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Old 01-14-2003, 04:57 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"Good evening and this is the main news:

The Government has decided to take a drastic course of action to address the population problems caused by the plague which had either killed off or, made sterile, every man and boy over the age of 14.

This statement was made by the President earlier today.”

The face changes to that of the recently elected President Christina McCoy.

“Hello, my fellow Americans.

A dire situation faces our great nation.

The plague that struck us four years ago has left with us a terrible legacy. A depleted male population who have been rendered infertile and, although we have been able to cope with this great tragedy, it is now time to think of the future, to start and build up our population.

Attempts to artificially inseminate women with sperm taken from sperm banks have proven to be a failure. Tests show that only sperm produced by men who had not undergone puberty until after the plague can successfully be used. However, even then, it can only be done when both subjects are close blood-relatives such as an aunt-nephew, brother-sister or even mother-son.

So, after great deliberation, we have no choice but to call on you to serve your country once again.

We ask for every family who has a boy over the age of 18 to produce an offspring with a close family member once a year for the next three years. Only male babies produced from such a union will be able to procreate with unrelated women.”

The President takes her glasses off and looks directly into the camera.

“I understand that what we are asking you to do goes against the very fibre of your moral upbringing. But this course of action is necessary for the very survival of the human race. If we don’t do this, our scientists calculate that humanity will become extinct within two generations.

So please help us. We need you.”

The President’s face is then replaced by the reporter.

“In the next few days, leaflets will be sent to families who meet the criteria. Centres and hotlines will also be made ready for anyone requiring additional help.

For further information, please phone this number.”

A number is displayed at the bottom of the television screen…
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Old 01-19-2003, 04:35 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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She watched the news in stunned silence. This couldn't possibly mean what it sounds like. Grabbing the remote, she flipped the channel to NBC. Then CBS. Finally to CNN. It was all the same. It couldn't be a hoax if all the channels were carrying the same news. Could it?

Her mind was reeling as she half-listened to the reporters throwing frenzied questions at President Schuller.

"What are the genetic repercussions of this?"

"Are you saying you are condoning incest?"

"What if someone refuses?"

"Will there be any exemptions?"

The answers were given by what appeared to be a team of doctors and geneticists gathered from all over the world. She barely heard a word they said, though one phrase seemed to be repeated over and over. "...All of humanity will be extinct within two generations."

Unbelievable! This was like something out of a horror film. Janice Fleming's hands shook uncontrollably as she finally reached for a pen and reluctantly jotted the phone number down before clicking off the television set.

There! She had done her part, she thought wryly. Took the number even though she knew she wouldn't phone. She would wait. Maybe they would skip over her. Over them. Maybe there would be enough volunteers that they wouldn't even need her.

"Hi, mom! I'm home!"

Jan quickly shoved the scrap of paper into her pocket and rose to meet her son. Her son! They couldn't possibly want her to... The bile rose in her throat as she raced past him to the bathroom.

"Mom? Mom, are you all right?"

Sinking to her knees, she clung to the edge of the commode and retched until there was no more. Until all that was left were dry heaving gasps that wracked her entire body. Tears streamed down her face as she vaguely felt the cool cloth her alarmed son had placed against her forehead.
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Old 01-21-2003, 06:32 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"Look at the tits on that one!"

Mark Fleming doesn't have to see what his friend, Sunil, is pointing at to know that it is some big-titted girl. For as long as he can remember, all his friend appears to think about are girls and sex (preferably at the same time).

Don't get me wrong. Mark thinks about sex as much as the next horny 18-year old. If you listened to his mother, his large 6 foot 6 frame and good looks will break plenty of girls' hearts (though he cannot see it). Unfortunately, he is incredibly shy and gets tongue-tided as soon as a girl tries to talk to him.

"Aw com'on, man!" Grumbles his friend. "You gotta admit she is stacked!"

Finally looking over, he sees that the girl in question is indeed "stacked". She is also Sheila Hancock, Head Cheerleader and Brad Wilson's girlfriend. Girls like that would never take notice of him.

"Hiya, Mark!" She calls over to him, waving. Poor Mark simply blushes.

"Heeyyy! She likes you, man. I bet you could screw her!" Sunil says.

"Yeah, right!" Mark says, moving ahead of his friend.

"Hey!!!" Sunil shouts as he is forced to run to overtake Mark's long strides. "Do you wanna stay a virgin the rest of your life?"

"Well you are one!" Mark quickly retorts.

"Well...." And the shorter Indian boy goes silent, much to Mark's relief.

"What are you up to tonight?" Sunil says finally.

"I gotta pick up the twins and take them home. Mom's making one of her special curries." Mark answers.

"And then?"

"Stay in I guess."

"Why not come out?" Asks his friend.

"Nah!" Says Mark, after a little thought. "I haven't any money and besides I have work to do." The truth is that Mark didn't feel like spending an evening with Sunil trying to get into strip clubs or trying to chat up women (which they fail abysmally anyway).

"Hiya, Mark! Hiya, Sunil!" Mark sees Matthew and Emily, his 6 year-old brother and sister, running up to him.

"I gotta go! Catch you later!" Mark takes his siblings' hands and makes for home.

"See you tomorrow." Sunil shouts.


Reaching their home, the twins immediately rushes into the garden while Mark enters house.

"Hi, Mom! I'm home!"

He is greeted with a distressed looking mother rushing past him into the bathroom, followed quickly the tale-tale sounds of someone throwing up.

"Mom? Mom? Are you alright?" He shouts out, his heart sinking.

Oh no! Not again!

His father had almost died during the plague and it had taken all of his mother's strength to nurse him back to health again, as well as looking after the family and keeping down a part-time job. The doctors had said that the stress of it all had almost given her a nervous breakdown with the side-affect that she suffered from frequent bouts of sickness which they had said would diminish over time and eventually stop.

And he had thought it had, the last time had been six months ago.

But now it is back.

Taking a deep breath, he enters the bathroom and is immediately assaulted by the stench of vomit.

Oh God!

Sadly, he sees his crying mother as she kneels at the commode, retching. Going over to the wash basin, he pours some cold water on a handcloth and takes over to her.

"It's alright, Mom. Everything will be alright!" He says soothingly as he always does in this situation, applying the wet cloth to her forehead as she sobs continually...
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Old 01-22-2003, 06:29 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice Fleming

Janice struggled to pull herself together for her childrens' sake as much as her own. The years since the plague hadn't been easy. She and Jack had been high school sweethearts and both virgins when they had taken their relationship to the next level and made love for the first time. It had been awkward but they soon got the hang of it. Practice makes perfect, he used to say with a wicked gleam in his eye. And practice they did. So much that it wasn't long before she found herself pregnant with Mark.

There was no question that they would marry and raise a family together.
They were young and had dreams of growing old together. The Plague took
care of that, dashing their dreams to pieces and leaving her to raise
their three children on her own when he fell ill. Something they had
never contemplated.

Matthew and Emily had been in the middle of their 'terrible twos' and
Mark a mere fourteen when their lives had been so brutally disrupted. On
the verge of a nervous breakdown, Janice's best friend Devi had helped
with the children while she spent most of her time at Jack's bedside...
waiting, watching, praying. Not many seemed to survive, but survive he
did. It was his recovery that took longer than they expected.

Even though it had happened longer ago than it seemed, it wasn't really
until six months ago that they finally felt they had gotten a grip on
life again. She submersed herself in taking care of her children and Jack
had finally gotten a trucking job that took him away from home for days
at a time. It had taken this long for her to finally feel secure in her
own abilities and for the sleepless nights to come to an end.

But now... She had never missed Jack so much as she did this very minute.
He wouldn't be home until the weekend and she needed him. This had to be
a mistake. It had to be.

Janice didn't know how long she sat there on the cool tile floor before
she shook herself into action. She could hear them in the living room
laughing. Mark was reading a story to them by the sound of things. Such a
good boy, he was. A tremendous help. But it was not his job, nor his
responsibility to be taking care of the little ones like that. Her
children needed her, not a lump on the bathroom floor.

Pulling herself to her feet, she brushed her teeth and washed her face.
She brushed her hair quickly, taking one last look before joining her family.

"How does pizza sound, you guys?" She called out with a big grin on her
face, swearing that everything was going to be all right. It had
to be.
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Old 01-23-2003, 02:40 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Devi Patel

Devi was preparing dinner when the phone rang. "Aunt Devi?" It was Jan's son Mark.

"Sunil still hasn't come home, Mark. I'll tell... "

"No, Aunt Devi. It's you I... It's mom. She's sick again."

Devi could hear the concern in the boy's voice. She thought Jan had finally gotten past all of that. Something must have happened to upset her.

"Okay, Mark. Don't worry about a thing. I'll come over after I finish making Raji's dinner. You know how he is when he comes home from the office." Oh, and so did she.

"Just try to relax, sweetie. I will be there in a little while."

"Okay... Thanks, Aunt Devi." She hung up the phone and went back to her preparations. Raji would be home soon and he would be ravenous. And not for dinner, Devi giggled to herself. Their marriage had been 'arranged' and she hadn't seen Rajindar even once before their wedding day. Of course she had hoped for the best, but never imagined... The man was insatiable, but then again so was she.

They had no children of their own. Well... except for her brother Sunil who had come to live with them when their parents had passed on. She had helped Jan when she was going through her bad times when Jack was ill and then recovering. Oh, and there were Janice's children, of course. They were enough to fill the gaps. More than enough.

You see, Raji had been affected by the plague and was diagnosed as being infertile, as had all of the males who were sexually mature at that time. They didn't let that stand in the way of their relationship, however. A baby in their lives would only hamper their freedom to be sexual whenever they wanted. And they always wanted. A shiver of anticipation coursed through her body at the thought.
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Old 01-26-2003, 04:11 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Mark had just finished cleaning the bathroom when he hears the door bell. Getting up, he goes and answer it.

"Hello, Mark." The small, plump Indian woman smiles at him. "My, you are getting bigger every day. Give me a hug."

His friend's older sister (though she seems more like a mom than a sister) always says that him when she sees him. Not that he minds. Ever since he had become a teenager, he has had a huge crush on his friend's sister which is doing little to diminish. Happily he obeys and is instantly rewarded with the feel of her soft full body against his. Instantly, he finds himself getting hard and as quickly as possible, he pulls back before she can feel the affect she has on him.

"How is she?" Devi asks.

"Better." Mark answers. "Mom is in the living room."

"Poor woman. Oh, I past Burt the Mailman and he handed me these." She lifts up two A4 size envelopes. Mark couldn't see what it is but it had the words: From US Government. "He said it was important that Janice and I got them. I wonder what they are about?"

Unsure what to say, he just shrugs.

"Hey!!!???" She says as she moves past him. Not for the first time, he catches the sight of her fat breasts wobbling freely under her sari. He could swear she didn't wear a bra. This does not help his growing erection.

"How come you are not out with my young brother?"

"Erm." Suddenly realising that she is still talking to him. "I was suppose to stay in." He answers.

"Nonsense." She says dismissively, "I will keep your mother company. You are still young. You need to go out and have some fun. If you go now, you will find him at my house."

Still imagining her large tits, he finds himself smiling awkwardly before racing off to his room to grab his coat...
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Old 01-29-2003, 03:57 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Devi Patel

Devi chuckled as Mark headed for his room, presumably to get his jacket. He'd had a crush on her for as long as she could remember and she thought it was so cute. Of course she teased him, but not in a way that was mean-hearted. She would never do that. He was too special. Besides, it was flattering in a way.

Taking a deep breath, she called out to her friend. "Jan? Where are you? More importantly... Where's the coffee?"

"Aunt Devi! Aunt Devi!" The little ones shouted as they came running from the kitchen, their faces covered with tomato sauce and what might have passed as chocolate ice cream at one time.

"Pee yeww! Stinky babies!" She exclaimed with a mock look of terror on her face, squatting to take them in her arms to return their messy kisses.

"Have you finished eating then?" Matthew and Emily nodded and grinned in tandem. "Mom's in the kitchen."

"Well then, piggies. Let me just say hello and then I'll make you each a bubble bath. How would you like that? Now go get ready and I'll be along in a moment."

Devi watched as the twins ran to their rooms and still clutching the two envelopes she had gotten from Burt, walked into the kitchen to find her obviously distraught friend setting up a pot of coffee.

"Jan... " Devi began with a note of concern in her voice. "What has happened?"

Janice looked up at her dearest friend and the tears that she had struggled to hold back for the sake of her children began to flow again. "The news... Did you see the news?"

"No. What is it? I'll go turn it on."


Devi looked at Jan in shock. "What in the world is going on here, Janice Fleming? No. Don't tell me. Let me bathe the little ones and then we can talk. Really talk. Without interruptions. You get that coffee making and I'll be back in a few minutes."

Setting the two envelopes down on the table without a thought, Devi went to help Matthew and Emily get ready for bed.
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Old 01-29-2003, 04:53 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice's mind was reeling still as she made the coffee and cleared the table. That's when she spotted the envelopes. One was addressed to her and one to Devi. From the US Department of Health. Maybe it's just something to do with Income Tax, she thought hopefully as she slit her envelope open with the sharp edge of a paring knife. Deep down she knew better, and she wasn't wrong.

Dear Janice Fleming:

You, along with every woman in their child-bearing years with an eligible child or sibling, have been selected to participate in a trans-continental effort to repopulate our race. As you may well know, the plague which devastated the globe in 2025 left all males who had reached puberty at that time and survived infertile.

If we, as an international force, do not take immediate efforts to rectify what has become obvious to scientists and physicians on a worldwide scale, the entire human race as we know it will become extinct within two generations. Pregnancy by artificial insemination has proven to be ineffective and only conjoined unions between two connately related and fertile adults has given efficacious results.

Our records show that you are within the qualifying age range, having been born in (birthdate: 01-28-1993) and that you also have an eligible donor, Mark J. Fleming (birthdate: 06-23-2011)...

Janice crumbled the letter in her hands. So it was true. She was going to have to... Wait! Maybe there was a loophole. She flattened the paper and skimmed further down the page.

Janice K. Fleming and Mark J. Fleming must report for preliminary testing at Central State Hospital on 3 February 2029 at 9:00am. There will be guides to direct you to your destination once there. Failure to do so will result in a warrant being issued for your arrests.

A keening wail escaped her lips as the reality of it all settled over her like a shroud.
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Old 01-31-2003, 03:25 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Devi Patel

Devi turned toward the sound of Jan's voice hoping that the little ones hadn't heard. More concerned than ever, she wanted to see them settled into their beds as quickly as possible.

"Ow!" Emily cried out when the comb tangled in her wet hair.

"Sorry, lovey. We're almost finished. Then off to bed with both of you."

"Aww! Do we have to?" Devi couldn't help smiling when Matthew's voice chimed in from his room across the hall.

"Yessss! You have to. You have school tomorrow and I am just dying for a cup of coffee and some girl talk with your mom. Now give me kisses and hugs and let me tuck you in. Matthew, climb up and I'll be there to collect from you in a second."

With the twins settled in, Devi took a moment to stand in the hallway and take a deep breath. She had no idea what was going on, but she aimed to find out.

"I hope that coffee's done!" she called out to Jan as she headed back toward the kitchen. "The little ones are tucked in and I'm just dy... " The look on Janice's face took the words from Devi's mouth as she ran over to her and wrapped her sobbing friend in her arms.

"There, there," she cooed soothingly. "What in the world is going on with you, Jan?" Janice shoved the crumpled letter into Devi's hand, sobbing even harder than she had been before.

"What's this? The letters that I got from Burt?" Jan nodded and hiccupped. "Okay. Okay. I'll look at it in a sec. Let me get you a cloth to wipe your face and pour our coffee. I don't have to hurry home. Raji will just have to wait for dessert tonight. But I did promise him an extra helping."

Devi chuckled. Her laughter had an almost musical tone to it and Jan was hard put not to respond despite everything. Her friend had such a naughty way about her. You'd think after all these years, Jan would be used to it. But she wasn't. She was grateful that Devi was here though, Jan didn't know who else she would even be able to discuss this with. Besides, Devi would know what to do, she thought to herself. If she didn't, Raji would. They were always there for her when she needed them.

Twenty minutes later, Devi sat in stunned silence beside her friend. At least she wouldn't have to deal with this. She and Raji didn't have any children. But Jan's letter said related. Did that apply to siblings as well? Devi cursed herself for taking a nap and not watching the news.

Wait! There was that second envelope. The one addressed to herself. Devi looked around until she spotted it on the countertop. Drawing in her breath, she tore it open and pulled the document out.

Dear Devi Patel"

You, along with every woman in their child-bearing years with an eligible child or sibling, have been selected to participate...

Devi skimmed down the page. There it was!

Our records show that you are within the qualifying age range, having been born in (birthdate: 02-15-2000) and that you also have an eligible donor, Sunil C. Reddy (birthdate: 04-12-2011).

The rest of the letter was identical to Jan's. She too was to report to Central State Hospital on the same date, at the same time. Both letters were quite straight-forward. With the television coverage, it couldn't be a hoax.

She was going to have to talk to Raji about this. At least for Jan's sake. As for herself, Devi had to struggle to stifle the tremor of something akin to excitement that was spreading throughout her body.
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Old 02-09-2003, 05:03 PM
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Sunil Patel

“I understand that what we are asking you to do goes against the very fibre of your moral upbringing. But this course of action is necessary for the very survival of the human race. If we don’t do this, our scientists calculate that humanity will become extinct within two generations.

So please help us. We need you.”

The image phases out and is replaced by the young blonde newscaster (he always fancied her).

"That was from the President's Press Conferance earlier on the day. Letters have been sent to eligible families. Even this reporter has received one this morning and I have no intention in letting my Country down. Tomorrow morning, I will be taking my brother to my local hospital for our check-up."


"Now if you have received such a letter and are not sure what to do, then please contact the special hotline for advice. Remember! Your Country Needs You! This is Joanna Spelling, CNN News."

Sitting on the sofa, Sunil reaches over and switches off the tv.

Wow! She's gonna fuck her brother and let him get her stuffed?

In his mind's eye, he sees Joanna Spelling and her featureless brother writhing naked on a bed, grunting and grinding.


Feeling thirstly, he starts to get up.

They want brothers and sisters to fuck so that they can have babies??? I have a sisteri!!!

The sudden realisation that his country wanted him to fuck his sister, that they may actually fuck, gives him an erection like he has never had before.


His hand trembling as he realises that at long last he may get laid, he reaches down to his fly when he hears the doorbell.
"We need bigger guns." ~ Sergeant O'Neal, Godzilla (1998).
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Old 02-14-2003, 11:35 PM
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Once Janice was in a better frame of mind, or appeared calmer at any rate, Devi told her that she had to go home to check on her "men" and to talk with Raji about the letter. Jan walked her to the door, hugging her best friend tightly. Devi assured Jan that she would be over in the morning and that she was only a phone call away in the meantime.

Surprised not to see Raji's car in the driveway, Devi let herself in the door. "Hi, guys!" she called out to Sunil and Mark who were playing a video game in the living room. "Sunil, where's Raji?"

"Don't know, sis. He said he'd be back in a little while."

Dammit. She really needed to speak with her husband about this. Well, she'd make a cup of chai or something while she waited for him to come home.

Hanging her coat in the closet, Devi headed for the kitchen and began adding spices to water in a kettle. She worked quietly, lost in thought. Janice was really going to have a rough time with this whole ordeal if it was indeed true. If there were a way out, Raji would be the one to find it for her.

"So whatcha think about this Government thing? Is it hot or what? Devi is one hot babe. And your mom!!! Woo hoo!"

Her brother's voice carried in from the living room. Devi knew she shouldn't listen and that it was rude, but she couldn't help herself. Sunil thought she was hot? Something about that made her feel... well, sexy. Oh, and there was Mark. She perked her ears, already aware of the fact that Mark had had a crush on her for ages.

"You're disgusting, Sunil. My MOM!! She's just... my... mom. You really are a perv, you know that?"

Uh oh. This wasn't boding well for either of the Flemings. Raji had to figure something out for Jan... and Mark. Oddly enough, she wasn't as concerned for herself. Maybe the realization just hadn't hit her yet. Maybe...

"Yeah, maybe. But you can't say Devi isn't hot."

"Yeah. Maybe she is. But you need to shut up about my mom. That's just... gross!"

Devi wasn't sure whether to go into the living room to talk with the boys about this or not. She hadn't expected either of them to be aware of the situation, but it must have been all over the news all day and evening. Come on, Raji. Hurry home, will you? she urged her husband mentally. Raji would know what to do. Raji always knew what to do.
Glistening moonlight caresses the dewed silk petals of a luscious blood red rose, yearning to be experienced, her sweet lusty fragrance uninhibited and irresistible. ~Donovan~
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Old 02-15-2003, 09:52 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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My mom??? No way! The boy thinks to himself, ignoring the slight shiver he feels.

"So you do like my sister then? I knew it." His friend says, grinning.

Shit! I didn't want him to know. His face starts to flush.

"Erm... I didn't say I liked your sister. Just that she is ... okay." He says lamely...
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Old 02-15-2003, 10:00 AM
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"Yeah, right". Sunil grins at his friend's discomfort. "I've seen how you look at her. When nobody's looking."

"What?" The other boy's face is now a bright red.

"Aw com'on, man! I don't blame you. I already told ya I think she's hot. You should hear her and Raji go at it at night. They make more noise than a porn film."...
"We need bigger guns." ~ Sergeant O'Neal, Godzilla (1998).
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Old 02-15-2003, 10:15 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"You listen to them do it?" Mark asks incrediously, feeling his body shiver at the thought. Not to mention feeling a swelling sensation.

"Yeah!" Says Sunil, lowering his voice. "I even jack off to them when they do it. Man! You should hear them."

In his mind's eye, Mark can envision Raji on top of Devi, fucking. Then he imagines it is he who is doing the fucking. He suppresses a groan at the thought.

"You actually listen to them?" Mark asks again.

"Yeah!" Grins his friend. "A lot! But that's because they do it a lot! The amount of spunk I use up."

Mark can imagine his friending jacking off listening to the grunts and groans of his sister and husband. Quickly he shakes his head to dispell the image. Imagining his friend beating off is not what he wants to think about.


But his sister. He remembers what she looked like before he came out.

Those big tits! God! I wish I could fuck her! He thinks wistfully...
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Old 02-15-2003, 10:26 AM
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Sunil laughs to himself as he sees a glaze come over his friend.

He's got it really bad over Devi!

Not that he blames him. His sister is the hot type. Maybe a bit plump but she has ginormous tits.

"Yeah! Devi really likes doing it." He continues. "I better she would like to see your pecker."

"Huh?" Mark says, looking at him.

"Aww! Com'on, Mark. With your huge shlong. I bet she would love it." He was having fun making his friend feel uncomfortable...
"We need bigger guns." ~ Sergeant O'Neal, Godzilla (1998).
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