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Old 09-30-2002, 02:05 PM
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As he passed her dorm, her face flushed again and she could feel the panic beginning to well inside her. But, when he said he'd let her call someone when they arrived, it eased her worries. She settled back into the seat with her hand still on the back of her head.

"So, um, are you a doctor?" she asked trying to find out more about him. All she could see was the back of his head now, with his long dark hair brushing just against his shoulders. Every now and then she would notice his grey eyes looking back at her from the rear view mirror as he spoke.

There was something mysterious about this man who had been so kind to her. Every nerve in her body screamed that she shouldn't be near him despite how cool, collected, and nice he had been. She decided she was just being scared and irrational because she didn't know anything about him.

She was lost in her thoughts as she realized he was speaking to her.
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Old 10-02-2002, 10:33 AM
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"I have taken medical classes for my graduate program, but I am not a doctor. Are you cold?" He watched her relax a bit and then continued on his course. As they pulled away from the main campus area he know that he had her. She did not protest or even say anything about where they were going. He knew that she was watching him, so he made sure to keep himself in control this time.

As they passed the outer buildings, he finally saw his small lab that he rented fromthe college. It was not cheap, but it was well worth the privacy for his studies and research. He pulled up to the door and then stopped the car. He turned around slowly and looked the young lady in the eyes. He smiled, and it showed in his grey eyes as well.

"My name is Will and this is my research lab. I pretty much live her and have a fairly nice bed and plenty of food and warmth to share. What is your name?"
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 10-03-2002, 03:32 PM
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The car finally pulled to a stop in front of a small building on the edge of campus. Amy felt a rush of relief and realized that she'd been harboring the notion that they would end up in the middle of nowhere where she would be all alone.

He turned around in his seat to face her and smiled, "My name is Will and this is my research lab. I pretty much live her and have a fairly nice bed and plenty of food and warmth to share. What is your name?" His eyes smiled along with his words.

"I'm Amy," she replied. "I really can't thank you enough for all your kindness. I think I'll be fine though, but I'll let you see for yourself to ease both our minds. Then, if you don't mind, you can take me back to my dorm. I have lots of studying I need to get done before my exams," she finished as sweetly as she could muster, not wanting to insult him any farther.

She found that her palms were sweaty, her head pounded, and her knees were weak and she didn't know if it was all because of her bump on the head or from being around this man. A strange intermingling of emotions that she couldn't recognize coursed through her whenever he looked at her.
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Old 10-04-2002, 07:08 PM
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Will looked her over and then got out of the car after unlocking the doors. He made sure to be right by the door when she got out so that he could help her out of the car. She steps out slowly and she looks to still be weak. He wraps his big arms around her waist and pulls her close.

As he looks over her body, she sees that her stockings appear to be torn and a bit of her leg is showing through the rip of material. He can also see that there is some blood. He points it and then offers to clean it up once they get inside. In the back of his head he has now gotten an idea of how to get farther with his experiment.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 10-04-2002, 09:20 PM
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Will got out of the car and came to Amy's door. She stepped out of the car and as her feet touched the ground and she stood, her knees felt weak and she began to colapse. Luckily, he was there to catch her and she realized she wasn't as stable as she thought she was.

He put his arm around her waist for support. She realized then how strong this man, Will, was. She could feel the hard muscled arm through his sweater as he held her firmly to his side . She began to notice more about him. He was well dressed, not beautiful, or ruggedly handsome, but extremely attractive in a mysterious sort of way.

While in mid thought, he pointed out that she had torn the leg of one of her stockings open and had a scrape there that she didn't even realize. She hadn't felt anything but the bump on her head until then, but now realized that it was quite painful too. She smiled, feeling a bit embarrased, "I guess this is what I get for being ungrateful to such a nice man, huh?" she said, this time truly feeling gratitude for his presence.

He offered to clean it up for her. She was again truly thankful that he had shown so much kindness to her. She was sure that anyone else who she had acted so horridly toward would have just left her there. She smiled again at him sweetly and without reservation for the first time as they entered the building.
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Old 10-04-2002, 09:55 PM
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Will helped her into his lab. He realized rather quickly that she was very weak and he was mostly carrying her. As he opened the door and reset the alarm, they proceeded into the building. He turned on dim lights as they walked slowly into the heart of the building. They finally arrived in his "resting room" and set her on his modest bed. It was a queen size bed, after all he had other uses for it besides his comfort.

As he lowered onto the bed, he saw that she was worried about her leg. He stepped away and looked her over. She was kind of a mess to look at, but there was still that beauty that he saw that was on the surface and a deeper beauty that not many others would notice.

"Okay Amy, why don't you take your skirt and stalkings off. That way I can clean your wound and not get your skirt dirty." He looked as innocent as he could, and tried to keep it out of his eyes and his face too. He hoped that she would agree.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 10-06-2002, 02:14 PM
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"Okay Amy, why don't you take your skirt and stalkings off. That way I can clean your wound and not get your skirt dirty," he said. At first she was shocked, but as she looked at her leg, which was more than just a little scraped up like she thought, she couldn't help but to agree that she needed some cleaning up.

She'd not seen herself in a mirror, but from what she could see, she knew she must be a wreck. She knew she needed to get cleaned up, but she couldn't help but be embarrased. She hadn't been that disrobed in front of another person since her mother use to bathe her.

Its not that she was one of those wilting flower type of girls who talk of saving themselves for their wedding night. She just wasn't trying NOT to be a virgin. She thought she was attractive, and maybe even pretty. She'd simply spent more of her life learning and studying than she had with relationships. She figured she had time for all of that later. Her main objective was to get her degree and become a teacher and then she would worry about the rest....

"Um," she said shyly, "I don't suppose you would have anything here that I could put on so that I'm not....," she smiled at her own awkwardness. "I'm not......I haven't....been undressed..." She looked at him pitifully in a vulnerably innocent way and hoped he understood.
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Old 10-06-2002, 02:59 PM
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"Um," she said shyly, "I don't suppose you would have anything here that I could put on so that I'm not....," she smiled at her own awkwardness. "I'm not......I haven't....been undressed..." And with a pitiful look she lowered her head a touch.

He smiled and walked away. He returned quickly and handed her a large button shirt. "I have a washing machine if you'd like to get cleaned completely. And a smallish shower too." He stood up and offered his hand. He showed her to the bathroom and then closed the door behind himself.

Amy looked at herself in the mirror for a few mintues then proceeded to get out of her dirty clothes and start to clean up. As she proceeded, she did not know that secretly she was being watched.

Will got into his office as quickly as he could. In doing so, he was able to catch her removing her clothes. She did have a gorgeous body, very tight and curved in all the right places. She had several cuts and scraps all over her legs and arms and a couple on her back.

As she lowered her skirt and bent over he could see her delicate, lacy panties. His cock got hard fast and he fought the urge to touch himself. He continued to watch in fascination.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 10-06-2002, 04:04 PM
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Relief washed across her face and she was really starting to feel comfortable again. She stood, with a bit more strength this time and he walked her to the little bathroom. She was very thankful that his lab had such accomidations. She decided he must really spend a lot of time here.

Amy walked into the bathroom and shut the door. She placed the shirt he had given her on the back of the toilet. Then, she looked herself over in the mirror and realized she really did look a mess. She smoothed down her hair a bit and looked down at her leg and frowned.

Unzipping her skirt, she bent over to slide it over her legs without it touching her injured limb. She stood and stepped out of it as she began to pull her sweater over her head. She threw it onto the floor along with her skirt.

She examined herself noticing the scrapes and red spots along her shoulder. They weren't as bad as the gash she realized was on her thigh. She must have fallen on a piece of glass or a sharp rock. It wasn't bleeding but from what she could tell it was fairly deep.

She then realized she had to set about the task of getting her thigh high pantyhose off with as little pain as possible. Amy slipped her thumbs under each side of the elastic band at her thigh. She slowly pulled it down, peeling it away from her wound and down her knee, slipping it off at the toe. She threw the abused nylon into the wastebasket. She then placed her other leg upon the side of the toilet and slowly slid the hose down her shapely, feminine leg and threw the stocking in with its mate.

She looked in the mirror again. She was wearing the only matching underwear she owned. Her roomate had bought her these for a Christmas present and gave them to her early. She never really thought about matching her undergarments. Who was going to see them anyway, she thought. looked at herself she realized they made her feel sexy even if no one saw them.

She ran her hands across the soft, deep blue satin and lace of her bra causing her nipples to harden under the material. Sliding her hands slowly around her body, she unhooked the metal hooks and the garment went limp around her body.

She caught the cups in her hands and shrugged it away from her body exposing her full round breasts. She thought they were too big. She was a D cup on a petite frame. She'd always worn clothes to hide it, thick sweaters, never anything low cut, never too tight.

Her nipples were standing erect and she couldn't resist the urge to run her hands across her naked breasts and roll the hard buds between her fingers. For a moment she forgot where she was as she massaged her breasts while watching herself in the mirror. She began to feel hot between her legs as she pinched her nipples.

Just before her brain fogged completely over she gathered where she was and that Will was probably outside waiting on her to get finished so that he could make sure she was okay. She also was afraid if she took too long he may get worried and come in to check on her.

She then quickly slid her panties down and picked them up and noticed the small line of moisture along the material as she threw them over with her other clothes. Amy then opened the door to the shower and turned on the water. She stepped into the stall and let the steam engulf her. She was chilled to the bone from being outside and the water felt sooo good on her battered skin.
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Old 10-06-2002, 04:25 PM
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The whole incident was more than Will could handle. He knew that she was a beauty, but once her clothes were gone, it was even more aparent then. He watched her remove her skirt and sweater and he had to touch himself. He quickly stroked his hard cock through his pants then stopped. He watched her remove her damaged stockings and toss them away. Then she started to run her hands all over her body. He could not hold off is she kept this up. Then he got mad, where did she get off stroking her body without him telling her too or doing it himself.

As she finally stopped and then stepped into the shower he decided that he needed to be nearby for when she came out. He thought of everything he could to regain control before she exited the small bathroom. Finally, his composure in control, he sat at a nearby table and read over some his notes to take his mind off what she might be doing in the shower. He was glad that he had a recorder set up to the camera.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 10-06-2002, 10:41 PM
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Amy felt the hot water rush over her body and sighed. She glanced around the stall and found a bar of soap and began to lather her tired body. She winced as the suds rolled down to her thigh where the scrape started.

Amy slowly guided the bar across her large chest and enjoyed the smooth feel of it on her skin. Her nipples immediately perked back to attention as her slippery hands slid across them. She soaped them again and ran her fingernails across the skin leaving light pink trails behind on her warm skin.

She then started to soap down her stomach slowly and deliberately removing the grime that she felt from the day. Slowly, her hands trailed between her legs to the smooth mound between them. She had taken to keeping things clean shaven simply because it looked neater....not that she ever expected anyone to see.

Her soapy hand ran between her thighs across the sweet mound and to the center of her sex. She slid a hand between her netherlips and flicked her fingertip across the hardening bud and enjoyed the sensation. She did it once again, and again after that. She realized how stressed she had been that day and how much tension was being released from her body with each flicking of her finger across her clit.

Without giving it a second thought, she put her leg upon the small ledge in the stall and began to slowly stroke her pussy, forgetting where she was or why she was here. She leaned back against the wall and began to massage her swollen button faster and faster until she could feel her orgasm begin to tumble through her body. Her weak legs began to buckle under with the last waves of exctacy and she quickly caught herself and regained her senses.

She quickly washed her hair, remembering the bump on the back of her head only after the soap stung the small scrape that was left on her scalp. Amy turned off the water and reached for a towel that was hung outside of the small stall.

She dried her body quickly, threw her hair up in a toweled turban and shrugged on the shirt Will had been kind enough to loan her. She was happy to see that the shirt was almost as long as her skirt had been on her and decided that it was long enough to where she could leave her panties off so that they could be washed as well.

She wondered for a moment if he had a washer and dryer as well or if she should wash her clothes herself in the sink. She decided to just leave them where they lay for the time being and let him look at her leg. It was beginning to sting terribly after standing on it alone in the shower.

She saw a brush on the ledge of the sink and grabbed it as she walked with just a slight limp out of the bathroom in a billow of steam. "I saw your brush and wanted to ask if it was alright if I used it before I took the liberty," she stated.
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Old 10-08-2002, 11:46 AM
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A long time passed before she finally exited from the bathroom. When the door opened a small billow of steam exited out and then his lovely guest Amy.

"I saw your brush and wanted to ask if it was alright if I used it before I took the liberty," she asked. "That is fine. Anything else you need let me know. But you should sit down and let me look at that scrape before it gets worse." He motioned her to a nearby chair and then walked away to the bathroom.

He walked in and saw the pile of clothes on the floor. He picked them up and then noticed that not was her bra in the pile, but so was her panties too. They were a matched pair of silky feminity that he liked. He rolled the clothes into a smaller pile and then grabbed what he needed from the medicine cabinet.

As he entered the room he dropped the pile of her clothes and then walked over to the chair. She was laid back and looked on the verge of sleep. He stepped up to her and the evilness in his mind surfaced again.

He tapped her leg to startle her back awake. "You need to stay awake Amy, just in case you have a concusion. Now let me see your leg and take care of that scrape. This will sting a bit, but will clean it up real nice. I have some bandages so that it won't get infected too."

She lifted her leg and there it was. He could barely see her bare mound between her legs. He couldn't see all of her, but it was enough to enblazen him to follow through with his plans. He quickly dabbed the medicine on her scrape and looked for more on her leg. The whole time smiling and trying to reassure her that he was being as professional as he could. In reality he was looking at her sexy form and planning his next move.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 10-08-2002, 03:56 PM
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As he went into the bathroom to get the first aid for her leg, Amy sat on the edge of the bed and began to brush her thick brown hair. She was slowly realizing how cozy the bed was and how tired she had become after her exciting day, hot shower, and the little bit of play she'd allowed herself in the shower. She laid back on the bed just wanting to test it to see if it was as comfortable as the thought it was and as soon as her head laid back, she was asleep.

She was awakened by a small tap on her leg. "You need to stay awake Amy, just in case you have a concusion. Now let me see your leg and take care of that scrape. This will sting a bit, but will clean it up real nice. I have some bandages so that it won't get infected too," Will had said nicely but firmly.

She sat up and lifted her leg a bit to him so that he could have a look at it. She tried to make sure that she kept the shirt down so that he wouldn't see that she'd left her panties in the bathroom. She studied it for a minute herself and noticed that it was deep, but not too long and just a few minor scrapes around it. She looked up at him smiling and she knew she was beginning to trust him despite her first instincts.

She winced a bit as he applied the disinfectant and her leg jumped. She hoped she'd not shown anything off but she couldn't tell any change in Will's face so she didn't think she did. She tried to make small talk to cover her discomfort and nervousness, but she couldn't think of that much to say other than, "So what is it that you do in here?"
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Old 10-10-2002, 06:52 PM
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"So what is it that you do in here?" Amy croaked out as she tried to keep her mind off of what he was doing. She didn't realize it, but she had flashed him really good, he was able to see that she definitely shaved her mound.

His mind tried to get back on track as her questions loomed in the air. "Well I am in Research and Development for the University. I am also trying to get some grants to be able to stay on campus for a while longer. So do you have a boyfriend or family nearby?"

He continued to work on her leg and try to see further up the shirt to see her bare mound again. He was starting to lose control again and not sure if he could wait any longer.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 10-10-2002, 09:49 PM
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Well I am in Research and Development for the University. I am also trying to get some grants to be able to stay on campus for a while longer. So do you have a boyfriend or family nearby?" he asked as he examined her leg.

"No," she said, shaking her head, "I'm from Tennessee, half way across the country from here. My family's all back there," She smiled and flushed, "No boyfriend either. I just don't have time for all that mushy stuff right now," she said matter-of-factly, shrugging her shoulders.

"Other than my teachers, you're probably the only man I've talked to this much since I was 12." She paused, "Thats when my dad died. Not that you are interested in my life story or anything," she chuckled uncomfortably.

She finally lowered her leg and unconciously lifted the side of her shirt to examine his work, causing the bottom button of the shirt to come undone. She didn't notice until it was too late. She quickly rebuttoned it, turned glowing red, and stood to walk away from Will. She was too embarrassed to look at him.
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