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Old 09-24-2003, 02:54 PM
incubus03's Avatar
incubus03 incubus03 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Norman, OK
Posts: 3
April Fool

It was Friday evening, ladies night out after a hard week on the job. There was Brenda, cute petite Black accountant telling jokes to Renee, the tall, slim wall-flower in the MIS section. I saw Faye coming up the sidewalk, all 5 foot 2 of her, including those three inch heels she always wore. She waved as she passed the window in that nervous manner that was so endearing to us all. We were all professional women. Faye was one of the first, being a woman accountant in the days when there were very few. She was almost 50 and still very attractive. But, for all that she had accomplished, she was still submissive, proof that some habits are harder to break than others.

As for me, I was the one the guys in the office called "Ice Princess" or occasionally "dyke" because they couldn't score with me. Now, I have two rules: first, I don't screw anyone I work with. Second, I don't do dweebs. If rule one didn't apply, then rule 2 definitely did at the office. Sexual politics was the last thing I wanted on my mind at 5:00 with a pile of work still on my desk. I was too damned busy to worry about who I was going to fuck that evening. If I was horny, I'd kick off my shoes, and push my button with one hand, while operating the calculator with the other. Feminine dexterity of the 90's. I even made up a little ditty that vaguely resembled some old perfume commercial: "I can balance the good as any man....and get myself off with my...other... working...hand....'cause I'm a WO-MAN...."

I was promoted to section supervisor about a year ago, and I really had no problems running the section. I can't really say the guys at the office were sexist. Some of the older men still had a hard time taking orders from a woman, but I didn't give a shit. They do what I say, or they hit the highway. The workplace is a much more hostile place than it was when just men ruled the roost. And it doesn't matter whose finger is on the trigger, only who the gun is aimed at. I didn't have much trouble being a woman boss because the old guys wanted to make retirement, and most of the younger ones were just horny or afraid. No middle ground. They made crude comments occasionally, but I never really felt they were as much convictions as they were insults since they weren't directed at me. There's a difference. Besides, what could I say, I made crude comments, too. Worse than they did. I discovered that any difference between a person and the main stream was fair game for taunts and insults. Nothing personal.

I've had my fair share of unwelcome come ons. I learned to deal with it early in life, since I was the first girl to develop tits in my class. They started growing before the rest of the girls' started....and kept growing after theirs had stopped.
I'm a 42DD and proud of it. I don't flaunt my bosom, but I don't hide it either. It's nice. It's sexy...and it's mine. Cleveage in never out of season. It's funny that a man can tell you that cock size means nothing, while staring at your tits. Get real. Let me tell you, cock size DOES mean something, just like breast size. Some people like 'em big, some like 'em small. Size makes as much difference as eye color, hair or build. It's what we find appealing, not that one is better than the other. Image has nothing to do with whether a person can really fuck or not, but it DOES light the fire. And with women, or me at least, getting the fire started is the hard part. Fucking is easy.

Being a blond with massive mammies, I've found myself to be the "ideal" of many men. I don't know who cultivated that Amazon image. I can't figure out if it's the "unrestrained sexual prowess," image of blond hair and big tits, or the "nobody home, fuck me because I'm stupid," image that most appeals to these guys. All I can say is they'd better be able to give good face if they want to feel these babies. What do I like? I like big cocks. Yeah, I just do. The sight of it just gets me torrid. It's mental, I know, but I like what I like. I prefer to cum quick before I get too sore, though. Afterall, that IS a log he's driving in and out down there, and sometimes, I swear I feel splinters. If I could just hold it in my hand and suck it, so that I can see it while someone else licks my labia, that would be perfect. Visual not visceral. And when men can look me in the eyes instead of the nipples when talking to me, I'll feel guilty about it.

I also like Black men. Not because of cock size. That's just a myth....sometimes. Believe me, I know. I just like the way they look, the texture of their skin. The general body shape, those full, soft lips. And that stamina....Ummmm....being sexually worn out is the ultimate release after a hard day of playing corporate roulette. Being a blond, I've had my share of jeers whenever I go out with one of my Black male friends. It's funny....we could go to a place where two men, or two women are making out on the floor....and the crowd would stare at US. No one at work knew of my particular taste in men, not that I'm hiding it or ashamed of it. It's just not their business. I'm not one to give up my personal independence for corporate acceptance.

Faye sat down at the table and all eyes turned to her. She was the Matriarch of our little group. Cute and high-strung with a squeaky voice, she was a dear. We always thought she needed a little more sex but she always said she was too old. Still, she found the time to ball Ray, the prick from the finance department. Ray wasn't exactly a sexist, but he sounded like one if it would get a reaction out of you. He wasn't a racist, but he harassed Troy, a Black accountant, constantly. Even though he wasn't serious, and if push came to shove, he'd bend over backwards for Troy, he still pushed everyone's patience to the limit. He was a prick, an obnoxious asshole. If he were in my section, I would have cut his nuts off and made ear rings out of them a long time ago. Nothing personal.

But, this was Friday night, the end of the week and all the girls were letting their hair down. I ordered another Tom Collins, and began asking Faye about her weekend plans. She blushed. She was always blushing when she thought of sex. I followed the trail.

"So, you going to do the nasty with Ray again this weekend?"

"Ray? Hell, Ray takes about 2 minutes a week to maintain," she replied in surprising sarcasm, and we all laughed.

"He's probably worn out. He's balling that secretary in the mailroom, I hear," Renee offered. She'd been wanting to warn Faye about that for a while, and drinking creates ample opportunity for loose tongues.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that. The one who wears the skin tight jeans..." Brenda continued.

"And no panties," Renee added.

"The way they fit up her crack, she must never have to take a shit." Brenda spat, and we all laughed again.

"Yeah, she may as well come to work wearing nothing but a 'fuck me' sign and a dildo. I mean, she doesn't know the meaning of the word 'subtle'". I replied. The table erupted in laughter.

Faye thought she was off the hook until I refocused the conversation again towards her. "So, Faye...what ARE you going to do this weekend? Play second fiddle to the slut?" We were being a little hard on her, but we had been trying to draw her out of this negative relationship with Ray for months now. We started by taking her to single bars, clubs, and even an X-rated movie once on "Ladies' Night". Ladies night at the porn palace...what a concept, huh? Well, this IS the 90's. I can still recall her squirming in the seat in distress until I told her it was alright if she excused herself and took care of business in the bathroom. She looked at me shocked, but as the film went on, she finally took me up on it. Later on, I told her it was easier if she'd just, "lose the panties". It was an eye-opening experience for her, to say the least, and she eventually became collector of erotic movies. It was an educational journey into sensual expression that I thought she needed. It was good for her...until Ray started inundating her with HIS personal collection of female degrading material. Back to square one.

"Well....yeah, I know about Ray and the sleeze. I don't care. There's that much less physical contact I have to make with him....still, he can fix any appliance, so I can't piss him off.
But...well, this weekend is kind of special. In fact, I want you to meet a friend of mine." I followed her eyes as she focused on a tall, handsome Black man approaching us. I felt a warm tingle between my thighs as he approached, smiling warmly. Faye rose to greet him, hugging him shyly.

"Girls, this is Paul. Paul and I are biking buddies. We're going to ride to the lake this weekend. We rode last weekend, too. That's why I was so worn out come Monday morning."

"Ride? Yeah, I know what you're going to ride, baby!" said Brenda just below her breath. Renee elbowed her, smirking.

"Hello, ladies," Paul said, smiling warmly. He was handsome by any measure. I've dated all kinds of Black men in my time, and I know quality when I see it. This guy was A-1. The thought of Faye having a relationship with a younger Black man was a little surprising. I mean, she came from an entirely different generation. And she came from the South. The social stigma is more than many well-meaning white women can stand when it comes to crossing over. Even when there is no sex involved, there is the implicit suspicion that comes with being seen together. It never bothered me, but I understood it. I immediately thought of Ray, and what he would think. It didn't matter if he was screwing some bimbo slut in the mailroom. He considered Faye HIS woman and this Black threat was going to bring out the worst in him, I could tell. And the GOOD in him wasn't worth a shit. And as if fate were reading my thoughts, I saw Ray enter the bar....

We had begun discussing Madonna and her last book, Sex. Renee initiated the discussion after a Madonna video came on the big screen T.V. behind the bar by wondering out loud what Madonna would do next to shock the public. "Hell, what else could she do...have sex with animals?" She motioned for the waiter. "Pages 41, 56, and 73," Brenda responded as everyone laughed.

"Maybe she could, like, have surgery and take pictures," I offered. "Only if she had a hysterectomy, and could get the doctor to perform the surgery naked." Renee answered.

"I got it....she could do a pictorial of her old panties. That's it....the top ten things found in Madonna's panties," I tossed the subject up for grabs, and they snatched it, taking turns.

"Number ten, alternating brown and yellow stains." Renee struck first. Mean and nasty to say the least. I loved it. Number nine, a six inch Slim Jim dildo," Brenda struck right back. "Number eight, a six inch Mighty Max butt plug," I added my own crude reply to everyone's delight. "Number seven, black pubic hairs," Faye shyly added. It wasn't crude, but we eventually got it and laughed realizing it was about as crude as Faye got. "Number six, bacteria never before classified by science." I was surprised to hear Paul enter the game, and we all clapped and laughed. "Number five, Buster the body crab and his buddies." "Number four, an imprint that makes the Shroud of Turin look fake." The collective, "Oooooo," told the whole story. "Number three, Panties? What panties?" We howled at that one. "Number two, Sandra Bernhart." We must have laughed for five minutes. Tears came to my eyes, but cleared away rapidly as I heard a male voice announce number one. "Number one, a big, green, hairy turd." Silence. We turned and it was Ray, grinning that stupid fucking self-amused grin.

The longer I knew Ray, the more I realized that he was just plain weird. Handsome, yes, no doubt, but nobody home. His arrogant manner didn't endear him to me at all and I couldn't for the life of me understand why Faye couldn't find herself a better companion. Faye always was a shy type, so I figured underneath all of that, she really wanted to be shit on to keep putting up with this jerk. He sat down, interrupting a conversation Brenda and Renee were having with Paul.

"Hey, hey, this a party and I wasn't invited?

"I told you we were meeting here..." Faye started to explain before Ray dismissed her explanation with a casual wave of his hand. Faye obeyed like a puppy which I could see caught Paul's attention. I interrupted the moment by informing Ray that his fly was open. In a panic, he checked, only to discover I was bullshitting him. He frowned at me, and remarked, "Wishful thinking, Samantha. What I keep in there is too wild for you to handle anyway." I was unshaken and unamused when I replied that he ought to put that monkey on a chain for its own safety. Ray countered with some comment about me spanking his monkey for him, and I responded by telling him the only way I would spank his monkey was with a rubber mallet. Faye's eyes showed panic and she interrupted our dialog.

Faye introduced Paul to Ray and they shook hands amiably. I could tell that Ray suspected something about Paul, but disregarded the stray thought. No, he was too damned arrogant to suspect that Faye may be getting off underneath this handsome young man. Then I saw Ray eyeing me, and knew that he suspected that this was MY friend. Not that I wouldn't mind it. I kept watching Paul and felt the moisture rising between my legs as I realized that I was extremely attracted to him. But, I wasn't going to intrude on Faye's opportunity, though. I crossed my legs, tightly, and I felt Paul's eyes follow my leg motion. I shook one foot, my shoe hanging off of my toe, lustfully while my panties formed a juicy wedge up my pussy. I shifted position to get just the right friction in the right place, then....AHHHH....yes.

Faye was still watching Paul, and heaven knows she needed all the recreation she could get. She sat there quiet while Ray struck up a conversation with Paul about the New York Knicks, passing up on an opportunity to make a good first impression for a cheap shot at how white players were discriminated against and some sort of Afffirmative Action was needed in the NBA. There was something about equal opportunity playing time, then that annoying laugh of his. Paul was clearly not amused, but cool about the whole thing.

I looked around the table and noticed that I wasn't the only one checking out Paul's assets. Brenda was definitely checking him out, while Renee squirmed in her chair like it was on fire. Faye got up to go to the bathroom and I'll be damned if she didn't look as though she needed to ask permission. That burned me up. I mean, I can hold my own against any man, word for word, raunchy remark for raunchy remark. But, I don't have a chip on my shoulder. But if I did, I'd sure as hell beat Ray about the head and shoulders with it.

Ray turned, watching Faye walk away, all too obviously checking out her plump behind. I kind of envied her matronly spread. It WAS sensuous, especially compared to my relatively flat ass. All my assets were up front. As he turned back to the table, he said, "Not bad for an old lady, huh?" A callous remark no one answered. Then, he leaned forward, whispering.

"I've got a good April Fool's joke to play on Faye tonight," he said.

"I can't wait to hear about it..." Brenda said in her I-don't-give-a-shit voice. Ray didn't pick it up. He never did.

"I know how she hates Pam...well, you see, I got some video equipment last spring. I mostly loaned it to Faye, for her nature shots and stuff...but last week-end..." he stopped, giggling to himself in that smug manner I hated before continuing. But like a boxer telegraphing his punch, I could see where this was going. I leaned over to look out the window, turning back just in time to see him being distracted by my cleavage. I leaned over further so that he could get a good look, which he did, all too obviously.

"Yeah, check 'em out, baby. See what you'll NEVER have", I thought.I jiggled a little reaching for my glass. He lost his train of thought before picking it up again.

" I was saying...last week-end, I filmed Pam and me...well, screwing..." he said the word "screwing" like it would offend us more than his presence. It didn't. He continued.

"Oh, so what happened....break your wrist and find a substitute?" Brenda spat. Renee joined in with, "Ooooo..." Ray once again ignored the remarks and continued.

"I can't get Faye to loosen up, so I'm going to offer to bring by a movie tonight. I can't wait to see her face when I pop this baby in. She'll just DIE!" And he laughed again. No one spoke and I decided I had to.

"'re a jerk. A real fuck-head. Why do you want to put Faye through that?"

"What? Oh yeah....I guess a real ladies' woman like yourself would NEVER get off on heterosexual sex." He laughed at his own joke, implying that my sexual pre-dispositions were towards females. He eyed the hostile table, elbowing Paul trying to bring him into the picture for support. Paul politely smiled but the look in his eyes said everything. He thought that Ray was an even bigger jerk than I did.

"'re not the only person in the world to do something kinky. It's just that..." but Renee got cut off.

"It's just that you women can't take watching a woman who LIKES sex enjoying herself. Can you? No, I didn't think so. It's all work for you girls. Never a moment of pleasure. Well, Pam is one hot number. She's fun. Maybe you don't like her because sexy women threaten your self-esteem."

"I wouldn't say that," Brenda challenged him. "It's just no surprise that a woman who can't afford panties or jeans big enough to fit would be stupid enough to even HAVE sex with you, let alone film it. What happened? Did the donkey die and leave you the lead role?"

Ray frowned as we snickered. Then he leaned forward again.

"Okay, Miss Smarty Panties. You think I'm such a fuck head? Well, after watching this film, you'll see what my real appeal is." He grabbed his crotch as if to reinforce something about his manhood. Then, he glanced sideways at Paul, and let go of his crotch self-consciously. "After you get a load of this hunk of burning love, your fantasies will never be the same." He wasn't joking, he was confident. Renee jumped right back in with an Elvis imitation, singing, "You're a hunka, hunka burning shit....uh, huh, huh... hey you're right, I've already stopped fantasizing about fucking turds with legs."

"Hey, that's not fair to the turds," Brenda jumped to his rescue. Ray flipped her off and she responded likewise. Before Ray could really get nasty, he could see Faye coming back and whispered to us, "And don't you spoil the surprise. In're all invited. You might learn something about keeping a man."

Brenda lost her cool. "I wouldn't watch you on film if you were staring in The Faces of Death: Part 7. Renee seconded the contention. I sat silently watching Paul a strange look of amusement on his face. In fact, he was literally biting his lip to keep from laughing. He looked my way, seeing me watching him and once again resumed his stoic look. I uncrossed my legs, wetness creeping out of my panties. I so wanted to slip my finger into my burning box, but the angry voices flying across the table brought me back from oblivion.

Ray was taunting us, daring us to be shocked by his dirty talk. I'd heard that he really liked to get and make dirty phone calls, but he was always sure he engaged in it with a willing participant. I wasn't really sure if he didn't do it without consent. Renee had received dirty calls before, but it never seemed to have anything to do with Ray. I wasn't so sure. I got a call once....once....and what I told them made them NEVER call back....but it also made Ray avoid me for a week. I always suspected him since. Most times, he walked the sexual harassment edge, going up to the boundary, but never crossing it.

"Okay, I should have expected such bullshit from the 7-Up know....7-Up girls....never had it, never will. Get it?" None of the younger girls did, and it was so lame, I pretended not to, either. He knew damned well that he could talk to us this way. Our dialog among each other was at least as raunchy as anything that ever came out of his mouth. But, today, this was pushing it, even for him. I refused to be put on the defensive by him and decided to make a stand right here.

"Just a goddamned minute, Ray. Who the fuck do you think you are coming in here and talking to us this way? Bragging about how you're about to break the heart of the ONLY living creature who even likes you....for whatever perverted reason she does....? And you want us to help you do that? You ARE a bastard."

"What's the matter, Samantha?" He asked me. "Afraid you might see something you like? You may find you really want to get together with me afterall." He taunted me with that shit-eating grin.

"Not without a strap-on dildo," I answered, following his earlier innuendo. "What do you say, Ray....want me to probe your prostate for you?" The table erupted into more laughter as Ray turned red. His attention was once again captured by Faye as she wandered back to the table. Saved by the belle.

Faye returned, sitting meekly across from Ray and Paul.
I saw that smile again on Paul's face. Ray, pushed away from the table. "Well, hey, baby. How about I bring a movie over? I've got a great nature film in mind." He glared across the table then continued. "Why doesn't everybody come over? Hell, Faye, you can pull out one of your famous home movies of you talking to your cats....oh, how exciting. I'm sure they'd LOVE to see what you're really like at home." He looked sideways at Paul. "You can come, too. I'm sure even you would be impressed."

Paul grinned widely. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I was stunned. All this time, I thought Paul was a nice decent guy, and he agrees to join in Ray's plan to degrade and totally humiliated Faye. I glared at him, but he avoided my eyes. Even though I was pretty pissed at him at the moment, my eyes still found the bulge in his crotch, just as the knot in my panties found my clit. I began swinging my tightly crossed legs. Just call it stress relief.

"Good, then I'll see you there," Ray chimed jovially. "ALL of you, I hope," he added. Paul grinned broadly and waved. I fumed. Just as I was sitting here thinking that Paul was a pretty nice guy, he ends up being as big a sleeze as Ray. That was a big disappointment and I felt a sense loss at the prospect that Paul was perfectly willing to watch Faye emotionally destroyed by Ray. As Ray left the bar, cautiously looking back over his shoulder, I was determined to tell Faye what was going on. I gave him a couple of seconds to exit then looked Faye in the eye.

"Faye, that bastard is trying to ruin your self-esteem. He..." "He made a dirty tape with Pam last week-end. Yeah, I know." Faye completed my declaration with calmness uncharacteristic of her personality. "I know. Everybody in the mailroom knows. Pam can't keep her mouth closed any more than she can her legs. And to think he told me he was going fishing all week-end."

"He went fishing alright. I just hope he caught something," Renee remarked with candor while we all laughed, surprised at Faye's grasp of the situation.

"He wants us to come over and watch. Can you believe the nerve of this guy?" I complained.

"Yeah, I can. I know him well. I also know that for him to make a 30 minute sex tape, he'd have to do 17 takes, two minutes at a time. It must have taken forever."

"So, what are you going along with it for?" asked Renee, signaling the waiter for another drink.

"Oh, Ray always thinks that I don't like sex. It's not that....I love it whenever I can get it. Being in my late 40's doesn't mean I'm dead, you know!" Faye snuck a glance at Paul and a mischievous smirk played across her face as their eyes met momentarily. "I finally figured it out. I like sex...I just don't like it with Ray. I figure it's about time he gets the point. I've got a great April Fools joke all set for him. All you have to do is sit through his little porn tape."

"I don't know if I can stomach Ray naked," Brenda growled. "I've always heard he was hung pretty good. Not that I care, but it might be worth seeing if it's true," said Renee. "So is a mule, but I don't see you getting excited about barnyard animals." Brenda chugged her beer. "I suspect that I'll regret this decision Monday, but if it'll get back at Ray, I'll be there." I said dejectedly.

"Good. It'll be fun, provided you can take watching dirty movies," Faye replied. "I don't mind dirty's RAY that I mind." Brenda grumbled.

"Do you have any with Willy Wanker in them?" asked Renee sheepishly. We all looked at her, causing her to blush as she noticed our curiosity about who the hell Willy Wanker was. We all laughed until she, too, began to grin. "Just curious," she added.

"The fun starts at eight, ladies. And thanks for warning me." Faye said. She glanced again at Paul, grinning a little more widely. They excused themselves, leaving us dying with curiosity as to what exactly Paul and Faye were really up to...

" think Faye and Paul are doing the nasty?" Renee began with a whisper. Brenda laughed but shook her head and the same time. "No, she's too caught up in Ray and wouldn't see a good think like Paul unless he just took control. And he looks too nice to take advantage of her." Brenda sipped her drink while I thought twice about the answer. I wasn't real sure. I knew that Faye usually went back by the office before going home because she got her mail there. The office was closer than the post office, so it made sense. I decided to accidentally run into her there and ask about Paul. Because if SHE wasn't doing him...I sure as hell wanted to. I excused myself and reminded them that were would be at Faye's later that evening. I rushed to my car, trying to head her off before she got into and out of the building. I wanted to know if I needed to wear panties or not, the next time I met Paul...

I got to the office about the same time as Faye, as her car was parked in the front on the driveway reserved for deliveries. I rode the elevator up and checked her office. No Faye. Maybe she was in the bathroom. I walked to the end of the hall when I heard her voice coming out of one of the empty offices, where she was talking on the phone. Ah, one of those long distance calls on the company. I never thought Faye did those sorts of things...the rest of us did, but not Faye. I could see she was going to be a while, so I started back down the hall to my office, passing a conference room on the way. I saw Faye's purse there on the table and a VCR tape in it. Curiosity called, and I pulled it out. It had no title, obviously a homemade job. Maybe it was Ray's. Maybe her joke was to steal his tape. The conference room had a VCR and I glanced down the hall. I went halfway down and turned the light in the hallway off, so that when she came around the corner, she have to turn it back on....and that would alert me. Then I returned to the conference room.

I was curious about the VCR tape and quickly slipped it into my purse and closed the door. No one was around, this being the Friday and all, so all I had to worry about was Faye. I turned the sound down, just in case someone might still be lurking around. It was about the middle of the tape and I didn't bother to rewind it. The first scene made even me gasp. Faye was clad only in granny boots, spread wide open on a couch with Paul licking her box good. Not just licking it, like a cow or other herd animal. He was positively devouring her pussy, expertly altering between lips and tongue action. Her hips were bucking erotically. The juices flowing from her hot pink pussy and the expressions on her face were obviously genuine, and I could see why. Who would be able to resist a twat-licking like that? I crossed my legs tight, trying to find a wad in my panties I could grind on. A couple of shudders later, the motion of Fayes rump told the entire story. She was coming, over and over again. Her face contorted, as if in pain...then I heard her scream. Her legs shivered, then relaxed as she slid to the floor, out of sight.

I fast-forwarded the tape, pausing to watch scenes of Faye doggie-style, Faye sucking cock and Faye just plain getting fucked on a rippling water bed. Her fine, but short legs were gripped around Paul's muscular waist as he pinned her to the bed and thrust after thrust racked her now sweaty body. A close up of the action showed her little bum opening and closing while her box was packed in hard rhythm; his enormous cock was made to appear even larger as she alternately gripped his cock in her tiny hands, stroking his balls and clutching his driving ass in unabashed pleasure. The little squeaking voice of her abandon and his grunts burned the screen, but as an afterthought, Faye's mouth suddenly smiled and she motioned for Paul to dismount. Paul, his cock still rigid, climbed off of her ready to reach over and switch off the camera....until her saw that gleam in her eye as she turned over and exposed her prize possession. His sharp intake of air and smile told the whole story. She began fingering her bum, and I felt light headed. This was something I NEVER imagined Faye doing. Hell, I wasn't partial to rectal wrecking, and couldn't recall ANYONE I liked so much to stretch my sphincter for. She must REALLY like this Paul to do this....but as I watched, I found myself realizing that maybe....just maybe I'd bend over more than backwards for the pussy licking and poking she'd just gotten.

The scene was edited as he forced Faye's willing muscle open and drove in. He was average sized, not pushing a log like the "myth" would have you believe. The film picked up again with a simulated relentless pounding of Faye derriere, her tits now dangerous weapons with sharp tips, shaking and bouncing. She was completely nude except for those granny boots and fish-net stockings. He had on a knit tank top...and a condom. His left hand gripped her hip and controlled the thrusting rhythm. The new sounds coming from her mouth revealed a whole new heightened pleasure as she rode upon his fleshy spear, while his free hand massaged her clit. Another camera angle showed them from a distance, rutting with abandon, her round butt now gripped in ecstacy. Then, she shuddered one final time, her frantic motion finally sending Paul over the edge. He apparently remembered the cum shot at the very last second and pulled out just as he began to spurt. And spurt. And spurt! Goddamn! Before I knew it, her matronly ass was bathed in hot cum and she glanced at the camera with a "I'll bet you wish YOU were here," expression on her face, before the entire scene faded to black. My panties were soaked. But, the last shot of her satisfied, smiling face mocking the camera was testimony as to how much she had enjoyed making this film. Still, I bet her ass was sore for a week.

I rewound and watched a few more scenes, "relieving" myself until I decided it was about time to return the tape, so that Faye could surprise them all tonight. I retrieved the VCR from the machine and turned to see Faye standing there, smiling.

"Oh, you found my little surprise," she started. I started to explain then said what the hell.

"Goddamn, Faye. That was NASTY! I didn't know you were doing Paul. How long has he been pointing that big black stick of his your way?"

"About three months. On the weekends, when I'm feeling a little....uh....down and dirty, he comes over and puts out the fire. He a therapist. A sex therapist. He's made me cum every way but loose. I even came once sucking his cock! He's helped me loosen up a lot."

"I can SEE that. He also loosened up your ass. I just can't....imagine how you could endure that ass scene."

"I didn't endure it...I enjoyed it," she responded in a confident manner uncharacteristic of her.

", you're going to spring this on Ray tonight?" I asked.

"Sure. Why? Don't you want to be there?" Faye asked, genuinely concerned. I had to remind myself that Faye took everything serious and choose my words carefully. I took a deep breath and said, "I wouldn't miss this for the fucking world!" Faye giggled and hugged me. That's when I realized that this was going to be the best April Fool's Day ever. Ray was a jerk, but my dislike of him went way beyond that. I hated the way he treated Faye. He took her for granted, hurt her purposely and never thought twice about it. Of course I would be there to see his reaction. It would be priceless.

I was still stunned at the few scenes I'd seen of the film. The concept of Faye getting off was alien to all of us. She was the motherly co-worker, the compassionate older sister. The mentor. Not the lusty woman in the film. I had to admit, the concept of Faye fucking was strangely erotic to me. I thought for a second that it might be Faye that was getting me hot. Maybe Ray was right....maybe I WAS a lesbian...then I caught myself doubting my own sexuality because of one prick's concept of dominant women. No, it wasn't was Paul fucking Faye that tipped my scales.

His big, black, bulky frame grinding into Faye's fragile form, eliciting such....such lust from a woman I least suspected of ANY strong emotions. I thought again of the last scene and imagined me fucking Paul's muscular butt with a strap-on, hanging on to his broad, beefy shoulders while the double-dong did the deed to both of us. My God, if I was going to watch a whole film of it, I'd better leave my panties at home...

I got caught in the traffic going east, so I was a little late. The rest of the crowd was there, including a guy with Renee I'd never seen before. She hastily introduced us, and he smiled shyly. Brenda was already soused and getting moreso because she had hitched a ride with Renee and friend. I smiled at Paul, sitting quietly in the corner as Ray and Faye argued in the kitchen over bean dip versus picante. Finally, he showed up with the bean dip, so obviously the little "dip" Ray was the winner of the argument...again. Faye showed up, a little angry but hiding it well. I caught her wink at Paul and moved over so that she could sit close to him. Renee and her friend moved also, and soon, Faye was squeezed tightly between Paul and myself.

Ray was still fucking with the VCR and trying to get maximum contrast on the big screen television. Finally, when he was satisfied that the tint wouldn't make the head of his dick look TOO pink, he announced to Faye and the room: "The following film is rated X, for excellent..." he paused for laughter that never came. Brenda made a farting sound in the silence, and we snickered. He continued:

"I personally supervised the making of this film, and all credit belongs to me. This film is educational...and I sincerely hope that Faye learns something from this. God knows she could use a lesson or two." He paused again for laughter that never came, the prick. Then he added, "Faye, after watching this, I'm sure they won't want to watch your film, so I'll put it on automatic rewind. There are a few techniques that I want you to see closeup and in slow motion. Then, if we want, we'll endure your film...whatever it's about. Did you shoot a film about birds in the park again?"

"Ray, cut the crap and let's get this shit over with," Renee growled. "Okay, okay....keep your panties on," Ray tossed a lame insult as he turned down the lights. It was a classic porno effort. Pam walks in, sleazy in her spiked heels and black miniskirt. The scene was obviously Ray's office, probably over some weekend. She poses for the camera, bouncing her boobs suggestively, hiking her skirt to just below her hairy bush, then bends over to show us all her distended asshole. Gross and boring. Finally, Ray walks in, overacts surprised, then pulls his cock out and forcefully pushes her to the desk top while he mounts her doggie-style. Ray turns with a shit-eating grin on his face and tells Faye, "April Fool....ha, ha, ha..." Prick. I bit my tongue.

I had to admit, Ray WAS hung pretty good, but the scene ended abruptly as his face contorted and he came. Pam even looked surprised, glancing over her shoulder to be sure that Ray was REALLY finished already. No cum scene. You have to have at least a LITTLE control. The scene changed to Ray's bedroom, or maybe Pam's. She's naked except for those same old tired spiked heels and Ray is ramming her doggie-style again, humping like a madman. A few more seconds into the scene, he pulls out for a cum-shot that is half-deflected by Pam's fat cheeks. He tried to pump more juice out for the cheek facing the camera, and only manages another drop of cum. Hastily, he pisses on her ass, pretending it is cum and she bolts upright, her mouth moving rapidly, saying something like, "Hey, don't you EVER piss on me, motherfucker..." Ray in a panic points towards the camera and the scene ends. Brenda laughs out loud, and gradually, we join in. Ray didn't get it, and began harassing Faye with remarks like, "Oh yeah, now that's how a REAL woman fucks, Faye. You see how out of control she was? You can really learn something from this."

Faye acted uncomfortable, unconsciously snuggling up against Paul. Her hand eased into his lap once Ray was focused once again on himself on film. She stroked Paul's cock into a fat snake under his jeans, and I crossed my legs in voyeur excitement. But, I had to not stare too hard, or else Ray would notice...BEFORE the April Fool joke was sprung on him. I went back to watching the X-rated comedy without gagging TOO much.

This whole tape was a ridiculous series of examples of inconsideration and premature ejaculation. Pam wasn't getting enough cock and stroke to even get hot, and it was showing on her frustrated face in every scene. She looked more stoned than horny. Ray, on the other hand, was getting off, each and every time. About 20 seconds was all it took. One time, Pam really looked like she was cumming, but that was when she was sitting on Ray's lap with his cock snugly up her fat, acne-scarred ass while she viciously poked herself with a massive black dildo. She drolled at lot in her facial closeup, but did appear to enjoy herself. A 15 second closeup of Ray balls banging her bum was particularly nasty, and Renee's friend, George, muttered a subdued, "Man, look at those buns bounce." Faye appeared grossed out by the spectacle. Renee elbowed George and whispered, a little loud, "That bitch deserves a horse's dick up her ass," and we all laughed.

"Who needs a horse....she's already got a jackass." I added. Meanwhile, Pam convulsed a few seconds before Ray did, and we all cheered. After half an hour (and fourteen scenes) of Ray and her humping, she finally looked like she was getting off. Ray took it as a compliment and started in with some lecture on how he knew how to make a woman glow. Glow? Hell, I AM a woman, and I've never glowed. Is that what you do when the vibrator shorts out in your wet pussy? What the fuck does 'glow' mean?

Finally, the "joke" was over, and Ray got up to rewind the tape when I got into the act. "We've seen your joke, Ray. Now let's see what Faye has for us." The rest of the group chimed in an affirmative tone, and Ray sighed loudly. Faye was already up and pulling the tape out of her purse before Ray could start into one of his wise-ass tirades. Suddenly cocky, Faye smiled broadly and tossed the tape to Ray who was already in front of the VCR. Ray noticed the difference in her manner and did a double take before popping the tape into the machine. He pushed, "play" and took his place back on the floor in front of the television.

The scene started out with Faye in the park, feeding the pigeons. Ray snickered, "I told you so," as Faye looking sweet in her long black dress and granny boots tossed crumbs to the birds. The sound was good, unlike the overdubbed moans and groans in Ray's little "jerkamentary." Faye sighed and whispered, "Here little birdies. Here's something good to eat. You might as well be happy." She sighed again. The scene moved to a closeup in front of a bench that upon careful observation was NOT the one we'd seen from a distance. Aw, who was noticing? The shot had moved from a public park to an isolated area somewhere else for the fuck scenes. I was sure no one caught that right off, but knowing what was coming, I realized there could be no other way they could have filmed it.

The back of a man in jeans with nice firm buns appeared directly in front of Faye, seated on the bench. His hands unzip his pants and the sideview of a big, black cock fills the screen. Faye looks at the camera with wide-eyed, wide-mouth surprise, exaggerated as to be funny as she places both hands on her cheeks to further give the comic sense of shock. Her high, squeaky, "Oh, no," reminded us of the clay figure Mr. Bill of the late 70's. The entire room erupted into laughter, all except Ray who was in total disbelief. "Oh that all....for me?" Faye exclaims from the VCR as she takes his cock in her left hand, stroking and sucking deliciously in a manner that was positively lustful. Her mouth stretched wide to receive Paul's cock, and her tiny hand worked the rest of his root. It was hot, and I noticed George's crotch growing as Renee began working his root through the jeans. Even I was getting turned on. The girls were pleasantly shocked, spellbound by Fayes licking, smacking, stroking and sucking. After a couple of non-stop minutes of cock-sucking, the scene changed.

Faye was leaned over the bench as Paul slowly, sensually pushed her dress up over her hips, revealing her smooth butt, devoid of panties. He gently moved to mount her doggie-style. Once again, Faye made the comic expression of surprise, glancing directly at the camera, left hand placed against her cheek...the right hand on her other cheek....much lower down.

"Oh my...are you going to put that big thing inside my hot, little box? I sure hope it fits..." We all laughed again. In a few seconds, we were all silent and sweating as Paul slowly worked his member into Faye's tight little snatch and began working it into a froth. Faye tossed her head back and the acting was over as she received his thrusts in pleasant oblivion, maintaining her balance on the bench. After another few minutes of pounding, Faye's eyes once again found the camera and she moaned a quiet, "Yummy," before changing position again, Paul seated on the bench, Faye riding shotgun and doing aerobics on top. A closeup of her sweet, tight bum revealed Paul's finger working it's way inside and I myself had to moan out loud at the dual stimulation, and anticipation as to what was coming...or is it cumming? Yes, I was right as Faye reacted onscreen by cumming. Jerking and convulsing, she ground her box onto Paul's pole, rutting for several seconds before relaxing. A view of her face showed relief and satisfaction, unrehearsed. The scene ended, and I noticed that in all that time, Paul hadn't cum once. That was remedied in the next scene.

It took place in a bedroom that I assumed was Faye's, and there was no hesitation in the action. It was Faye spread wide open, still wearing her granny boots, with a pair of fish-net stocking. Her heels were skyward and Paul was riding her into the sunset on the waterbed I had seen earlier. Nothing staged, just good, hard fucking. Her little bottom, pinned underneath Paul's thrusting muscular pelvis was glistening in the close-up. He ground into her and she gladly received every thrust, every hammered inch into her willing wet snatch. Then came the climax I'd seen earlier, the nasty smile and her spread buns as she gave a well deserving Paul his dessert. The room collectively moaned together watching that scene. Paul finally came with a yelp, as did she. Renee caught that he almost forgot the cum-shot and hastily pulled his wet member out in time to spew...and spew...and spew! She chuckled and whispered to George, "He almost missed his shot." A minute later, Renee was having a silent cum of her own over on the couch, and I, myself, was close to creaming as I crossed my legs even tighter. The streams of love juice across her very pretty cheeks ended the video, and after a hot pause...we all broke into applause.

It was then that we noticed that Ray was nowhere to be seen. He must have slipped out during the anal scene. He was discovered later by Renee, jacking off in the bathroom. Without a word, he left, zipping his pants up on the way out, not making eye contact. No smug smile. No remarks. Exit, stage right...

I wasn't surprised after I talked to Faye about it. She NEVER gave Ray that last particular luxury because, as she phrased it, "That's something you have to earn. Besides, I always thought he was a big enough asshole without adding mine to his collection." 'Nuff said, there. Well, as you've probably guessed, Ray and Faye broke up...or rather she tossed him....right after that April Fool party. Paul and Faye are one, hot item, and sometimes, I'm really jealous. Faye claims she's willing to share, and maybe one day, I'll take her up on it, if she's serious. And who knows....maybe next party...I'LL provide the entertainment. Ooo la, la... @
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