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Old 10-29-2003, 05:35 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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The sensation of being inside his mother's vagina is too much for the lad.

Feeling the incredible tightness around his huge girth sends him over the top and before he is even halfway in, he starts to cum, his body jerking with the violent force of his orgasm.

"Moommm!" The boy wails as jet after jet of his thick incestuous seed floods his parent's depths.

For long seconds, the boy just cums and cums, until finally the ejections become weaker and weaker until with a sigh, the boy collapses on her, almost crushing her with his large body.

Never has he felt so good...

"Mark? Mark? Are you alright?"

Vaguely, he is aware that someone is calling his name.

"Mark? Please get off, honey. You are crushing me."

Then the reality kicks in and suddenly his bliss is replaced by a mixture of embarrassment and shame. Quickly he jumps off, the sudden movement causes his still hard erection to pull out of her.

"Oohh!" He hears her gasp.

"You okay, mom?" He now remembers her cry when he..erm... first entered her...
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Old 10-29-2003, 07:29 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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"I'm... fine" she replied, not wanting to worry her son. Truth was, Janice wasn't sure how she was. They had finally done it, in spite of it being in fits and starts. But this was only the beginning. They had been told to do it twice a day -- at the minimum -- for the next two weeks before returning to the Clinic.

When she had asked Mark to lift off of her, Jan hadn't expected him to still be erect. Perhaps he hadn't ejaculated after all. She thought he had, but she'd been so tense that she really couldn't be certain. Maybe he just didn't finish.

Oh, who are you trying to fool, Janice Fleming. He came. You felt it. Get real for Pete's sake! It was true. She had felt. She could feel it leaking out of herself even now. But he is still hard!

Jan tried to remember if it had ever been that way with her and Jack. Damn her memory! Maybe it had. But that was different. That was making love, nothing like this at all. Nothing!


Janice looked at her son. Mark had moved off the foot of the bed and had come around beside her. His concern for her was etched on her face and mingled with a look of confusion. The huge tent in the front of his gown was obvious, despite his attempt to hide it from her.

Gods! What was she supposed to do now? Did she just let him go away like that? They said no masturbation for him. Wouldn't he hurt? Would he be able to resist doing that? Why didn't anything seem to go easily for them? She had to think, dammit!

Okay. Here's what I'll do. I'll go get cleaned up and if he's still aroused when I come back...
In the meantime she would try to maintain at least a semblance of calm when she spoke.

"Yes, sweetie? Are you okay?"
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Old 10-29-2003, 09:03 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"Yes, sweetie? Are you okay?" His mother asks him as she slowly gets out of bed, her robe still shielding her body from him.

"Er...yes." He says, still dazed about what has just happened.

Stepping past him, his mother exits the room but not before his eyes fall over her large rump as it sways under the confines and suddenly he feels a surge under his own gown.

She is MOM! He admonishes himself, turning his head away in embarrassment.

Now he is alone as well as confused. A part of him can still feel the morbid shame of what he has just done to her. The evidence being the clammy dampness he can feel underneath his robe. But another...

NO! This is all wrong!

He doesn't have to look down to know he is still hard.

He can feel it!

Again, more waves of shame hits him.

What if she sees it? She will think I am some sort of perv...

The door opens and his mother steps in, her eyes immediately falling on the protrusion that is pushing his gown out....
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Old 10-29-2003, 09:05 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice had hoped that Mark's erection would diminish while she was in the bathroom. It would certainly have made things easier -- for herself -- and maybe for her son as well. Frankly, she had no idea what he was thinking.

The FAQ had said twice daily minimum. Janice herself knew enough to realize that more often would increase the odds of a pregnancy occurring. Especially now. Then, too, her motherly concern was beginning to creep in.

Of course in a "normal" situation, it would not be her responsibility to see to her son's comfort. But this was far, far from "normal". It was more like a Stanley Kubrick film in the making -- dehumanizing, surreal, bordering on the psychotic and surreal. Just your every day mother/son affair where she will ultimately and hopefully end up pregnant.

Lights! Camera! Action! Janice fought to stifle a burst of maniacal laughter as she moved closer to her son. He'd never understand why she would laugh -- especially now. Bottom line was that the governments of the world directing this show and she and Mark and the others were merely the players. But someone here needed to take charge and make some decisions. She wished to god that it didn't have to be her, but she saw no other way.

There was nothing she could say aloud that wouldn't sound like she was coming on to her son or belittling his condition, so rather than risk it, she merely sat down and got back onto the bed, once more adjusting the pillow beneath herself. His eyes widened and his face grew red at her actions, but she just smiled gently and gestured with her chin for him to join her.
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Old 10-30-2003, 02:36 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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For a moment, he just stands there open mouthed as he watches her get on the bed and resume her position.

Nothing is said as he finds himself climbs onto the bed and settles himself between her outstretched legs, still the most part hidden by her gown.

Like before, he feels her fiddle between them and then the feel of her hand on his already rock hard shaft. With her hand, he is once again guided downwards until he feels his tip press into something warm. Knowing what to do, he pushes his hips forward.

This time, it is quicker as he feels something stretch tightly around his engorged head and then he is in, the snug warmth of his mother's sex sliding along his rigid rod filling with a mixture of intense pleasure and shame.

This is all wrong. He shouldn't like this.

Even so, the incredible pleasure of having his penis inside a vagina, even if it is his mother's, is too good to deny.

Now leaning over her, he lowers his forehead onto the pillow next to hers as with one last large thrust, he tries to bury himself completely inside her...
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Old 10-30-2003, 02:51 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice Fleming

There was nothing tender about what was happening. Not that it was rough, but it was impersonal -- mechanical. Janice tried not to think about what they were actually doing as her son climbed between her legs.

In fact, there was a subtle difference to Mark's movements when he leaned forward to position himself. He seemed more determined, if that was the word, and Jan shifted slightly to accommodate her son. To make it easier for him.

She felt his penis, hard against her inner thigh, and reached to guide him. This time, she knew he would better understand what he was meant to do and that relieved her somewhat as she felt the tip of his erection part her labia and begin to enter her vagina.

Unable to stop herself, she cried out as her son gave a powerful lunge and entered her. The thought that they should have used the lubricant crossed her mind but flittered away quickly as she concentrated more on the burning sensation in the thin skin at the base of her vagina.

For the first time, she realized just how large Mark's penis was as he began to bore into her. Her canal was stretched almost to its limits as he grunted quietly and began to move. Yes, she'd felt it before but put it off to lack of lubrication. This time she wasn't so sure -- and the thought fascinated her.

Don't think about it, Jan. Just do it!
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Old 10-30-2003, 07:08 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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The sound of his mother's cry causes him to shiver and he finds himself starting to move his hips, bracing himself over her body as he starts to slide his thick shaft in and out of her.

His breath comes in gasps as his mind reels at the sensations of what they are doing. From smelling the fragance of his mother's hair, hearing the bedsprings creaking under them and his mother's rapid breathing, to the feeling of actually being inside her.

Back and forth, back and forth his lower body goes, sending his stout tool firmly if not completely inside his mother's tight grasping channel.

Unlike the first time, the boy just continues on and on, his movements getting stronger as he feels the pleasure slowly building. For the moment at least, his morality is on hold as he enjoys the experience...
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Old 10-30-2003, 07:12 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice Fleming

Mark's thrusts into his mother were stronger now and he seemed more self-assured as his erection glided in and out of her tender sheath. It began to dawn on Janice that her body, whether she liked it or not, must be responding to their coupling -- her body releasing the natural secretions that accompanied vaginal penetration. They weren't using lubricant, but he seemed to be moving in a smoother, more rhythmic pattern.

Afraid that she might begin to lose constraint, Janice began to wander in her mind -- making shopping lists, naming all the states and their capitols, planning the next luncheon for the Gardening Society and dinners for all of next week and the following. Meanwhile, her son continued to move in and out... in and out... Harder. Faster. Deeper. Stretching her. Filling her. No! Don't think about it!

And then he was pausing. Trembling. Groaning gutterally. Sucking in his breath and before releasing a shuddering exhalation. Her son's body trembled and she felt him swelling even further.

At last! Janice combed her fingers through his hair, more to comfort herself than to encourage him.

She felt her son begin to move faster, more erratically as he neared his release. Jan knew he was ready and held her breath. Waiting for the eruption of her son's seed that would hopefully find its way into her uterus and fertilize the waiting egg that would put an end to all of this.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:24 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Burying himself as much as possible inside the wet sucking sheath, the boy climaxes for the second time in his life inside a woman's body.

"That's it, baby. Let it all go." He hears his mother encourage, feeling her soft hand on his neck as he shakes and trembles. "Let it all out."

For long seconds, he feels the bliss once more. But as it wears off, he suddenly realises what he has done. Remembering how rough he was.

Quickly he scrambles off her, pulling himself out of her with a wet slap.

Standing by the bed, he finds himself looking down in between her outstretched legs, seeing that her gown had ridden up and he could actually see her down there, all red and open, partially covered in a mass of dark hair.

Realising what he is doing, he looks up at her face and sees her looking at him...
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:38 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice almost felt triumphant when Mark tensed and emptied himself into her with a low moan and a succession of spasmodic jerks -- a mixture of relief that it was over and a sense of something akin to pleasure that she had made him comfortable enough to finish. That's why she was a little more than surprised when her son scrambled off of her.

She looked up at him with concern in her eyes, poised to ask if he was all right when she noticed his eyes glued to a spot between her legs. He's staring at my... . She felt a crimson blush spread over her face as she closed her legs and sat up with a wince.

It wasn't his fault that he was looking. He'd probably never seen a woman's private parts before. At least not in person. He had been a virgin after all. She felt a twinge of regret that it hadn't been more special or meaningful for him than this, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Done was done.

Standing up, Jan walked over to her son and put her arms around him. "You did good, Mark. We both did good. Now go shower and do something nice for yourself. We'll umm... maybe after dinner when the twins are in bed, okay?"

She kissed him on the cheek and watched him leave the room. Later would be easier still... maybe, Janice thought as she walked gingerly to the bathroom to shower. She hadn't realized how sore she was until she actually moved.
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Old 10-31-2003, 01:38 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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(OOC: We have reached post 100! )

Standing in the bathroom, waiting for the shower to warm up, his mind casts back to what had happened.

He had actually 'done' it with her.

Naked, he looks down at himself, at the still semi-swollen flesh that hangs from his groin. He has never seen it so red, it looks almost sore he thinks to himself as he gently lifts it up. Noticing how sticky it is. He feels a tinge as he realises that the stickiness is from both him and his mom.

He finds himself thinking what he had saw when he got off the bed. Another tinge. Realising that he shouldn't be thinking like that, he tries to shrug it off as he steps into the cubicle.

Even as he lets the jets of the hot water wash over him, he still cannot disspell the funny feeling he is having...
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:51 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Jack Fleming

Jack was in the living room when his wife finally came downstairs. He'd not gone out as planned just in case Janice had needed him for something.

Needed him for something.

Who was he kidding? It wasn't like she had been upstairs with some stranger or someone who would hurt her. She had been upstairs with their son.

Exactly! Their son!!

Irregardless of the fact that this was being done under duress -- that governments had issued the mandate that put mothers and sons and sisters and brothers worldwide into the same horrible situation -- Jack Fleming realized that he was jealous.


"So, how was it?" How was it? What a fucking lame thing to say! How was it. Might as well have said 'So, did you get off? Did you moan like you do for me? Was it good for you?

"How was it?" Janice stopped in front of her husband, an incredulous look on her face. She didn't know what she had expected him to say... What could he say? But somehow, this just wasn't it.

"I'm sorry, Jan. God damn it! I didn't mean it that way." Jack looked at his wife's face and it tore at his heart.

"I'm going to start dinner. Where are the twins?"

"They are staying overnight at the Kelly's. I thought maybe it would be a little more... relaxing with them over there. Just this once. Jan?"

"I guess I'll just make dinner for the three of us then," she said quietly. Truth was, the twins would have helped to keep her mind off today's events and she more than resented Jack making this decision without her.

Jack followed her into the kitchen cursing himself under his breath. What the hell was he doing? She just went through the ordeal of a lifetime and here I am being a totally insensitive jerkoff.

"Jan," he repeated quietly as he put his arms around his wife. "I love you."

Happy 100th post.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:52 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice Fleming

Janice slipped her arms around her husband's waist and nestled her face into shoulder, "I love you, too, Jack. You know I do. It's just that... " How did she say that she was afraid their family would fall apart because of what was going on and that she -- they -- needed to work very hard to keep that from happening. "Our family needs to stick together right now, Jack. Especially now. And that includes the twins."

She looked up into his face. "I won't expose them to anything that would confuse them or hurt them, Jack. Give me that bit of credit at least."

"I know, Jan. I just thought it would make you more comfortable to not have them underfoot today. I'll go fetch them home."

"No. Leave them at Kelly's for today. Bringing them home now at dinner time will upset their routine. Right now they probably think they are having a little adventure away from home. I will phone them to wish them goodnight later on though. We'll all talk to them."

She offered her lips up for a kiss and smiled. "I know! How 'bout if we get take-out and a movie? I could do with a good comedy myself. You?"

"Sounds good to me!" Jack took the proffered kiss and added more. Deeper, more intimate than they'd meant to and Jan could feel her husband's arousal pressing against her. She moaned softly -- not because she, too, was aroused, but because she was suddenly, awkwardly made aware of the tenderness between her legs. She really should check to see if everything was all right "down there".


They broke their embrace, turning toward their son as he walked into the living room. Janice walked over and toussled his hair. "We're getting take-out and a movie. Sound good?"

"Umm... sure."

"Okay then. All we have to do is decide what we're having. You and dad can pick it up on the way home from the video store." Janice wasn't sure if placing them alone together was such a good idea right now, but this is how they'd always done things and she didn't want to rock the boat any more than they had already done.
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Old 11-01-2003, 02:16 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Mark sits silently in the car as they drive down to the take-away, after they had picked up the video. Neither saying a word.

"How is school?" His father says finally.

"Fine I guess." He replies.

More silence.

"Do you still hang around with that asian kid? Whatsisname?"

"Sanjay." He doesn't like how his father keeps referring to Sanjay as 'that asian kid'. His mother has told him off a few times. "Yeah."

Conversation stops as they pull up to the side of the road. Getting out, they go and retrieve their orders. Mark is having sweet and sour chicken.

Five minutes later, they are home.

"I have heated up the plates." Calls out his mother as she takes them out of the oven and starts to place them on the table.

From their positions, Mark finds himself staring at her ass, noting how it fills out her jeans as she bends over the table.

Suddenly realising what he is looking at, he quickly turns away, praying that neither of his folks have seen him.

"Come on, Mark. Help out will you?" His mother is asking him.

"Yeah!.... Sure!"...
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Old 11-01-2003, 04:15 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice Fleming

Conversation while they ate was sporadic, but Janice was grateful nonetheless. At least they were talking! She smiled fondly while she listened. Jack would be over-the-road most of next week. Mark was going to try out for the football team. The only thing missing was the twins.

She brought them dessert in the living room while they watched the movie -- a campy comedy that had Mark and Jack laughing uproariously. It was easy to slip away while they regained the sense of camaraderie the two had seemed to have lost lately.

Janice was disturbed by how sore she still was. Locking the bedroom door behind herself, she removed her jeans and panties then took down the magnifying mirror that she used to tweeze her eyebrows. Climbing gingerly onto the bed, Jan placed the mirror between her legs and parted her outer lips to take a better look.

To her, never having looked at her own genitals before, everything seemed red and swollen. She felt stretched. The thin membrane at the base of her vagina was especially tender -- almost like when she'd had the episiotomy after birthing Mark.

It was ironic, how he had made her sore then and now again -- in the same place -- but for a completely different reason. To her inexperienced eye, nothing seemed to be amiss, however. It must just be because of... The realization that the tenderness was caused by the prodigious size of her son's erection finally hit home.

Of course she'd sensed it at the time, but hadn't wanted to think about it -- preferring instead to put their initial awkwardness off on their nervousness and his inexperience. Perhaps a nice warm soak would help, Jan thought as she set the mirror aside and got up to draw a bath.

Yes. That would do it, she thought as she glanced at the clock on the nightstand. She figured there was another forty five minutes or so left to the film. And then... Janice sighed as she added bubbles to the running water.
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