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Old 03-14-2006, 08:19 AM
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Mercenary Love

Chapter One

Thrity-three year old Cole Taggert pulled his badly beaten pick-up truck into the slanted parking spot in front of Taggert's Bar and Grill. He had been gone for over a month and the site of the family's business was a very welcomed. Since it was a Thursday night, the bar was nearly empty except for the few patrons eating. Inside, he could see his father, Sam, and grandfather, Tom, sitting at the table in the middle of the floor, playing a game of chess. It was a tradition that each of the three Taggert's done while one was away on mission. It had started with Cole's great-grandparents. They would play while Tom was away at war or on a top secret mercenary mission for his country. It continued with his grandparents while his dad was away and now, the two oldest remaining Taggert's played while Cole was away. His grandmother and mother had died in a car crash six years ago while on a shopping trip and the lose of the two Taggert women only drew the three men closer together.

As he grabbed his green, military issued duffel bag, he groaned from the wounds that he had received on this last mission; two knife wounds and a bullet to the shoulder. His commander had told him that he would have at least a month to recover before heading back out again. Secretly, Cole holped that it would be longer. He just didn't know how much more he could handle. He had seen how PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) had effected his father and grandfather and knew beyond anything that this was what he was suffering from too.

Just as he lifted the large bag up, a movement inside caught his attention. He couldn't keep from smiling as his eyes followed the movement of the one person who could take his breath away from him, just looking his way; Abigal Brown. He had been a POW in the Gulf War and then nearly killed several times while on mercenary missions, but none of that scared him more than the small framed woman that moved about his families bar. Her long raven black hair was pulled back into a long cascading ponytail. He knew that once her sapphire blue eyes saw him, they would sparkle each time they were near each other. That was until he left again for another mission. She was at least six inches shorter than him, standing a mere five foot six. Her skin the color of freshly fallen snow and her lips as red as the blood that he had spilled when he was away serving his country. Getting a firmer grip on the bag, he headed in.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 03-14-2006, 06:13 PM
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Twenty-eight year old Abigal Brown weaved her way thru the maze of tables in the bar. She couldn't keep from laughing as Tom and Sam argued over the chess match. She knew of the significance of the game and just watching them play seemed to bring Cole closer to her. The sound of the door opening aroused everyone's attention. In unison, Abby, Tom, and Sam called out "Cole" as he walked in. The three of them rushed over to him and took turns greeting him. The patrons in the bar, mostly vets, all raised their glasses to Cole and his safe return. Abby noticed Cole winced as his father squeezed his shoulder. "You've been hurt," she gasped as she saw a small drop of blood seep thru his shirt. "Nothing major," he said smiling at her.

Oh how his smile brighten her world and damn did he take her breath away. It was all Abby could do to keep from pulling him close to her and kissing him. Knowing that Cole had been wounded while on his mission almost killed her. She followed behind the six foot tall hunk of a man as he and the older men headed for the bar. The chess game would be put away until Cole departed again.

Cole's sandy blonde hair had grown out some since he had left. His hazel eyes told of the stress that he had been through and was still suffering from. His face showed signs of fatigue and that it had been several days since he'd been able to shave. Her heart skipped a beat just from being near him. Abby could see the signs of PTSD written all over him. She, along with the older Taggert's, knew that they would need to tread lightly around him. When he was ready, Abby would be there, ready to listen with nonjudgemental ears like always. She just hoped that she would be able to help heal the emotional wounds as easily as the physical ones. Her love for Cole ran deep and strong. Nothing he would tell her about his mission would ever make her stop.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by Moonshine : 03-14-2006 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 03-14-2006, 07:32 PM
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Cole sat down at the bar between his father and grandfather. "What'll it be," Hank the bartender asked. "Whiskey," he replied, "and leave the bottle." "That bad, son," Sam asked. "That bad, dad," Cole said before downing the shot. "We lost two men and had seven wounded." "And what about you," Abby asked as she walked up behind him, almost in tears. "How bad were you wounded?" Cole's heart skipped a beat as he saw her holding back tears for him. "Not that bad, Abby," he said, hopeing his soft tone would convience her. "Just two knife wounds and a..." He voice faltered. "And a what, Cole," she demanded. "A shot." "In the shoulder where dad grabbed me," he said lowering his head. "Damn it," he thought to himself, "why does she make me feel like a little kid being scolded?"

"You were shot," she cried out in shock. "Oh God, Cole, let me see." He loved the way she mothered him. He couldn't keep from shaking as she unbottoned his shirt and pushed the fabric away, revealing his wound. "Oh, Cole," she sighed as she ran her hand along his rugid jaw line. His heart raced as he deeply breathed in her womanly scent. It took all his strength to keep from pulling her into his arms and kissing her passionately. He had once before and that kiss, along with the sweet love that they had made, had lingered in mind and on his lips for the past two years. The only thing that stopped him from it now was that he was scared; scared that he would leave her a widow or that one of his enemies would find them and take their revenge out on her. He just couldn't do that to her. He hadn't been a mercenary when they made love and now, that alone made a huge difference.

Later that night, Abby followed Cole up to his room above the bar. Sam and Tom slept in the other two bedrooms. For several long minutes, Cole stood with is back to her. She could tell that he was holding back tears. Rubbing her hands along his back, she said, "Cole, I'd never think less of you if cried in front of me. My shoulders may be small, but there strong. I love you and there's nothing that you could say or do that would change the way I feel for you. To me, a coward is someone who is too scared to go after what he wants and a man is someone who stands up to the challenge and faces it. And Cole, you're no coward."

Before she knew what was happening, Cole had dropped to his knees and now had her waist pressed tightly to his chest. Tears began to roll down his cheeks. "Just let it out," she said. "I'm here." For several minutes Abby held Cole as he let out the mixed feelings he had pinned up inside him. "Oh God, Abby," he finally said into her stomach, "I love you." Looking up at her he said it again. "I love you Abigal Brown. I love you." The rest of the night, he held her in his arms on top of his bed. Not another word was said between them and not once did they make love. Abby knew that by just him holding her close to him was helping him in more ways than she'd ever know. She could tell from the way his was deeply sleeping, this was the first real restfully night of sleep he had had since he had departed over a month ago.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 03-16-2006, 08:24 AM
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Chapter Two

Cole Taggert sat behind the large maghony desk in the up stairs office of the Taggert's Bar and Grill. He sat stareing at the desk phone he had placed in front of him, as if willing it to ring. He had been back from his overseas mercenary mission for two weeks now. In those weeks, he had done a lot of soul searching. His physical wounds were nearly healed and the emotional ones, thanks to his father, grandfather, and especially the love of his live, Abby, were nearly healed too. He had been up since nearly four this morning trying to get a hold of his commanding office. And now at ten in the morning, he was awaiting the phone call that would change the rest of his life. He would either be sent back to field duty or would be training the new mercenaries in survival. He desperately hoped that it was the later.

Cole stared in disbelief as the phone rang. Picking it up on the third ring he huskily answered, "Taggert's Bar and Grill. Cole Taggert." He sat stone still as he listened and waited for his C.O. to talk. "Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," was he said before placing the handle of the phone back into the craddle. A sigh of relief swept over him before he hurried down to the bar where his father and grandfather were. "Well," the two older Taggert's asked in unision, "what did they say?" "Well...," Cole replied smiling, "I'll put it this way. I need the engagement ring that mom, grandma, and great-grandma wore before marrying a Taggert." "They took you off field duty," Tom asked smiling. "What did they give you," asked his Sam. Cole sat down and explained his new training assignment to them.

Thirty minutes later, Cole left the bar to do a special "top secret" mission to surprise Abby with later that night. With it being a Friday night, he shift would start at 2:00 pm and he wanted everything ready before she even got to work. Everything had to be perfect for her.

Ten minutes til two, Abby pulled into the parking lot of the bar. Cole's truck was parked in his usual spot. "Good," she aloud to herself, "he's here." Sam and Tom hugged her when she walked behind the bar and grabbed her apron. "What's this all about," she asked. Tom and Sam smiled at each other and just said, "You'll see." Abby headed up the stairs to Cole's room to say "hi" before starting her shift. She made it about half way when he headed down. "Cole," she said in surprise, "I was just coming up to see you." "Well," he said, pulling her into his arms, "you've found me." Abby head spun as he deeply kissed her. It took her a few moments to catch her breathe. With their arms around each other's waist, they headed down the stairs.

By 8:00 pm, the bar was packed. Abby and the other four bar maids were kept busy all night long. Everyones attention, including Abby's, was turned to the bar when Cole's voice came over the sound system. Abby stared up at Cole as he stood on top of the three foot wide maghony bar with microphone in hand. "Excuse me folks," he said, "but could I have your attention and silence please. As many of you know, my name is Cole Taggert." Abby's jaw dropped as she watched the man she love stand up to his full height and hit his head on the ceiling. "Damn it," he swore rubbing his head. "Abby," he continued, "would you please join me on the bar please."

Abby nervously made her way up to the bar. "What are you doing besides embarassing both of us," she whispered up to him. Cole said nothing. Instead he held out his hand to pull her up onto the bar next to him. Abby smiled down at the crowd. She then turned to Sam and Tom, looking at them for help, but all they did was smile up at her. Abby turned back towards Cole as his voice boomed over the sound system. "As many of you know," he said, "Abby and I have had feelings for each other for some time now. But, due to my job, we've never been able to be a couple. Well, now that my job has changed, we can finally be one." Turning to Abby he got down on one knee and took her left hand in his. Abby thought she would faint as Cole looked up at her and then continued. "Abby, you've been the love of my life for some time now. You, along with my family, have been my strength. Even when I was a POW, the thought of you kept me going. And now Abby..." He paused long enough to pull the ring from his shirt pocket.

Abby cried as she knew what Cole was about to do, but didn't think that it ever would. Looking back up at her he asked, "Abby Nicole Brown, would you do me the greatest honor of becomeing my wife?" Tears streamed down her face as she screamed "yes" so loud that the crowd didn't need the sound system to hear her. Cole placed the ring on her finger before standing up and taking her into his arms and kissing her. "Finally," he whispered into her ear, "we can be together."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 03-17-2006, 08:17 AM
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Abby shift would end at 10:00 pm. Cole looked at his watch; 9:45 pm. Telling his dad and grandfather that he was going up to prepare the room for Abby, he slipped off. Cole carefully place the four candles around the room. He then pulled the petals from four fresh roses and scattered them around the floor and bed. Looking at his watch again it read 9:58 pm. He gave one last look around the room and smiled before heading back down to the bar.

Cole watched Abby as she pulled the apron from her small waist and toss it into the designated basket. Tom handed Abby a small wad of folded bills. "Here," Tom said to Abby, "your cashed in tips." "Thanks Tom," she said and gave the eldest Taggert a kiss on the cheek. "Please call me grandpa," the older man said. "Ok. Grandpa," she said sounding sassy. Tom smiled at her sass. Cole too had to laugh at the way she already fit into the family of Taggert men. She had ever since they had met five years ago. It had only been two years ago though, in a moment of weakness for him, he had shown her just how much he cared for her. And now, she was his and he was going to show her again.

Cole leaned up against the doorway leading to the upstairs. His dad had now caught her and was asking her to call him "dad". Damn did she look good in her uniform. The tight, black female muscle shirt strained against her ample breast causing the neon green lettering of "Taggert's Bar and Grill" to be clearly seen. The matching neon green, short shorts snuggly held her firm round ass. His mind raced as in a few moments, he'd be pulling those items off of her. He smiled as she came bounding over to him. She reminded him of a little kid on Christmas morning. "Ready," he asked, taking her into his arms. "Very ready," she smiled up at him. "Where did you go a little while ago?" "Oh..., just taking care of a surprise," he smilingly said to her. Waving "good night" to Sam and Tom, the couple headed upstairs.

Abby's heart soared as she and Cole climbed the steps to his room. Cole stopped them just outside of his bedroom door. "Close your eyes and no peeking until I tell you to open them," he said in a boyish fashion. "What are you up to Cole Bradlee Taggert?" "Just close your eyes and be a good girl or you won't get your surprise," he teasingly answered. Abby did as she was told. Cole led her into his room and closed the door behind them. "Keep them closed," he said. She could hear him moving about the room. Occassionaly she heard the click of a lighter as he did. And did she smell..., yes she did. The smell of fresh roses filled the air around her. She could now feel him behind her. With his hands over her eyes he asked, "Ready?" Abby shook her head "yes".

"Oh Cole," Abby gasped as her eyes looked over the room. The glow of candles and the smell of the scattered rose petals made her cry. "You did this for me," she whispered. Turning to face him she protested, "It's too much." "Nothing's too much for you my love," he said as he pulled her into his arms and deeply kissed her. Abby's stomach felt as his a million butterflies had just took up residency. Her legs like jell-o. Her heart was beating so hard she thought that it would soon explode from her chest. Oh, how this man could turn her to mush.

After what seemed like several minutes, Cole pulled away from Abby, leaving them both breathless. On several occassions, she had notice just how much taller he was than her, but tonight, he seemed taller. His muscled chest and arms rippled against his tight t-shirt. She smiled at how much larger he was than her in every way. Though not a heavy man, his stomach was larger and well suited for his frame. His hands were large and rough and felt damn good when they touched her skin. Everything about, and she did mean everything, was big. She smiled at the thought of how surprised he would be when he bedded her and found her tight, almost like a virgin. She had not been with another man since him but, she knew, or at least she thought she knew, that he had been with other woman while away on his missions. He was a man after all and a man had needs. To herself, she vowed right then and there that she would make sure that he had those needs were filled whenever he wanted and by her alone.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 03-17-2006, 05:37 PM
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Chapter Three

Cole Taggert's rough, mercenary hands gently grabbed Abby Brown's petite waist and pulled her close to him. His index fingers pulled her shirt out just enough for his hands to slide up her soft, silky skin and remove it from her body. In unison, they moaned as their flesh touched. Her black, lacy bra soon followed. His hands pushed her raven black hair from her shoulders as she pulled his t-shirt from his pants. He could feel her need for him as she pulled his shirt off of him. His hands massaged her breasts before moving down to her shorts. Soon they too were gone, along with her black, lacy panties. He stared down at her naked body and husky groan rumbled from his throat. Her hands moved to his waist and began to undo his belt and pants. He moaned as she knelt down before him and pulled them off.

Abby's hands felt soft and gentle as she stroked his thick, seven inches of manhood. Cole moaned as she took him into her mouth. "MMM Abby," he growled as she started a slow rythem with her mouth. God how he had wanted this for so long. Looking down at the top of her head as she sucked him, he ran his fingers through her hair. It had been two years, two long years since he had been with her, or any woman for that matter. Soon he felt a tingle in his balls as he exploded into her mouth. Her heard Abby moan as his hot seed hit the back of her throat. He was turned on even more as she swallowed his seed and smiled up at him. His finger wiped away a drop that spilled out the corner of her mouth. "My turn," he said looking down into her sapphire eyes as his hazel ones.

Abby cooed with pleasure as Cole placed her on his bed and them removed her shorts and black lacy panties. Again she cooed as Cole laid next to her and spread her legs apart; his finger rubbing her swollen clit as his tongue explored her mouth once more. "MMM," she whimpered as his large finger slipped into her. "Your tight," she heard his husky voice say. "I'd say tighter than the first time I parted your legs." Abby arched her back as his kissed his way down her neck, sucking each breasts, and them down her stomach to the vee between her legs. "Oh Cole," she moaned as he softly kissed the lips to her womanhood. His rough, unshaven face rubbed her natural mound of black hair causing her to gasp with pleasure. Abby pushed herself up onto her elbows as she felt Cole's tongue glide along her soft pussy lips to her swollen clit. "OH GOD," she panted as he flicked at it. She felt her juices start to flow as his tongue slide in and out of her. She wanted..., no, she needed him inside her. "Please Cole," she begged. "Please, make love to me. I need you inside of me."

Laying on her back, Abby spread her legs wide as Cole lay between them. Her eyes widen as he gave a push in. "OHH," she gasped. Her eyes met his as he pulled out. They again widen as he gave another push. "Cole," she panted. "One more push, my love," he said, his husky voice sounding gruff. "Oh God," she cried as his last push fully spread her apart. Abby's womanhood ached with both pleasure and pain as her lover moved in her. Soon she was gasping for air as she climaxed, her juices flowing over Cole. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as he gave a hard thrust into her, causing to again climax.

Cole moaned with pleasure as he slowly moved himself in Abby. She indeed was tighter than the last time and loved her even more for waiting for him. Lowering himself onto his elbows, he thrusted his hips harder causing him to go deep into her. He savored her tightness and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and began to move in rythem with him. "Damn it, baby," he panted, "you feel so good." For several long slow minutes, he please them, taking his time with her before rolling them over.

Now on his back, Cole rubbed Abby's perfect breasts as she rode him. Her body lifting up until she was almost off of him and then slowly sucking him back up into her as she lowered her womanhood back onto him. His head spun as she pleased him. Her body so perfect in every way. Her long black hair slipped off her shoulders and tickled his chest as she lend over him to grip the headboard. Her rythem increased as she hit her G-spot as she rode. "Oh Cole," she panted as she rode through three more orgaism. "That's it baby," he moaned, "cum for me." Once again, Cole felt his balls tingle as he released in Abby, just as she too climaxed again. Abby laid her body onto Cole. His arms held her tightly too him. This was how he wanted to stay forever. He never wanted to let her go. Three more times that night, Cole showed Abby just how much he loved her.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 03-20-2006, 10:35 AM
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Mercenary Love II

Chapter One

Two years after marrying, Abby gave Cole a son, Kade Thomas, and then two years later, a daughter, Samantha Nicole. Over the next thirty years they watched their children grow. Samantha became a successful lawyer and Kade... Well, Kade followed in the male Taggert tradition. After recieving his military training and becomeing an expert in survival, hand to hand combat, weapons, demolition, and military tatics, he left the service to become a mercenary. It seemed as if Kade had everything he wanted. He had a career in which he loved and a family that love him. But, there was something missing.

Often he watched his parents as they moved about the bar and their house just blocks away from it. He saw the love they shared and it made him feel an ache of longing in his chest. He knew what that something, that longing ache was. He had dated and bedded several women, but none of them held his attention past the light of day. He wanted someone he thought more of than just a play toy to amuse his nights with. He wanted a woman who would steal his heart and never return it. He wanted a life with all the extras: a loving, doting wife; a house in which she would make a home; his children that she had bore; a dog; a cat; everything that went with a story book family. But mostly, he wanted a woman he couldn't bare to live without. He wanted a marriage just like his parents.

Kade sat behind the large maghony desk in the upstairs office of Taggert's Bar and Grill. He listened intently to the voice on the other end of the phone. The man was begging..., no pleading with Kade to save his daughter. "Please," pleaded the voice of Judge Warren Mitchel, "she's my only daughter. You've got to get her away from her kidnappers. They've demanded a ransom, three in fact, and I've paid all three. But still, they refuse to give her back. Please Mr. Taggert, you've got to bring her back home. My wife and I are grieved with worry." "Alright," Kade finally said. A twing of guilt flowing through him as he chide himself for almost telling this man "no".

One week later, Kade and his band of mercenaries, ten in all, found themselves outside of a small hut in the backwoods of Lousiana. Inside, they could hear the cries of a woman as begged to be let free. "Oh, my dear," a man's voice boomed, "just as soon as you're father has given us the last of his money and..." the voice laughed momentarily, "and then his life." "No," she screamed, "not my father." "Yes, your father," the voice continued. "It was he who sentenced my brother to death, so now he will pay for it with his own life."

On the count of three, Kade and his band of mercenaries broke through the door and captured the four men holding Lily Mitchel hostage. Searching the room, Kade saw the huddled figure of a woman in the far corner. Once the kidnappers had been taken from the room, Kade walked over to the huddled woman. Sitting crossed legged on the floor a few feet from her, he softly spoke. "You're alright Miss Mitchel. My name is Kade Taggert and these are my men. Your father, Judge Warren Mitchel hired us to rescue you." He watched as she brushed a strand of strawberry blonde hair out from in front her sky blue eyes. Fear shown in her eyes as he extended his large, rough hand out to her. Slowly and carefully, she placed her dainty, smaller one into his. "Thank you," she barely audible whispered as they stood up together. Once at her full height of five foot five she again said thanked him.

Two days later, Lily sat in her father's small home office watching as her father paid Kade Taggert handsomely for her save return. "My wife and I," she heard her father say, "are very excited that you returned our daughter to us safe and sound. We just can't think of any other way to thank you. Honetly, I don't feel that the money is enough." "It's more than enough," Kade's husky voice said. "I'm just glad that we were able to return her safe."

Lily watched as the tall, six foot two inch man stand before the desk. She felt so small just being in his presence. His large muscled chest trailed down to a smaller, yet still large waist. His tight fitting jeans strained to hide the well endowed package between his legs. Tuffs of curly sandy blonde hair stuck out above his muscle shirt. His large arms and chest rippled with muscles. She watched as this man turned to face her. His unruly sandy blonde hair going in every direction as his sapphire blue eyes gazed her body. He reminded her of a pictures she had seen of the Roman and Greek gods as they sat high in their home above the clouds. This rugid looking man seemed to steal her very breath, just by looking at her.

"I hope that you are able to move on, Miss Mitchel," he said, holding out his hand. Lily shook it as he continued to say, "A woman as beautiful as you deserves to have everything she wants out of life." Lily felt her heart melt as this man talked to her so softly as he even more gently shook her small, dainty hand with his large, rougher one. Their eyes locked on each others and seemed to refuse to release the stare. "Thank you," she said, feeling a rush of heat surging through her body. She felt her cheeks go red as a wave of heat rushed to her womanhood. She could fell herself immediately moistening between her legs just from his touch. She realized that the nervous shaking that she was feeling wasn't coming from her, but from this massive man. She knew that he too could feel the sexaul attraction between them.

"Oh, Mr. Taggert," her father's voice broke in. "There is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about." Lily and Kade released their soft, almost non touching grip, but their sexauliy heated stare contiuned. "I would like to hire you as Lily's personal body guard," Warren's voice said. Lily and Kade both turned to face the older man. "I mean it. It is obvious that she needs protecting and who better than the man who rescued her." Kade's voice sounded guff as he protested. "Surely you want someone else. I'm not a bodyguard, Mr. Mitchel. I'm a mercenary for hire. I don't know when I'll be called out again, nor how long I'll be gone." "I'll met any price, Mr. Taggert," her father continued pleading. "Please..., she needs the best."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 03-20-2006, 02:08 PM
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Chapter Two

It was going on two in the afternoon when Lily followed Kade into the dimly lit Taggert's Bar and Grill. Behind her, two more burly looking mercenaries walked, keeping a sharp eye out behind and around them. Since turning twenty-one, two years ago, she had been in a few bars, mostly with the men she was dating or her close friends. Every one of them had been stuffy, cramped, and smoke filled. But that wasn't the way of Kade's large family bar and grill. All around, a warm, homey atmosphere radiated. The waitresses and the partrons alike smiled as she walked past them while they sat eating at the round tables. Feeling a little insecured, she slipped her index finger through one of the belt loops on Kade's blue jeans as he manuvered his way through the sea of tables and to the bar at the back of the room.

Lilly smiled as an older and shorter version of Kade walked out from behind the bar and greeted him. An older woman, with eyes like Kade's, followed behind the older looking Kade. After the warm greetings from the couple, Kade introduced Lily to his parents. She winced when Abby hugged her like a mother hugging her long-lost child. Abby had always known that she was loved by her parents, but her family had never been the touchy-feely types that showed their emotions easily. She was almost jealous of Kade and the love that radiated from his parents as they physically expressed their love for each other with warm hugs, kisses, and smiles.

From somewhere next to her, Lily heard Kade's voice. "Like I said on the phone, dad, I'd feel more comfortable protecting her here at the bar and our home. I know the people of this town and I also feel better having you here too. I know the security systems we have here and at home, plus, most of my men live here in town. It just made more sense." Lily turned away from Abby to watch the conversation going on between Kade and his father. "And like I said," Cole said putting up his hand, "she's more than welcome. Your sister is coming in from Dallas sometime this afternoon so, Lily will be surrounded by female companions to keep her busy."

Lily interrupted the "Hallmark moment" to ask if she could call her parents and let them know that they had arrived safely. Again she walked behind Kade as he led the way up the stairs to the upstairs office. Once inside, she saw pictures of Taggert's covering the walls. Her eyes immediately fell on a row of pictures featuring men in various military uniforms. Kade's military picture was hung up last. "Who are they," she asked. Walking over to the pictures he answered by pointing to each one in turn. "My great-grandfather, Tom. His son, my grandfather, Sam. His son and my dad, Cole. And of course me." "Wow," she gasped. "There's a lot of military history in your family isn't there?" "Yeah," he said, leaning up against the wall. "We even had some to serve in the Civil War, but their pictures have long been lost or destroy. A Taggert has served in just about evey war since the Civil War." Lily smiled as pride for his family spread all over Kade's face.

Over the course of the next few weeks, when Lily wasn't out shopping with Abby and Samantha, and being closely watched by Kade's men, she and Kade spent a lot of time together. The sexual tension between them grew with each passing day. Each time they touched, wether it be an accident or not, sexual sparks seemed to fly. She could tell by the way he watched her, and it wasn't just because it was his job to watch her, that he enjoyed looking at her. It wasn't until she became aware of the fact that she was unconsciencely flirting with him, teasing him with her body, that she too enjoyed looking at him, and desperately wanted to do more than just look.

Kade watched Lily as she looked over rack after rack of clothes. He was starting to get bored when she headed over to the lingerie department. Ideas and images started to flood his mind as he watched her hold up one item after another to her body, stareing at herself in the mirror as she did. He could feel his erection growing stronger by the minute and desperately wanted to do something about it, preferably with her. It took all his resistance to keep from pulling her back into the small dressing room and having his way with her right then and there. "She's your job," Kade kept telling himself. But nothing was helping to calm the throbbing hardness in his pants.

Finally back at his parents house, Kade found a note saying that they, Cole and Abby, would be gone out of town for the weekend for their anniversary. "Oh yeah," he thought. He had been so distracted with Lily that he had forgoten about his parents anniversary. Tonight would be the first time since she had arrived here that the two of them would truly be alone. His parents or friends had always been around the two of them. Looking around to the half-closed door of the guest room that served as Lily's room, he started to think about Lily and the purchases she had made earlier. With his parent's away for a few days, now would be the perfect time to make his move.

After a nice dinner on the town, Kade and Lily headed back to the house that he shared with his parents. As usual, some of his and his dad's mercenary buddies signal from their posts that everything was secured with the house. In about an hour, they would change shifts and a new group would go on duty. Some of the men that had been taking the day shift was some of Cole's old buddies, leaving Kade's younger buddies for the night shift.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by Moonshine : 03-20-2006 at 03:06 PM.
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Old 03-21-2006, 01:35 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Three

As darkness settled in around the Taggert house, Kade felt the sexual tension grow to new heights between him and Lily. They had spent a nice day together in town and the thoughts of her shopping for lingerie was starting to drive him nuts. Kade removed his shoes and socks before turning off the overhead lights and turning on a few well place lamps. "Hell," he said to himself. He noticed that the lamplight was setting a romantic tone but, he couldn't bring himself to reverse the process he had just done.

The sound of the shower running down the hallway, and the thought of Lily's naked body as the water cascaded down it, sure the hell wasn't him any either. He could feel the throbbing in his loins as his erection grew. "Shit," he said aloud to himself, cussing himself for his thoughts, and his ecrection. The sound of the water stopped and he could now hear her moving about in the bathroom. Looking around the livingroom, he had to find something..., anything to take his mind off of her. Still standing, he grabbed a magazine on guns and ammo off the coffee table and stood next to the glow of the lamp. Finally, he got his erection under control and started to relax.

With his back to the hallway, Kade didn't notice Lily slip into the room. He could smell the sweet fragrance of her honey suckle shampoo, soap, and heavenly woman scent as she entered the room. Closing his eyes, he told himself, "You can do this. You can do this. Just don't let her get under your skin. YOU CAN DO THIS!" Dropping the magazine back to the table he turned on his heels to face her. His intentions were to ask her which movie she wanted to watch on TV, but instead he froze. A low husky moan escaped him. "Oh God, you're georgous," he half panted half gasped. Swallowing hard, he let his eyes start at the top of her head and work their way down.

Her shoulder length strawberry blonde hair was wrapped in a green towl. The glow of the lamp sparkled in her sky blue eyes. Her shoulders glisten with a few remaining drops of water. A matching green towel just barely covered the area right above her small, yet perky, breasts to right below her womanhood. His gazed continued down her shorter, full legs to her small petite feet. Just as slowly as they went down, his eyes moved back up to her face.

It only took him two strides to clear the distance between them. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her. He kissed her with the deep seated passion that had been building in him ever since he had resuced her from that small, one room hut a few weeks ago. His tongue twirled around Lily's as he drew her body closer and closer to him. He could feel blood rushing to the lower region of his body, causing him to have a painfully hard erection. "Damn towel," he thought, wishing it wasn't there. His hands roamed up and down her back before coming to rest on her plump, round ass, giving it a firm squeeze. As their kiss slowly ended, Kade stepped back, allowing both of them to take a desperately needed deep breath. "I'm sorry," he said, a little dazed and confused. "I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done that."

Lily smiled up at him. Still close to him, she pulled her hair from the towel, letting it fall to her shoulders. Her hands now moved to the only thing she was wearing; the towel. Lily watched Kade's eyes as she slowly removed it. She could feel the heat from his eyes as they moved from her small, perky breasts, down her slightly chubby stomach, and to the natural patch of strawberry blonde hair bewteen her legs. "Do you like what you see," she seductively asked. "Yes. No. Uhh, I mean," he stammered, trying to find his thoughts. Lily stepped towards him again, leaning her naked body up against him once more. "Well," she sexily asked, "which is it? Yes or no." "Yes Lily. Oh God, yes," he huskly answered.

Lily's hand slowly moved along his t-shirt covered chest. She could feel his chest muscles ripple as her small delicate hands rubbed over them. Moving her hands up under his shirt, she pushed it up as her hands rubbed up his skin. She could feel him shiver with desire as she continued the upwards push of his shirt. Once the shirt was removed, she turned her attention to his pants. Soon he too stood before her as naked as she was.

Lily took in Kade's body. His ruffeled sandy blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes, his broad, muscled chest and shoulders, the way he towered over her. And looking down, his nice thick cock. He looked to be at least six and half to seven inches long. She didn't know. She didn't care. All she knew was that it had been some time he had a man between her legs. And of those men, none had been as big as Kade. Right now, she wanted to feel his body against hers as they slowly made love.

Kade pulled this heavenly creature to him. "Are you sure you want too," he softly asked as his hand caressed Lily's cheek. "I very much want too," she breathlessly said. With one swift move, Kade picked Lily up and carried her down the hall to his own bedroom. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck as her head rested gently against his shoulder. "Jesus, she's beautiful," he thought as he laid her down on the bed. His cock was still throbbing from the painful hardon but, that soon would be taken care of.

Laying down next to her, almost half on half off of her body, Kade smiled at her as his hand massaged the perfect small handful of flesh that was honored to be called her breasts. Her soft moans filled the air as he lowered his mouth and placed it on her hard nipple. His tongue circled the small pink nub as she ran her hands through his hair. "Oh God, Kade," she panted as he kissed his way to the other one, giving it the same loving attention. He moaned as her body arched under him.

Kissing her again deeply, his hand slid down her stomach to the vee of her legs. They spread just enough for his hand to slip throught the curly patch of hair and to her waiting womanhood. She moaned as his finger slipped in and out of the tight slit and against her clit. "Kade. Kade. Oh Kade," she panted as she felt herself release a pinned up orgaism. She had been wanting that release every since she had seen him in her father's office. Her hand instinctivly moved to his throbbing manhood and carefully wrapped around it. She began a slow up and down movement that matched Kade's own in and out movement in her. "Damn it, Lily," he moaned as her hand worked his cock.

"MMM Lilly," Kade moaned before demanding, "Sit on my face as you suck me." Lily did as he said and straddled Kade's face. His tongue began to slowly lick her before she was able to lean forward and take his cock into her mouth. In unison, they swirled their tongues, pleasuring the other to the fullest. Lily came on Kade's face several times as her mouth worked his cock over. She could feel his body tense just before he moaned and shot a load into her mouth. She too came again, this time releasing more juices than before onto his face.

Once he had regained his strength, and hardness, Kade laid between Lily's legs. Softly he kissed her pouty lips as he pushed up into her. Her moans told of both pain and pleasure as he spread apart her tight, wet hole. He had often wondered if her capture's had harmed her there, but her tightness told him "no". A wave of relief swept over him as he pushed further into her. He was now no longer worried about hurting her and instead turned his full attention to pleasing her. His rough hand rubbed her plump leg as he lifted it above their bodies, pushing harder and further in. "Oh Kade," she gasped as the last of him ripped her womanhood further apart. "MMM," he moaned as he moved in her, slow and steady. Her moans of pleasure filled his ears as he slowly made love to her.

Pushing himself up with his free hand, he looked down at her face. "God she's beautiful," he thought aloud as her face showed expressions of pure ecstasy. Her moans and facial expressions caused him to want more and more of her. He in turn moved a little faster and rougher in her. Her screams of pleasure heighten as he did. At that moment, he was glad that his parents weren't home and the house was sound and bullet proof. He was also glad of the fact that her father was a thousand miles away and couldn't hear his little girl screaming his name over and over again. Right then, he honestly didn't know if he could stop if someone was to walk in on them.

A desire to have her in another position over took him and he slowed his pace down before pulling out of her. He no longer wanted to make love to her; he wanted to fuck the living hell out of her. Placing her in front of his dresser, he watched her facial expressions in the mirror as he reentered her. Lily's hands grabbed it as she steadied herself. Her small framed body looked so fragile against his large, muscled one. His eyes stayed focused on the mirror as he rammed himself in and out of her. Her face told of the pleasure she was experiencing. He couldn't stiffle a moan as their fucking brought him also great pleasure.

Lily opened her eyes and saw the look of pure ecstasy on her face as she watched Kade's burly body as he had his way with her. "God he's so handsome," she thought as she moaned his name. She wanted more of him in her and began to work in rythem with him as they fucked. With her loud moans and screams of pleasure, she let him know that their animalistic fucking was sending her over the egde and to a whole new place. Her body exploded with multiply orgaisms as she fucked him back. Their bodies now moved rough and hard against each other. Again she felt her body exploded, but this time, she felt his as well. "OH FUCK," Kade growled as he came. She loved hearing him talk dirty. "If only he knew," she thought. "But, maybe next time I'll let him know." An hour later, there indeed was a next time.

For the next two months, Kade served as Lily's bodyguard, and lover. Once her kidnapper's had been sentence to prision, the two were married. Kade smiled at her on their wedding day for he knew that he had finally found a woman that he couldn't live without. They both knew that their marriage would be just as strong and as loving as Cole and Abby's was.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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