yes indeed he has had a long life for the size animal he is. His death and dying can only be made is you who will do the most suffering and for that I send you my best wishes and loving thoughts to help ease some of your saddness! I'll keep you and your friend in my thoughts!
11-24-2002, 12:27 PM
Irish~ so sorry hun...I know you love that dog! I hope that this time helps bring some closure and I am sure he can feel the love you give him daily. Whatever you do will be the right for him because you will be doing it out of love. I know this is a hard time and if ya need to talk please feel free to PM or email! ((hugs)) Lil
11-24-2002, 12:40 PM
Tough call, Irish.
I like pantyfanatic's thought.
Know when to be tough is the kindest.
11-24-2002, 05:39 PM
{{{{{{{{Irish}}}}}}}}} I'm so sorry. My big ol' Lab has had his share of health troubles and it practically stops my heart.
My last dog was put to sleep when I realized he wasn't comfortable anymore. :(
My heart and prayers are with you.
11-24-2002, 07:38 PM
Thanks everyone.I'll probably call the vet to have him put away
tomorrow.My last dog;I let go to long;his back end gave out&I
couldn't even get him in the car to take him to the Vet.I had to put him away myself.Believe me that's not easy.I tried everything
but thats what it came down to.I'm just afraid of that happening
again.The dog that I have now is just perfect when it comes to
protection.The woman next door;was talking to my wife;by the clothesline;one night.Her dog is nameded"Goliath"My dog;on his
run;was playing with Goliath.All was fine until Goliath;playfully;
jumped on me.My dog was on him like"stink on shit"Just what I
want-Protective but not over-aggressive!It's hard to find a happy medium.I don't want to see him suffer;but I don't want to have to do it myself either!This isn't Viet Nam.As you get older;emotions
are harder to turn off! Irish
11-24-2002, 08:12 PM
I believe.. that animals are rewarded.. once they have lived a life of giving unconditional love... they go on to a much better place.. I know that this isn't easy for you.. and you will miss him... and he will leave an empty spot in your life.. but he has done his job.. and obviously well.. he has loved you and now deserves his ultimate happiness...
Not to get "religious" on anyone.. but I believe that just as you are reunited with those you love when you reach heaven.. you will also find your loyal friend...
11-25-2002, 10:44 AM
Just to let everyone know!I called the Vet.;early this morning;and
I am taking my dog down;to be put down;at 3:45 this afternoon.
My Grandkids are coming for Thanksgiving and I want them to remember him as he was;not as he is now.I ;probably;won't be here;for the rest of the day.Something tells me;that big,bad,
motorcycle racing,ex-enforcer,street fighting Irish is going to get
emotional.Thanks everyone! Irish
Pussy Willow
11-25-2002, 11:01 AM
I'm reading yu post and my eyes are filling up with tears.
I have a wonderful canine son as well, he's two yr. old , his name
is bear. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him at 2 never mind
11 1/2. My heart and prayers go out to you.
And if it makes you feel any better..............They do take the love
with them.
I wish I had the words to comfort you, but just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
It does not at all sound stupid.
I also have a 8 1/2 year old male collie (Whiskey) who has always been agressive to children and I did seek for advise when we had our baby.
I understand your situation perfectly as when Whiskey came to me at 7 months, he had severe rachitism and the vet told me that it was very hard to cure him. But with our efforts and him being very young then, he eventually did. At 2 years of age, he had something at his tail and we had a biopsy which resulted as a lymph tumour but we once again got over it. He is now 8 1/2 years old and remains as my best companion.
My sincere suggestion is, your pal has lived his life and at his old years. Anything could be expected just like you could expect from a 90 year old human. But he loves you, and would like to have you by his side. And I understand that you are taking care of him very well. Try to feed him, with anything that he would take.
However, loving you, if it is not very severe, he will not express his pain to you. You will have to observe him. If he is in deep pain, and there is no cure, I would suggest (as an approver of eutonasia) you to releive him from pain - do not like to express the phrase.
Hope all will be well.
Irish, I wish you the best over the upcoming holiday. I know it's really hard to lose a companion you love and care for, especially during what's supposed to be a festive season. I think you're making the right decision given the circumstance. Hang in there, and give yourself some private time to give your tearducts a workout. We're here if you need us...
11-25-2002, 04:10 PM
It's done.That shot works very quick!Now;I just have to do;like I
did when my father died.Namely;DON'T think about it or dwell on it
Easier said then done.I did everything with him&everything around here reminds me of him.First time that I've seen my wife cry since her mother died.It felt strange leaving him there! Irish
P.S.Even my wife's cat is looking for his brother.
11-25-2002, 04:38 PM
(((((((((((((IRISH)))))))))))) I am so sad for your family's loss.
11-25-2002, 05:03 PM
Sad to hear that, Irish. I understand what you are feeling.
11-25-2002, 06:02 PM
I put my buddy to sleep after 15 yrs. as it was the best thing to do. I didn't want him to suffer anymore. Good luck and I know how hard it is and will be. It truely is losing a loved one!
11-25-2002, 07:07 PM
Thanks everyone!As a side note;you don't realise;until you don't
have too;the MANY ways that you have structured your life and
the way that you do things;over something else having to do with
the way that you do things!Ex:Every time that I leave this room;I
look down; to step over my dog because he always came to the
room that I was in.Tonight;I kept looking at the clock;to see if it
was time to give him his supper.You don't realise how many habits;you develop;over 11 1/2 yrs.I never even boarded him.
Even on vacation;he always went with us. Irish
P.S.When they're there;it's a chore.When they're not;it seems as
if you should be doing something.
11-25-2002, 07:14 PM
Growing up out in the Country and having all kinds of animals and Critters I can relate with you Irish. I always got that sick feeling when I knew I was going to have to say "Goodbye". I just want you to know that you were probably the best thing to happen to your friend and I believe you have done everything right by him. You have done all you can and done it well. My heart goes out to you Ole Buddy.
11-25-2002, 07:51 PM
11-25-2002, 07:59 PM
I know you’d rather have a poke in the eye with a sharp stick today than take that ride.:(
Now when the grandkids get there on Thursday, you’ll have something to really have been thankful for.:rolleyes:
Somebody told me “Don’t cry because it’s over….. be happy because it happened”;)
Irish, very sad to hear this right after taking Whiskey for a walk with you and your pal on my mind. 11 1/2 years... such a long time. I remember my wife mentioning about leaving Whiskey when our child was about to be born, my response was "you will leave but not him". However, had to put him to the garden and still after 2 years since Whiskey has been there and not inside, I sometimes wake up with the emptiness of his head lying on my feet, missing it; but I know he is right out in the garden sleeping in his doghouse.
When I read your update, I felt the misery I would have if I had lost him.
You have had a great loss, I wish I knew the way for concilation. But think about the way he would live if you hadn't done this, wouldn't it be a misery for your pal for your sake?? You could not make him live in suffering for your case of not losing him. I congratulate you for your tough decision.
I'd like to attach a pic of Whiskey here.
P.S. I really did cry.
11-25-2002, 09:26 PM
Pantyfanatic---It's funny that you mention rides.One of the
women;B.J.;that works at the vet;I have known for many years.
When I walked in with my dog;she said"It's a sad day.I don't
envy you the ride that you just took!"
I said"You know;I used to race motorcycles!I don't think that I
ever dreaded a ride;more then that one!"
Joys--It looks like Whisky is a collie.I know how close you can get
When I was a kid;I had a collie for 13yrs.When our family(father,
mother,me;collie)If the motel owner wouldn't let the dog stay;
we didn't either. Irish
11-25-2002, 09:52 PM
{{{{{{{{{Irish}}}}}}}} It's so true what you say - sometimes you feel like the dog is a chore but you miss him when he's gone. I'm thinking about you and petted my dog, Solon, extra today and thought of you and your family.
11-25-2002, 10:22 PM
Irish, Sorry about what you have to do. I just put my little one down after 13 years and it was very hard, but yet the best for him
I still miss him very much and wonder if i ever will replace him
Stay strong
yes, he's a collie and I still feel hurt to leave him out in the garden but I must do so for the sake of the child. Besides, Whiskey has more fun there than inside the house except for the nights.
I must repeat that I admire the tough thing you had to do but that was your last favour for your buddy. Beleive me, he would suffer a lot. When I took Whiskey at 8 months with severe rachitism, the vets suggested me to put him to sleep. I refused because he was very young and I beleived I could take care of it. But at an age of 11 1/2, if you got over this case, another would soon come up.
You have done the best for him. Don't feel sorry. If it's comartablle with you, take his body and bury him in a close place where you can talk to him.
11-26-2002, 12:46 AM
Irish, ya big ole did the right tho...made me think about how I end up yelling at Lucky to get out from under my feet all the time, he just wants to be there wherever I am...don't wanna think about how it will be when he's not there in the way anymore...
11-26-2002, 02:15 PM
I can totally feel ya.....
I love my "son"...he is a 6 month old cocker spaniel. He is sick today, which is why I didn't go to work. He has a vet appt @ 3.....
I think you are doing what is best for your dog. Does he seem like heis in pain? That would probably be the hardest part. If not, then he must be getting a lot of love.
11 1/2 years is a long time for a dog. I know if he passes away it will be hard. My dog died a few yrs ago, he was 14 and it was sad for the entire family. Just keep doing what you are doing!!!
11-27-2002, 04:37 AM
I'm sorry for your loss........but think of the happy memories you have....they are precious........
11-27-2002, 04:51 AM
Hi Irish
I know just how hard that ride home alone is. We still have our dog's collar hanging on the back of the kitchen door and it jangles when anyone opens it. You did your best for him, everything else is incidental.
11-27-2002, 09:09 AM
Glyndwr---Speaking of jangling;my wife says that everytime that
she comes in the door;she unconciously listens for the jangle
of his name plate&dog license.It snowed;heavily;last night& is
still snowing.One of the first things that I thought;this morning;
was that I had to get the snow off of the deck;outside the door
so that the dog would have a dry place to lie down.All of my dogs
have had an identification tag on their collar.(My name is -----,my
master is----- -----,address&phone #).I have 2 sets of keys;for my
car.My dogs tag is on one set;the last dogs tag is on the other.
11-28-2002, 12:25 AM
my dogs have their own room, they have crates in there for "Dens" but they also have free roam of the house, all 11 of my dogs from the 15# pug to the 4 catahoulas who are 60-70#s my old lady who was quite the competitor in her hey day is under my feet, my protector since I was eight, I'm going to miss her when she's gone, somewhere around '06, and I know I'll have to juice her I think my vet may let me do it just to know it was quick. I've had dogs all my life my parents and I have a show kennel as well as maintaining a dog breed rescue service that takes in all ages of certain breeds, we had a 7 year old abandoned dog come to us a few years ago his owners just up and moved and left him w/o food, water or shelter. we got a 14 year old Scottish Terrier who's human mom had recently died, he passed last year and we have his ashes so we can sprinkle them on his mom's grave. I've seen a lot of dogs come and go, usually they are going to new homes, but I always bring them home and bury them in the 40 acres in our cemetary for the pets of our friends. I can't leave them at the vets to be dropped off on the next garbage truck after they come out of the storage freezer.
11-28-2002, 08:48 AM
irish sorry to hear about your dog sounds like you made the hard right choice.
11-28-2002, 09:45 AM
I can't leave them at the vets to be dropped off on the next garbage truck after they come out of the storage freezer.
Bam baby-
I think the cost of putting a pet down normally include humane disposal. I know that my vet cremates ALL of the animals he euthanasia’s in this way. He has the crematorium on site and there is even an additional charge if you want the ashes back because they clean the chamber completely and operate it only with your single pet.
11-28-2002, 10:04 AM
I agree with Pantyfanatic.I know that my wife had her last cat
creamated&got the ashes.When she paid the charge(exhorbatant sp?)I kidded her that someone that worked there probably had to clean out their woodstove.After that incident in the southern state(for Humans)it makes you wonder.Is it just
another way of sucking the money out of Old Ladies? Irish
P.S.I used to tell my wife,to creamate me,pour my ashes in the gas tank;of my bike;start it&blow me out the exhaust.Who cares?
I'll be dead;anyway!
11-28-2002, 02:03 PM
eh having worked in several vets offices I've loaded and unloaded the freezer, and seen collegues take collars that owners didn't want back and put them in their own pocket, the dog is dead, they don't need it, then we slip the plastic trash bag over the still warm body and into the deep freezer it goes. I dunno sometimes.
just speaking frm my experiance down here in the dirty south.....
11-28-2002, 02:08 PM
The cost here is only for the "pink juice" as we call it, although it's sometimes bright blue, they have to dye the serum to make sure they don't accidentally mix it up with anything else. $25 they juice the dog and you do what you want with the body or you can leave it . the $25 covers the shot and then if the person chooses to leave 'ol Trusty then theres another fee to cover the city ordinance dump charge depending on weight and size of the dog.
damn this is depressing me.
11-28-2002, 02:35 PM
Irish, I hadn't checked up on this for a while...but Kytten's post popped it back up and I looked. So Sorry you lost your best friend... I'm here for ya bro...
11-28-2002, 10:06 PM
Just so that everyone knows.It cost me $132 to put my dog down
I have diabetic neuropothy;mostly in my feet&lower legs.I dug;
about a ft down;last week;to get to the top of the septic tank(We
had it pumped out)That killed my legs;so;for the first time;I left
my dogs body;at the Vet for disposal.I stayed with him until he
was dead.It was probably unneccessary but I have this thing in
my head about being used for medical experiments.I made sure
that he was dead and then got his collar,leash,tags,etc.They stretch his body out,inject the"juice"into his leg&he is dead in seconds.Like I said;it may have been unneccessary to be there;
but he gave me alot of years of loyality.At least;I know;that he
won't be experimented on;while he is alive&besides;I wouldn't
walk away& break his heart.I've always believed that animals have feelings;too.Just like humans;probably; more then most!
P.S.They have proven that in a dogs mind;you don't own it;it owns you!
Sassy Rose
11-29-2002, 11:38 AM
Irish, I am so very sorry for your loss. So many people think that pets are just animals we own but your comment is so true, they own us and they are friends and family, not just animals.
11-29-2002, 07:39 PM
No sweat;now!We got a sympathy card from the Vet. today.The
card cost us $132 and a dog.Most expensive card that we ever
got;but I suppose it's the thought that counts!At least;they said
that they were sorry;instead of"Thanks for the $132 SUCKER!"
11-30-2002, 04:49 PM
I'm not looking forward to any of this myself when the time comes for my cat to go.
But ((((((((((Irish))))))))))) did the right thing hun! You are a very special person and your thoughts and feelings here have brought me to tears. You are a kind soul and for that I TY for sharing your experience!
11-30-2002, 05:22 PM
LixyChick---It eventually happens!You think that you are prepared
but you're actually not.My wife recently had her cat put down.I'm
not a"cat person"but you get attached to any family member;over
the years.We had the cat for;in the teens;of years.I had a"love-
hate"relationship;with it.Altho;I hate to admit it;I really missed it!
She has one now;that almost died.It got down to less than a 1/2
lb.I rushed it to the Vet.The women;down there;technically saved
its life.You'ld never know it now.The cat is HUGE!My wife gets
pissed off because he always goes to me.Animals are pretty smart
They know if you care about them.A dog can tell if you're scared
of it or not.Sorry to get off on animal psychiatry(sp?) Irish
P.S.I think that the cat misses the dog more then we do!They were buddies and had learned to coexist.
Wow $132 that is crazy.
I have seen this thread and cried the first time I saw this.
I went through this last year with our 13 yr old, she just could not walk anymore.
Heck done this 4 time and NOT once did the vet charge to put them down and we got a card.
Also always stay by your buds side as long as you can, they stayed by yours.
We were very lucky should I say as we could bring them home a and but them in a crave here, got 41 acres.
A pet just an animal, hell we are animal too.
A pet is a best friend, true and loyal.
Sorry I did not leave a post sooner, some time I am only here for ½ hour and the post are 9 pages deep now, pixies has gotten big.
Speaking of BIG that is the king of heart that Irish has BIG!!!!
07-21-2003, 05:35 AM
Thought this thread should be *BUMPED*. I happen to know one of our Pixie sisters is putting her 11 year old pup down today.:(
I recalled there being some other feeling that we all share in this thread. That's the other part of what a family is for.:cool: I hope she gets to see it.
07-21-2003, 12:28 PM
*sends warm wishes her way*
07-21-2003, 12:42 PM
I wish her strength, too . . . we were talking about this in chat and we all agreed that it's a terrible time when your faithful companion isn't himself anymore :(
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