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Old 07-26-2007, 02:23 PM
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Small Town Secrets

Chapter One

Casey Stratton rubbed the letter in her hand with her thumb and forefinger as she drove the long and winding road. It had been left on her pillow, in her college dorm room, nearly a month ago. She didn't need to read it, she knew it by heart.

Dear Casey,

You remember the day in journalism class when we debated the topic "Should Secrets Societies Really Be Left Secret?". And I said that there were some secrets that should be left that way. Well..., that's why I never told you about my family and home life in Tennessee. Some towns have secrets that are so old they can not, and will not, be forgotten. Secrets that are engrained into each child as they grow up, making sure that the old ways are never forgotten.

Having said that, I am writing to tell you "good-bye". You've been a good friend to me and I'll never forget you because of that. But, I've decided not to finish school. Instead I'll be returning to my home and family. I know you and know how you are. So, please don't follow me. I have obligations that can no longer be put off. Obligations that were given to me at birth and now I must fulfill them. I'll miss you greatly.



P. S. I meant it when I said that you are my best friend and for you not to follow me. I love you too much to see you end up in the same position as me. Good-bye Casey. And good luck.

Casey sighed when she saw the small wooden sign reading "Crestview 5 miles" along the roadside. She would soon be there and the first thing she was going to do was find Amy. She would then find out why Amy wouldn't be returning to school and what her obligations were. How could Amy not expect her to follow her?! They both were in jouralism. And Amy should know well that a reporter was determined to find out the truth to any story, real or not.

Casey parked in front of the small general store. She noted the town looked like that of Walnut Grove from Laura Ingalls Widler's "Little House on the Prairie". The town was quiet, yet busy, for the size of it. Her car was the only motorized one in site. Everywhere she looked there were horses, carriages, and wagons. Everyone she seen was dress like it was the 1800's. The men wore overalls or pants and spenders with flannel shirts and boots. The women wore dresses; some had shoes others were barefoot. Some clothing looked almost brand new, others as if they had been worn for years. She then noticed Amy walking out of the general store, two steps behind a very handsome older man.

"Amy," Casey said as she greeted her friend and hugged her. She was shocked when Amy did not hug her back. "What's wrong," she asked, stepping back from her friend, "you act as if you have never seen me before." Amy looked in any direction but at her. "I'm sorry, Miss," the man said to her, "but apparently you are new to our community. Our woman don't speak to outsiders unless their husbands or fathers allow them too. And right now, my wife and I are heading for home. If you would like to visit her there, that would be fine with me." He then smiled at her, nodded, and then took Amy by the arm, leading her away. After helping Amy into their wagon, the man turned again to her. "Our house is about two miles out of town on this road." He pointed in the direction they would be taking. "For my wife's sake, I'd like to invite you to take supper with us tonight, Miss. Obviously you two are well acquainted. We will be eating at six." With that the man flipped the reins connected to the horse and they were off, leaving her standing there with her jaw open and staring at her friend and this man as they left.

Casey turned to get in her car when she notice the huge man watching her from in front of the feed and grain. He was tall, very tall in fact, with shoulder length dark brown hair. His broad shoulders tappered down to a smaller waist. His golden skin and well muscled body told her that he was use to manual labor; something she was not. He certainly turned her eyes. She wondered if she would be seeing him again, but doubted that she would since she was going to Amy's house that evening. She checked herself into the local hotel and unpacked, giving herself something to do until six.

Thomas Everly stood on the sidewalk outside of the feed and grain, watching the scene unfolding across the street as the young woman talked with Jacob Townshend and his wife. He knew that Amy had left thier small backwoods town some years ago and had gone to a high society school. Obviously, this young woman was one of the friends that she had made there. His interest was peaked though when he heard Jacob tell her that she was invited to have supper with them. That interested him because he too had been invited to take supper with the Townshend's that evening. He watched the young woman as she stared after them. He then finished loading his own wagon and headed home.

Thomas arrived at the Townshend farm just shortly before the young woman did. He was sitting on the porch with Jacob when she arrived. "Good evening, Miss Stratton," Jacob said, standing to greet his guest. Thomas stood as well to greet the young woman. "My wife has told me a lot about you. This is one of our friends, Thomas Everly. He will be joining us tonight. Amy is in the kitchen now, preparing our meal. Mayhaps you would like to help her?" "Thank you, Mister ehh... Mister ehh...," she stammered, realizing that she had yet to learn Amy's husbands name. "Townshend," Jacob said, "Jacob Townshend."

Thomas watched Miss Stratton enter the house. She was taller than most of the woman that lived here in Crestview. Her honey-blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail, but it still hung down nearly to her waist. Her eyes were the palest blue, like color of the sky on a cloudless day. Thanks to the tight jeans she wore, he couldn't help but notice her legs were long and shapely and her ass was round and firm. Her tight shirt revealed that she had ample breasts. She was certainly everything the woman from Crestview were not. He had been to the bigger towns several times and had taken his pleasures with the ladies there. Not many men here in Crestview were virgins when they wedded, but nearly every woman was. It was the way many a man learned how to please his wife. He wondered if this young lady was. He certainly was going to do everything possible to find out if she was or not.

All night long, Thomas watched Casey. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Where she came from, she was use to woman being able to say and/or do as they pleased. But that was not the case here in Crestview. Woman were not allowed to speak unless their husband or father allowed them too. And if the person was an outsider, they were very rarely permitted. But, there were exceptions, like those taking place here. Amy and Casey were now in the kitchen. From the sounds of the conversation, Amy was telling Casey how life was here in Crestview.

Thomas continued to think about the society had lived in. Woman were also not allowed to wear anything but a dress. And Casey had caused quite a stir when she had arrived earlier today wearing jeans and a shirt. A woman was not allowed to be seen in public without a male protector. Crestview had gotten use to woman passing through to be manless. But if Casey planned to stay for a little while, she would need the protection of a man. And he planned to make sure he was that man. People in Crestview literally lived like it was still the 1800's. He planned to have her as his and this willful woman would just have to learn to live that way too.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 08-01-2007, 12:16 PM
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Chapter Two

Casey entered her hotel room around nine that night, fighting the urge to slam the door as she entered it. She would scream if it was for the fact that it would scare the night clerk downstairs and send him rushing to her aid. Journalism had opened her eyes to alot of new ideas, but she had never heard such nonsense in all of her life. As they cooked, Amy had tried to tell her how the town was, but she just couldn't believe a group of people would actually wanted to live that way. And what was the deal with a woman being nothing unless she had a male "protector". Even then, they still didn't have a say.

It wasn't until Casey closely watched Jacob and Amy did she see it very clearly. Everytime Jacob coughed, banged his glass, or cleared his throat, Amy would jump to take care of his every whim. She had also learned that the obligation that Amy had wrote about was her being promised to him at the time of her birth. Jacob had actually shown up at the college to bring her back to Crestview. That was why Amy had returned home, whether she had wanted to or not. Amy simply felt as if she had no choice. Casey wanted to tell Jacob and Thomas off so bad she couldn't stand it. But..., she was a guest here and couldn't do that.

Casey paced her room. Her thoughts drifted back to Thomas. His body was so perfect. His muscled not only rippled under his shirt, but they spoke volumes of the strength they held. She just knew that not only could those arms and hands cause damage when required, but they could also show tenderness. It was obvious with Jacob and Amy. Jacob was as large as Thomas, and obviously he was tender with her. It showed because Amy was truly happy with him. She had only returned to the Amy she knew from college when she was in her own home. "Yes", she thought with a sigh. She knew that if she stayed long enough, she might just let him bed her.

Casey thought of the few things she and Amy had in common. Both virgins, refusing to go to the dorm parties because of what went on there; the drinking, drugs, and sexual activities. Both wanted their first times to be with their husbands. Well... Amy was married now and knew what that felt like. She had to admit that she was a little jealous of her for that reason. But when she thought of how Jacob had treated her in the store, she didn't know how Amy could truly be happy with a domineering man. She again sighed as it occured to her that Amy had grown up in this environment and was use to it; she was not.

Casey thought of the Thomas she had endured during dinner and wanted to scream again. OOHH she couldn't stand him and yet she could. She couldn't believe she had thought of, and actually still was thinking of, letting him bed her. He had actually had the nerve to say to her, in front of Amy and Jacob no less, that when she became his to "protect" she would do as he said and would obey him just as Amy did Jacob. When she asked him why she would want to do that, his answer was, "Because it will be for your own good. And if you don't, then your bare bottom will feel the sting of my palm on it." He actually meant to treat her like a child. That was, IF she was here for him to.

As she got in her car to leave, Amy had told Casey to pack her bags and leave as soon as she returned to her hotel; BEFORE Thomas had the opportunity to have his way with her, thus joining them together as she and Jacob were. She now look at her open suit case on the bed. "No", she thought, "I'm going to find out everything I can and then bring this town's secret to light. They don't want outsiders here, well that's just to bad." Deciding to stay, she slipped into her night clothes. They were nothing more than a spaghetti strapped shirt that hoovered just above her navel and a pair of old running shorts that were frayed at the bottom; now reavealing more of her ass then they had during high school.

Thomas dismounted his horse and hitched it to the post outside of the hotel. It didn't take him long to figure out which room was Casey's since she was the only guest at the hotel. He could easily see her shadow as she paced the room. He smiled as he knew that he had struck a nerve with her. He would enjoy himself greatly as he "pulled the reins in on this philly". She had been use to the outside world, where she could say and do as she pleased. He had broken in the wild stallion that he now rode. It had taken him time and patience to train the horse just as he wanted it, but he had. He would use the same tatics to "break in his new philly" as well.

With the help of his long legs, Thomas quickly mounted the stairs. His large body caused them to creak and shake as he did. Reaching her door, he heard her shuffling about. She must have thought that he was the hotel clerk, because she said that "she was sorry about the noise" when he had knocked. When she didn't answer, he knocked again and heard her footsteps as she approached the door. "You," she said. Her sky blue eyes darkened as they now took on the color of a thunderstorm. He easily stopped the door with his hand before she was able to slam it in his face. "Get out," she demanded through clenched teeth. He noted that her fists were tight balls at her side; her knuckles turning white from the lack of blood flow. Even if she wanted to use them against him, he doubted very seriously that he would even feel them.

Thomas stared at Casey. She had released her hair from the ponytail. It looked like honey flowing next to her face, down her shoulders, and to her waist. She now wore nearly nothing at all. He felt his blood as it began to pump wildly through his veins as he looked at her. Her body was more beautiful than he had expected. Her skin looked like buttery satin. Her ample breasts drooped very little. Her hard nipples pushed the frayed cloth out. The shorts she wore revealed way more than they should. He felt himself blush as he noticed the matching tuff of hair between her legs. His fingers itched to touch her skin; to feel it's smoothness. His mouth watered to taste her pouty lips and hardened nipples. And his manhood wanted to know the warmth and wetness that was hidden behind that tuff of hair between her legs.

Before he knew what he was doing, Thomas entered the room and closed the door behind him. "Get out," he heard Casey hiss at him as she walked backwards. "I can't," he said huskily as he easily closed the space between them. "It is obvious that you need a protector and I'm here to do just that." "And who's going to protect me from you," she gasped, fear evident in her voice. He watched her eyes widen with that fear as her back pressed against the wall. Placing his hands on the wall next to her shoulders, he leaned forward and kissed her. For a few brief moments, she kissed him back, causing him to press his hips against her small and delicate body. God, how he wanted her!

But then, just as he was about to touch her soft skin, Thomas felt Casey's hands pressing on his chest as she broke their kiss. "No," she breathlessly panted. He nuzzled her check. "Why not," he softly, yet deeply asked. He leaned in again to kiss her, but she ducked under his arm and ran for the door. He turned to see her standing there, door open and her pointing out it. "I think it's time you left, Mr. Everly," she demanded now, her voice more confident. He knew for a fact then that she felt something for him as well or she wouldn't have gave in to the kiss as easily as she had.

Thomas walked past Casey to the door. He stopped long enough to say to her, "I'll be back for you Casey. You can count on that. And when I do, you'll know what it feels like to have me between your legs and you will love it." He felt her watching him as he walked away from her. Reaching the stairs, he turned to get one last look at her. Her arm now rested high on the door. The new position raised her shirt even higher on one side, revealing one of those beautiful breasts. Damn!!! She was making it harder and harder on him.

All the way home, Thomas thought of Casey. He nearly drove himself crazy thinking of the way she looked tonight in her room. And then when he finally did leave, she had acidently shown him one of her breasts. He wanted more than ever now to see them both and to taste them. He would have to relieve himself of this pinned up frustration when he reached home. And soon... very soon, it would be her body that would aid him.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 08-01-2007, 04:23 PM
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Chapter Three

The next morning, Casey stood before the town elders, which included Thomas and Jacob, and asked for permission to stay a few weeks to visit her friend, Amy. She would be granted her request "so long as she dressed and acted like a woman should". Her car also had to be hidden away "so that it didn't distrub Crestview's way of life". She had to bite her tongue to keep from saying what she'd like to say before finally agreeing. But what got her more than anything was when Thomas pointed out that she would be without a "protector". As if that wasn't bad enough, he volunteered to take up that role while she was here. She wanted to scream at him, but again held her tongue. She wondered what the town elders would think about how he had forced his way into her room last night and tried to "have his way with her". It was on the tip of her tongue to tell them, but then it occured to her that Thomas would just say that that was a good reason as to why a protector was needed.

Casey sat in silence as Thomas drove them over the bumpy road to his farm. She tried to sit as close to the edge as she could since his massive body took up most of the seat. He laughed at her when she nearly fell off once and was forced to move closer to him, causing their hips and legs to touch. All she could do was sit with her arms crossed and fume. She wondered just how this arrangement was going to work. She was here to visit Amy, but how was she going to do that if she was under this brutes protection; unable to leave his farm unless she was with him. And how was she going to learn the history of this town? She sighed heavily with disgust as she leaned back against the seat.

Casey thought about last night. She was upset with herself for kissing Thomas back and nearly giving in to him. Now that she would be under his roof, what would stop him from trying it again. Or her from giving into him. But more importantly, how would she be able to stop him and his massive body from having his way with her. And would she want him to stop once they got started. Sitting this close to him was stirring feelings in her that she never knew existed. She felt her nipples harden with the thought of lossing her virginity to this man. The thought of how he would feel on top of her. And just how good he would feel as he moved in her. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he touched her hand. Looking around, she saw that they had arrived at his farm.

Casey felt Thomas watching her as she looked around his home. She noted to herself that there was a large kitchen with an old fashion wood cook stove, something she had never used, a small table with two chairs, and sink with a hand pump; a small wash room with a tub, small sink, a working toilet, that no doubt had been added recently, and a door that closed, thank God; a room that could be used to recieve guests that contain a sofa and two high backed chairs, one without arms; and lastly, a large bedroom with one large bed.

Casey noted the smile on Thomas's face when she asked him, "And just where am I suppose to sleep?" He moved towards her, nodding towards the bed as he answered, "Right there." She narrowed her eyes at him as she asked, "And what about you? Where will you sleep?" He had reached her and before she could protest, he pulled her to him; grasping her small waist in his large hands. Leaning over, his mouth hovered just above hers as he said, "I'll sleep there too."

Thomas brushed his mouth over Casey's; feeling the soft fullness of her lips. His pulse raced as he kissed her. Her hair smelled of peaches and cream and he breathed her in deeply. His hand moved from her waist to her breast, lightly massaging it. He heard her moan as he parted her lips with his tongue, tasting her fully. She again moaned as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her tight against him and his hard member. Releasing her, he smiled as he looked down at her. Her eyes remained closed and her lips were pouted, as if she was still wanting him to continue their kiss.

Thomas decided to take this opportunity to tell Casey just what he expected from her. "You know, the role of protector takes on different meanings here in Crestview." Her eyes opened now as she listened to him. "There is the role of a man taking care of a women in his family. Or of a man taking care of another man's family while he is away or has passed on. And then there is the role of a husband taking care of his wife. Like that of Jacob and Amy. And that was what you agreed to when you allowed me to be your protector."

Thomas pulled Casey close to him again. "And with that form of protection, there are certain privileges that allow me certain rights." He could tell that she was returning to her fiesty self when she asked, "Such as?" He smiled as her eyes narrowed on him as she asked. "You will do the cooking, cleaning, mending and washing of my clothes and what not." He pulled her tighter. "And you will allow me to have your body whenever I wish."

Thomas laughed as Casey tried in vain to push away from him. "You need not worry about that now, Casey," he said huskily. "There will be plenty of time tonight after you have cooked my supper to find out just how you will be meeting those privileges." He let her go and couldn't keep from grinning as she realized that the arrangement for her to stay with him as she visited Amy had really been her agreeing to marry him. "Damn you," she hissed through clenched teeth. "You and this whole damn town knew that when I agreed to you being my protector that I would become your wife. Damn you Thomas Everly! You tricked me!"

Thomas couldn't keep from laughing as she stormed out of the bedroom. "Did Amy not warn you to leave last night," he called after her. He certainly would have a time breaking in this little philly, but he looked forward to it. And he looked forward to seeing her in his bed tonight, though he knew it was going to be a challenge to keep her there. He had been with several women, but not once had he forced himself on them. He had kept sweet talking them until they gave in, but never took them if they really meant "no". He could tell that Casey would be easy to persuade into his bed, even if she didn't want to admit it.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 08-02-2007, 03:24 PM
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Chapter Four

Casey found herself in the kitchen looking around and wondering, "What have I gotten myself into?" She turned around to face Thomas as he stood in the doorway, holding a dress, and smiling. "Put this on," he said as he tossed her the dress. "NO," she yelled, throwing it back at him. In seconds he was there. Before she knew it, he had spun her around. Three times she felt his hand strike her bottom; three times she felt the snapping sting as he whipped her as if she was a misbehaving child. He spun her back around to face him. "I will not tolerate your temper tantrums, Casey," he growled. "I told you that if you didn't obey, you would feel my palm on your bottom. Now put the dress on. When you're finished, I will show you how to use the wood cook stove. It will soon be supper time. It will take the stove a few minutes to warm up. Now put the dress on."

Casey watched as Thomas left the room. She held the dress in one hand and rubbed her stinging bottom with the other. She was dumbfounded. He had actually spanked her. SPANKED HER! If she hadn't been so shocked by what he had done, she would have yelled at him. She looked down at the dress. It was a simple one made from old fashioned material. It looked very much like the one that Amy had worn. "Of course," she thought to herself. "It would be one of Amy's. Where else would he find a dress so quickly?" He must have hoped that she would be staying and had gotten one from her last night.

Casey thought about defying Thomas again and not putting on the dress. But after she rubbed her still stinging bottom, she decided not to push it. After slipping out of her "outsiders" clothes and donning the dress, she too left the room. She found him in the kitchen. She paid close attention his instructions involving the stove and supper. With the memory of her correcting still stinging her bottom, she made sure to get everything right the first time.

After supper, Thomas sat on the porch sipping his coffee as Casey washed and put away the dishes. He watched her through the window as she moved about the kitchen. He then remembered how she looked last night in her sleeping shirt and shorts. He smiled at her when she joined him on the porch. "Come here," he said, holding his hand out to her. She lowered her head, letting her long honey colored hair fall forward off her shoulders, as she walked to him. He smiled and tilted his head when he noticed her small, bare foot feet slipping out from under the dress as she walked.

Thomas pulled Casey down onto his lap. "Does your bottom still sting," he asked. "No," she said so softly he barely heard her. "I am sorry that it happened. But you were warned that it would, were you not," he asked. "Yes," she again answered softly, her head nodding as she did. He rubbed her bottom gently as he asked, "Do you have the sleeping shirt and shorts you wore last night with you?" "Yes," she softly said. "Then go put them on," he said as he rubbed her back. "I'll give you a few minutes before I come in." She looked at him, as if she was pleading, begging him not to. "Go on," he softly said as he tilted his head towards the door. He watched her as she slowly disappeared into the house.

Thomas finished his coffee before entering the house. He locked the only door and blew out the lamp on the kitchen table before making his way to his, now their, bedroom. "Casey," he called through, "are you ready?" There was long uneasy pause. He started to worry when he finally her softly call "yes" from behind the door. Opening the door, he smiled when he saw her. Her head was down as he looked at her. Her long honey hair hanging next to her face, reaching her waist. She wore the skimpy night shirt and shorts that she had on last night. He felt his heart pound in his chest. He didn't remember closing the door or walking to her, but he must have because he was now holding her; kissing her; rubbing his hands up and down her back. It was her moan that brought him back to reality.

Casey felt the butterflies as they swarmed in her stomach. Her eyes fluttered as Thomas kissed down her neck as his hands slipped under her shorts and rubbed her ass. She heard him moan. His hands now slipped under her shirt. She felt him lifting it. "No," she moaned as she tried to keep her arms down. He said nothing, but her bottom felt the sting of his hand. She understood his message and sucked in a uneven breathe before quickly raising her arms to allow the easy removal of her shirt.

Casey closed her eyes. She felt shamed as Thomas touched and looked at her breasts. "Your beautiful," she heard him say. She felt the tears starting to fall as he drew one of her breasts into his mouth. The heat and teasing from his tongue made her forget about the shame and she moaned. Her arms went around his neck as he picked her up. She kissed him back as his tongue mated hers.

Casey felt the coolness of the sheets on her back as Thomas laid her down. Her eyes open when she felt her shorts being removed. There was a pleading in her voice as she spoke his name. "You are mine," he said huskily as he removed his own shirt. "You have allowed me this privilege, remember?" She again drew in an uneasy breath. Her eyes moved along his massive chest and the curly black hair covering it. She tried to look away when he removed his pants, but was only able to lightly bite her lower lip as she watched him. Her eyes were drawn to his hard member. She felt as if she couldn't breathe at all now. She wanted to cry. She just knew that he was too big to enter her. She was sure that it would rip her apart, killing her as it did.

Thomas crawled onto the bed with Casey, spreading her legs as he did. He heard her again say his name in the pleading tone as his lightly kissed the inside of her thigh. "MMM," he moaned as he kissed his way up it. "Thomas," she again pleaded as he kissed the inside of the other. His fingers spread the honey colored hair away from the opening he desired. His tongue flicked at her swollen clit. He smiled when she called his name, this time from pleasure. Juices flowed from her as he continued to torment the swollen numb. He heard her crying.

Not know if it was from pleasure or from really wanting him to stop, Thomas looked up at Casey. Her face showed pure pleasure and he smiled. He looked at her pussy and the honey colored hair covering it. She was dripping wet and it had been because of him. She moaned as he pushed a finger into her. He watched her arch her back and bit her lower lip as he moved his finger in her. "Thomas," she softly called; her voice now sounding sexy and sensual as if she was begging for more.

Thomas kissed his way up Casey's stomach. He massaged one breast as his mouth suckled the other. He felt the heat radiating from between her legs and onto his stomach. Her hips moved as he now took the other breast into his mouth. "Thomas," she moaned. He kissed his way up her shoulder, neck, and check. He stared into her eyes as he placed his knees next to her legs, spreading them wider. He slipped the tipof his cock in and watched her eyes widen.

"Thomas," Casey cried as she felt him enter her. She felt his mouth crushing hers as he pushed deeper in. She dug her nails into his shoulders, but with little to no effect on him. She felt as if he was ripping her in half as he again push in her. He released her mouth and she screamed as he broke the barrier proving her a virgin. Tears streamed down her checks as came to rest in her.

Casey felt Thomas kissing away the tears as he slowly moved in her. That movement eased the pain between her legs. She now felt a sensation building in her. Soon his movement caused it to explode and she gasped with pleasure. He chuckled in her ear. "Now," he whispered, "wasn't all that worry for nothing?" She smiled with pleasure as she felt the sensation building again. This time she gasped his name as the pleasure rippled through her body.

Casey rolled with Thomas as he placed her on top of him. She placed her hands on his chest as he pulled her knees to the bed. She jump when he slapped her bottom. The smile on his face told her that is was not a correcting slap, but one of play. She jumped and smiled again when he again slapped her bottom. She seen the playfulness in him and it excited her. She moved on him, wondering why she had been scared of this man. She looked into his eyes and saw the lust and power behind them. It both excited and scared her.

Thomas watched Casey as she rode him. He massaged her breasts as she willing impaled herself on him. He felt her body shake and juices flow as she climaxed from riding him. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and smiled as she cooed. He wondered what she would do if he pinched them. He soon heard her let out a half moan-half scream when he did. Her body again shook as she climaxed just from that. He was pleased with her and pulled her back to him, wrapping his arms around her.

Thomas rolled back on top of Casey. He deeply kissed her as he placed his arms tightly next to her on the bed. He hovered his massive body above her small one as he moved his hips. He movied his hardness in her; pushing in deeper and harder each time. He again felt her climax just as she panted his name. He then felt his own release. A few more pushes and felt completely satisfied.

Thomas rested himself above Casey, kissing her deeply in the afterglow of their joining. He felt certain that he had proven whom the boss was in this home. Yet, he knew that there would be days when she would have to be reminded. He looked forward to the make-up sessions that would follow those correcting lessons. But what made him smile even more was what he saw the next morning when he woke.

Thomas pulled the sheet back from Casey's body to look at her in the morning sunlight. There on the sheets was the evidence of her virginty. A large pool of dried blood proved what he had hoped for and had felt last night. He pulled her close to him and woke her up with kisses. A repeat of the night before soon was unway before he allowed her to leave the bed to make his breakfast.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 08-03-2007, 03:35 PM
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Chapter Five

Nearly a week had passed since Casey had come to live with Thomas. She glanced out the window above the sink and saw the two riders approaching the house. "Thomas," she said, looking back out the window. She felt his body behind her as he pushed up against her. "Look," she said, tilting her head towards the window. "It's the Clayton boys," he said. "They said that they'd come by when they needed me to help them move the cattle." She felt him kiss her check before saying, "I'll be back before supper. You can cook what's left of the meat in the ice house. We'll go into town tomorrow for more supplies."

Casey watched as Thomas rode away with the two men. This was the fist time that she had been left alone in the house and the journalist in her took over as she began to snoop through the house. In the bedroom they shared, she started rummaging through everything. She sighed when she found nothing. Her attention then turned to the locked trunk at the foot of the bed. She put to use the skill she had learned as a kid and picked the lock with the bobby pin she had. In moments the lid was open; revealing several scrap books with old photos, newspaper clippings, and yellowed and worn letters. In the middle of all these was a journal.

Casey thumbed through the scrap books first and was shocked at what she read from the old newspaper clippings. The first few talked about ten young woman who had went missing over the course of several months. She noted the date was for a little over one hundred and fifty years ago. The next few talked about the three county wide search that was being made to find the missing woman. And then an article told of the bodies of three of the searchers being found in an abandoned house. Nothing more was found on these girls, but the next set of articles basicly read the same, except it was some thirty years later. The entire scrap book went on like this, with each disappear happening thrity years later. Each time, the number of women going missing stayed about the same; some years more, others less.

Casey flipped through the photos. The names and dates of the people in them was written below the photo. Many of the names of the woman matched those missing. She then turned her attention to the diary. It was that of one "Carolyn Everly". She read as Carolyn wrote about how she enjoyed her city life in Big Flats, Tennesse. But then she found herself in the mountains. She couldn't remember how she had got here, only that she was here. She told of how she was given to a young man in town to be his "little play toy". And how when she had given birth to a healthy baby boy, he had turned away from her, calling her a harlet.

Casey read the name of the only man Carolyn had ever been with and that was Ray Stillwell. As it turned out, he was now Crestview's sheriff. She also wrote of how Mrs. Stillwell was dying of a "mystery disease" that the doctor couldn't find. He was refusing to acknowledge the fact that Carolyn's baby was his. A loose clipping was folded and place inside the journal. It told of the birth of Carolyn's bastard son and that no man was willing to accept the responsibility of it. She never wrote anything else in the journal, but a copy of her obituary was placed in the journal. She had been gone for nearly five years now.

Casey sat in silence as she put the peice of the puzzle together. The secret of this small town was that ten men, 150 years ago, had taken woman to populate the town. And every thirty years later, another group was taken. She sighed as she realized that she was one of the taken, thou she had unknowingly allowed herself to be trapped here. Amy had been born here, but she had been taken from her city life to come back here and help populate the town again. Looking at the date of Thomas' birth, she figured out that he was thirty; ten years older than her.

The cattle had herded easily and the men had ended their job sooner than expected. Thomas stabled his horse before heading towards the house. He notice that no smoke came from the stove's chimney, but he thought naught of it because he was early. He open the door, but saw Casey nowhere. He heard noise coming from their bedroom and he quietly slipped to the door. He watched as she placed the last of the newspaper articles back into his trunk and locked it back. He felt anger sweep over him as he realized that she had learned the long hidden secrets of Crestview. And of his own bastardly birth.

Thomas watched Casey jump from her knees to her feet before falling back over into the floor when he gruffly asked, "Did you find anything of interest to read?" "Thomas," she cried; the shock of being discovered written all over her face. "Answer me, Casey," he demanded. "I..., I..., I...," was all she could say. He shorten the distance between them and grabbed her by her arms. "Did you learn what you wanted to learn, Casey," he asked in a demanding tone. "Did you learn how your protector is nothing more than the bastard son of a sheriff who won't even look at him while their in the same room?"

Thomas heard Casey cry that he was hurting her and released his hold on her. He closed his eyes as she ran from the room. Out the window, he saw her run for the barn. He found her curled up in a ball in the barn loft. His was still angery with her, but she needed "correcting" for snooping into his private things. He sat down on one of the hay bales before pulling her into his lap.

"You know what you did was wrong, don't you," Thomas asked. "Yes," Casey whispered through her tears, "and I'm sorry for looking through your belongings. It just that I wanted to learn about you and this town." "You should have asked me," he said sternly. He stroked her long honey colored hair, breathing in the smell of her. "Then you understand why I have to do what I'm about to do, don't you," he asked. "No," she said, looking up at her. He saw the pleading in her eyes as she begged, "I promise to never to it again. Please, Thomas, don't do it!" "You have to learn," he said.

Before Casey could protest any further, Thomas flipped her over his knees. He placed his arm across her back to keep her from getting away. He pulled the bottom of her dress up, revealing her bare bottom. She squirmed around as he roughly squeezed her round ass check in his hand before rubbing it lightly. "No," she pleaded. "No Thomas, please. NOOO!" He raised his hand and brought it down hard against her bare bottom. He heard her scream as his hand made contact with her left ass check. Again he spanked it. He then made contact with the other. And then again.

Thomas felt Casey's body shake as she wept from the stinging on her bottom. He rubbed her red ass cheeks before leaning over and kissing each one. "Sit up here on my lap," he calmly said. He watched her dress fall away from her back as she stood up. "One day," he softly said in to her ear, "you will learn completely what is expected of you. But right now, this is how you will learn."

Casey wiped the tears from her eyes as she sat in Thomas' lap. His arms circled around her, showing the tenderness she needed. "I'm sorry," she said through sobs. "Next time you want to know something," he said, "all you have to do is ask me." She nodded her head. She then felt his lips on hers as he rubbed her breast. His other hand began to unzip the back of her dress. She felt his rough hand as he rubbed her back. In the past week, he had joined with her several times, but this was the first time she felt as if they were truly making love.

Casey felt her dress slip from her shoulders; revealing her bare shoulders and breasts. Thomas had insisted that the dress be the only thing she wore, so that he could have easy access to her body whenever he wanted it. And that had been often. She stood for him as he pushed the dress down her legs. His finger slipped into the cove of honeyed hair. Her hands ran through his hair as she felt them pleaseing her. She moaned with pleasure as his tongue now tasted her. "AAHH," she cried as pulled her close to his face.

Casey eagerly watched Thomas as he removed his shirt and spread it out on the hay bale behind him. Standing, he undone his belt and pants, but only slipped them down to his knees; revealing his very hard member. "On your knees, Casey," he demanded. She did as told and got on her knees. "Now open your mouth," he growled. She did and felt his cock enter her mouth. He held her head there as he rocked his hips, moving him in and out of her mouth. Twice she nearly gagged as he shoved himself down her throat and held it there. "That's it, Casey," he hissed, "take my cock." She felt tears roll down her cheeks as he moved in her mouth again. He had never done this before and she felt relief when he pulled out.

"Put your elbows on my shirt and spread your legs," Thomas demanded. He smiled when he saw her back side turned to him; her ass cheeks still red from the correcting. She was in the perfect doggie position. He knew that she thought that this was part of their making up, but in fact, it was still part of her punishment. He entered her, bringing her to climax from just entering her. That would be the last time she would climax for a while. He moved in her, listening to her and watching her. And when she came within moments of cumming, he stopped. She looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes questioning. "If you want satisfaction, Casey," he said smuggly, "you will have to learn to behave." Her pleading eyes and uneven gasp told him she understood.

Thomas again moved in Casey, slowly bringing her to the point he wanted her at and then stopped. He smiled as he heard her whimper and then cry with frustration. "Thomas please," she begged. He leaned over her, kissing her shoulder as he again moved in her. "Are you going to behave, young lady," he asked as he slowly moved in her. "Yes," she panted. "And are you going to stay out of other peoples things," he asked. "Yes," she gasped. He watched her face and knew she was again close. He pushed deep in her and held himself there. She whimpered again. "Do you promise to do as your told and follow my rules and those of Crestview," he huskily whispered into her ear. "I promise," she cried. The tone in her voice was of pure desperation.

Twice more Thomas brought Casey close to satisfaction and then backed off. Her whole body shook with frustration. Tears streamed from her eyes as she felt the certain spot throbbing painfully from his "correcting". This was one lesson that she would definately remember. "Please," she practically screamed, "I'll be the wife that I'm expected to be. Please Thomas, please." Her whole body shook as she laid her bare breasts on his shirt. She cried harder than she ever had before.

Casey felt Thomas' broad chest rubbing her back as he laughed heartily. "You've learned you lesson then," he asked. "Yes," she cried. "Then turn around," he said. She felt him pull out of her. She sat down on his shirt and leaned back against the hay bale behind her. The hay stung her back and she jerked forward. "Thank you," she said as he placed her dress behind her. She laid back again and moaned as he entered her. His mouth smoothered hers as he moved in her. She felt her climax building again and was afraid that she again would not reach it. She felt that certain spot inside of her throbbing painfully again just before she came. She held him tightly as she felt it several more times before feeling his own in her.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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