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Old 01-22-2004, 02:23 AM
White Noise's Avatar
White Noise White Noise is offline
Rogue Trader ÿƒ
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 942
4K - part I

I’d known Ann for, let’s see, a couple of years now. It was a strong friendship but a strange friendship. We had met under odd circumstances that hardly lend themselves to lasting relations but, somehow, we had stayed in contact. We spoke pretty much every day, telling each other what we had been up to or sharing secrets that we couldn’t share with even our closet companions.

Distance helps in that regard.

Every now and then we’d phone each other up, just to hear each other’s voice. But we had to co-ordinate this. We both were in relationships. I, in particular, had to be very careful as I had kept my friendship with Ann a secret. Partly because, early on, I had been confused regarding my feelings towards her. Also, my partner was the jealous type. When it came to Ann however, she probably would have had due reason to feel this way. Ann had been somewhat more open to her partner. She had confirmed to him that she spoke to me on a fairly regular basis. I always have suspected that he believed more was occurring but Ann never said anything to indicate it. Then again, what the hell could happen when we were so far apart?

One day I had said, half-serious/half-jokingly, that should our paths ever cross again we should engage in a one-night stand. Both of us knew what the other liked or wanted to try. As I said, we had shared some things that even our partners didn’t know. The rule was simple though, we were never to actively seek each other out. It had to be coincidence. There was to be no sojourns across the country or secret rendezvous. We both knew where each other lived but held temptation in check. A lot of this had to do with the fact that we had deep feelings for our partners (although they didn’t provide 100% of what we were both looking for) and that we didn’t really ‘know’ each other. All we had really been were acquaintance. Now we were acquaintances who kept in regular contact. As I mentioned, the friendship was strange. We knew each other’s essence but we didn’t know each other’s nuances. Nuances that could only be discovered by living side by side. Something that was highly unlikely to occur.

Ann was short, this fact alone made my attraction to her odd. As a general rule I didn’t chase short women. She had long, auburn hair that reached past her shoulders. She was curvy without being fat, a product of lots of physical exercise. Something which, I’m sad to say, I didn’t do. She wasn’t busty by any stretch of the imagination. Again, a little strange for me to be attracted to her as I did like good handfuls. However, she had a very smackable butt. I have always maintained that I went for legs and asses over tits and here Ann was just my type. Shapely legs, toned by years of working out in the gym and a butt that was both round and firm. But the main attraction I had for Ann wasn’t so much her gym-honed legs or her phat ass. It wasn’t her pixie-like looks or the mischievous smile I had seen in the odd photo that she had sent me over e-mail. No, it was her personality. A personality that shone through in every phone conversation we had and e-mail I read. Ann was very outgoing and she knew what she wanted. More times than not she knew how to get it as well. I liked that in her. I also liked the fact that she was a free spirit. She might not show it too often but it was there, lying under the surface dying to break free. Ann was also a self-confessed slut. Not in the way that meant she went out in tart clothing or that she wanted to shag every man or woman in sight but rather a slut in the ‘try anything and regret nothing’ kind of way. Once she found a kindred spirit she would be amazing in bed or on a table or in a stairwell. Maybe slut wasn’t the right word for her but it was a term that she herself used and she seemed to enjoy the fact that every now and then I would speak to her like one.

I had feelings for Ann, no doubt and I think she had feelings for me. She was, at one time or another, my best friend or my sounding board or my cyber playfriend or the object of my affection. There were numerous emotions I held for this woman. One was constant however. I wanted to fuck her. Fuck her badly. I ached so bad that sometimes it hurt. I would often find myself playing with a hard-on that had resulted because I had been thinking about what it might be like if we ever had a chance to meet. I wanted nothing more than to thrust my cock into her and fuck her for all I was worth. If I came within 5 minutes of entering her and I never had a chance to have sex with her again it would have been worth it. Whether Ann felt the same way wasn’t as clear to me. I didn’t doubt that she wanted to have sex with me but whether the attraction was as deep-seated as mine was unclear. Sometimes people say things that they don’t really mean. Ann might have wanted me, as badly as I wanted her but then again I may have just been a fantasy to her. Someone to think about when her partner wasn’t as energetic in the sack as she required. This may have been the source of my confusion towards her. Then again, she had always maintained everything she had told me as the truth and, if that was the case, she wanted me as badly as I wanted her sexually.

But fate has a sense of humour. We had agreed to “the pact” because we had never really thought we would cross paths. About a year and a half after we had met I changed jobs. The position involved travel and, as fate or luck would have it, I had to go to Ann’s home state for work. This was a rare opportunity; I was travelling alone on this trip after proving my worth on previous excursions. My partner would never know. I’m not proud of the fact that I was considering having an affair but the lure of Ann had been with me for nigh on 2 years. I couldn’t get her out of my system. So much so that I had discussed it with her and we had almost decided to sever all contact. It wasn’t something I could go through with. I had always hoped that the issues I had been having with my partner would eventually clear up. This would, in turn, make my attraction for Ann abate. At least I thought it would. Things between my partner and me did improve somewhat but it would never reach the heights I wanted, or needed. I knew that this was going to be as good as it was going to get for our relationship.

I’d sent Ann e-mail a couple of days before I was due to fly out. I asked her what her plans were for the weekend. She informed me that her and a couple of girlfriends were heading out on the Friday for a girl’s night out. I knew that one of the girls wanted in Ann’s pants. I might well be competing with a female for Ann’s affections. I had once opinioned that I felt Ann was bi-sexual. At first she disagreed and then, later on, confessed that maybe she was. Perhaps a threesome was on the cards? But that was all speculation. I decided to not tell her that I was going to be in town for the Friday and weekend. I casually asked what club they were planning on going to, knowing that this wouldn’t arouse suspicion. Ann gave me the name and then told me that she had to go into a meeting that would probably last until she was due to leave. It didn’t matter as I had all the information I required.

My Friday appointment had gone pretty well and the company I worked for looked like they were going to get what they wanted. I had been focused all day until about 4.30pm when my mind had started to wander. By 6.30pm I was in the hotel bar having a few quiet beers. I asked the bartender, a young looking 20-something, about the club that Ann and her friends were attending.

“Oh yeah, that is a good spot. Been there a few times myself. You want another?”

I pushed my empty glass over to him, “so, what sort of clothes should I wear?”

“You looking to score?” the young guy asked me, winking as he finished the question.

“Yeah, you could say that” I smiled back, handing over the a ten for the beer

The young buck worded me up. It didn’t sound like the kind of place I was into but it didn’t sound too bad. I recalled an outfit that Ann had worn out one time. A plain black top and a short black pleated skirt. Black stockings and black Doc Martins – a girl after my own heart! When I had seen that photo I had always wondered what had been under that skirt.

I figured that if that was the get-up she wore out before then similar attire would be worn tonight as I got dressed in a similar vein. Black cords and black button-up long sleeve shirt. I donned the ever-reliable black Docs and headed out.

The clubs was like all others. Different city, same set-up. Not a lot of imagination goes into these places these days but it was pretty packed. A sign that this was the place to be at the moment. Lots and lots of bright young things sipped their drinks and danced in time with the latest, greatest chart hit. Finding Ann wasn’t going to be as easy as I had envisaged. I scanned the venue but didn’t see her. I probably should have asked her what she had planned to wear tonight. I had done that before so it wouldn’t have meant anything to her. I headed to the bar to get a drink, watching a young girl shake her ass on the dance floor.

Luckily, I found myself near the beer taps so I pointed at one and held a single finger up. The girl brought the beer back and I handed over a $20 without even hearing the price. She got my change and attended the next customer. I turned and looked back to the dancefloor.

There she was!

Ann, in her typically flirtatious style, was grinding herself against a guy on the dance floor. She was obviously having a good time. As was the guy she was grinding against, an idiot grin spread across his face. He kept looking over at his mates as if to say, “check this chick out”. I have to admit I was a little jealous. Still, that was Ann. She made no bones about being this way and I knew that. It was part of her attraction. I headed to the DJ booth, keeping one eye on her and one eye on where I was going. I shouted in the DJ’s ear, he nodded and told me it would be in the next couple of songs. I headed back to the bar in preparation.

The familiar strains of the song boomed through the club. It was like the musicians met on the Nile and fused native music with badass hip-hop. One thing was certain though. The music dripped of sex. I had once told Ann to have a listen to the song. She had liked it and agreed that it was sexy as all hell. She always said that she thought about me when she heard it.

“My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And they’re like,
It’s better than yours,
Damn right, it’s better than yours,
I can teach you
But I have to charge”

I made my way to the dance floor near Ann and her “friend”. I tapped her on the shoulder but she didn’t turn. The guy that was grinding into her shot me a look. I glared back.

I leaned over her shoulder and placed my mouth near her ear, “you enjoying that?”

Ann turned around and looked at me. And stopped dead.

“Holy fuck” she shouted. Then, without warning she hugged me tightly, “what are you doing here?”

“Surprised?” I asked

The guy, to his credit, realised that I had it over him and moved on.

“Yes, yes. God, I can’t believe this”

I was glad that I had received this reaction, it meant she had recognized me straight away. I took that as a good sign.

“Do you like the song?” I asked

“You requested this?” Ann enquired

“You betcha” I smiled

“Well, we better not waste it huh?” Ann grinned and then turned on her heel. Now it was me that she was grinding into and I was enjoying every moment of it. I wrapped my arms around her waist and we moved in time to the beat. I felt her reach one arm behind her back and she found my crotch in an instant. In turn, I reached up and cupped one of her breasts. I never thought we would be in a position like this.

“Glad to see me huh?” she shouted over her shoulder, cupping my balls.

“Can’t you tell?” I laughed

“As a mater-of-fact I can” she replied, running her fingers over my erect cock.
It is so hard to look cool walking down a hill!
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Old 01-27-2004, 05:21 AM
White Noise's Avatar
White Noise White Noise is offline
Rogue Trader ÿƒ
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 942
4K - part II

We kept moving in time with the song and ran our hands over each other’s bodies. The fact that we were close to the middle of the dance floor, where everyone could see us, didn’t matter. We were enjoying the moment too much.

The song was replaced with another.

“You wanna get outta here?” Ann turned and asked, a look of mischief crossing her lips.

I smiled back, “sure, where did you have in mind?”

“I assume you’re staying in a hotel somewhere in town?”

“Yep, you want to go back there?” I enquired

“Can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be?” Ann ran a finger down the side of my face.

“What about your friends?” I said, nodding towards the group of girls Ann had been with

“I’ll worry about them. You worry about me”

We headed off the dance floor. To my amazement, Ann introduced me to her friends. She then lent into one girl and said something that was clearly only meant for her. I kind of picked up what it was about though when the other girl peered over Ann’s shoulder in my direction, grinning.

Ann grabbed my hand, waved at her friends and we took off.

I hailed a cab after only waiting for a few minutes and we piled into it. Before the door had even closed we were pawing at each other. Our tongues exploring each other’s mouths. I told the cab driver where we were headed but Ann interrupted.

“Before you go there, you know that adult store on the way?”

The driver, somewhat embarrassed, nodded.

Ann looked at me, a glint in her eye. “Stop off there first please”


Before the taxi had even stopped Ann was pretty much out of her seat. I started to move as well but she put a hand on my thigh.

“You stay put” With that, she was off, her long hair swinging past her shoulders as she entered the store.

I looked back at the cabbie; it was now my turn to be a little embarrassed, and shrugged my shoulders.

“She is quite a girl” the driver mused

“Yeah, she’s a bit of a wildcat” I agreed. Then we sat in uncomfortable silence. Me wondering what the hell Ann was up to and the cab driver probably wondering the same thing.

Twenty long minutes later, Ann returned to the taxi carrying a brown paper bag. As she got in I raised my eyebrows at her. She just grinned back and gave me a kiss.

“I guess we’re ready to go” I said to the driver.

As he pulled away from the curve Ann asked, “how long will it take to get there, sir?”
The driver looked at Ann in his rear view mirror. As he was telling us it would be about ten minutes Ann was busy undoing my pants. Try as I might, I couldn’t help but be excited. My hard-on bulging at my zipper. The fact that she was trying to release it and massaging it at the same time was causing more and more blood to flow through its veins, lengthening it. Hardening it.

“Ten minutes huh? You don’t mind if I give my partner here a blow job in the backseat do you?” Ann asked without any hint of shame.

“Um,” the cabbie was as dumfounded as I was

“I promise, I won’t spill a drop” Ann giggled and then put both her knees onto the backseat and took my now exposed cock into her mouth.

“Oh shit” was all I could utter as Ann took my throbbing dick into her hungry mouth. Years of cock sucking were plainly evident as Ann worked my hard prick like a pro. I felt the taxicab swerve, obviously the driver had turned around to cop an eyeful himself but I was enjoying the sensation too much.

“God I’ve wanted to do this for a long time,” Ann said, releasing my dick for a few seconds.

“Oh yeah” I moaned

Ann’s head bobbed up and down in my lap once more. I looked over, enjoying the sight of her ass high in the air as she knelt on the backseat, available for all to see if they looked into the cab. But none of that mattered as I felt my rock hard rod slide, for the first time, into Ann’s throat. The tightness of her throat compared to her mouth sent shivers up my spine as I felt my ball sac tighten in preparation to unload my nut juice.

“Oh no” she smiled, after extracting my erection from her throat and mouth, “you don’t get to cum just yet”

The look on my face must have been obvious as she kissed me on the lips.

“There will be plenty of time for that.” Ann said, straightening out her clothes as the taxi pulled into the hotel carpark.

Ann was out as I lent over to the driver to pay him.

“Have a good time” he told me, a huge shit-eating grin on his face.

“I will, hope you enjoyed the show”


The lift ride up to my floor could have been both faster and slower depending on your point of view. The moment the doors had slid shut, we were all over each other again. Within seconds I had my hand up her skirt and had been delighted to find that the stockings were thigh highs. I felt her ass cheek and was even happier to find that she had been wearing a g-string. I pushed the underwear to one side and had been finger fucking Ann’s nude pussy with twin digits. Feeling her writhe on my hand, love juice completely caking my two intrusive fingers, turned me on more than I had been in years. I felt like a 16-year-old kid seeing his first pair of titties. Not for a moment did we think about someone else getting into the lift, or the security camera clearly mounted in the corner. I felt Ann shudder against me, moaning loudly. She momentarily stopped stroking my dick; instead gripping it tightly as her orgasm enveloped her.

“Oh Jesus” she groaned as the last of her climax released her.

The doors opened. Ann had cum in less than 2 minutes. I had never been with a woman who had cum so quickly and readily. It was exciting. She was obviously very, very comfortable with herself and her sexuality.

We entered my room and we were clawing each other’s clothes off as the latch clicked. Shirts were dropped at the door; mine minus a few buttons as the animal in both of us took hold. Ann didn’t seem at all inhibited by climaxing a minute or so ago. She was well and truly ready to go another round. I stopped at removing all her clothing, keeping her g-string and thigh highs on. For my part, I was completely naked, my penis standing proudly, bobbing gently as the blood pumped quickly around the now pronounced cock veins. Ann stroked it gently, teasing it some more. My balls felt heavy.

“So hard” she cooed

“I want to watch you suck it” I told her and lead her over to the bed. Two massive mirrored wardrobe doors took the whole bed in. I laid down, my feet pointing at the mirror, my balls and the underside of my cock clearly visible in the refection.

“I want to watch you, watch yourself” I said, my tone somewhat demanding.

I watched in the mirror as Ann took me into her mouth, her eyes never leaving mine. We stared at each other as my hard-on continued to disappear and reappear more and more quickly. It looked huge in her mouth and I started moaning and thrusting my hips up to meet her downward bob. She started to tickle my balls with her right hand and then, without warning, deep throated me for the second time. My entire length disappeared into her small mouth. I heard her gag softly but she took all of me into her eager mouth and throat. I pushed down on the back of her head with my hand wanting every last millimeter to be inside her. Ann started to tighten and relax her throat muscles, sending me into spasms. I started to pinch her hard nipples hoping to make her wetter than before. She moaned around my erection as trailed my fingers down her stomach and then pushed her thong to one side again, placing a second and then third finger into her sex. I had to be inside her but the head job she was currently giving me felt too damn good.

It was probably only 15-20 seconds that my dick had been down her throat but it had felt like longer. I watched, almost hypnotized, as ever so slowly, inch by inch, my penis reappeared from her mouth. As the tip of my rod slipped from her mouth she winked at me in the mirror and then swiveled into the 69 position. I gripped the elastic of her g-string and pulled it over her hips and down her shapely legs. I grabbed her small waist and pulled her down onto my mouth. I started exploring her with my tongue, moving along and between her folds. Her taste added to my excitement as I started to throb harder than before. While I was eating her out she had started pulling me with two hands.

“You like looking at it?” I asked before returning to her pussy

“God yes, so hard, so long,” she replied, stroking me faster, “I want to see you cum”

I started thrusting my hips, matching her stroke. All the while I sucked at her swelling clit. Her moaning and grinding told me when I was working it just right.

“Wait!” Ann yelled, almost jumping off me.

I lay there, shocked. We had both been close to cumming. I was surprised that she would just stop it like that.

She retrieved the brown bag.

“I think it is time to show you what I have in here” Ann smiled at me. I only half took in what she said, as I was too busy rubbing my manhood while I studied her body.

Ann reached into the bag and pulled out an 8-inch strap-on. My mind raced. I had once said to her that I was interested in taking it up the ass but I had wanted a woman to do, so they could get a little bit of an idea of what it is like to do the fucking.

She was putting it on, the life-like cock nodding as she secured it. Ann had a look in her eye that I had not yet seen.

“Get on your hand and knees” Ann demanded

“So am I supposed to be the submissive now?” I asked

“Shut up and do what I told you” Ann spat

I liked the twist this game had taken. I was so horny that I probably would have done just about anything right about now. We were both dominant partners in bed so, after I had made Ann watch herself perform fellatio on me she must have decided that it was time to turn the tables, and turn them dramatically. I assumed the position she wanted.

I heard her spit, whether it was into her hand or onto the strap-on I didn’t know but I knew why she did it. Lube. Considering I had never done this before it would have been nice if it was available but I guess that might be part of the game. I breathed deeply. Trying desperately to relax. I knew from my own experience that anal could be painful. I had done it to other women before and also moved gently, not wanting to kill the mood. It was hard enough to find a girl willing to try it without then making it so unpleasant that they never do it again.

I felt the tip of the fake penis slightly part my ass. Ann, despite her over-the-top theatrics, was being as gentle as possible with me. The first inch entered me and I almost jumped off the bed. It felt massive, too big for my tight hole. I suddenly had very real reservations about this. Almost reading my mind, Ann reach around my hip and started tugging me. It took my mind off the enormous rubber cock that Ann had now pushed further into me.

“Yeah, that’s it, that’s it baby. Take what I give you” Ann huskily said to me, feeling more confident that I was accepting her.

Deeper and deeper she explored. I felt more and more relaxed, enjoying the sensation that I had only provided but never received.

I too became bolder, “yeah, that’s it, more. I want more. Fuck my ass.”

Ann didn’t need any encouragement. She started thrusting straight away, working my previously virgin ass with her strap-on.

“You like that?” I asked. “You like fucking me?”

“Yeah, I like it a lot” Ann said, pumping my ass, using the length of the cock on me

She thrust faster and faster. One hand gripping my hard-on and stroking it. The other was used on herself. I looked into the mirror to watch her performance. She was fingering herself, head thrown back in delight as she thrust her hips into me. I reached up and grabbed my dick and together we jerked it. The sight was one I was familiar with but it was usually me kneeling behind the woman fucking her, ocassionly fingering whichever hole was available. Now though, as I looked at us in the mirror, I was the one being well and truly fucked.

“Fuck me Ann, fuck me like I’m your bitch” I groaned at her

“You want this cock? Huh? Is that what you need?” Ann retorted, slipping back into dominant mode in a flash.

“Talk dirty to me Ann, talk to me like you’d want me to talk to you” I said, out of breath

“You like this bitch? You like my huge cock up your tight ass huh? You like being fucked don’t you, you little slut! Take my big cock!” Ann’s voice rose and rose in time with her furious pumping. It was all I could do to stay balanced on the bed and Ann assaulted me, made me her bitch.

I heard Ann orgasm for the second time but thanks to her expert fingers this time. The ass pounding I was getting stopped as her body shook. Now was the time.

I pulled away from the strap-on and turned around. I pushed her down onto the bed, face up and started removing the device. I needed to be in her cunt more than anything. I felt a tingling in my ass but a pain far greater existed in my balls. I needed to release.

She threw the strap-on down as I spread her legs. I could see her glistening folds and lunged onto her. Ann’s wetness meant I slid inside her without friction and without clumsiness. A fluid entry that allowed me deep inside her, my cock pushed as far in as it could. She bucked against me and screamed as she closed herself around my thick member. There was to be no slow build-up. I had been teased for too long.

The dance floor.

The taxi.

The lift.

Now Ann was to feel me. To feel my rock hard cock. I pumped her pussy hard and deep. A couple of times her sheer slickness meant my cock slipped from within her. A disappointed moan escaped her lips but was soon replaced with a squeal when I, almost violently, re-entered her.

I pushed myself upward with my arms, arching in such a way so that more cock entered her.

“Now this is being fucked,” Ann screamed as I thrust hard into her, “make me your slut!”

I pumped her roughly, getting my arms in behind her knees to push her legs further apart and higher into the air. Her knees were level with her shoulders as I opened her up further.

“Oh god!!” We both yelled

“Cum on my face, I know that’s what you want” Ann groaned

I withdrew, gripping my cock, and stood at the end of the bed. Ann sat up, stranding my waist and put my dick into her mouth, eager to taste herself.

“Now, do it now” Ann hissed

I pulled my member furiously knowing it would only be seconds before my orgasm hit me.

And it hit hard.

I locked my knees to prevent them from going out from under me as a thick, creamy stream of jizz shot from my pulsating organ. It hit Ann in the cheek and partly in her mouth. It was my first facial and it prompted another large spurt of cum. The second money shot, not quite as forceful as the first, exploded deep down from my quickly emptying nut bag. Ann smiled, her pixie face covered in my gooey essence. She tilted her head forward to suck the rest of the cum from my prick. The sucking sensation prevented me from going limp as I felt more jism exit my member.

When she could get no more she allowed my exhausted rod to drop from her mouth. She pressed her lips together and smiled, showing me all the sperm she had collected in her mouth. Allowed some of it to dribble down her chin.

Then she swallowed, taking a little bit of me into her.

“OK,” she said smiling, “this time I want cum flying everywhere”
It is so hard to look cool walking down a hill!
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