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Old 07-10-2003, 11:52 PM
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sebastian sebastian is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: California, USA
Posts: 1
At the lake

I could feel the tension drain out of me as the plane’s wheels left the runway. All of the stress of the last several months was gone as I finally finished this project and headed back to my home office. It isn’t often the president and CEO of a company has to kiss as much ass as I have had to lately, just to keep a customer. Even one as important to my company as this one was. But now it is all over and they were very happy with the outcome and all of my efforts. But now I needed a rest and I was going to treat myself to a little vacation on the way home.

As I thought about where I was going I pulled the information packet from my coat pocket. The picture on the cover just about said it all. Rustic log cabins over looking a blue green mountain lake. The words “Secluded” and “Private” seemed to jump right off the page. Each cabin was on its own 5 acre private lot with its own lake access and all the amenities, such as a private sauna and hot tub. As I read further I came to the part about the world class stables associated with the camp and even a bass boat for every cabin. I fell in love with the place when I first saw the brochure at my hotel in LA. I placed a call to the number listed and was disappointed when all I got was a voice mail system (since that is what my company designs I really do hate them) telling me that no one was available and if I would leave my name and number someone would get right back to me. I thought, “What the hell, I might get lucky,” so I left my name and hotel information and mentioned that I was interested in a rental for a week around the end of the month.

I was sure that they would be all booked up for the season, and resigned myself to just head back to the office. I had gone out for a bite to eat and was crossing the lobby when I heard the page calling me to the phone. Thinking it was my customer or my secretary I hurried to the desk and took the call. After I had identified to the hotel operator, the call was put thru. The voice on the other end of the line, which was a rich deep and flowing base, identified itself as belonging to Joe, who was returning my call concerning a possible reservation at the lakeside resort. I thanked Joe for calling and quickly explained my need for some piece and quiet and a place to get away from business for a while. I expressed my desire to reserve a cabin for the last week of the month and hope that he could accommodate me.

Joe told me that unfortunately he was planning on shutting the place down for the season before that week and he didn’t think that he would be able to help me. I tried to contain my disappointment and thanked him for the courtesy of the return call and wished him well. He replied that it was only courtesy to return all calls and that that was just the way he did business. Wishing me well, and giving me the names of a couple of other places I might call, he said his goodbyes. Oh well that is the way it goes sometimes. I was probably needed more back at the office anyway. I headed up to my room, planning to call my secretary to let her know that I would not be taking a vacation after all. But, for some reason or other, I didn’t make the call that night, and by the morning I was so busy that it slipped my mind completely.

With the single mindedness that I am known for I threw myself back into my work and forgot all about Joe and his resort until late the next week when I was again paged to the desk for a call. As soon as I heard that voice I recognized Joe and surprised him by remembering his name and asking what I could do for him. He said that he had given my situation a lot of thought and he might have a solution where he could accommodate me that week. He said that he was still going to shut down the place that week but if I didn’t mind not having any of the regular amenities that week maybe we could work something out. I told him that I thought I could live with that and would be very grateful for any accommodations he could provide. We talked for a while and he gave me the details about what he could, and could not, provide that week. The main points were that there would be no staff around, and that he would have already moved the livestock out for the winter. Also, during that week he might have to disturb me from time t time to do any maintenance needed to the unit I would be in. Agreeing to these limitations we agreed on a price and soon we had a deal. I returned to my room in a much better mood than I had been in for a long time and began to plan my trip. Joe had said he would be glad to come down to the nearest airport to pick me up and drive me out to the lake, and take me back when I was ready to leave. So all I needed to do was get some new clothes and outdoor equipment and I was ready to go.

After a change of planes and a short layover at the Midwest hub I finally arrived at the closest airport to the resort. There was no problem picking Joe out from the rest of the people waiting for us at the baggage claim area. A large well dressed man a little older than me and in much better shape moved to intercept me as I started to grab my bags. “You must be Sebastian,” he said as he reached out and shook my hand. It was like his voice came from his entire body, I could feel it in my arm as he introduced himself. I reached for my bags and he told me to let him take care of them. Since I was a little tired from traveling I agreed. Looking up, over the heads of those waiting for their bags, he caught the eye of one of the porters and motioned him over. “Good morning there Roger,” Joe said to the man, as he shook his hand, “Would you be so kind as to pick up my friends baggage and take it out front to my truck for me, we will be out there directly.” “Sure thing Joe,” was Roger’s reply, and after getting the description of my bags and the claim checks he hurried off to take care of Joe’s request.

It was obvious that Joe was a person of importance in the area around his lodge. He suggested that we grab a quick cup of coffee and by then my gear should be loaded and we could hit the road. I agreed and he led the way to the first class passenger waiting area, where it seemed that everyone knew him and he knew everyone in the place. Calling them by name and asking about friends and family and knowing what was happening in their lives made sure that he was well received and in no time we had to very large cups of the best coffee I have had in years. I had to ask him if he knew everyone in the airport. With a deep booming laugh he said no, not everyone, but that he was here so often during the season that he just sort of got to know who was who and how best to get things accomplished. As we were leaving the lounge, one of the hostesses told me to enjoy my stay out at the lake, that everyone always did. Thanking her we were off, and true to his word, Roger had my gear all loaded as we arrived at Joe’s truck. When he had mentioned that he was driving a truck I had pictures an older model, probably in need of a paint job. What I found was a light brown, late model Ford F350 stretch cab. That looked like it was just detailed. When I tried to tip Roger he waved it off saying that it was his pleasure and with a wave he was off. I turned to Joe and he just smiled and with a shrug of his massive shoulders motioned me into the truck.

As I settled in to the leather seat Joe got behind the wheel and off we went. He said that it would take about two hours to get to the lake so I should relax and get comfortable, or even take a nap if I wanted to. I told him that I was fine and just enjoyed the company and my coffee. As we headed out of the airport I was treated to a running commentary on the history and lore of the town, county, and almost everyone in it. Joe certainly knew all about where he lived and most of those that he shared his world with. He had been born locally, played 1st string on his high school football team. Went away to college on a football scholarship, and after he had gotten his degree in business, with a minor in agriculture, he returned to run his families ranch. Several years ago he had turned the reins over to his son and retired to the lakeside property that he had inherited from his uncle.

It seems that his uncle had slowly and quietly bought up all the property surrounding the lake with plans to build a nudist colony there. Most of the family, not to mention the townspeople thought he was out of his mind, but he fooled them all. Joe told me that from an early age he just knew that his Uncle had the right idea and had spent most of his summers out at “The Camp”, as it had became known by the locals. He said that there were always lots of guests out at the camp, and more often than not someone famous, or infamous would be there. He ran down a list of some of the notables he had met or seen out there, while some were no surprise, there were some that were almost unbelievable.

His rambling and easy chatter made the time fly and soon we were pulling up to a pair of rustic gates in the middle of a tall rock wall that stretched as far as the eye could see in both directions. I was totally shocked as we pulled up to a security panel and Joe reached out and entered the code to open the gate. There was an empty guard shack there that, as Joe informed me, was only manned during the season. He told me that the people who came here were willing to pay handsomely for their privacy and he was a fanatic about giving his guests their money’s worth.

That is when I realized what a deal he had given me on my rental. I asked him about it and he told me that he had been in my position often enough over the years and just felt it was the right thing to do. I questioned him about the price and all he would say was that he wouldn’t have been making any money off the unit this week anyway so all he was after was enough to cover expenses. I thanked him and sat back as we continued up the access road. We must have traveled at least 2-2 ½ miles before the first of the buildings came into view, and I was speechless. Even though the brochure had contained pictures of the camp, I was in no way prepared for the majesty of the mountains, the lake, and the rustic beauty of it all. There was a small, about 3000 square foot, main lodge and several support buildings in the main compound. To the south of the main compound there were stables and several fenced areas for livestock. A long building, set in a park like area, was the bunkhouse for the single staff and the five small buildings along the far edge of the park were for the staff that had families with them. I told Joe that I was very impressed and that it was obvious that he believed, as I did, in taking good care of his staff and their families, and that it spoke volumes about his character.

Taking a well-groomed road on the north side of the compound Joe continued describing the facilities. One thing I was amazed to learn that his uncle had bought all of the land that would overlook the camp. So that in essence all I could see was his property. We passed several small lanes, branching off towards the lake, we continued on until we reached the end of the main road and had to turn left about a half mile from the lodge. Joe said that he hoped that I didn’t mind that he chose the one furthest out from the lodge. He said that if he got to working around the place I wouldn’t be disturbed so much out at this end of the lake. I assured him that any of the units would have been fine and that I was sure that I would enjoy my stay even if I had to stay over in the bunkhouse.

After seeing how secluded and private the place was I had to ask him if he still operated it as a nudist camp. He grinned and said that the camp hadn’t been able to support itself as a regular nudist facility since the mid 70’s. With a sly smile and a chuckle he said that nowadays the guests could wear or not wear whatever they desired as long as they respected the privacy and feelings of the other guests. Then with a wink he said that a guy could run around in his bra and panties if that was what he desired. I tried not to show my surprise and shock at his off-handed remark. Did he know what I was wearing under my jeans and shirt? While I wasn’t wearing a bra, I was wearing satin panties, a camisole, and nylons under my clothes. I looked closely at Joe to see if there was any indication that he was referring to me. He just went on talking about some of the crazy things people had worn, or what they had not worn, at the camp.

Then we turned the last bend of the road and I got my first view of my home for the next week. A good-sized rustic log cabin. Set between towering pines that formed a picture frame around the cabin and its view of the lake. I had never seen anything like it and was totally speechless as Joe stopped the truck and got out, grabbed my bags, and headed for the front door. I got out of the truck and made my way to the door and stepped into another world. The interior was beautiful knotty pine paneling in a rich honey tone. Thick hand-made rugs covered the pine floors and even a real bear rug in front of the stone fireplace. Opposite the front door was the door t the kitchen and dining room. When I entered the dining area an entire wall of windows that overlooked the lake and the forest beyond greeted me. The kitchen was well equipped and when I peaked into the cupboards and fridge I noticed that it was well stocked with a more than satisfactory of food and beverages. Joe had joined me in the kitchen and said that if there was anything special I needed just to let him know and he would have the local store deliver it to the cabin.

Leading me down the hall we entered the bedroom. A massive four-poster bed with a thick, high, mattress dominated it, piled high with quilts and pillows. I was a little shocked to find that my bags had been opened and were sitting on a low chest at the foot of the bed. It wasn’t too big of a deal as I had learned in my travels to always pack my private stuff in the bottom of my bags. Joe led the way to the most spectacular room in the house, the bathroom. It was easily 12 feet wide and at least 18 feet long. All of the facilities you could imagine were there. The sinks were set in furniture; the toilet and bidet were in a separate alcove, there was a huge Jacuzzi tub set in the middle of the room. One whole side was a shower that could easily hold three or four people. Multiple showerheads would give the bather an all over body shower. At one end of the shower was a door that led to a steam room that looked to be at least the size of the shower. Joe took great pleasure in showing off the amenities and hoped that I would find them to my liking. I assured him that I was overwhelmed with the luxury accommodations, but I felt that we really should renegotiate his price upwards somewhat. He would have none of it. He had asked for what he wanted and didn’t want to hear anymore about it. I reluctantly agreed as he led the way out of the sliding door that opened the bath to the forest beyond. There, behind the cabin was the path that led down to the dock and to the path that wound around the lake. Another path led to a little grove of pine trees in which sat a huge spa/hot-tub. There was a professional looking gas grill and dining area behind the cabin as well. I told Joe how impressed I was and thanked him again for his hospitality.

Joe said that he needed to return to his main ranch down in the lower valley, and would probably not be able to get back till tomorrow morning. He had to take his wife (he actually called her “Godzilla”) to a social function tonight. If I felt that I would need someone nearby he could have one of his hands back up here tonight. I told him that I would be just fine; in fact I would love the isolation for a while. After leaving me a number where he could be reached he said goodbye and that I had the entire place to myself and that I should consider it mine.

As Joe drove back up the road, my thoughts turned back to his remark about guys in bras and panties. I wondered if he was hinting at some secret desire or was it just an offhand remark. Well no mater I was ready to start enjoying my vacation right then and there. Taking Joe’s assurance on my privacy, I stood there in the middle of the train and began getting undressed. It felt so wonderful to be able to strip of my regular clothes and to stand there, under the big blue sky, in just my nylons, panties, and camisole. By the time I had divested myself of my outer garments I was hard as a rock. There in front of the cabin was a thick patch of grass that looked so soft and inviting, that I stretched out on it and began to play.

Knowing that there was no rush, and that I would not be disturbed, I began by lightly trailing my fingertips over my silk covered body. Lying on my back, with my knees bent, I began stroking my inner thighs and legs. Gently rubbing my fingers over the smooth and sensitive areas. I was careful not to come in contact with my cock or balls, as I didn’t want to rush this at all. Moving my hands to the sides of my hips I squeezed and kneaded them. I had my eyes closed and was beginning to imagine that my hands really belonged to someone else. Almost at once my mind put Joe in that place. And soon I was fantasying that it was his strong hands that were kneading my flesh. This was the first time I had ever put a face to my fantasy of having a man touch me like this. I could feel a cooling on my cock and found out that I was leaking a great quantity of precum; in fact the whole front of my panties was wet with it. I quickly took my hands away from my cock and began to move them up and over my stomach, lingering there briefly on my way to my breasts.

After my cock, my breasts are my most sensitive spot. I love to stroke, pinch, and fondle them. Right then, in my mind’s eye, it was Joe that was gently cupping them in his hands. I could feel the roughness of his skin through the thin material of my camisole. My nipples stiffened and he began tweaking and pulling on them, making them ache for the tough of his lips. I wanted, no needed them sucked so badly that I cried out for him to suck them. But I was alone and the sound of my voice shocked me. I had never been vocal before since living in an apartment, and having the desires that I do, tends to make you keep things inside. But now, being alone, outside, and free I felt compelled to let it all out, to voice my desires and call out if I needed to. Oh how I wished that Joe were there, really doing to me what I was dreaming he was doing.

The sun was warm on my skin as I continued to make love to myself. I was beginning to sweat as I stroked and fondled my body. My breathing was getting faster and I was beginning to pant from my excitement. Sliding one strap of my camisole down a shoulder, I exposed my sensitive nipple to my direct assault. I knew I could not get it in my mouth, but that didn’t stop me from trying. Stretching my tongue as far as I could I was still an inch or so short, damn but I needed someone to help me. The heat, both internal and external, was getting to me and I was soaking wet. Sweat was running down my face and soaking what little I was wearing, turning it almost transparent. I looked down at my panty-encased cock, which was as visible as it would have been if I weren’t wearing any thing at all. The whole front of my panties was soaked with precum, shinny and glistening in the sun as only precum can. I rubbed my hands over my panties until they were slick with precum and then used it as lubricant on my breasts as I twisted and squeezed them until I cried out in lust and pain.

When I could wait no longer I turned my attention to my straining cock and balls. I could see the head of it, shiny red, pulsing and throbbing in time with my heartbeat. I trailed my fingers over it, tracing the veins along the sensitive underside as I cupped my swollen balls with my other hand. Using my fingernails I scratch at the head of my cock through the material of my panties. My precum was drying and was causing my panties to stick to the sensitive skin so I raised my hips and slid them down until I could kick them off. Rising up I removed my camisole and then my nylons as well so I could be naked to the sun. It felt so wonderful to have the sun beating down on my nakedness, having never been a nudist, I deeply felt the joy and freedom of the moment.

I wrapped my right hand tightly around my straining cock, right at the base, and began to slowly stroke my hardness. I let my other hand play with my balls and ass, gently probing my tight ass hole from time to time. I was pumping out so much precum, that it was running down between the cheeks of my ass. I was so slick with it that I was able to insert two of my fingers in my ass with no problem. While continuing to stroke my cock I began to stretch my ass. Pushing my fingers apart, to open my hole and allow me to go deeper and to probe harder. The combination of feelings was soon too much and I began to feel my onrushing orgasm building deep in my balls. I slid my fingers from my ass and gripped my balls tightly, squeezing the rising load from them. The only sounds I heard was the wet slapping of my fist against the base of my cock, and my grunts of pure pleasure as I fought to cum. And then I was there, a great spurt of cum shot from my cock and splattered over my chest and stomach. I continued stroking my cock as it pulsed several more gobs of spunk on me until the head of my cock began to get very tender and I had to ease off my strokes.

Using my clean hand, I scooped up some of my load, which was running off my chest, and brought it to my hungry mouth. Licking it from my fingers and savoring the taste of my seed as it slid over my tongue. I was looking down at my deflated cock when I noticed a distinct redness to my skin that indicated that I was going to pay for my indulgence later with painful sunburn. As I tried to get up I discovered that I was stiff and more than a little sore from my exercises. I hobbled into the cabin to take a shower and then get unpacked.

As I the water in the shower hit my sensitive skin I again realized that I had gotten quite a burn in just the short time I was out there. The pain was not terribly intense but it was enough to keep me from lingering in the shower. As I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower I reached for a towel and remembered Joe telling that all the linens were in the hall closet. What the hell, I thought, as I headed for the French doors I will just air-dry out on the back porch. Keeping in the shadows, so as not to compound my burn, I stretched out on one of the lounge chairs on the back deck to let the warm breeze dry me.

I must have needed a nap because I drifted off and was awakened by the ringing of the phone. At first I was a little confused, who would be calling me here, but then the answering machine picked up and I could hear Joe’s voice. He told the machine that his wife had changed her plans and that he would be at the camp the rest of the night. He invited me over to his cabin for dinner later in the evening. After giving directions on how to get there by both boat and trail and leaving his phone number, his voice changed a little and he said that he had been by a little while earlier and that he hadn’t wanted to wake me. He told me that I had looked so peaceful, lying there, that he decided to just let me sleep. I was a little embarrassed that he had seen me naked but at the same time the thought caused a stirring in my groin. He went on to say that he hoped that I didn’t mind but that he had found my things on the front lawn and he didn’t want them to be ruined so he had taken them to wash for me.

That was when I remembered my playing out front and that I had just left my panties and stuff out there. His tone of voice was even sexier as he promised that he would take good care of them and that they would be all clean and ready for me when I got there for dinner. Something in his voice really began to get to me, my cock started to rise and there was a tightening of my balls as he told me that he hoped that I wasn’t offended by his actions. He finished his message with his hope that I would be willing to join him later and that he was really looking forward to getting to know me better.

I listened to the message again just to be sure that I had heard it correctly. And my hopes began to rise, right along with my cock. Ever since Joe had made his comment about women’s clothes, I had hoped that he shared my passion for them. I had never been with another man, and began looking forward to discovering if Joe was going to be the one to take my cherry. I dialed the number Joe had left for me to call, gently stroking my hard cock, full of anticipation that my dreams might soon be realized. As I waited for Joe to answer the phone, I began to worry that I was reading too much into his message. I was afraid that it was just the desire of my host to take care of his guest not his desire to “TAKE CARE OF HIS GUEST”.

After several rings, Joe answered the phone. He sounded short of breath and I asked him if he was all right. He replied that he had been out back, hanging up my laundry, when the phone rang. There was a curious sound to his voice when he mentioned my laundry that caused my cock to twitch. I thanked him for taking care of my things and for the invitation to dinner, which I would most definitely accept. He told me that he was so glad and that he would have things ready in about 5pm, and that if I wanted to come a little early we could relax with a drink or something. I said ok and that I would see him then, hung up the phone, and went to see what I had to wear.

Hoping that I wasn’t leading myself down the road to disappointment, I took a long hot shower and made sure I was very clean, inside and out. Being careful of my sunburn, I shaved my cock and balls, as well as under my arms and chest, and even my legs. I used some nice silky lotion I had to smooth the razor burn and went to get dressed. Before getting dressed I decided to be just a little but daring and applied some perfume behind my ears and just a drop right above my cock and at the top of the crack of my ass. Looking at the clock I noticed the time and had to quickly select my outfit. I decided to error on the side of caution in my outer clothes so I chose nice slacks and a silky shirt. Under this I wore blue lace panties and camisole along with my blue nylons and garter belt.

I decided to walk instead of taking the boat so that I wouldn’t get wet. It was so beautiful in the woods. I was really going to enjoy my stay here. It didn’t take very long to get to Joe’s place in the woods and I was there about an hour early. Walking up to the door I was more than a bit nervous and very excited. Joe answered my knock in trunks and a polo shirt. The shirt enhanced the girth of his chest and his trim waist. The trunks were somewhat tight and I could see the outline of his cock behind the thin material. Welcoming me inside his home he turned and led me to the kitchen where he offered me a beer, which I gratefully accepted. The walk to Joe’s house, and my nervousness, had left me very dry.

Taking our beers Joe led the way out onto his deck, where a couple of chairs were waiting alongside a small table with appetizers and snacks. We sat and talked about anything and everything for about a half hour while drinking our beers and snacking. He commented on my sunburn and said that he had some lotion for it that he would give me that worked real well for that all over burn. He was so easy to talk to that in no time we were talking like old friends. I mentioned that he must get lots of action owing a place like this. He laughed and said that while his guests are here he hardly has the time to eat and sleep let alone have any time to play around. Besides, his wife keeps a close eye on him during the season and there is no way he was going to piss her off. I took a chance and asked he if she was keeping an eye on him now. He smiled and told me that she didn’t know he still had any guests, so why would she need to. He said that he had been faithful to her for years since the fear of catching anything and bringing it home had kept him from wandering. I told him about my fears as well and then volunteered the fact that I had been celibate for more than twelve years because of it. His eyes opened wide and he said that he would have gone crazy if he had to go without that long.

Since our beers were empty, Joe grabbed them and headed for the kitchen to get us a refill. I wandered around the patio area and was standing by his Jacuzzi when he returned. I remarked how nice everything looked and that the Jacuzzi was a very nice one. He asked me if I wanted to take a dip and I told him that I didn’t have a suit with me. He apologized that he hadn’t remembered to tell me to bring one till I had already left for his place so he had laid a couple of suits out for me in the guest bedroom and that I could take my pick of them if I was interested in a soak before dinner. He was standing very close and I could smell the cologne he was wearing, I knew that he could smell my perfume as well. I said that I thought that a soak would be nice and he pointed out the guest bedroom and reminded me that I could choose what ever I wanted. As I turned to leave I commented that I liked his cologne, and just as I was about to enter the house I heard him say that he really liked mine as well.

Any doubts about Joe’s reaction to my clothing choices were dashed when I entered the guest bedroom. Laid out on the bed were several pairs of swimming trunks in assorted sizes. But next to them was an assortment of ladies suits. There were a couple of bikinis (that I would never be able to wear in front of anyone), some 2-piece suits (more likely to fit me and were definitely more my style), and several one-piece suits. It was to these that I headed and began to look for one that would fit. After I had made my selection I quickly began to strip out of my clothes, folding them neatly and placing them on the dresser, and slipped into the suit I had chosen. Next to the bed were several pairs of high-heel sandals and I was ale to find a pair that fit nicely. I had chosen a cobalt blue, Lycra, French-cut one-piece suit with a matching shear over wrap. Looking at myself in the mirror I was glad that I had shaved very thoroughly before I came over. The cut of the suit exposed my hips and pubic area so fully that only the fact that my cock wasn’t all that large kept me from falling out. The suit had a plunging neckline with semi hard bra built in. As I admired myself in the mirror I decided to ask Joe if I could buy this one from him, even though I was sure he wouldn’t take my money. It was perfect for my figure and size and made me look very feminine and quite sexy The high-heels making my, rather large, butt look tighter and higher as well as making me stand straighter and forced me to hold my chest up and out. I hoped that I had made the right choice as I opened the door and made my way to the patio.

As I started out the patio door I heard Joe’s voice from the kitchen telling me that he was getting the steaks ready for the grill. His back was towards me when I entered the kitchen so I thru caution to the wind and assumed a very feminine pose and asked what a person had to do to get a beer. When he turned around his eyes opened wide as he looked me up and down. I was looking as well and noticed a definite growth in his shorts as he pointed over his shoulder, to the fridge, and said that I could have whatever I wanted. I laughed and told him to remember he had said that and that I might just hold him to it later.

He didn’t move and I had to squeeze past him to get to the fridge. I let my ass rub against his thigh as I went by and I felt his hand cup it softly as he told me that I looked fantastic and that he was so glad that I had chosen to wear what I had on. I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled my thanks as I opened the fridge. Making a show of looking for something to drink I bent over and pointed my ass in his direction and was rewarded when he took the hint and moved behind me and, pressing against my ass, asked if he could help me find anything. I could feel his hardness resting between my cheeks as he leaned into me a little. I pressed back a bit to tell him that I was enjoying it and grabbed a couple of beers. As I stood up I thought he might pull back to let me close the fridge door but he didn’t. He had placed his hands on my hips and was tenderly holding me close and that was causing my dick to swell and throb under my suit. Looking down I was a little disappointed that my cock was ruining my sexy look. I sat the beers on the counter and took his hands and encouraged him to move up to my breasts. As his hands moved up my sides and cupped my little tits, I adjusted my cock so that it wasn’t quite as noticeable and definitely more comfortable.

I hadn’t thought that Joe had noticed me doing it until he pulled back, and as I turned around to face him, he readjusted his own cock saying that he had the same problem. I could see the outline of a large, hard, cock stretching upwards almost to the waistband of his shorts. A big bulge below promised a nice set of balls for me to play with. As I was looking at and longing for his cock a wet spot began to appear right at the head of his cock as he began to leak precum. I was so pleased that I was having that affect on him that I couldn’t resist the urge to tease him a little. My suit was cut low both in front and back, showing my shaved chest and little tits. I stood there with my back against the counter with my legs crossed, and rubbed the cold bottle up and down between my breasts, drawing his attention to them. I was rewarded with a noticeable increase in the size of both his cock and the wet spot.

I was beginning to breath a little hard, from the excitement and anticipation, so I decided to cool things down a bit. Taking a long pull of my beer I mentioned that we supposed to be making use of his Jacuzzi instead of hanging around the kitchen. With a laugh Joe took me by the arm and led me back out to the patio. There, he stripped off his shirt and helped me step into the bubbling waters. He followed close behind me and settled directly across from me. Remarking that he might have set the water temperature a bit too high, he stood up and bent over me to reach the thermostat thus bringing his cock right up to my face. The hot water had taken away his hardness, as it had mine, but his cock was completely outlined by his wet and clinging shorts, as were his balls. I was pleased that they made a very large bulge in his shorts and looked very heavy and full.

Joe seemed to be taking a long time adjusting the temperature and was waiting for me to take the next move. I reached up and ran my hands up his legs and around to the cheeks of his ass. Gently squeezing his ass I pulled his hips forward until his cock was pressed against my lips. I gave the head a suck, and a nip, right through the material of his trunks. He responded by a gentle thrust and a deep sigh. I let him go when his knees began to tremble from the awkward position I had him in. As he moved back I noticed that there was a darker wet spot, on his trunks, right where the head of his cock had been pressed against my lips. My own cock was hard and throbbing under my suit. I used the cover of the bubbling water to reach down and adjust my cock to a more comfortable and less noticeable position.

As he settled back into the water I let my foot slide along his leg until I was able to rest it against his cock. Joe grinned at me and scooted down to bring his cock and balls in more contact with my questing foot. As I continued my probing I was rewarded with a return of his hardness. His cock felt wonderful and I could feel the throb of it through my toes. While I was playing with him, Joe and I had been talking about everyday things and sipping our beers. We both knew where this was heading and were just enjoying it moment by moment. He remarked on my sunburn and that he had left the lotion for it on the kitchen counter if I wanted to go get it.

As I left to go get the lotion I wondered just how far this would be going.....To be continued
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