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Old 03-01-2005, 06:33 PM
NastyGuy NastyGuy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 69
Way Off Broadway (Mast/Voy-show)

Way Off Broadway
By NastyGuy

This story is a masturbation show story. (Think "I like to watch.") I originally posted it elsewhere, but reedited it before posting it here. BTW: This is fiction. Enjoy!

I just recently had an experience that was quite different for me. I thought
that if I wrote it down, I might be able to sort out my feelings a bit.
First I should introduce myself. My name is Pete. I've worked for the
last 15 years for a large financial institution based in Silicon Valley, and
have managed to work my way up to a good position as an assistant manager.
I'm not terribly interested in moving higher than that simply because of the
headaches I've seen my boss get from moving too high in the corporation.
My boss's name is Nicole. When I started with the company, she was
actually one position lower than I am now. Back then there were only 5 people
in the whole department. Now she manages over 40 people and doesn't get paid
for the overtime she has to put in for all of the reviews she has to write.
She's good in her current job, but she did have to take a pay hit to be placed
in a salaried position. Over the years we've become good friends, partly
because we're the only ones that have remained in the department this whole
Before you get any ideas, let me just tell you that Nicole is only a bit
younger than my mom, and quite frankly, I kind of think of her as a surrogate
Although the company doesn't really pay me as well as I would like for
someone who has shown loyalty to them, one of the perks that I have always
enjoyed about the job is that most of the people involved in this business are
women, especially in my department. There was a period of about three years
when I was the only man working here, and I really loved my job for those three
years. The ages of the women working in my department has always spanned from
about 16 to roughly 60 years of age, but this has never bothered me. The older
women treated me like a son, the younger ones like a little brother, and the
youngest ones like a . . . well, like a friend that they had just noticed was a
guy. In other words, I tended to flirt a lot with the departmental cuties.
One of the rules I've always had was that I would never get into a
romantic relationship with one of my co-workers. The last thing I ever wanted
was to have my personal relationship break-up and still have to work with my ex
while still working through my feelings. That just would be too much for me to
handle. So although I flirted with some of my co-workers, I never ended up
asking any of them out for a date. I still think this was for the best. Okay,
I used to ask Nicole to let me take her oldest daughter out, but I stopped
asking when that little girl of hers wasn't such a little girl anymore, and I
realized that I wasn't joking anymore either.
About seven years ago I got married to a wonderful woman I met through a
friend. We've been happily married the whole time, and have a perfect little
girl that's three. They really are the lights of my life, and I love them with
all of my heart.
You now know how everything stood until a couple of days ago.
The company I work for processes the accounts of large retailers as
an accountant would, so the retailers don't need their own accounting
departments. My department processes our customer's deposits before they are
sent out to their banks, to make sure their accounts balance and
that there aren't any discrepancies in the day's receipts.
I guess I should mention that one of my co-workers for the last 4 years is
an attractive young Vietnamese woman named Jennifer. Actually Jennifer is just
her nickname, but I have trouble pronouncing her real name, and we never use it
in our department.
Jennifer is twenty-two years old, and when she first started in our
department she was a high school dropout gang-banger. She would wear baggy
sweatshirts and jeans, no makeup, and a backward baseball hat every day to work,
and just quietly sit at her desk. This was acceptable since we don't have
customer contact and the dress code is relaxed for us. But I will never forget
the day she decided to get rid of that gangy look. The first thing I did when I
saw this attractive young woman sitting at Jennifer's desk, doing Jennifer's
work, was to go up to Nicole and ask her: "Who's that sitting over there?"
Nicole laughed and said, "That's Jennifer. Who else would it be?"
That was pretty much how the whole day went. Some guy would come in to
start work or stop in our department to make a photocopy, see this unfamiliar
young woman working at Jennifer's desk, and ask Nicole who it was. It was
obvious that none of us guys had taken much notice of her before by how much
attention she was getting now. None of the women in the department said
anything about it, but I talked to some of them more recently and they all
noticed as well. The only difference was the women had paid enough attention to
her before that they could recognize her. Nicole had a great time that day
watching the expression on all of the men's faces one at a time as they found
out who it was at that desk.
Jennifer had changed her whole look. She had traded the baggy sweatshirts
for skirt suits, the tennis shoes for high heels, the baseball hat for hair
combs, and the jeans for nice pantyhose. I knew that she had long hair, but now
she was showing it off more by letting it hang free or in neat ponytails,
instead of putting it up under that baseball hat all the time. It was now
obvious that she had a very nice, petite figure that she had been hiding under
those baggy clothes. It was like having a whole new girl in our department.
Since then I had made casual friends with Jennifer. We would talk about
business, and what was going on in our lives. I found out that she had trouble
keeping her relationships going. Quite frankly I was never impressed with the
young men she dated. They were often distant and very unfriendly. I guess they
could be described as "exciting" types- always moving from one adventure to the
next, and girls were just another adventure. I've never understood why young
women find these guys exciting, but I have discovered that women usually outgrow
that stage. I can't say the same for the men.
Last week Jennifer's car broke down. She wasn't able to keep it in good
repair and it gave out last Thursday. She was able to have it towed, but she
missed that day at work. She managed to get to work on Friday by using the bus
and light-rail. The mechanic called later that afternoon and after Jennifer got
off the phone I asked her how the conversation went.
"Well, it went okay. It's not going to be expensive to fix it, but it'll
have to be in the shop for a few more days. They expect to have it done by
Wednesday," she explained.
I was happy for her. I knew that she couldn't afford expensive repairs on
her wages. "How are you getting home tonight?" I asked her.
"Oh, I'll just take the light-rail and bus, or something," she said.
"Well, why don't you ask Nicole if she'll give you a lift?" I suggested.
"She drops off Bob almost every night. She probably won't mind."
"That sounds like a good idea. I think I'll try that," Jennifer
responded. That was pretty much it for our conversation at that time. We both
went back to work and I guess she must have asked Nicole for a lift.
About a half-hour before we were done for the night, Nicole received a
call from her husband reminding her that he would have to go in to work early
that night to clean up after a party at the hotel where he worked as a janitor,
and she needed to come home early to take care of the kids. I found out about
that because Nicole had to leave immediately in order to make it, and she asked
me to take Jennifer home for her. Bob would ride with someone else because he
was going to his mom's home, which is in a different direction. I had no
problem doing this since this wouldn't be the first time I had given a ride to
one of my co-workers. She lived all the way in Santa Cruz, but I could take her
over there without a serious problem. Besides, I felt better knowing she would
be safe and not riding the light-rail and bus alone that late at night.
The department I work in has rather irregular hours- we leave when the
work is done and not one second before- but tonight we were able to finish in
almost record time. After seeing everyone else out of the department, Jennifer
and I started for her home. As we sat in the car I found myself casting a few
admiring glances her way. She was wearing a navy blue skirt that ended about
three inches above the knee, showing off a nice pair of legs, a white silky
blouse that wasn't too clingy, and a navy blue jacket. Her hair was loose
behind her, showing off her thick, black locks. Jennifer pretty much hit all of
the right notes with her outfit.
For most of the trip our conversation was pretty casual. It seems that
she had broken up with her most recent boyfriend just the previous week. I
asked her why she had shown him the door, and she replied: "Because he was
weird." I had to bite my tongue because I was thinking that she specialized in
weird boyfriends.
"How was he being weird?" I asked, as I turned to her side street off
"Well, he wanted to date other girls and bring them back to my place so we
could both have sex with him, and stuff like that."
"Ah," I said, "so he was in it mostly for the sex and the adventure."
Sounded like her normal type, I thought. We started to drive up to her
apartment at that point.
"Yeah." She was quiet for some time before she spoke again. "Ya know,
I'm feeling really horny right now," Jennifer said just a little timidly and
then a bit more surely: "Would you like to come upstairs and fuck?"
My eyes must have nearly popped out of my sockets. Here was an
attractive, exotic, well-dressed young woman asking me to have sex with her, and
she wasn't making any bones about it! It sounded like any number of fantasies
that I had in my younger days.
I somehow managed to say "what?" without sounding accusing.
"Well, I like you, you're a nice guy, and I'd really like to get off," she
I hadn't misunderstood her. The shock of the situation, as well as trying
to keep the car under control, kept me from responding for several seconds.
Then my morals got the best of me. "Um, thanks, but I can't. I really love my
wife, and I wouldn't want to do anything that might hurt her or my daughter. I
do appreciate the invitation though," I replied honestly.
"Okay. You know, that's one of the things I like about you, you're so
nice and thoughtful." She continued: "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to grease
up the ol' vibrator and masturbate myself into a frenzy."
I'll be honest. The way this young woman was talking to me really
surprised me. Of course, the way she was talking was also getting me very
turned on. I started to get an idea.
"Hmm," I said to stall until the idea took shape and passed my internal
morals committee. "You know, most men consider it a bit of a . . . treat . . .
to watch a woman masturbate. Would it bother you if I went with you and acted
like your audience?" I said slowly. "I would just be sitting in your room,
watching. Nothing else," I quickly added.
"You mean put on a show for you?" Jennifer sat there thinking for a few
seconds while I kept the motor running. "Sure," she said, "it sounds like fun!
It would be a lot better than just being by myself!"
With that decided, I parked the car along the street. We quickly got out
of the car and she led me to her second floor apartment, giggling much of the
After closing the door behind me, Jennifer said: "This is going to be SO
much fun!" Then a look came across her face, I guess she had just remembered to
act like a hostess, and she asked: "Would you like anything to drink? Some
wine, or a soda?"
"I'll take a Dr. Pepper if you have one," I said.
"No problem!" she replied, and quickly entered the kitchen. She brought
back a glass of soda for me, and a full wineglass for herself. She must have
taken off her jacket while in the kitchen and left it in there.
"And now," she said with a flourish, "it's off to the bedroom! Follow me,
"Won't your roommate mind?" I asked.
"She's not here tonight. She spends all of her weekends with her
boyfriend. So it'll be no problem at all," she explained. She then motioned me
into her room and pointed me toward a chair in the corner opposite her bed. "If
you'll just take a seat over there, the show will begin promptly," she said with
a devilish grin.
She went to a stereo on her dresser and put on a disk of some boy group,
kicked off her high heels, and lay down on her back on the bed. For several
minutes she simply listened to the music and drank the wine. I was in no hurry
and didn't want to spoil her concentration, so I just sat in the chair quietly
and relaxed.
After several minutes, she gave out a sigh, and ground her shoulders into
the pillow behind her. "I've never done anything like this before," she said
"Just do whatever you need to be comfortable. Don't pay any attention to
me," I said.
She waited for a moment, and then she started to brush her right breast
through her blouse. She used the entire length of her hand, held rigid, to
brush over the tip of her breast through the cloth, and then would make circling
motions with just her palm, before cupping that breast and squeezing it a
little. She then started doing the same to her left breast, massaging her right
breast at the same time. After massaging her breasts like this for what seemed
like forever, she slowly moved her left hand and started unbuttoning her blouse
one button at a time. After the third button, she moved her free hand inside
her blouse and started to massage her breasts directly, all the while continuing
to unbutton her blouse. By this time I could finally confirm what I had
suspected- Jennifer didn't wear a bra!
When she had completely unbuttoned her blouse, she slowly sat up and
removed it, letting it fall over the edge of her bed onto the floor and slowly
stretching like a cat. Her breasts were not large, but were quite firm. They
did not flatten out at all when she stretched. The areolas were a little larger
than quarters with the nipples standing out like little pencil erasers in the
middle. Her skin was a beautiful dark color with no tan lines. I was quite
caught up in everything by this point. Excepting my wife, I hadn't seen a woman
naked like this in some time. Not bad for a show that had hardly begun.
Jennifer then slowly lay back down and started playing with her breasts
again, this time alternating the brushing by her palm with tweaking and rolling
her nipples between her fingers, again one breast at a time. She started
licking her fingertips, rubbing them on her nipples, and then blowing across her
breasts. Whenever she did this, her nipples seemed to get just that much more
erect from the cooling action of her breath.
This was obviously really getting her turned on as she was by now
mercilessly massaging her breasts, and her hand was slowly stroking down her
stomach and working it's way toward her waistband before returning to her breast
for more attention. After doing this several times she finally lifted her
bottom up and unsnapped and unzipped her skirt, quickly pulling it and her
panties off and kicking them onto the floor.
Jennifer looked at me and asked: "Enjoying the show so far?"
"Definitely," I replied.
Jennifer lay back down and from here on the pace was getting more frantic.
She kept up her pattern of before, massaging her breasts, blowing across her
nipples, running her hands across her stomach, but now she was adding some
movements that were really starting to get to me. She was gently caressing her
hips and grabbing her bottom, while rocking her hips, and then returning to her
breasts. Each time her hands went lower, and her legs would part a fraction of
an inch, showing me what was below that neatly trimmed little bush of hers.
This was an agonizing torture!
She finally started gently tickling the inside of her own thighs, tracing
the inside with a fingertip of one hand, while the other had a grip on her
breast, and finally settling on her outer labia. She just stayed there for a
moment. I'm not sure if she was savoring the feelings in her body, or if she
was unsure if she wanted to keep going, or both. She finally spread her lips a
bit, and moved her finger between her lips, slowly. She then quickly brought
her finger up, traced her juices around a nipple, and blew across it. Her hand
then found it's way back to her pussy, and she started fingering herself in
earnest, rubbing her entire hand across her mound before darting a finger in to
flick over her nub for just a second. She kept this going for an eternity,
until she finally pushed her finger all the way inside for a couple of strokes,
and then followed it with a second finger. She would hold them both inside her,
slowly twisting them, and then pull them out before adding the third.
"Oh, God, this feels good!" Jennifer said.
"It looks great from over here," I replied, just a bit breathless.
I was completely blown away by all of what I had seen so far. This was
actually quite beautiful in a way, certainly not obscene.
After several minutes of this she stopped, quickly reached over to her
nightstand and pulled a large vibrator and a tube of K-Y out of the drawer.
"Now for the good part," she said. The vibrator looked like it was about a foot
long and about two inches in diameter, certainly larger than any I had seen in
my life! It was a pink color, had a head like a real cock, and bumps along the
length. I was wondering what a small woman such as Jennifer would do with such
a hog, when she turned it on and started moving the tip around her nipples, one
at a time. By the look on her face it was obvious that she was really enjoying
the feelings. Her eyes were closed and she moaned softly as she slowly circled
her left nipple, and then slowly traced the tip through her cleavage to circle
her right nipple before brushing the length of the vibrator along the tip of her
breast. She stopped, placed it in her cleavage pointing toward her face, and
pressed her breasts around it for a bit, just letting it sit there, buzzing
She then surprised me by turning the vibrator off. The sudden lack of
that buzzing sound almost made me jump. Jennifer then looked around, found the
tube of K-Y, and proceeded to rub a small amount of the jelly onto the vibrator.
Taking the lubricated plastic phallus in hand, she started to place it between
her legs. For several seconds she did nothing, she just lay there with the tip
placed against her pussy lips, then she started to rub the head against her
clit, back and forth several times, before returning to her opening.
"Are you ready for this?" she asked.
"Um, don't hurt yourself for my behalf," I said with some concern.
"It doesn't hurt. At least not in a bad way," she said while still
rubbing the tip of the vibrator against her opening.
I was sure that this was all she was going to be able to do with that
monster dildo, considering her diminutive size, but then she said, "Here it
goes!" and reached down with one hand to spread her lips and started to push it
slowly into her vagina! Once the head was just a bit past the opening she
turned the vibrator back on, and she must have enjoyed it the way it made her
jump up in the bed and let out a small cry of joy! She almost sat straight up
as she placed the heel of her hand against the base of the plastic penis to try
to push it completely inside of her!
I was sitting at the edge of my seat at this point. I was concerned that
she might accidentally hurt herself trying to show off for me by taking much
more than she was built for, but I was surprised at how much she stretched to
take the vibrator! It looked like she was at her limit, and that she couldn't
possibly take any more, but after a few moments she managed to take the entire
length, all the way to the base!
This was certainly more than I had bargained for, and if I had paid a
thousand dollars to see this, I would have gotten my money's worth.
For a minute or two she just lay there with the vibrator buzzing away
inside her, only the very end visible to me, but then she grabbed the base and
started twisting it around and pulling it out slowly. This continued until it
was almost all of the way out, and then she jammed it back inside, much faster
than before. When it was all the way back inside her she let out a little gasp
and held it there, twisting it around, before pulling it back out again.
She finally sat up a bit, and propped herself up with a pillow against the
headboard so she could change her angle.
She looked at me, and winked. "Watch this," she said. She then started
pushing the vibrator back inside with one hand, and started rubbing her clit
with the other as we both watched. After a few pumps like that she lay her head
back and closed her eyes in lust, just enjoying the sensations she was giving
She started to push her hips off the bed to match each push of the
vibrator as it went into her wet vagina. The slurping sounds that her pussy
made each time she pushed it in were louder than the buzzing, and mixed with her
scent, they were driving me wild! I sat in that chair, back ramrod straight,
not believing my luck! No guy I knew had ever seen anything this horny before!
With each thrust she was moaning with pleasure. She was beginning to lose
a bit of control, and was thrusting the monster cock into her pussy very hard
now. I could see each bump of the vibrator as it rasped against her pussy lips,
and the head as she pulled it almost all the way out before jamming it back
inside to fill her to capacity! Her moans were becoming screams now as she
began to climax. I have always loved to watch the angelic expression of a
woman's face as she reaches that moment of sexual release, but I had never
before witnessed a woman climax so strongly before! It almost looked like
Jennifer was in pain! She was bouncing around on the bed like she was having a
seizure before she pushed her hips forward one last time and pushed the vibrator
to the hilt inside her, while moaning a loud: "Oh GOD!" Her juices flowed out
around the vibrator as she squealed one last time before collapsing on the bed,
She was breathing very heavily now and was covered with a slight sheen of
sweat. I saw her turn off the vibrator, but she left it inside her for several
minutes, just resting, before taking it out and placing it on the nightstand.
She looked like she had run a marathon race.
I got off my chair, walked over to her, and said: "Great show," and
started for the door. Just before leaving, I looked back, saw Jennifer starting
to go to sleep, and I said: "Sleep well. I'll see you at work on Monday. That
was a wonderful show, by the way. I doubt I'll ever see anything else like this
"Well, I'll need a lift next Monday and Tuesday," she reminded me
I let myself out, wondering what the next week would be like.


Other stories by NastyGuy:
Oops(Incestous lesbian)
Merry Fucking Christmas(Group sex/Cheating spouses)
The Dare: Shannon's Story (1st time/FFM)
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