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Old 03-08-2004, 01:15 AM
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Thumbs up Screwples

The scene is a cool starry evening just outside the entrance of the resturaunt/cocktail bar, "Bela Luna" in the small city of Lakeview. On this night, the city is fluttering with activity as the most affluent, most respected, most influential, and highest reguarded citizens are gathered inside and outside the opulance and luxury of the five star "Bela" for Lakeview Hospital's Annual Fundraiser. All of tonights patrons are dressed to the nines in their finest, looking more like they are ready to recieve their Oscars than to raise funds for the hospital.

Security is in position undercover and otherwise due to an unfortunate mishap last year involving a small explosion that was later discovered to be foul play but the culprit was never found.

Inside, waiters and waitresses in black tuxedos are carrying silver trays of drinks and appetizers throughout the open floor inside the resturaunts open floor, the bartenders are serving drinks to a few patrons standing at the bar.

The room is decorated in flowing ivory and beige fabrics, cream marble floor and pillars, dark mahogany wood and rich artwork. As you enter the front, double-doors, of the resturaunt, there is a massive room with an expanse of open floor for socializing and dancing. At the far end of the room is a small stage just big enough for a small jazz band. The bar is to your left tucked far against the wall, and beautifully set tables are intimately gathered in the four corners and along the walls of the room.

Outside the resturaunt are banners and streamers announcing the occasion hanging from beautiful streetlights and well manicured trees around the building. The streets and walkways are gently lit with the soft purples of the fading sun along with the soft light from the streetlights and lanterns.

Caitlin Matthews, owner of Bela Luna and the hostess of the evenings events, dressed in a cream colored sleeveless flowing silk gown, is directing her employees and greeting her guests from the front doors of the resturaunt. As our story begins, guests are arriving and valets are busy as this little city's tale unfolds.....
I'm an artist and mindfucks are my medium.
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Old 03-08-2004, 05:58 AM
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Paul Simons locked his car door, sighing as he looked at a large deep scratch on the side door. He was to start the long walk home, the fundraiser Caitline was throwing had managed to drive customers from the cafe Paul worked at, and whats more, the streets surrounding his house were closed for the event, meaning he couldnt drive home.

He walked through the streets and eventually came to the elaborately decorated "Bela Luna" he did not dare to look, they were the competition and although he had strong feelings for Caitlin she was the reason "Cant Rain All The Time" had closed so early, besides she probably didnt even know who he was. Finally he reached his home, he'd moved out of his crummy flat that he had been living in, and moved into John Rains' house merely a few months earlier. He opened the door and walked into the lounge, looking round.

"John... John, are you here, hmm must have gone out"

He locked the door behind him and went into the lounge, he grabbed the dvd controls and collapsed onto the leather suette. He pressed play on the dvd controls and a clip of Privates Riviera 3 played, "nah cant be bothered with porn" he thought as he pressed the disc changer button.

"I'LL BE BACK" boomed from the speakers, "Terminator, now theres a good film" he thought once again. Slowly but surely he drifted off to sleep, dropping the dvd controls to the floor.

The phone was ringing, abruptly bringing Paul out of his sleep, he looked at the clock and saw that he'd been asleep for atleast 2 hours, and answered the phone.


"Hello, is this Paul Simons?" the voice on the other end of the phone said.

"Yes, who is this"

"This is Sergeant Mulhearn down at the police station, we have a.. Mr John Rains in custody, he requested we call you so that you could come down."

"Oh god, whats he done"

"He was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, he interrupted the Annual Fundraiser down at 'Bela Luna'."

"...ok, i'll be right down"

Paul grabbed his coat and rushed from the house, he ran the walk to his car, unlocked it and drove to the police station.

After a 10 minute drive and very short walk he walked through the doors to the police station and went to the front desk.

"Hi, im here about John Rains"

"ok sir, if you could just hold on one second i'll just call for someone to come and speak to you."

After a few minutes of waiting a man came through another door, he was dressed in the usual police uniform, he walked up to Paul and shook his hand.

"Hi Mr. Simons, im Sergeant Mulhearn, unfortunately we're holding Mr Rains over night, so he can peacefully sleep off his intoxicated state. We know he has had a history with alcohol so we thought it was best to call his close one."

"Thank you, now what exactly did he do?" Paul asked.

"He managed to gain access to the exclusive 'Bela Luna' event, causing trouble for alot of the businessmen and the upper echalon of our society, he soaked Miss Matthews' expensive gown with champagne, therefore it was in his and their best interest that we bring him in, i dont think he'll be formally charged. merely forced to sleep in the cell tonight, we'll return him home later on tomorrow.

"ok, thank you, well if thats all i best be off."

ooc- thats all for now, i will add a bit more to my story in a few hours.
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Old 03-08-2004, 10:10 AM
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ooc - phew continuation of last post....

once again Paul began his journey home, he parked his car in the same place as before and he walked exactly the same route back. When he came to "Bela Luna" he stopped, thought for a moment and began walking towards the entrance, he went to enter but an arm reached out and grabbed him.

"I'm sorry sir, this is a private party, you need an invitation to get into here" the hulking bouncer said.

"look, i just need to talk to Caitlin, please just let me in"

"I'm sorry sir, i can't do that"

"OK, can you tell her someone needs to speak to her about John Rains"

"I'll try" the bouncer said, grabbing his walkie talkie, he pressed a button "Ma'am theres a man out here, looks to be early to mid 20s wishing to talk to you about a Mr. John Rains. What should i do with him" a voice came back over the phone "ok, send him in, tell him to come to the back office"

"OK sir, you can go in, Miss Matthews' would like you to go to the Management office, its not hard to find" he said as he allowed Paul to enter. After a very short period of searching Paul entered the back office, it was empty... he opened another door in the office to find a bathroom, complete with bath and shower. Inside he saw a woman, with her back to him, wrapping herself in a towel. She turned around to Paul and jumped "ooh", Paul looked away upon instinct "oh erm sorry about that" he said, she walked out of the bathroom in only a towel "thats ok" she said as she grabbed another dress and went back into the bathroom, closing and locking it... a few minutes later she walked out, in her clean dress.

"Hi, i'm Paul Simons, i work with John Rains"

"I know who you are" she said with a slight smile on her face "so what do you want to talk about"

"Look, its about the incident earlier, im terribly sorry about what happened, i heard that John damaged your dress, i hope its not too bad"

"Unfortunately it is, i dont think it can be repaired, its ripped and stained."

"oh dear, erm... here" Paul said as he pulled out his checkbook "you tell me how much it was and i'll write you a check."

"The price of that dress was about $20000"

"oh... erm, thats a bit far out of my league, what should we do?"

ooc - ok, thats my first thing done.... i apologise if thats not the kind of thing u were looking for, if theres anything u think is WRONG then please tell me and i'll edit it, southern charm, you or someone else can determine Pauls fate.
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Old 03-08-2004, 09:22 PM
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Jade Jorgensen was standing behind the bar, wearing her black and white tuxedo that the owner had requested the staff to wear, when it happened. It was earlier that night when she began serving drinks to the elite crowd in Lakeview. Her opinion of the whole thing was that all these people had a sticks up their asses and needed to be brought down a peg or two. John Rains had somehow made his way into “Bela Luna” and was drinking the champagne. It was then when Caitlin Matthews had spotted him and called for security. A security guard came over to her and she was talking to him and pointing to the man.

Thinking “hmm... this is going to be interesting” as she worked her way down to the end of the bar to listen.

A big security guard came over to him first. “Mr. Rains, I’m afraid that this is a private party and you are to leave”

“Well that’s a bunch of shit. I can be here if I want to be.” By this time John Rains was throughly drunk and swaying about, making his champagne spill over his glass.

“Mr. Rains, you need to leave or we will call the police.” As the body guard started pulling him to the door.

“I said I’m not leaving!” pulling on his sleeve to.

By this time most of the people that were there had turned to look at what was going on. As Caitlin saw what was going on, she stormed over there.

“Just what is wrong with you Mr. Rains! You were not invited to this party and I think that you should leave!” Waving her arms in the air “you!” pointing right at me “you!, call the police!”

Now I know I should have stayed to see what was happening, but I have my job to consider, I mean, I need that money to pay for college and my art supplies. So off I went to phone the police.

Having called the police, I returned to my post behind the bar making peoples drinks just in time to see John Rains pour another glass of champagne over Caitlin Matthew’s head! I almost burst out into a loud fit of laughter, but caught myself in time. I saw Caitlin storm off into the back heading towards the office.

“Vodka Martini” was the next thing I heard and I was back at work, wondering what else was going to happen that night.
"Hello, I'm good for nothing. Will you Love me just the same?"
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Old 03-09-2004, 01:39 AM
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Caitlin was just coming out of the kitchen when she spotted John Rains sitting at the bar downing glasses of her expensive champagne like shots of cheap whiskey. She knew of Johns past history of alcohol and the feud between the man and her father. It was then she realized this would be more of an eventful evening than she bargained for. She called security over and spoke quietly to him. "Officer Morgan, please keep an eye on Mr. Rains over there. He seems to be enjoying the nights festivities a little too much. Make sure he doesn't hurt himself or one of our guests. I didn't invite him, but I would like to try to avoid a commotion if at all possible," and with that she gave him a little wink.

"Yes, ma'am" the officer replied and Caitlin continued surveying the crowd for ways to keep her guests happy, stopping for the occasional small talk along her way. She stole a glance back to the bar and noticed John swaying against his stool trying to talk to an older lady who was obviously appalled by his state of drunkeness.

Caitlin looked over to security again as if to signal to him that it was time to remind Mr. Rains of his place tonight. The burly man slowly made his way to where John was seated and Caitlin saw him lean down over him as if talking quietly. Halfway through the crowd, she can clearly make out John's reply, “Well that’s a bunch of shit. I can be here if I want to be," he said, his drink spilling onto his shoes as he swayed. She saw the security guard pulling him by the elbow away from the bar and she slowly made her way toward them trying not to draw any more attention to the scene along the way.

"I said I'm not leaving!" she heard him say as she came up behind the two men.

“Just what is wrong with you Mr. Rains!? You were not invited to this party and I think that you should leave!” she said in a stern but quiet tone.

John was fighting to free himself from the guards grasp as more and more eyes focused on the scene before them. She looked to the bartender, a beautiful young girl she had recently hired and who's name was escaping her at the moment. "You, you! Call the police," She directed and the girl was off in a shot, "before you do something to embarrass yourself further, Mr. Rains."

John managed to free himself from the huge mans grip long enough to grab another glass of champagne and throw into Caitlins face, soaking her dress. "I'm not the one who will be embarrassed before this night is over," John replied lunging toward her just long enough to grab a handful of the long flowing material on the side of her dress. The security guard grabbed him again hooking his arms through the mans elbows but not before John ripped open the side of the dress almost causing it to fall from her body. Caitlin quickly reacted catching the torn fabric and keeping it held against her body but not quickly enough to keep from very briefly exposing her bare chest to the gathering crowd. Quickly and with as much composure as her soaked, abused body could muster, she said "Goodnight, Mr. Rains" and walked quickly to her office where she stripped away the remnents of her beautiful gown.

She sat on the edge of her desk for a moment composing herself. Taking deep breaths all the while her mind racing. She reached up to massage her own neck and felt the sticky remnants of the champagne on her skin. She was infuriated. She was humiliated. She need of a shower desperately....

She stripped off her stockings and underwear and walked into the bathroom. She stepped into the shower and turned the water on as hot as she could stand it and began to wash away her frustration along with the champagne. Halfway through she heard the intercom on her desk beep and a booming voice, "Ma'am theres a man out here, looks to be early to mid 20s wishing to talk to you about a Mr. John Rains. What should i do with him?"

She hopped out of the shower quickly and ran to her desk making little puddles in the floor with every step. She thought to herself that it had to be Paul Simons, a good friend, employee, and near-son of Johns. "Ok, send him in, tell him to come to the back office," she said quickly before running back to the shower to finish rinsing her body, forgetting to lock the door on the way....

She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower as she heard her office door shut. She toweled herself dry and then wrapped it around herself before turning around to go get her spare clothes out of her filing cabinet. She always kept a set of after work clothes in there.

She turned around to Paul and jumped "ooh", Paul looked away upon instinct "Oh erm sorry about that" he said. She walked out of the bathroom in her towel, "Thats OK," she said as she went to her drawer and pulled out a light blue knee length summer dress and went back into the bathroom, closing and locking the door this time... a few minutes later she walked out, in her clean dress.

"Hi, i'm Paul Simons, i work with John Rains" he said.

"I know who you are," she said with a slight smile on her face. Goodness, she thought to herself, he just gets better looking every time I see him. She pulled her thoughts back together. "So what do you want to talk about?"

"Look, its about the incident earlier, im terribly sorry about what happened, i heard that John damaged your dress, i hope its not too bad," he said apologetically.

"Unfortunately it is," she replied. " I dont think it can be repaired, its ripped and stained," she said picking the dress up from the floor and showing him the damage.

"Oh dear, erm... here" Paul said as he pulled out his checkbook, "You tell me how much it was and i'll write you a check."

"The price of that dress was about $20,000" she replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh... erm, thats a bit far out of my league, what should we do?"

"Don't worry about it, Paul. It wasn't your fault. Besides, I'd have never worn it again after tonight anyway....and it wasn't all that comfortable in the first place," she said jokingly to him to lift his burden. "If anything I should be apologizing for my fathers behavior. If it wasn't for him and this silly idea he has that I can't handle a little friendly competition around here from John, then he wouldn't have felt the need to show up here tonight." She walked over behind her desk and sat down. "I have no beef with either you or your friend, Paul," she leaned forward onto her elbows. "The only reason I didn't invite John was due to my fathers insistance. Tonight wasn't suppose to be about Bela Luna. It was...and is as a matter of fact...about raising money for a good cause. Come to think of it, why weren't you here to begin with? Did you not recieve your invitation?"

ooc: sorry this was so long but i had a lot to cover
I'm an artist and mindfucks are my medium.
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Old 03-11-2004, 01:36 PM
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Casey had never been to the Hospital fundraiser ball by herself. She had always been with her ex-husband before. This year she was invited because of both her social standing and her position at the hospital.

She was a little nervous considering that last year she and Eric were just a little too close to where that bomb had gone off. However she was determined to make the best of things now that they were divorced and she had been trying her hardest to prove that she could go it on her own.

The first part of the night went well and she visited with several of her friends and coworkers and in general had a great time, except that there was this one waitress that made her feel uneasy. She had that "rough around the edges" look, but so long as the girl kept the drinks and hors d'ouerves coming Casey didn't care.

A little into the evening she heard a commotion coming from the area of the bar and like everyone else there turned to stare.

"Oh lord," Casey thought. "It's that dreadful man John Rains," she muttered to one of her friends when they asked who he was. "You know drunk all the time and in trouble quite frequently. I just have to hear what's going on though." And with that she headed closer to the bar.

As she got closer she saw John break loose from security and snatch up more champagne and fling it in her hostesses face to drip down her dress.

"I'm not the one who will be embarrassed before this night is over," John replied as Casey saw him further ruin Cailtin's evening by destroying her new gown. Unbelievably security's grabbing him to get him off Caitlin had just caused more damage to the dress and now it was hanging off of her. To Caitlin's credit she did avoid the horrible scandal of exposing herself to her public as she gathered her dignity and stalked back to her office, but the damage had been done and that dress could never be worn again.

Casey saw the waitress come back after calling the police and asked briskly for a Vodka Martini. Normally she didn't drink those but tonight she was just glad that for a change it wasn't her that had been part of the drama. As she waited for her drink she decided that she would have to check on Caitlin to make sure she was alright, but it could wait until the hubub had died down. Caitlin needed some time to gather herself together.

(Edit - I had asked for a whiskey sour instead of a vodka martini by mistake)
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Old 03-19-2004, 11:32 PM
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I'm an artist and mindfucks are my medium.
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Old 03-22-2004, 10:13 AM
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sorry for not posting in a while, i had to go away unexpectedly but i am back and will write another post tonite.
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Old 04-01-2004, 07:59 PM
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don't let "screwples" disappear! *bump*
"Hello, I'm good for nothing. Will you Love me just the same?"
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