View Full Version : Heartbroken.... :(
11-23-2002, 09:43 PM
I just found out this afternoon that my G/F who lives across from me is moving back east and I won't get to see her anymore.
We had been seeing each other for about a year or so, and was some most passionate and tender love I have ever had.
I could use a good cry but I'm too stunned right now..........
11-23-2002, 09:54 PM
(((((LindyP)))))~ so sorry to hear that...when it sinks in and you get a chance to talk to her more maybe you will gain closure or find ways to stay in touch
11-24-2002, 09:38 AM
I am sorry to hear about your pain.. no words will bring you comfort right now.. but in time.. you will be okay... and no doubt you will take with you some wonderful memories and some knowledge that you didn't have before..
good luck
Pussy Willow
11-24-2002, 03:25 PM
I'm sorry, I hope when can see your way clear, you can come to
terms with this. I also hope that she has a reasonable
explanation and that you can cont. you relationship long distance.
11-24-2002, 04:30 PM
She still lives with her family. She's just a few months younger than me.
Her parents decided they couldn't make it here in Calfornia and decided to move back east where things were cheaper.
Her dad said they would never afford a house or be able to save money for one at the prices in Cali.
They bought a house on 3 acres back east for less than a slum would cost here.
They have been packing all weekend.
The really hard part is watching them taking stuff out.
By this time next week she'll be gone.
11-24-2002, 04:40 PM
Sometimes the most profound and appropriate wisdom comes from the most unrecognized places. This was in front of us all for a long time.:rolleyes:
“Don’t cry because it’s over,…..Smile because it happened.” :)
11-24-2002, 05:14 PM
I am sorry for your loss, but like panty said, smile because it happened...and who knows what the future holds for you both? Maybe this will be just a break in time for now, and you will meet later in life, maybe even she will be the person you are destined to be is funny like that sometimes.
"I say love will come to you, hoping just becasue I spoke the words that they're true.
As if I offered up a crystal ball to look through.
Where there's now one, there will be two"
Who knows what your crystal ball will hold, don't give up Lindy, love will come to you I am sure of it (and to us all as well).
11-24-2002, 05:21 PM
That isn’t my saying!!! :(
For a long time that was the signature for Irish. ;)
11-24-2002, 05:37 PM
hold on to the happyness you gave each other
i hope you can build more happyness one day
together or with some one new you may not
be able to be g/f but you wil allways be freinds
as i said to my lost love you may not be in my arms but
you will never leave my heart
you are not alone lindyp
11-25-2002, 01:27 AM
Okay I have got to say something or I am going to explode in a reckless burst of emotions........
I moved into this place a little over a year ago. I met Brittany the day I moved in. In fact I met her as I was carrying things from my car and she offered to help.
While I don't always look at everyone in a sexual attration sort of way, her looks were just too striking not to. Her face was perfect, not too soft looking but not too angular and hard either. Guys would definitely rate her an 11. fair skin with a faint trace of freckles, and long, dark, shiny hair with soft curls in it.
Her eyes could melt even the coldest heart. Very expressive and I could swear that her eyes would sparkle in the light.
And this was my first impression of her :)
We became best of friends almost over night, and we were always together.
Sorry guys, typical girl stuff, shopping, talking about guys, that kind of thing.
About a month after we met, we spent the day at Venice beach doing the bikini stroll and teasing every guy in sight. At one point our fingers brushed while we were walking and next thing I knew our fingers interlaced with each others.
Later that day we shared a tender but passionate kiss.
To me there is a big difference between having sex and making love. I've had a decent amount of sex, I haven't had a lot of love.
This is really going to hurt ........ :(
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