View Full Version : Ladies Fantisy

09-15-2001, 03:30 PM
I've heard it's a common fantisy for women to put on a strap-on and fuck their s/o in the butt with it. Ladies, is this true?

09-20-2001, 11:48 AM
can't speak for other women but the fantasy for me is to have two men at the same time....

09-20-2001, 11:50 AM
I'll volunteer for one of those positions Purple Layc

09-20-2001, 11:58 AM
I'm all for a big ol' orgy. Men and women, the more the merrier! LOL


09-20-2001, 12:10 PM
Jenny D,
I've personally never done that but I'd probably be willing to give it a try. maybe even a 2nd or 3rd time, but only if i liked it. :D

09-20-2001, 12:17 PM
I haven't either, but am willing to try most anything once. Working towards including a third with hubby, but I think I'd rather it be another couple verses just another man/woman. I really want to try the woman/woman thing, and knowing hubby would be in ectasy to watch only makes it better. I'd also like to have two men at one time. Sandwich style.


09-20-2001, 12:25 PM
Nut...you know you would be the first to be nominated....

09-20-2001, 12:36 PM

Well thank you very much..and I'm awfully flattered.

09-20-2001, 12:38 PM
no prob...will let you know when and where... he he he

09-25-2001, 06:46 AM
Can I play as well purple?? you did say two men!!!!

09-25-2001, 07:08 AM
i know im not a lady but how about a BIG Orgy with members of Pixie???

how about that???:p :p :p

09-25-2001, 11:42 AM
You know I wouldn't leave you out...I let you know when and where too! he he he

09-27-2001, 06:58 AM
You only have to take the leap and work your other up to it. In my case the wife didn't have to work too hard or long. Now she gets a seductive little smirk on her face when I know she's hot to have me tonite. She gushes doing me, but then again so do I.
Any ladies here like to join her?

Pussy Willow
09-28-2001, 04:20 PM
Having sex with at least two other guys and a least one other
woman. The men would do whatever we, (the women) tell
them to do.

A double tittie fuck sounds awesome, and since I've never been
with another woman, a little exploratory sex would also be

I just want to let myself go and let my wild woman take the
reigns for a while..........................

Ms. goody goody has been in charge for far too long as far
as sex goes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prophet Reality
09-28-2001, 05:19 PM
Oh Pussy Willow... that sounds like a grand time indeed. Would love to be the other guy involved.

10-01-2001, 04:48 AM
My little Willow,
Assuming that the original theme still continues, 2 chicks, 2 guys, letting loose for the first but probably not the last time. I smell a little delicious activity here. What would be the desire of my little Willow, turn the tables once and for all? See how the other half enjoys? Pay-back time? And I thought this was going to be a boring thread, or are you still just in the curious mode?

10-01-2001, 05:03 AM
I'm so inconsiderate at times, it's a guy thing I guess. You as hostess with the mostest, of course would be invited as originator of the thread and idea. Can my wife watch? Well I know her all too well, she'll let you have "first" then watch out. Ready for a lesson or two if you're new? She has this outdoor thing, you'd have to see it to understand. Hope the neighbors don't have telescopes, well maybe I wish they do. HA!