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Old 11-02-2003, 07:58 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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For a short time, Mark does not have to think of anything except for the film he is watching. And watch it he does. But all too soon, it is over.

"I like that movie. Leslie Nielson's good." His father comments.

"Yeah." The boy replies.


His father turns and looks at him.

"Mark, I know this is difficult for you. It is for all of us."

Mark sits there, looking at his feet, nodding.

"We will work through this and once we have, we can forget all about it."

Mark again nods, hoping they will.

"I also have been thinking." Continues his father. "When this is over, how about the three of us go away for a while? I think we could do with a vacation, what do you think?"

For the first time, the boy looks up and sees the smile on his father's face.

"That would be cool." Unlike most kids his age, Mark enjoyed going away with his folks.

"I am proud of you, sport." He says warmly. "You're doing an extremely difficult thing and your mother and I appreciate it. And if you do have anything you want to talk to us about - about all this, just say. Okay?"

"Yes, dad." The boy smiles.

"Now give your old dad a hug." With a grin, he pulls the boy into his arms and gives him a bear hug.

"I love you, Dad." Mark returns his father's hug.

"I love you, son."

"What's going on here?" A recognisable female voice calls out behind them...
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:02 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice smiled, thinking that maybe her family would remain intact after all. The bath seemed to have helped, easing some of the discomfort. That, and the sight of her husband and their son laughing together made her feel a little more at ease.

Without a second thought, she flopped down in Jack's lap as she usually did, leaning into him as his arms tightened around her body. "Hey, handsome man" she murmured in his ear. "It doesn't look like your wife's around. How bout you and me... "

Jack gave out a mock groan and rolled his eyes. "What are you like, Janice Fleming? Always trying to entice me like this. How can I resist? You know, Mark" he added with a wink. "This lady in my lap is one helluva sexy... "

Suddenly it was as if she could hear a pin drop in the room. Janice hadn't thought about what she was doing or saying. Obviously Jack hadn't either. It was just something they had always done. Old habits and all that. Janice's heart climbed into her throat as she felt a flush of embarrassment spread across her face.

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. What the hell had she been thinking? She hadn't been. That was the whole point. With just a few careless words Janice had undone all the good that they'd shared this evening. Now what?

"I think I'm going to take the dog out for a walk," Jack said, nudging her off his lap. "See you in the morning, Champ. You, too, Jan." He kissed her on the cheek and ruffled Mark's hair as he grabbed the lead and attached it to their dog's collar.

Janice and Mark just stood there, silently watching him go. She sighed. Might as well get the rest of this over with. It can't get any worse than it already is, she thought.

"I'm going up, Mark. Come when you're ready." Giving her son a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, Janice went upstairs to her room to wait. One more time, and tomorrow would bring a new day.
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:10 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Mark just sits there, alone in the room now that both parents are gone. He's not sure what had just happened but he knows it's something about him.

"I'm going up, Mark. Come when you're ready."

His mom's last words replay themselves in his head.

Does she wants him to do it again?

Despite it being so wrong, that it already may be causing problems between her and his dad, he can't help but feel a shiver of anticipation run through him as he remembers the other times.

"No, it's mom!" He says to himself half-heartedly, his groin tightening.

But he has to do it.

For some reason, it doesn't seem as bad as it has done.

Taking a deep breath, the boy gets up and goes upstairs, pausing outside his bedroom door as he ponders about double checking with her.

Deciding that he heard right the first time, he goes in and quickly strips down, noticing that his penis is already fully erect. Squirting some cream onto his hand, he gently rubs it into his now throbbing tool, gasping slightly as the cool lubricant comes into contact with his hot flesh, making him harder still.

Putting on his robe, he quickly notices that he is sticking out like a third arm. Embarrassed that his mom may see it, he quickly folds his hands over, causing the bloated shaft to press against his stomach.

With his 'condition' hidden, he nervously approaches his parent's bedroom door...
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:12 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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"Come in," Janice said in answer to the gentle knock on the door that could only be her son. She'd put her gown on and had the pillow they'd used earlier ready. Everything was ready. Well, almost.

Janice knew that they would be able to do it this time without a problem. Each attempt thus far had been easier than the last. But this time she was nervous -- nervous in a different kind of way. She was sore and tired. She didn't want to hurt anymore. She only wanted to sleep.

Jan was tempted to tell Mark that they'd skip this session, wait until morning. But she couldn't. They'd agreed. Twice a day -- minimum. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad this time. Maybe it wouldn't hurt.

Janice forced herself to smile at her son. He seemed just as nervous as she was and it tugged at her heartstrings. "C'mon," she said quietly, grabbing for the pillow and slipping it up under her hips. "There. Much better."

She tried to make a joke of it, or at least ease the tension, but she didn't know if it worked. Mark wasn't saying a thing. He wasn't smiling. He was barely breathing it seemed as he pulled back the covers and climbed between her legs.

"Okay," she encouraged him with a soothing tone in her voice. "You remember how we did it last time, right? Just relax, lovey. It will be all right."

Mark's face flushed and he nodded. Taking a deep breath, Janice reached between them to guide his erection.
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:15 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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He cannot believe it. He is back in his parents' room, back on the bed with his mother, back in between....

"Okay." His mother tells him. "You remember how we did it last time, right?"

He nods as he listens to the sound of her voice and he remembers how she cried out when they last did this. Despite himself, he feels himself getting even harder even as his face flushes a deep red.

"Just relax, lovey. It will be all right."

Underneath him, he feels something moving, pulling at his robe and then something warm and soft is touching his erection.


Knowing it is his mother's hand, he pushes his hips forward as he feels her pulling at him. Her other hand gently presses on his bottom, pushing him down.

"That's it." She says encouragingly.

Guided by her hands, he pushes down and forward and gasps aloud as he feels his tip hit something. Underneath him, his mother shifts herself.

"Now push, honey. Push."

Obeying, he humps his hips forward and is immediately rewarded with that tight wet feeling sliding over the head of his cock.

"Ohh!" He groans, his eyes closing as he relishes the contact. With a violent jab, he buries three or four inches of himself inside her.

"Ooooh. Not so hard." His mother cries out and he feels her hand pushing against his stomach as if to stop him entering further. He stops.

"That's it. Now do it more slowly." Looking up at her face, he sees that her face is red, her eyes wide. Gently he moves forward and immediately feels the hot wetness slide further down him.

Inch by inch the boy slides into his mother, causing her channel to expand impossibly around him. Rubbing the ribbed inner walls against his taut hardened flesh as he joins with her.

Despite his feelings, he knows that this is paradise...
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:17 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice was more sore than she expected she'd be when Mark thrust into her. Unable to stop herself, she cried out for her son to be more gentle. She knew he'd used the lubricant -- she'd felt it when she touched his... But even so.

Jan struggled to relax her body as Mark eased up and then slowly began to enter her again. Realizing being tense wasn't helping matters and was more than likely adding to her discomfort, she closed her eyes and tried to just let it happen.

Concentrating on anything and everything other than what was going on, a low-pitched, quiet mewling breached her thoughts causing her to open her eyes slowly. It took a moment to gather her wits, but no longer than that.

Jan was horrified to realize that with her mind in a different place, her body had stopped resisting and her hips had been meeting his gentle thrusts subconsciously. Sweet heavens! She was aroused! And because of this, her son was gliding in and out of her steadily. Easily. And he was ready to ejaculate.

Resisting the urge to push him off and scramble away, she encouraged him instead -- just wanting it to be over. Needing it to be over. She needed to think. How could this be??

"Cum for mommy," she whispered. "Please... "
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:19 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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For a short time, the boy is lost as he moves his hips back and forth as he slowly fucks his mother. His mind completely enthralled by the sensation of his organ sliding in and out of his mother's.

His eyes closed, he tries to fight back the gasps and groans as he feels the wet sheath sliding back and forth on his swollen thickness. In fact, he is so lost, he doesn't even realise that she is gently thrusting back against him.

And then he can feel it, the tingling sensation in his groin which causes his erection to swell up even more. Gasping, he starts to speed up.

"Cum for mommy. Please... "

Her sudden words abruptly returns him to his surroundings and he finds that he is looking directly down at his mother's face, their eyes locking.

"Please..." She says again, almost a plea.

It is too much for him. Unable to stop himself, the boy rams himself as deeply inside her as possible and then he feels something rush up his cock. Then he is crying out, his body convulsing as he feels something hot literally jetting out the end and into his mother.

Once....twice...three times...four.

Each squirt is like the first and causes his body to shudder and for him to cry out...
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:21 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Thrust after pulsating thrust, Mark emptied his seed into his mother before finally collapsing. Janice was barely able to breathe under his crushing weight, yet she held her son, smoothing her hands over his hair until his ragged breathing and rapidly pounding heart returned to their normal rhythms.

Under other circumstances, this would have been a time for lovers to kiss and cuddle and whisper sweet nothings to each other -- but... This was not "other circumstances" and they were not lovers, Janice thought to herself as she waited for Mark's penis to soften and slip out of her vagina the way Jack's always did.

She waited.

And waited...

She tried not to think about the fact that it was her son in her arms, but when he didn't seem to be moving, Janice started to become uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. Mark didn't seem to be getting much smaller. Was it her imagination or was his penis growing harder again? Jan didn't want to hurt his feelings or make him feel awkward, but she needed him to get up. Now.

"Mark," she whispered. "You have to get up now, sweetie. School tomorrow and you need to shower up. I'll see you in the morning early, okay?"

Janice took a deep breath as her son lifted himself off of her -- reluctantly it seemed. Or was that her imagination as well? "Mark?"

"Yes, mom?"

She held out her arms and pulled him close for a hug. Kissing her son's forehead, Jan couldn't help hoping that this whole experience wouldn't cause him some deep psychological troubles further down the line. She would do whatever needed doing to keep that from happening.

"I love you. You did good."

He didn't answer, his face turning a bright shade of crimson as he nodded and murmured a quick goodnight before leaving his parents' bedroom.

Mark was her firstborn and whether he realized it or not, he would also be the father of the child they had been enjoined to conceive together. What that would do to their family -- and him -- in the long run was yet to be seen, Janice thought as she climbed from the bed and straightened up the bed linens.

Satisfied that the bed looked neat again, Jan stared at it for a long while before realizing that Mark's sperm was dripping out of her, running down her legs to the floor. She hadn't realized there was so much! Cleaning it up, she rushed for the shower wondering if her husband would come to their bed or sleep on the settee or in the guest room. That, too, remained to be seen.
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:21 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Back in his bedroom, the boy stands his bed as he tries not to think what he has just done to his mother in the room next door.

But he can't!

He can feel her soft body under his, her soft words, the strange wet feeling that surrounded his hard-on as he f... did 'it' with her.

He feels a familar tingling sensation in his penis.

For a moment, a forbidden moment, he finds himself back in his parents' bedroom, on top of his mother. The thought causes his still half-hard penis to stiffen. Automatically, his hand starts to reach for under the robe...


Shaking his head, he tries to concentrate on something else. Still feeling clammy, he decides to have a shower like she had told him and so, grabbing his bathrobe, he makes for the door.

And pauses.

The last thing he wants at the moment is to bump into either of his parents and for long moments, he just stands there.

Finally, he turns, pulls off his robe and slides naked into his bed...
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:23 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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A few days later...

Janice and Mark had settled into a routine of sorts, having what they called their "time together" in the morning as soon as the twins and Jack had left for the day and then again after the twins were settled down for the night. They were all agreed that it would be easier if the little ones weren't exposed to what was going on -- less questions asked and all that.

But tensions were rising in the Fleming household. Relations between Jack and Mark were strained at best -- Mark seeming embarrassed and Jack a little more than resentful, though he struggled not to show it for Janice's sake as much as for their son's.

"Don't forget I'm going over the road on Monday, Jan. I'll be gone for almost a week."

Janice nodded. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, babe. I really don't like the idea of being away just now. Especially now, but there was no talking old man Johnson out if it." he said quietly. "What if you need me?"

"It will be all right, Jack. Besides, you'll only be a phone call away and we'll talk in between like we always have done. And your homecomings have always been the best." Jan gave her husband a naughty wink without thinking.

Ignoring her statement, Jack gave his wife a peck and murmured something about running late. Janice sighed and gave kisses all around and watched him head out the door with Emily and Matt.

They hadn't made love since this Government Repopulation Order Worldwide went into effect. The doctors had said a two week minimum of abstinence and then only with condoms. Frankly, Jack hadn't even tried to cuddle up with her, let alone anything else since it had all begun. Maybe she'd encourage it when he returned, and once she was pregnant they wouldn't have to worry about it any more. They could just go on as they always had. Couldn't they?

"Morning, mom."

Jan turned and smiled at her son as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning, sleepyhead. You slept late. I was just coming up."

Mark nodded, but didn't meet her eyes. The act itself was a little easier now -- for her at least. Jan found -- surprisingly -- that she wasn't quite as tender as she had been in the beginning. They still used the pillow to give him better access and of course they were wearing the gowns that had been provided, but they still had those awkward moments when it seemed they might almost be discussing what they were doing.

"Have you seen Sunil lately?" Jan asked. Sunil hadn't been over since before Project G.R.O.W.. In fact, she hadn't spoken to Devi either. Maybe she'd give her a call this afternoon. Devi and her brother couldn't be having any better a time of it than they were.

"No. Guess he's been busy."

Janice nodded and started to make a remark about how even the best of friendships were strained by all of this, but thought better of it. Mark knew it as well as she did. Instead, not wanting him to see her concern, she smiled her sunniest smile at her son and said, "Just let me finish my coffee and I'll meet you upstairs." She needed a few moments alone to get into her mind set.
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:25 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"Just let me finish my coffee and I'll meet you upstairs." His mother tells him and he quickly excuses himself and goes upstairs. As he enters his bedroom room, he briefly wonders about his friend.

"Knowing him, he will loving it." And he feels his already rock hard cock throb even more at the thought of Sunil's sister, naked. He has always had a thing about her.

He groans to himself as he feels the dull ache in his balls and shaft which he has had since he woke up. Although not erect at the time, he had even started to hump into the mattress until his mother had shouted for him to come down for breakfast. It was because he was only half-hard was he able to hide is "condition" from his parents.

Pulling of his dressing gown, he dons on his gown and gasps as the material comes in contact with his bloated helmet.

"Ohhh!" He groans as he looks down at the huge tent sticking out from his groin. Is he imagining it or does it seem bigger? Filled with a morbid curosity, the teenager slowly drags up the robe from his front until the hugely swollen club stands revelled.

"Fuck!" His eyes widen at the sight of his "condition". It seems more veiny than usual and, although it is his only imagination, the deep purple head looks a lot bigger.

"Jesus." He moans as he imagines this monsterosity going deep inside his mother's sex, her cunt. Normally he feels tremendously guilty at even thinking what he does to his mother and although he can still feel that guilt, but this time, it is swamped by the ever growing need to get in between her legs.

He is so preoccupied in inspecting his "condition", the boy never hears his mother come up and go into her room to get changed, as she normally does before fetching him for a session. Nor does he has a chance to react when he hears the knock on the door and she enters.

"Mark, I am read..." His mother stops as her eyes fall on him...
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:28 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice felt the flush of embarrassment flood her face and just as quickly drain away replacing her normally wholesome glow with a blanched, colorless pallor. Just when she thought she had her emotions all under control... this. She wanted to rush from her son's room. She wanted to stay and look.

Mark stood in front of her holding up his gown with one hand, his other circling his monstrous erection which was pointing at her like an obscene signpost. His face was red, his eyes were wide and glued to her not unlike the look of a deer when it gets caught in the headlights of a fast approaching automobile on a dark country road. Frozen.

"I didn't mean to... barge in." Why was she feeling so guilty? Janice knew exactly why.

Despite the fact that they had done it -- several times over the past week, in fact -- Janice had not seen Mark's penis as it was always covered by his gown. Yes, she had touched it to guide him inside of her. Yes, she had felt how it had stretched her vagina. She remembered how sore she had been for the first few days. But she had refused to let herself think about it. And now...

Now Mark was standing, for all intents and purposes, on display in front of her. For the first time, she was actually faced with the nonordinariness of their reality. There it was. The thing she hadn't wanted to think about. The thing that kept their encounters from becoming "personal". The thing that she had been guiding between her legs. That he had been putting into her vagina. The thing that deposited the sperm deep in her womb so that they could conceive a child.

Janice wanted to laugh aloud at how ludicrous it was for her to be shocked. Perhaps it was more the fact that she had deluded herself into thinking that this was all just on the government's orders. That there was nothing personal at all about... About what?? Nothing personal about fucking??

She knew that she was being harsh on herself. That it had just been a way of protecting her sensibilities -- and those of her son -- but the fact remained. The reality of it was suddenly, starkly so "in-her-face" that she didn't know what to say or do. Janice was disgustingly fascinated and it made her sick to her stomach. She could only imagine how it made Mark feel.

Well, he was more than obviously "ready". Perhaps they could just get it over with and go on yet again. Yes, that's what she would do.

Fighting back the urge to touch it -- to see just how small her hand looked when her fingers circled his girth to guide him, Janice Fleming reached out and touched the wrist of the hand that was holding up his gown, pulling it free.

"Come," Jan said quietly with a tilt of her chin toward the other bedroom, her fingers slipping down to squeeze her son's hand as she held it and led him across the hall.
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:32 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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The boy just stands there, mimicing a deer that has been caught in a car's pair of headlights, as he feels his mother's eyes on him.

Nor does he move until he feels her hand on him, pulling his own hand away and allowing the gown to fall down over his jutting hardness, leaving a large tent affect.

"Come." She tells him as she pulls him by the hand out of his room and into hers. All the way, he is acutely aware of her large breasts as they wobble inside her gown.

Once inside, she lets go of his hand and takes her usual place on the bed underneath the sheets. He just stands there, watching.

"Come." She says again, lifting up the sheet to allow him to get in. With a now practiced ease courtesy of their previous times together, he is soon laying between his mother's legs, their bodies shielded by the bedclothes. Like many times before, he feels her hand on him as she starts to guide him into her.

Hell! I haven't put on any cream!

He tries to say something when he feels some warm and wet nudge the tip of his turgid erection. Then her hand is pushing on his ass and he groans as he feels himself slide into a tight couldron of liquid heat...
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:33 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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As Mark moved in and out of her with a now practiced rhythm, something odd about this encounter kept tickling the back of Janice's mind. It was different somehow, and it seemed as though they both sensed it without knowing the what or why of it.

For one thing, Mark didn't have his eyes closed. Nor did she for that matter. And he was staring. Looking deeply into her eyes as if the answer to his unspoken question could be found there. But what was the question?

Jan smiled reassuringly and caressed her son's face to smoothe away the worry lines between his brows. She hoped it wasn't concern about her walking in on him and what she saw. , and realized that it was foolish to be embarrassed. But boys and men were different sometimes. Mark would get past it, of course -- they both would. She just didn't want him to fret overmuch.

Rocking her hips to meet her son's, Janice suddenly realized what was different. She was reacting -- moving with him. He hadn't used the lubricant either! Sweet heavens, what was she doing? Her mind went blank and her body froze, but she didn't have time to really consider the consequences of her thoughts. Mark was ready and she had to let him finish.

"Ohh, mom... "

Mark's voice was low, sounding almost like a plea as he pressed his forehead against hers and paused for what seemed an eternity. Then he was moving again -- harder and faster now. She held her breath as she waited.

Mark shuddered and groaned. She could feel his penis pulsate with each successive thrust. Flooding her with eruption after eruption of his sperm, it gushed deeply into her vagina where it would travel in seach of an egg to fertilize.

"That's it, darling. Eeeeasy does it."

Please let it happen this time, she prayed to herself. Knowing what she now knew, Jan wasn't sure if she would be able to do this for very much longer.
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:35 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Everything happens so fast for the boy, his mind shutting down as the sensations overload. He is hardly aware of anything but the pleasureable feeling of his mother's ..erm.. sex wrapped tightly around his cock, her moving under him.

"Ohh, mom... "

Then he is pressing into her, already swollen cock expanding further deep inside, his breathes coming in deep gasps with each deep penetrative thrust.


With a long drawn out groan, he is filling her, his forehead against hers, his hands grasping her shoulders firmly as he strains against her. His body trembling and bucking violently at each discharge of thick, potent semen.

"That's it, darling. Eeeeasy does it." He hears her whisper.

Finally the ejaculations stop but he can still feel the tingle down below, still feel his mother tight around him.

Slowly he lifts up his head and looks down at her, his eyes locking with hers. The sight of her makes his body shudder, his cock throb and suddenly he is filled with the desire to kiss her, to plant his lips over her soft ones. Slowly, he starts to pull back and gasps out aloud as he feels his mother's ribbed insides caress his penis's over-sensitive head, his cock still ever so swollen.

His eyes still locked on hers, he moves in again. Filling her with his abundantly erect flesh, the sound of their wet groins clearing being heard despite the muffling of the sheets.

For a moment he flexes his heavy erection inside her, causing his mother to gasp?, and then he is pulling back, then pushing back in, and then out again, then in.

Within seconds, he is rhythmically thrusting into her, his eyes never leaving hers as the sounds of gasps fill the room...
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