View Full Version : Road signs of Life (or more accurately: The absence of)

11-12-2002, 10:26 PM
Life is like a highway of sorts I guess... lots of good scenery.. a few unexpected detours... varied speed limits... and pot holes to be avoided..

One of the things that I love most about this place, is that people come here, all of us on a very similar journey (sexual exploration) and while we are here we share so much of ourselves with eachother without really realizing it.

Many of you have urged me thru some of the up hill slopes of my journey, often pointing out the road signs in advance from similar trips down the same road. Others have allowed me the priviledge of helping them along on theres..

On the up side, this seems to be one of the first places many of us come to when we hit a point in the highway where the scenery is breathtaking and the road is paved without any guard rails required..

I have learned.. that the road signs are often not visible on this journey. Whether that be my doing or that of others, sometimes I will proceed without paying any attention to the warning signs of the slippery curves ahead.. or of merging traffic... or those pesky falling rocks..

Tonight I feel as tho I must have missed one.. the most important one of them all... and I worry that this particular sign only comes once.

So keep an eye out for signs... they are where you least expect them to be..

11-12-2002, 10:47 PM
((((jenna))))---->/soft shoulder\ I got one if ya need one...I have recently traveled along a very scenic route and was so busy enjoying myself I forgot to check for signs........ before I knew it I was not in a beautiful place anymore and had no idea how I had gotten there. Guess what?????? Just U TURN:D:D:p

11-12-2002, 10:51 PM
Jenna......if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. You know I'm only a short way up the road from you.
Even if it's only to listen...I'm a very good listener. You have my number, hun. ;)

11-13-2002, 07:47 AM
Perhaps it helps: you are not alone with missing important signs. Breathe deep and keep your head up.

best wishes S.

Coach Knight
11-13-2002, 10:05 AM
JF -- MMMMMM instead of roadsigns, I tend to call them cyber landmines that are very hard to avoid. There are no signs to direct us where to go in this virtual world. We all wander around blind and when we grab on to something the feels right, we move closer and closer.
However, many people put up roadblocks but do not inform the other person about them. The best thing to do (although it appears a bit to late) is to discuss the rules as you go along. Yes, things do advance and move forward, but there may be an imaginary line that the majority of the people have here and are not willing to cross. If your in an online relationship with someone, both parties need to know where the other person's line is.
Now of course, that line constantly moves back and forth over time, but the key is communication. If one person says they are not comfortable with something, then a step back needs to be taken.
I guess the best advice I can give (and that really isn't a lot) is to keep your eyes and ears WIDE open and also to truly understand the other person's situation.
Other than that ... Wear a helmet!

11-13-2002, 07:15 PM
Thanks for all the wise advice.. believe me.. it does indeed help...

actually.. the road signs of which I mention... are more reality based than cyber based. For the most part.. I can be pretty good at identifying those cybermines that CK mentions.. (tho I must admit my helmet has taken a little abuse from time to time with those too).

okay.. putting the helmet back on.. and proceeding forward :)

11-13-2002, 07:35 PM
Have I mentioned lately how much I love your Avatar? :) You've already received plenty of good advice, so let me just say I'm happy that you regard us highly enough to speak of your troubles here. I know you already have a couple volunteers, but my ear is available should you need someone to listen. Hang in there, and be sure to fasten the buckle on that helmet... ;)

11-13-2002, 07:40 PM
Jenna when times get better you'll need kneepads;):p

11-14-2002, 04:01 AM
Life is pain, life is bitter, life is harsh...but life is also joy, happiness and love...that is what makes it...well life. I truly believe that life is a balance, the true personification if you will of Ying and Yang...not to belittle your experience, I am sure it was a hard blow, but I believe that an equally good experience (or on ramp to a better road to borrow from your metaphor) is headed your way. Take what you can from whatever happened and move on, being a better person from learning from your experience, no matter how painful it is, anyway by the look of things many people are looking out for you, so feel blessed, you are truly loved ;)