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Old 11-08-2003, 02:37 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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"The Bucket of Blood"

The Bucket of Blood is a workingman's club in the Butler Street district of Pittsburgh, an area populated mostly by Eastern European immigrants. The real name of the place is Radiant Hall, having earned its nickname due to the number of fistfights that broke out on Friday and Saturday nights -- the water in the mop buckets turning red from the cleaning up afterwards.

The place is nothing fancy, with the exception of the carved and highly polished wooden bar. Always smoky, and always noisy, its patrons are hard working, hard drinking men and women in search of respite from their ordinary work-a-day worlds.

A closed thread for myself and navarre, who is responsible for the opener and the premise for this foray into the magical world of roleplay. Please read along and enjoy.

navarre and Maid
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Old 11-08-2003, 05:10 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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"Kimm awn, 'Milla. Ja wanna?" Anna pleaded with her best friend. The "Bucket" did get pretty wild at times, but they were among their own there. Besides, Anna had her eye on a certain millrat named Sergei and that's where he hung out. "Kin get a sammich at P Bros after?"

Liudmilla chuckled softly. She loved Primanti's -- those overfilled sandwiches with everything smooshed together -- about as far from her mother's old country cooking as you could get. Her sky blue eyes sparkled mischievously. "Sold. But I don't want to stay out too late, okay? I'll only be a sec getting ready."

"K," Anna grinned. If she hooked up with Sergei, maybe he'd have a friend for 'Milla, too. That girl needed to loosen up a bit. It had been an age since she'd even been out on a date.

She checked her makeup while her friend changed. 'Milla didn't wear any. Didn't need any. The two friends were as different as night and day, both in personality and appearance. Anna would have killed for those blonde curls and if it weren't for her father's wrath, she'd have bleached hers to match long ago.

"Is this okay?" Luidmilla raised her arms and turned to show her outfit, a white satin blouse and a black skirt that displayed her legs to perfection.

Anna looked up at her friend and tilted her head this way and that. Okay? She shook her head. That girl could wear a potato sack and look good. If Luidmilla was any other type of girl, Anna would have been jealous. "It's perfek. Now let's go."
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Old 11-08-2003, 09:41 PM
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Yes, it was good to be back.

Nikolai stood at the bar with his back to the bar tender. Dressed in jeans, turtleneck, and leather jacket and wearing his gold Rolex Oyster he surveyed the scene at the Bucket of Blood. He remembered coming here with his grandfather as a child… remembering his anticipation of receiving a demi-glass of Coke from the bar tender while his grandfather downed his regular two boilermakers.

Now he was back for the first time since he left home at the age of eighteen to serve his country. He was retired now, at the tender age of thirty-eight, with enough money in the bank and investments that he really had no need to worry about employment.

Turning around towards the bar tender, he sipped his scotch, watching the smoke from his cigarette in the ashtray swirl and reach for the ceiling.

From his left he heard a typical argument between two patrons, one a Polish fellow about six four and a smaller Russian fellow about five eight. He could tell their ethnicity from the curses they were hurtling at each other. As often happened, a scuffle started…the two men pushing and shoving each other. As the scuffle headed toward the door Nikolai followed, watching in amusement as the two went out the door, rolled down the steps in each other’s grasp, ending up across the narrow street in someone’s flower garden…rolling on the ground and pummeling each other.

Nope, he thought, not much has changed.
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Old 11-10-2003, 02:49 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Surprisingly enough for a Friday night, they found a parking place not too far from the Bucket. By the time they approached the crowd outside, Anna had gone completely giddy with anticipation of seeing Sergei.

"Look! There he is! No! Don't look!" Anna was almost apoplectic now and she couldn't help laughing.

Liudmilla's eyes scanned the group of people watching the fight for sign of the object of Anna's affection, but it wasn't Sergei who caught her eye. It was someone new. Someone she didn't know, had never seen before.

"Who is that?" she whispered into Anna's ear without taking her eyes from him.


"Him. That one over there." She indicated with a slight tilt of her chin.

Anna followed Liudmilla's gaze toward the man who was standing with, yet apart from, the rest of the Bucket's patrons. "Oooh... I don't know but he is delicious!"

The newcomer chose that minute to turn, meeting Liudmilla's light blue eyes with his own dark ones. Blushing furiously, she ducked her head and hissed. "Hush, Anna!" Had he heard her? God, she hoped he had not.

"Let's go in. Please?" Liudmilla pleaded, practically dragging her friend inside. Perhaps they wouldn't stay long. Perhaps. She hadn't dared to look back up at him, but something told her that his eyes were still on her.
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Old 11-12-2003, 05:51 PM
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Nikolai felt the hairs on the back of his neck bristle…like they had so many times before. He was in no danger now, but he wondered….. Shaking it off, he entered the club along with the crowd that had been milling around outside. Returning to his place at the bar he lit another cigarette…thinking… feeling something draw his gaze to the left. What he spied made the hairs on his neck bristle again. It was an apparition, with golden tresses slithering down her back.

“Aha”, he thought, “Now I know.”

Feeling his pulse quicken, his senses sharpen like a puma on the hunt, Nikolai realized….It had been a long time since he had enjoyed the company of a woman.

“Slow down brother,” he said to himself, “You’re going to burn a hole through her if you keep staring like that.”
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Old 11-19-2003, 05:23 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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The girls ordered their drinks, Stosh having kept his post behind the bar when most of the patrons went outside. "We can sit here," Anna said with an eye on the door for Sergei.

"No. A table." Liudmilla insisted, knowing she'd not feel as awkward sitting alone while Anna wandered around if they were out of the way.

Despite the fact that she'd been coming into the Bucket with her father and grandfather since she was knee-high to a grasshopper, Liudmilla was inherently shy in groups. Well, maybe not around her family and at church things and community functions, but in groups like this. She wasn't much of a drinker and far preferred a quiet evening with "just the girls" or family at home.

She dated, of course, but nothing serious and not often; and her sexual experiences had been limited to heated gropings (theirs) and loud grunting and groaning (also theirs). Perhaps that was why it bothered her when she caught that man staring at her again.

Liudmilla didn't know if it was her imagination or just the fact that she didn't like to draw anyone's attention, but his look seemed almost predatory. She couldn't help shivering, not bothering to think whether it excited her or frightened her. Maybe a little of both.

"Who is he?" she asked Anna for the second time that evening.

"Dunno, but I'll ask Sergei. Look! There he is!" Before 'Milla could protest, her friend was off in search of her own prey, leaving her to fend for herself.
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Old 11-26-2003, 06:39 PM
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Glancing to his left again Nikolai noticed that the blonde apparition was now sitting at a table by herself.

Grabbing his scotch and cigarette he walked over to the table. Looking down into her pale blue eyes he noticed the gentle swell of her breasts under the white blouse.

Smiling inwardly to himself he said, “Good evening, I am Nikolai…..and you are?”
“’Milla,” she answered, as the blush rose in her cheeks.
“May I join you?” Nikolai asked.
“’Milla nodded as she blushed even more furiously, wondering where her friend Anna had gone.
Nikolai pulled out a chair and sat at the old scarred table, his eyes never leaving the blond beauty.

“Come here often?” he asked.
’Milla just shook her head no, the blush in her cheeks still building.
Looking up at Nikolai she noticed his radiant smile and relaxed ever so slightly, the hint of a smile coming to her lips.

“I used to come here often when I was a little girl, with my father and grandfather but I haven’t been here much recently.” she said, feeling more relaxed.

“Same here.” replied Nikolai, “I’ve been away for quite some time.”
Sliding closer, Nikolai placed his elbows on the table resting his chin on his hands and staring directly into her eyes.

“You are a very beautiful young lady, you know that?” he asked.
Milla blushed even more furiously, her cheeks burning with a fire like she had never felt before.
“Can I buy you another drink?” Nikolai asked.
Milla just nodded shyly in the affirmative, her cheeks still burning from the attentions of this handsome man sitting at the table with her
"Old age and Treachery will overcome Youth and Enthusiasm...Everytime!"
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Old 11-28-2003, 08:46 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Liudmilla repeated his name in her mind, mesmerized by the sound of his voice, the directness in his eyes. What color were they? Brown? Blue? Green? She couldn't concentrate. He was talking. She struggled to answer intelligibly, but... There were those eyes again. That voice!

He moved closer. She could barely breathe!

He said her name as though she were the Czarina herself. No. It must be her imagination. Liudmilla felt the heat spread from her face to the rest of her body. His eyes! He could see right through her. She was sure of it. She shivered and he reached out his hand to place it on her arm. "Cold?"

"No. Yes!"

Nikolai arched an eyebrow. "Which is it, 'Milla? Yes? Or no?"

"Y-yes," she managed to stammer out. Her skin, where he touched, felt as if it were on fire. "I'm not cold."

He laughed then, making her want to slide under the table from embarrassment. Oh, but his laugh... Even at her own expense she would hear it over and over.

She was acting like a silly schoolgirl. She wasn't a child! Would he think she was silly and foolish? Liudmilla so wanted him to... To what? He could read her mind! Don't think. Don't say anything. Don't...

Unable to break away from his almost hypnotic gaze, Liudmilla Naletov knew that she was bound. Literally and hopelessly. She didn't know why or how, but she was. His look, his touch were erotic. He was different from other men she'd known. Powerful. Something in that knowledge both thrilled her and frightened her all at once.

"Here you go."

'Milla breathed a soft sigh of what -- relief? disappointment? -- at the disruption when he turned to accept the proffered drinks from Sonya as she approached the table. She had never even noticed that he'd ordered them.
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Old 12-12-2003, 10:51 PM
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Sitting at the table Nikolai couldn’t help but stare at this blond beauty as she met his stare and quickly diverted her eyes, a slight blush coming to her face.

They both sat there sipping their drinks and playing their little game. As they finished their drinks Nikolai stood and shrugged on his leather jacket. He walked around to Milla’s side of the table and took her by the elbow gently pulling her to her feet….noticing a slight look of panic in her eyes.
“Come with me. Let’s take a ride.”

Milla quickly looked around the room looking for her friend Anna. Noticing that Anna was at another table heavily engaged in what seemed to be an intimate conversation with Sergei, Milla gave a sigh as she nodded her ascent.

The couple walked to the door sidestepping the boisterous crowd and into the street. Walking down the block their hands touched. They both felt the spark flowing between them.
Nikolai stopped at a shiny red Miata, opened the door, and ushered her into a buttery soft leather seat. Nikolai got into the drivers seat, opened the top, and started the motor, hearing the sound of the turbo pushing out the horsepower…his blood rushing.

Driving to the end of the block he made a right turn and sped off down the street heading for his apartment in the Oakland section of the city.

As they breezed down the streets in the fresh night air, Nikolai stole glances at Milla, watching her blush and divert her eyes every time he did it.

After driving for twenty minutes or so Nikolai pulled into an alley next to what appeared to be a run down warehouse. Exiting the Miata he strode around to Milla’s side opening the door for her and offering his hand to assist her in getting out of the car. As Milla’s skirt rode up as she was exiting the car Nikolai noticed her creamy white thighs above her black thigh highs. Smiling inwardly to himself he felt the heat rushing to his loins.

Taking her by the elbow Nikolai escorted Milla up a set of old, dimly lighted stairs. At the top he put his key into the door, opened it and led her inside.

Kicking their shoes off at the door Milla looked around and was shocked at the opulence of his living quarters. She noticed the thick white wool carpet beneath her feet, the dark brown overstuffed leather couch, the polished teak tables, the indirect lighting, and the soft sounds of a CD coming from a hidden component system.

“Have a seat on the couch” he said, “I’ll get us some drinks.”
Milla slid onto the soft leather couch as Nikolai went into the gleaming modern kitchen and prepared their drinks.
Returning to the couch with their drinks Nikolai handed Milla hers and sat beside her, gazing at her exquisite beauty as she blushed again and lowered her eyes.

Milla tensed as she felt Nikolai put his arm on the couch behind her and ran his hand through her blonde tresses.
Grasping her head gently in his hand Nikolai leaned over…his face in front of hers.
"Old age and Treachery will overcome Youth and Enthusiasm...Everytime!"
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Old 12-13-2003, 06:29 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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There was something about Nikolai that made it impossible for her to refuse him even though she hadn't had a chance to tell Anna that she was leaving. Someone would tell her, 'Milla was sure -- if she ever broke away from Sergei long enough to notice.

The ride to Oakland wasn't a long one, and the cool crisp air blew through her hair made her feel free and daring in a way that she'd never felt before. Perhaps it was that something exotic and dangerous about Nikolai -- the way his eyes looked right into her very soul. Tempted her. Undressed her. Made love to her. Liudmilla was glad that her hair was whipping around her face to hide the flush that had once again risen there.

His home was remarkable. From outside, she'd imagined that there'd be an unmade bed and perhaps a shadeless lamp or two, the light glaring in the starkness of the apartment. Maybe even a rickety table and a chair. Liudmilla expected no more than that -- the lushness of what she saw as they entered took her breath away and heightened the allure of this mysterious man she found herself attracted to.

Instructing her to sit on the couch while he got their drinks, once again Liudmilla never questioned and sat there until his return. Nikolai. She mouthed his name silently as she waited, glancing up nervously when he sat down. She wanted to smile. Afraid it would look like a grimace, she lowered her eyes instead.

When his arm went around her, his fingers weaving themselves through her windblown curls, Liudmilla tensed, every nerve so taut that she feared they would snap like a string of firecrackers on the fourth of July. Timidly she looked up into his eyes as he moved his face directly in front of hers.

'Milla found that she was holding her breath in anticipation. Unable to bear the strain, she closed her eyes and tilted her mouth up to his. Will he kiss me? Every pore in her body willed it to be so, yet nothing happened. Nothing. It seemed like an eternity.

Embarrassed, Liudmilla began to open her eyes, just as Nikolai's mouth closed over her own. She felt herself melting. Drowning. And she didn't care.
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Old 12-13-2003, 10:26 AM
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Closing his mouth gently over hers, Nikolai nibbled on Milla’s upper lip then brushed her lips with his, tasting the sweetness of their initial shared kiss. He felt her sharp intake of breath as her chest expanded with the feelings running through her. He pressed his lips tighter to hers, probing as he let his tongue flick over her teeth, willing her to open to his onslaught.

Milla felt the heat flare of the heat rise in her cheeks as she fought with herself internally. Should she permit his tongue to invade her mouth, her being, and her soul? Tentatively she opened her mouth, letting his tongue invade.

Nikolai felt a slight tremble in her as she opened her mouth and invited his tongue inside. He drove his tongue into the depths off her mouth with a mounting passion, which he felt he could not control. The taste of her mouth, the sweetness, the longing, were things he had not felt for quite some time……feelings that had been hidden….feelings that were now coming awake with this blonde beauty melting into his arms.

Backing away, Nikolai broke the kiss, looking into her eyes, seeing the crimson blush on her face……hearing her shallow panting. Taking her head gently in his hands and running his fingers through her hair, he again brought her lips to his and kissed her with a passion that was ever increasing inside him.

Feeling her relax, Nikolai drove his tongue deeper and deeper into her mouth as she started to squirm in response. Breaking their kiss, he slowly nibbled down her jaw line planting small tender kisses along the way. Stopping at her ear, he softly whispered her name. “Milla.”
Continuing down along her neck, he left a small trail of saliva from his tongue…hearing her gasp as the cool air of the apartment struck the moistness he left there.
"Old age and Treachery will overcome Youth and Enthusiasm...Everytime!"
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Old 12-17-2003, 09:47 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Liudmilla's body began to come alive in a way that it had never been before as she surrendered herself to Nikolai's mouth, his lips, his tongue. These were not boyish kisses, awkward fumblings of lips on a journey toward breasts, a means to achieve the ultimate goal -- screwing. And that not even for mutual satisfaction.


Breathless with desire, she was afraid to speak, barely able to meet his gaze as he looked into her eyes. What was it she saw there? No one had ever looked at her this way before.

"'Milla... "

The sound of his voice woke something deep inside of her that made her wish she were more like Anna. She didn't know what to do. How to act. How to respond. What to say. All she knew is that she never wanted it to stop.

A whispered "Ohhh... " escaped her lips as his tongue trailed downward and brought yet another flush, to her face and below. Daring to move closer, Liudmilla timidly placed a hand on Nikolai's shoulder, her hand trembling as his muscles rippled beneath her fingertips.
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