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Old 11-01-2003, 06:58 PM
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The Void

A closed thread between Chloe and myself.

Franklin Ramsey was a solid, hard-working man. His wife Betty was on the road most of the time with her job. She sold Health Insurance plans to banks through a six state area. So Frank spent most of his time, at home with his daughter Roxanne. Betty had missed most of the important events in Roxanne’s life. It was Frank that had taken Roxanne to all her dance lessons when she was younger, and had attended all her school functions. Betty had even missed Roxanne’s High School graduation. Over the years Frank and Roxanne had become very close, she seemed to fill the void left by Betty’s constant absence.
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Old 11-02-2003, 02:02 AM
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The daughter ~ Roxanne

Roxanne is a confident, successful student. Her self-esteem stems from her father who has instilled in her a competitive spirit and a desire to succeed.

She has developed into a rare combination of braininess and jockette. This is the summer of her graduation and she is trying to decide on her future. She has had offers of scholarships from several universities.

First, though, she plans a month of doing nothing but lazing by the pool, reading the trashiest books she can find and spending time with her favourite man - her Dad.

Not lacking in boyfriends - she prefers the intellect and company of adults, particularly her father. In the absence of her mother she has become a fine cook and it's here we find her, in the kitchen preparing the evening meal for her father and herself.

Her hair is still damp from her last swim and she checks the table one last time as she hears her Dad’s car pull up in the drive-way.
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Old 11-02-2003, 02:25 PM
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Franklin/ the father

“Hi Honey,” Frank said, tossing his suit jacket over the back of the kitchen chair and setting his briefcase down. “How my little girl?”

Loosening his tie, he walked up behind her, placing his hands on her bare, sun tanned shoulders. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the top of her damp head.

“Wha’cha fixin’”, he asked, pulling her back slightly, to look around the side of her head.

His eyes dropped to the cleavage between her breasts. He found that he had been doing that more lately, especially since she wore her swim suit most of the time. He admonished himself, mentally, and looked to see what she was preparing.

“Mmmm, looks good,” he said releasing her shoulders and going to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water.

He leaned against the door as he twisted the top off the bottle, watching her. He really was proud of her, she had turned into a beautiful young woman, not only in looks, but she was probably smarter than half the adults that he knew. Given time and four to six years of college and she’d out do them all. His eyes traced the line of her calf, up past her strong muscular thigh, pausing on her butt, barley covered by her bikini bottoms. He felt himself becoming aroused. His eyes jumped to her face, she had turned and was looking at him, with those beautiful dark eyes of hers. No expression on her face, no smile, no frown. He quickly stepped to the table and sat down.

“Your mother called me at work today,” he began, trying to look anywhere but at her. “Seems they have some kind of ‘lapse of policy’ at some bank in Chicago. She says she has to go out there and figure out what happen. Probably wont be home for another week or so.”

In fact, that didn’t bother Frank at all. He had realized a few years back that he preferred the company of his daughter to his wife. All Betty ever talked about was work anyway, and if she wasn’t talking about it, she was on her lap top doing it.

“Tomorrow is Saturday,” he added looking back at Roxanne, smiling. “You want to do anything special? Go out and play 18 holes, or take a trip somewhere? We could spend the weekend maybe? Whadda ya think.”
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Old 11-03-2003, 01:02 AM
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Father & daughter

Roxanne felt a small thrill of excitement as she noticed her father staring at her. She knew she had that effect on boys her age but for father to get “that look” – it excited her.

"Maybe I should get some clothes on, Dad." She said moving to the door.

"No, Kitten. Dinner's ready. Sit." Her father said pushing out her chair with his foot.

She obediently sat and served the salad. The two ate in silence for a while - each lost in thought. Franklin looked over at Roxanne and said. "So...what do you think?"

"What about, Daddy? Sorry - I was miles away."

"A few days away. Just the two of us, or would Miss Valedictorian be too bored with just her old man as company?" He said with a grin.

"Oh, Dad!" She had that look of exasperation she used whenever he ragged her. " Of course I won’t be bored! It sounds great - I'd love to have a change of scenery. Where shall we go?"

She rose to fetch the main course knowing her father’s eyes were on her ass. By the time she turned back with the plates he was staring out at the garden but, under the table, he was erect again.

“I thought that lake we used to go to when you were smaller - Otter Lake. Remember? It won’t be crowded this time of year but it’ll still be warm enough to swim. They have cabins right on the shore line and there’s a decent golf course close by if we get the urge.”

Roxie finished a mouthful nodding approval enthusiastically. “Oh, yeah! I remember Otter Lake. There’s a great “jumping off” rock. Let’s go tonight, Dad. All I need is my toothbrush and a change of underwear.” Franklin felt his erection give a twitch at Roxanne’s mention of underwear and he had a flash of the image he’s seen months before.

He had forgotten a dossier that he’d taken to read in bed the night before. It was needed for a meeting that morning and he’d remembered half way to the office. He’d done a U-turn and returned to fetch it.

Taking the stairs two at a time he could hear Roxanne’s CD player, too loud as usual. He walked past her room and glanced in the open door. She stood at the mirror in filmy, white panties, nothing else.

Her back was to him and he was sure she couldn’t see him. She swayed her hips to the music as she applied her mascara – the only make-up she wore to school. He was transfixed and only tore himself away as the tune ended and she bent forward to peer closely at her reflection.

All that day he’d had intermittent erections and, in bed, that night he’d stroked himself to a huge climax, the image of Roxie behind his tightly closed eyes. Now he dragged himself back to the present.

“Okay, Honey. I’ll throw my trunks and jammies in a bag and we’ll go as soon you’ve done the dishes.” She gave an exaggerated gasp and made as if to smack him knowing that they had agreed, she cooked the meal, he’d clean away.

He put his hands up defensively, laughing. “All right. All right. I’ll do the dishes!”

They set off in Frank's converable as the sun dipped behind the trees and the air cooled.
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Old 11-07-2003, 12:10 AM
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Frank had spent four and half years and $8,000.00 restoring the old convertible. The new ragtop alone was $3000.00. He’d had everything rebuilt from the shocks on up, it purred like a kitten. He’d had everything restored to original from the wide white wall tires to the bench seats, except he’d had the seats covered in leather and not vinyl. His first inclination had been to have it painted with flames down the sides but thought maybe he was getting a little old for that and had settled on a bright ‘candy apple’ red. It was his pride and joy, well, next to Roxanne. She was his real ‘pride and joy’.

He looked over at her, the wind blowing in her hair, her head back, her eyes closed. She had at least put on a T-shirt and a pair of white shorts for the ride.

“If ya get cold, just say so. I can put the top up, or you can scootch over here next to the ‘ole man’.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. “I don’t need to be cold to sit next to my favorite man,” she said sliding across the seat and under his arm. “Daddy, tell me a story.” She asks snuggling close to him.

“You mean like the three little pigs?”

“Mmm hmm.”

He leaned his face on the top of her head. “Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig wanted to build a house but the big ole nasty loan officer ‘Mr. Wolf’ wouldn’t loan him any money because he didn’t have any collateral, so he built a flimsy old house out of straw, but Mr. Scarecrow keep coming along and stealing part of his house.”

He heard Roxanne giggle as he told his story.

“Now the second little pig had an old beat up jalopy, kinda like this one, but not near as cool. Therefore ‘Mr. Wolf’ had no choice but to loan him some money. He got in a big huff and puff about it though.”

Franklin continued to tell his made story as they drove down the road, smiling each time she’d giggle. He loved to listen to her laugh and see her smile. As time as miles went by, Roxanne slid down his side, laying her head in his lap, her arm across his knee, listening to his fairly tales. After awhile they both grew silent, him just enjoying the drive. He looked down at her, she seemed to be asleep.

“Are you warm enough baby,” he whispered.

She gave no response so he took his hand off the wheel and rubbed it on her arm to see if she was chilled. The touched caused her to move and slid her arm farther across his legs. His hand fell on her breast. He froze, he knew he should lift his hand, but didn’t. He looked down at her and she appeared not to notice in her sleep. He felt she had no bra on under the T-shirt and could feel the heat of her breast through the cotton. He knew he should move his hand but instead cupped her breast softly. He kept his eyes on the road as he held his daughters breast in his hand. He found her nipple through the material and gently squeezed it. She moved and he jerked his hand away. She rolled over on her back and he looked down at her. Her dark eyes shining from the light of the dashboard.

“Will this help Daddy,” she asked, reaching down and pulling the bottom of the shirt up, exposing both her breasts to him.
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Old 11-08-2003, 02:48 PM
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Father and daughter

Roxie always loved riding in her father’s car. She knew how proud he was of “his baby” - as they both called it. She liked the way people turned to stare as they drove by. Often men would roll down a window to strike up conversations about the car at stoplights, which made them both giggle.

Now she was snuggled to her father as he told one of his silly, funny stories she’d loved to hear all her life. The hum of the engine and her father’s voice lulled her almost to sleep. Then she felt her father's hand rest on her breast and the gentle but unmistakable pinch to her nipple.

She was disappointed as he snatched his hand guiltily away and her heart beat wildly as she made a decision. Slowly and deliberately, she drew up her T-shirt feeling the cool night air in her already erect nipples.

“Will this help. Daddy.”

“Oh baby! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…..” She sat up and pulled the T over her head.

“Sshh! It’s OK, Dad” She said lying back against him. This time she allowed her hand to rest over his growing erection.

The feeling of it moving under her hand caused floods of “juice” and she gently felt the contour of his penis through the fabric of his shorts. Frank returned his hand to her breast and above the motor’s hum she heard him moan quietly.

For a few minutes they drove in silence. Once or twice Frank had shifted to adjust himself but Roxanne kept her hand on him, now fully erect inside his shorts. As they approached their cabin she bent her head and kissed the penis tip through the hot fabric.

“I love you, Dad.”

“Oh God! Roxie. I love you too, baby.” And he drew her to him, kissing her in a very unfatherly way. His lips parted and she felt his tongue asking for admittance. Willingly she let her tongue meet his in a passionate kiss.

Afterwards she couldn’t remember getting their gear in the cabin. She remembered her father suggesting a cool dip in the lake before bed. He was obviously shaken by the turn of events.

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Old 11-08-2003, 03:54 PM
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“Sshh! It’s OK, Dad,” She said lying back against him. This time she allowed her hand to rest over his growing erection.

A shudder ran through Frank as Roxanne laid her hand on his cock. It was like a rush of pure ecstasy to feel her hand there. He realized he wanted it, had wanted her since the day he had seen her in her panties, dancing to the music. Then his logical rational mind kicked in. He thought of the legal and moral aspects of what he was, what they, were doing, but his heart had other thoughts. He loved his daughter, had loved her since the day she’d been born. Through times of sickness and injury, through silly dance recitals to her Valedictorian speech, he had loved her. He’d been there for her, out of love he’d been there. But no, that wasn’t true, yes he’d been there, but it was she that had been there for him. It was she that had filled the ‘Void’ in his life. This was ‘right’ his heart told him, this was right and true.

He put his arm around her again and cupped her breast once more, reveling in the heat of her flesh as he toyed with her nipple. As he pulled down the lane to the cabin, she bent and kissed him through his shorts. He shuddered again, willing his orgasm away.

“I love you, Dad.” She said.

He heard the words, had heard them many times, but they held a different message this time.

“Oh God! Roxie. I love you too, baby,” his voice low and husky with his need for her.

He pulled her to him as he lowered his face to hers. His lips barely touching hers, the tip of his tongue tasting her lips. He pushed past her lips and into her mouth, his tongue finding hers. He tasted her saliva, mixing his with hers. Inhaling her breath he began to work his mouth over hers, his tongue dancing with hers. His hand left her breast and moved between her legs. He held her cupped in his hand and could feel her heat, her dampness. He flipped the snap loose and slid the zipper down, working her shorts off her hips and down her legs. He reached back up and felt the wetness in her panties; he just held his hand against her, working his finger along her slit. The thought of fingering his daughter excited him beyond anything he had known.

She, in turn, reached down and lowered his shorts and underwear, holding that, which had given her life. Her soft strong fingers working up and down, causing the clear liquid to rise and flow over the head of his cock.

He kissed down her neck and the soft skin under her chin. His moans were deep and needy. He slipped his finger around the edge of her panties, over her clit and into her sweet wet pussy. Her legs spread wider and her hips pushed forward to meet his finger.

“Oh Daddy….Daddy that feels so good,” she moaned in his ear.

He smothered her words with his mouth, her tongue pushing into his mouth, her hand stroking his cock. His finger curling up, finding her inner pleasure. Her head rocked back on the car seat as she came in his hand, coating his finger with her wetness and flowing onto the seat. He licked the beads of perspiration off her dark, sun tanned neck as he brought her to her climax. She squeezed his cock as her body trembled sending vibrations into him. Jets of semen flew from his cock into the air, landing on his chest and stomach, splashing onto the steering wheel and dash. Flowing over her hand and down his cock. She felt his orgasm through her own and stroked him again bringing more semen up. It flowed out of him and over her hand like white-hot lava. An eternity passed as they held each other, an eternity of ecstasy.

They carried their two bags into the cabin. Frank looked down at himself, covered with his own semen.

“Let’s go for a swim,” he said reaching down and slipping her panties off.

They ran to the lake and into the water like a couple of school kids, holding hands and laughing. The water was still fairly warm from the day’s heat as they splashed around and tried to push each other under. After a while they calmed and stood there looking at each other. The water up to Roxanne’s breast, her nipples erect. The waxing moon rising at the far end of the lake, reflecting off the moving water like sliver fish. The sound of the Loon, far off in the rushes and cattails. He looked at her, pinpoints of moonlight in her eyes, water running in small rivulets down her face, a smile of he lips. He reached over and put his hand on the side of her face. She reached up and held it, turning her head, and kissing the palm of his hand. He gently pulled her to him kissing her deeply, passionately, holding her close, feeling the firmness of her breast against his chest. He reached down and lifted her by her butt. She wrapped her legs around his waist her arms going around his neck. They stood there in the water, father and daughter, embraced in passion and love. He lowered her slowly down onto his erection, and watched as her eyes widened as he filled her. She leaned back holding on to his shoulders, watching him, smiling. He and the water holding her up. She locked her feet tight behind his back as she allowed herself to be filled by his full length.

“Fuck me Daddy,” she whispered.

“Yes baby, Daddy’s going to fuck you,” he answered.

Their hips began to move slowly as they began their dance in the water, the silver fish moving faster, the Loons calling for their own mates. The moon looking down on them with its lopsided smile. Faster they moved as their need increased, watching each other, always watching each other. Her breasts bobbed in the water as little waves grew between them.

“Fuck me Daddy, make me cum,” she panted. “Make me cum!”

“Yes baby,” was all he said.

His hips moved faster as her fucked into his daughters’ pussy, he would give her what she wanted, what they both wanted and needed.

“Aaaaagggggghhhhhhh,” she moaned clasping herself tight against his hard body, her breasts smashed against his chest, her head tucked into his neck. “I’m cumming Daddy!”

His arms wrapped around her body he felt her hips making small jerky motions as she shuddered in her orgasm. He cock sliding in and out of her tight pussy.

“Hang on baby, here it comes,” he grunted.

“Cum in me Daddy, cum inside me,” she panted clinging to him. “Cum in my pussy.”

He didn’t need to hear the words, he was going to cum as it was, but to hear his baby girl pleading with him to cum in her was more than he needed. His cock jerked inside her as it spit out his semen, again and again it jerked as he held her tight to him. Long minutes passed as he stood there holding his daughter impaled on his cock. His cum mixing with hers, in turn flowing out of her and into the lake water. He held her close and kissed her neck gently. Only the moon and the stars as witness to their act of passion. The lonely call of the Loon off in the distance. He held her as he made his way to the shore, she still wrapped around his body.

“I love you Roxie,” he whispered in her ear as he walked through the door of the cabin, kicking it closed with his foot. Still dripping water, he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down.
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Old 11-09-2003, 06:04 PM
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Father & daughter

The short, intense interlude in the car as they arrived took Roxanne by surprised. What had she expected? To be smacked down by her father as a wanton little slut? She hadn't expected his heated response and it aroused her all the more.

Rox had been sexually active for several years but as her father’s fingers penetrated her and found her G-spot she.opened herself to him. He massaged it expertly and she experienced something totally new and amazing. He caused her to climax so intensely that she lost track of her surroundings.

The naturalness of events as they occurred made her feel confident that what they were doing was fine. She knew about incest and that it was thought to be a sin but this felt so right. What better way was there to show true love than through this union?

Later – as they threw their bags on the beds and scampered off to the lake it all felt like a dream.

The sensation of her father’s rigid cock against her belly – hot in the cool water – made her shiver with delight whenever she recalled it. The one or two boys she’d been involved with had been cavalier about their erections. Exhibiting them as something special and yet not allowing her to really see it. They had penetrated her and exploded almost immediately leaving her unfulfilled and disappointed. Dad had let her hold his cock, look at it, love it. Even as she was stroking him he had made her come first, waiting to fill his own needs.

His cock was longer, fatter and harder than any she’d encountered so far. It opened her as if she were a barely opened flower, gently and firmly. As she slid down Frank’s body and felt the shaft push up into her she heard herself moan with pleasure. The length of her vagina couldn’t accommodate Frank’s cock on the first thrust and he had lifted her off himself to let her sink back down taking more of him as she expanded inside.

All this passed as if in slow motion.

He had held her as he had done through the years, cradling her to blunt the pain of a fall, a broken heart or a bad mark at school. Now he held her again but with a new and joyous love, a new caring. Their moon dance in the lake ended as their combined cum flowing out into the clear lake water in a cloudy film.

Frank walked the short distance from the water to the cottage with her still impaled on his gently softening cock, her long legs still wrapping him, holding him in her. As he leant over the bed to lie her down his cock left her and she felt a moment of grief. Silently she looked up at this man she loved as no other, knowing they had embarked on an adventure, both risky and thrilling.

Her insides tingled with the memory of her father’s presence there. She let her hands trail down over her cool belly past her little V of pubic hair to where her lips still protruded puffily. Her fingers found wetness, not from the lake, but a slick, silky wetness that was the legacy of their love.

Frank stood by the bed looking own at his daughter. He thought she had never looked lovelier and his desire for her stirred in him once more but, instead of following his libido, he bent down and gently kissed his daughter – his lover – and drew the sheet over her. As he stood to leave she grasped his hand and smiled up at him.

”Dad, don’t go. Can’t we share this bed? I really want you to hold me, can we cuddle a bit?”

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Old 11-10-2003, 12:29 AM
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“Dad, don’t go. Can’t we share this bed? I really want you to hold me, can we cuddle a bit?”

Franks heart melted at the words. How many times had he heard them,
“Dad, don’t go, read me another story.”
“Dad, don’t go, color with me.”
“Dad, don’t go, listen to the new song I learned, watch me swim, help me with my homework.”
And he’d never gone, he stay with her a little while longer. Even when she started Kindergarten, she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “Daddy, don’t go,” she cried. “I’ll be here Kitten,” he’d said, “right out side the door. Just look up and you can see me.” So he’d stayed ten or fifteen minutes longer, until she was settled, smiling at her through the window of the classroom door.

How could he go now? How could he turn her down, he never had before, and wasn’t going to start now.

“Scootch,” he said, lifting the sheet and sliding in beside her.

She immediately took advantage, lifting his arm and wrapping it around herself. She threw her strong thigh across his lower abdomen, her damp pubic hair touching his hip. She threw her arm over his chest, and laid her hand atop his hard pectoral muscle, while her slender fingers began to play with the thick hair there. She laid her head against his shoulder, bending and kissing his nipple, then looked up at him, a smug smile across her lips. She had gotten what she had wanted once again, but she had not manipulated him, she never had. He had always given himself freely to her, her time, her needs had always come first to him.

“I love you Daddy,” she said in her little girl voice. Her dark eyes dancing with mischief.

“I love you too Baby,” he said kissing her on the forehead. “But I need to say something. What I did to you tonight, or maybe what we did together was not something I’d thought about. Well at least not until it happened. I mean I’ve never thought of you in a…..sexual way. You’ve always just been my little girl. Until awhile back I saw you in your room….naked, except for your panties. It was like….like a window shade being lifted, or a door being opened. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. All I know is, that when I saw you naked, I no longer saw my sweet little innocent baby. What I saw was a beautiful adult woman, an intelligent mature adult woman, one that I wanted. I knew I shouldn’t think that way and I tried to stop it, but I couldn’t. It was like you were suppose to be there like that, for me to see.” He laid his palm on her arm and stroked it gently. “I mean, I know it’s wrong,….but it…it just feels right. Do you understand what I’m trying to say Roxie?”

“Daddy, shush,” she said laying her finger across his lips. “Make love to me.”

He took her hand, kissing the fingertip, then each one in turn, then the palm of her hand, then down to the wrist. He pulled her arm up as he kissed down to the inside of her elbow, stopping and sucking on the soft skin there, leaving a small red mark. He kissed up her bicep to her face. He released her arm and held the side of her face, his fingers entwined in her still damp hair. He looked into her eyes and smiled. Not the smile a father gives his daughter, but a smile that a man gives his lover. He kissed her quickly lightly all around the face, the corners of her mouth, her cheeks, her nose. She tried to catch his lips with hers but he kept moving. She reached up and grabbed his head, holding him still, smashing her mouth against his. Their lips parted and their tongues met, twisting, fighting for entry into the others mouth. He rolled over on top on her, between her legs, one arm sliding under her back the other hand gripping her breast. He sucked her tongue into his mouth, holding it tight between his lips, tweaking the tip of it with his own tongue. Then releasing it and pushing it back into her mouth, his following, finding her teeth, caressing them with his tongue. He explored the inside of her mouth finding the dark wet places there. His hand held her breast, squeezing, caressing, his strong fingers kneading it like a sculpture working fine clay. He released her mouth and moved up the side of her face to her ear, always kissing, always licking. His hard cock at the entrance to her pussy, the tip just between the folds, feeling her wetness.

She gasped for breath when he released her mouth.

“Fuck me Daddy,” she panted.

He worked his cock just at the entrance of he pussy, but would go no farther. He sucked her lobe between his lips and he found her nipple between his thumb and finger. He sucked and squeezed together, rolling her nipple between his fingers.

“Aaaahhh, fuck me Daddy, fuck me,” she panted again.

He moved back down to her neck, to her throat, to the soft spot between her collarbones, and kissed and sucked the spot. He brought his other hand up to fondle the other breast, as he moved his mouth down to them. He sucked her nipple into his mouth, rolling between his teeth, then moving to the other one and doing the same. He licked down to the firm plumpness at the bottom, kissing, sucking as he went. Her nipples were hard and red like a sweet cherry. Her hands come up to cover his as he fondled, and caressed her. His body slid farther down hers across her hard belly. Her legs spread wider in anticipation of what she knew he was about to do. He released her breast and slid down between her legs wrapping a hand around her thighs pulling them up and apart. The dim light of the lamp from across the cabin gave him his first view of his daughters’ pussy.

The hair was trimmed close and neat in a ‘V’ at the top of her slit, but was absent below. He was pleased to see it like this but not surprised, she was neat and clean in everything she did. The folds were red, inflamed, waiting for him. He could see the moisture between them and some that had already trickled out, running down. He inhaled her musky aroma and his cock twitched. He lowered his mouth and placed it against her pussy, his tongue darting out to lap at her folds. The floodgates were opened as his tongue entered her.
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Old 11-10-2003, 01:03 AM
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Father and daughter

Roxanne knew her father wouldn’t refuse her. She also knew he dreaded slipping into a coldly empty bed yet again. As he settled in beside her she pressed to his warmth enjoying the sensation of his body hair coarse against her skin.

His body both intrigued and excited her. She could remember him as an agile younger man, strong enough to carry his wife and child – one under each arm, kicking and squealing in delight.

She recalled the times her school friends had drooled over him when they saw him sunning by the pool. She had felt a mixture of pride and jealousy. Now she looked down the lean length of him, over his flat belly and the shape of his, still, muscular legs under the light sheet.

She raised her head and let her lips draw the pink areola of his nipple into her mouth gently, she felt it harden and contract at her touch.

Smiling, she said. ”I love you, Dad.” Knowing that she aroused him thrilled and – in turn – aroused her. She felt the build up of sexual tension within her once more but Frank started to try to explain his feelings about what had happened.

It tumbled out of him, part explanation, part reasoning and part a justification to himself. His assertion that he had not looked on her as a sexual being until that morning weeks ago stung her a little; she had dreamt and fantasized about Frank in a sexual way for at least two years.

She touched her fingers to his lips to quiet him and drew herself closer to him whispering. “Make love to me.”

He had kissed her then, starting with her fingers until his face was level with hers. They had kissed as lovers do, Roxanne had never been kissed like that before with such care and depth. It left her breathless and incredibly aroused.

She felt the tip of his penis just about to enter her and she opened herself, shifting to try to ease onto it.

“Fuck me, Daddy.” She moaned, writhing under him but he played her like a fine instrument, teasing and fondling until she begged for release.

She closed her eyes as Frank slid down her body, taking her tanned thighs, one in each strong hand. She felt him open her like a book and she placed her hands where his had been, over her taut breasts. Her hard nipples ached with desire and prodded her palms impatiently.

Frank paused as he looked at his daughter’s pussy for the first time. His breath was cool on her moist flesh and she felt no shame to be so scrutinized. Only her doctor had looked at her there so closely but this was very different. Would he like what he saw, the way she smelt? Would he be repulsed?

She waited for him to move away from her pussy, to return to kiss her mouth but, to her amazement, he opened his mouth and licked her.

The sensation was wild, nothing like anything she’d encountered before and she rose to his mouth. His tongue snaked into her, soft yet hard, rasping yet smooth. She moaned her pleasure, clasping his head to her.

All thoughts of him as her father flew away as his tongue darted over her, dividing the swollen lips, already slick with juices she had produced. A mixture of Frank’s saliva and her own fluid trickled down over her bud. He was doing things to her, making her feel impossibly good.

Her head rocked from side to side and her hair, tousled and damp, lay like seaweed across her perspiring face. She wasn’t aware of anything but the core of her being where Frank devoured her. Her legs strained against his grasp but he held her open firmly, a hand on each inner thigh.

Roxanne felt the start of a climax. It was like no other, slow to build, waxing and waning as her father’s tongue explored her. Between sobs, she told him she was coming and he raised his face from her. It was shiny with wetness, combined sweat and juices.

“N-N-No! D-d-don’t stop, Dad.” She gasped and he smiled as his thumb found that place that only he knew about. It seemed to be just inside her to the front and he was mashing it firmly. The sensation was incredible, a combination of a long orgasm and a delicious pee.

Just as she felt she could stand no more Frank drew her clitoris into his lips and nibbled at it while he massaged her inside.

She arched upward, her heels dug into the bed as she thrust against his hand. All the sensations drew together, gathering in that magical spot, to explode and expand outward, suffusing her body with waves of pleasure. She could feel that she was grasping and releasing Frank’s thumb in her with each flick of his tongue over her clit.

As the pulsing subsided she collapsed back moaning and laughing. What magic her father knew, what wonderful, magical tricks! In the past few hours he had made her feel incredible.

She had always enjoyed sex but this was far different from the sophomoric groping she was used to. She raised her head and looked down the length of her body at Frank who gently kissed her V and smiled up at her.

“Okay, Kitten?”

“Mmmmmyes.” She said stretching luxuriously. “That was incredible, Daddy.”
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Old 11-10-2003, 11:26 PM
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“Okay, Kitten?” he asked, smiling up at her.

“Mmmmm yes.” She said stretching luxuriously. “That was incredible, Daddy.”

He already knew the answer, he felt it in every shudder, and spasm her body had gone through and he could still feel the small tremors move through her. He looked back down at her pussy. The lips were swollen and red and her juices still flowed from her, down over her pink puckered hole. Her juices were like an ‘elixir of youth’ to him, making him feel young and vital again. He wanted to drink more of her, but didn’t know if she could take an other tonguing like he’d just given her. He lowered his head and lapped at her juices just below her slit, coating his tongue and swallowing her. His tongue dipped down to her anus and licked at the juices collected there. He covered it with his mouth, gently sucking, the tip of his tongue probing at the tight opening. The thought of licking his daughter’s asshole sent a ripple of perverse pleasure through his body. His cock jerked, demanding it’s own release. He raised his head again and kissed the inside of each of her thighs then her neatly trimmed ‘V’. He rose up on his hands and knees and “growled” at her, slowly crawling up her body.

They had played this game, before, many years ago, although not quit in this manner. He the evil Dragon and her the Princess in distress. Her eyes widened in mock fear as she recognized the “growl”. She looked down at him approaching.

“Oh please Mr. Dragon, please don’t eat me,” she pleaded, then giggled. “Oops to late for that I guess.”

He crawled farther up her body, his tongue lapping at her nipples as he passed them on his way to her face. She reached up and put her arms around his neck, a sad look on her face.

“It’s okay Mr. Dragon, you can eat me anytime you want.”

“That not what you’re suppose to say,” he laughed kissing her on the tip on her nose.

He lowered himself gently down onto her, his long hard cock pressed against her belly. He kissed her mouth and rubbed his cock against her. Sliding back down until the head of his cock dropped between her legs. Slowly, very slowly he pushed his cock back into her. Inch by slow inch he parted her pussy lips again. Her juices flowed around his cock as she once again welcomed him in. After long pleasurable moments he was fully imbedded deep inside her once more. Then he lay there, not moving, just enjoying the tight wetness of his daughter’s pussy around his cock. Then slowly he rolled over onto his back, bringing her with him.

“Make Daddy cum Princess. Make Daddy feel good.”
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Old 11-11-2003, 12:02 AM
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Father and daughter

Frank entered Roxanne carefully, knowing she would be sensitive still but she was so slick and ready for his cock that he slid in smoothly with only a small whimper from her.

His body lay over hers, course hair on smooth skin and he slowly lowered his upper body down to hers. Her damp-hot cheek pressed against his, their chests crushed together, her long legs crooked and open making brackets around his long limbs.

For a minute they lay this way, both enjoying the sensation of being joined. Roxie felt her muscles relaxing around his large cock, lengthening and drawing him in. Frank knew he was home, this lithe body under his would never be the same again. When she left home – he had a pang of sorrow at the thought, but leave she must – he would always have these hours of supreme pleasure to hold in his heart.

Roxanne was startled out of her thoughts when Frank held her to him and rolled them both over still joined. She raised herself on her elbows so that her hair cascaded down around Frank’s face and looked down at him, a puzzled smile on her tanned face.

“Make Daddy cum, Princess. Make Daddy feel good.”

Her smile changed to a worried frown. Frank reached up and swept the curtain of, still damp, hair aside.

“Just do what ever feels good to you. I’ll feel it too.”

Roxanne drew her knees up to straddle Frank’s hips. As she moved his cock moved in her and she new instinctively what he wanted. She knelt up; her back arched back gracefully and rocked her pelvis. Frank’s groans encouraged her an she raised off him, feeling his rigid cock slide away only to plunge back as she settled back down.

She reached a hand back and found where they were joined touching the firm, slick shaft as it thrust upward. She felt the “drain-pipe” behind his cock and let it slide past her pressing fingers.

Franks hands cupped her breasts, playing with her rosy nipples and gently squeezing the supple flesh. She tossed her hair aside and moved more aggressively.

“Slow down, Baby. I want this to last.” He begged so she drew her feet up and took a seated position on Franks hips.

This position thrust his cock deep in her almost to the point of pain. She could feel the tip hard against her womb but she had control and could rise to ease the pressure.

Her strong legs lifted her body to squat over him and he craned his neck to watch his cock enter her. He pressed a finger into her wetness eliciting a moan and a clench from her pussy.

Roxanne had not taken the upper position before, ever. It felt liberating, powerful and she grinned down at her father. She stopped moving apart from her hand behind her. Fingers gently probed the hard flesh between her Dad’s cock and his balls, she felt his cock jerk inside her.

“Holy Cow, Rox.” He gasped, “Who taught you that?”

“No one. Does it feel good, Daddy?”

She was smiling impishly. In response Frank thrust upward and she gave a yelp. She started a slow grind over him, watching his face for reaction. Frank’s hand grasped swatches of bedding and his jaw was clenched.

“God! Roxie! You’re a natural. Either that or you’ve been a bad girl.”

“Daddy!” She feigned shock and let her legs go back so she was kneeling over him again. She rocked forward so that his cock almost left her to kiss him briefly, then back, impaling herself once more. Frank raised his hips to her and they began a rhythm.

The sound of his cock moving wetly in her and their sighs was the only sound. Frank felt his daughter’s breast brush against his, the nipples hard and cool. He strained to take one in his mouth but couldn’t quite reach. All he could do was lick the sweet flesh as she rocked closer before rocking back onto his cock.

His hands cupped the twin globes of her buttocks and he drew her to him on the forward motion letting her settle back, consuming his entire cock. She was grinding herself against his pubic bone, stimulating herself, but Frank, too, was driven wild by her gyrations. Roxanne felt a surge of relief and pride as she realised her self-doubt had been unnecessary, her father was obviously feeling pleasure.

His face was flushed and glowing with sweat, his eyes on his daughter were full of love. He gazed up at this creature he, himself, had created and marvelled at her sensuality.
Then he knew he would cum, felt the familiar build-up and tightening of his balls.

“Here I go!” He gasped and she felt him shudder, tightening his grip on her butt. He gave two or three short thrusts upward into her then a final long one – staying as deep in her as he could. She was sure she could actually feel his cum stream into her.

As Frank’s body started to relax Roxanne laid down over him covering his body with hers. She loved her father so much. She’d always tried to please him with her school marks, her appearance, her friends, wantingd to make him proud of her. The bond they had was strong and loving as father and daughter but now – oh now it was special.

“Was that alright, Daddy?” She asked and she sounded as she had when she presented him with a school report, tentative and nervous.

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Old 11-15-2003, 06:48 PM
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Roxanne drew her knees up to straddle Frank’s hips. As she moved his cock moved in her and she new instinctively what he wanted. She knelt up; her back arched back gracefully and rocked her pelvis.

Frank marveled as he watched his daughter straddle his hips. She was breathtaking in her sensuality. Her thighs were strong and muscular as she knelt on him. She was supple and graceful as she arched her back, her young breast jutting forward.

“Aaah” he shuddered as she reached back and ran her fingers along the base of his cock, below his balls.

Franks hands cupped her breasts, playing with her rosy nipples and gently squeezing the supple flesh. She tossed her hair aside and moved more aggressively.

“Slow down, Baby. I want this to last.”

When she moved her feet up and sat on his cock, it was almost more than he could bear. The sight of his daughter, this beautiful young woman, raising and lowering herself on his cock was a sight that he would cherish the rest of his life. He watched her whole body move up and down as she fucked him and her juices flowed out of her down over his balls. The aroma, and the sounds of their sex was bringing him to a climax faster than he wanted. He tried to suck her nipple but she moved to fast. He held her ass in his strong hands helping her work her delicious magic.

“Here I go!” He gasped.

He gave three short thrusts and buried himself in her as far as he could go. His cum raced up the length of his cock and exploded inside her. He couldn’t believe his orgasm was so strong again after just having had two within the last hour. But he knew what it was. It was a combination of things, her beauty and grace, her natural ability and instincts as a lover, but mostly it was because she was his daughter. It was that fact alone that stimulated him more than any.

“Was that alright, Daddy?” She asked and she sounded as she had when she presented him with a school report, tentative and nervous..

“Oh Roxie,” he said pulling her close, kissing her face gently. “That was more than ‘alright’, it was……..wonderful, it was better than wonderful. I don’t have the words to tell you. But I do have to tell you that I am absolutely exhausted, you have beat me up baby.” he confessed. “What say we call it a night, huh?”

“Mmmm,” she cooed snuggling down onto his chest. “Can I sleep here.”

“Get the covers first,” he said “so you don’t get chilled.”

“Yes Daddy,” she said mocking his parental concern.

They both drifted off to sleep, exhausted, and exhilarated by their new found love for each other. Her laying on his chest and him still planted deep inside her. Who knew what tomorrow might bring.
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Old 11-16-2003, 06:40 AM
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Frank woke early the next morning, Roxanne lay beside him, her arm casually tossed across his chest. He watched her face as she slept, even after their acts of passion; she still looked the innocent, pure child to him. A small smiled played at the corners of her mouth, her hair a tangled jumbled mass. Like so much seaweed tossed up on the beach. He knew she’d be horrified if he saw her like this. He smiled to himself and lifted her arm gently, slipping out of bed. He headed to the bathroom, then silently made a pot of coffee and stood at the counter looking out the window as it brewed. The nagging thoughts coming to his mind.

Is what they had done wrong? “No,” he told himself. “Can love be wrong.” Is it misguided love? “How can it be misguided. I’ve loved her since the day she was born. This is just the ultimate expression of that love.”

He poured a cup of coffee and silently went to the front porch of the cabin. The Loons were quiet now, replaced by the sounds of the Mockingbirds and Thrushes. He heard the “hoot” of an Owl as it made its way to its hollow. He caught the movement in the water as a single Mallard paddled its way into the new day. The sun had not peeked over the horizon yet but the sky was a bright pink, the shadows of the clouds racing across the sky. The lyrics of a song coming to his mind.

“She came to him like the dawn through the night.”

He smiled to himself, as he sipped the coffee. Yes, that is exactly what she had done. She was a new day in his life, she had filled the void. He hoped it was a long day in that sense. He wished he could freeze time and keep her close forever, but he knew that would not happen also. She was free and independent, he had raised her to be that way. He envied the young man that would one day claim her. No. he corrected his thought. He envied the young man that ‘she’ would one day claim.

The tip of the sun rose above the horizon and a new day was born. The colors of nature jumped to life. He loved this lake and the new memories it would hold for him. He crept back into the cabin, aware of his nakedness and headed for the shower. He glanced over at her still sleeping form, comfortable and serene in her beauty. He sat his cup on the back of the toilet, closing the door as he stepped into the shower. He stood in the jets of hot water, washing their lovemaking off. He was almost finished when he heard the door open. He rinsed the soap off his face and pulled the edge of the curtain back.

“DADDY!” She yelled, looking up at him from her perch, trying to cover herself. “Can’t a girl have some privacy.”

“Sorry Baby,” he chuckled, thinking of the irony.

He heard the toilet flush then the end of the shower curtain slid back as she stepped in with him, his half drank cup of coffee in her hand.

“Morning Daddy,” she purred, her sleepy eyes looking up at him, dancing with mischief.

“Morning Baby,” he smiled down at her.

She brought the cup to her mouth and drank greedily for the wakefulness of the caffeine. Tilting the cup to fast, it spilled around the edges, running down her chin and dripping onto her breasts.

“Oops,” she said leaning forward.

“You’re a mess,” he laughed looking at her hair and the dribble of coffee on her chin.

She struck of pose, turning sideways, holding the cup out, and fluffing her ‘seaweed’ hair with the other hand. He took the cup from her and sat it on the wire rack of the shower.

“Come here,” he laughed again, pulling her naked body close, kissing her on the forehead. “You need a good washing.”

He turned her around in the shower so the water was hitting her back. Grabbing the bar of soap, he began to wash her, starting on her back. She wrapped her arms around him a laid her head on his chest. His strong hands and fingers massaged her muscles as he washed her. He moved down to her butt, holding it, caressing, washing. His soapy fingers moved between the soft firm cheeks, moving up and down, massaging, washing, probing. He slid down her body, breaking her hold on him and knelt on one knee before her. She put her hands on his shoulders as he began to wash her legs. He lifted her foot and placed it on his thigh, lathering it. He washed her ankles then the bottom of her foot, moving to the toes. He massaged each toe as he went from one to the next, slowly, gently rubbing each between his finger and thumb. He moved up her calf and worked the muscle there, massaging it up and down. He lowered her foot and began on her thigh. He marveled at the strength he felt under her soft flesh, strong and hard, but showing only feminine grace. He moved to the other leg and repeated the same process, kissing the tops of her thighs. He stood and his hand slipped between her thighs as he held her sex in his hand, washing her from front to back. She spread her legs to allow him better access. He rinsed his hand in the water then slipped just the tip of his finger inside her to cleanse her entrance. She had a dreamy pleasant look on her face as he washed her belly then up to her breasts.

“Time for the hair,” he said smiling at her.

She held his shoulders as she leaned back into the spray, soaking her hair. He poured shampoo onto it then began to work it into a lather. He started at her temples slowly working his fingers against her scalp. She interlaced her fingers behind his neck and leaned her head back, her eyes closed, their naked torsos pressed against each other. He worked his fingers around her whole scalp slowly caressing it, massaging it. Then he leaned her back under the water to rinse it before starting over again. He took her ears between thumb and finger and worked the lather along the folds and convulsions, massaging the lobes. He moved to her graceful throat, his hand working up and down. He could feel the soft vibrations she was making, much like a kitten purring, but could not hear it. He smiled as he washed her chin then across her mouth and up the side of her nose. He gently washed her flushed cheeks then her forehead. He leaned her back under the water once more to rinse the suds off. He wrapped his hands around her lower back and held her.

“All clean,” he commented.

She just stood there pressed against him, the hot steamy water running over her.
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Old 11-16-2003, 04:14 PM
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Father and daughter

Roxanne slept like a baby. Stretching awake the thought made her smile. Her body ached deliciously, a reminder of their lovemaking. As she moved she felt their combined cum still in her. Her need to pee forced her up – she could hear the shower so she quickly crept in to use the can.

Suddenly Frank drew back the shower curtain and was peering out at her. “ Dad!”

He’d laughed at her and ducked back in. After a bit she saw the silliness of her embarrassment. Dumb, after last night. She joined him in the steamy shower and he had washed her tenderly. She felt what she thought being worshiped would be like; he had even knelt before her.

Finally he had shampooed her hair, his strong hands massaging her scalp, gently finding her ears, following their contours. She tingled.

As they stood, the water cascading over their bodies, she slid down him. Her face brushed past the matted chest hair, now salted with grey. She let her hands trail down after her over his chest and belly until they rested on his thighs.

He was semi- erect and, for a minute she wondered if last night had been too much. Looking up at him she saw – in his eyes – that it was not.

She took his cock in one hand and bought it to her lips. The tip was partially hooded and she drew the flesh back, gently, wetly kissing the pink tip. Frank took her damp head in his hands and she felt the tension in him.

Now he was fully rampant and she licked around the tip and the glans as if it was an ice cream. With her eyes on his she took the tip in her mouth, gently sucking. Feeling him press in she allowed him deeper.

She had given blowjobs before but they had been hurried affairs and the boys had always pulled out to cum.

Roxanne wanted to taste her Dad’s cum, wanted him to fill her mouth, wanted to swallow it. She knew she probably wasn’t very good at doing it. All she knew was that his cock was wonderful; she explored every inch of his shaft with her tongue, every vein. Frank moved for her, she let him slide in and out at his speed.

When he withdrew she took him back in, pursing her lips around the glans like a collar and pressing the tip of her tongue into his pee-hole. All of it was experimental; she really had no idea what she was doing but from Frank’s reaction she knew he was enjoying it.

Carefully she cupped his balls and felt them stirring in her hand. It amazed her and she raised her eyes in wonderment to see Frank smiling down. She smiled back with her eyes – her mouth was full.

Frank’s movements became faster, more urgent and – once or twice - she gagged because he was too long and hit the back of her throat. She persevered, insisting on continuing when Frank hesitated. She tasted a salty, sharp taste as pre cum flowed into her mouth. It excited her and she felt a flow of a different kind begin between her legs.

Now she added a hand to the shaft and felt Frank’s hands pull her head to him. This made her gag more but they were unable to stop. Suddenly Frank shuddered and gave a series of grunts, Roxie’s mouth filled with cum. Strangely unique, not like anything else, it tasted salty and sweet.

She swallowed and swallowed but more kept coming. Frank was jerking and shuddering as waves of pleasure shook him. The cum spilled out and down her chin, onto her breasts where the shower water took it away in milky streams.

When Frank was still and the stream of cum stopped, Roxie slowly took her mouth off her father’s cock. He helped her up off her knees and wrapped her in his arms. “ Oh Baby. I’m too old for this.” And he turned off the water.
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