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Old 04-20-2007, 10:07 AM
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A Widower's Love


Louis Willard watched the six men as they slowly rode towards his small farm. He didn't like their slow approach and knew that trouble would soon be there. Just as their horses started down the slope of the dry river bed just outside of his fence, his twenty year old daughter, Danielle, came to stand by him. She had just returned from her evening ride and was about to unsaddle her mare, Mariah.

"Danny," Louis said, "I want you to get on your horse and ride out of here. Go to the cave on old man Slade's property. I don't want you here when they arrive." "But papa," Danny said. "Get Danny," he growled before she had time to disobey. "And don't come backhere. Wait until I come for you. Do you understand me?" Danny nodded her head as he shook her shoulders hard.

Louis literally threw his daughter onto her horse and then slapped it's rump. He watched as the horse disappeared around the house and into the nearby woods. He then turned his attention back to the men; a few more minutes and they would be there. He could only hope that they hadn't noticed Danny riding away. He sighed with relief as the men were just coming up out of the river bed.

Louis stood at the gate and greeted the six men. "Hello there," he said to them. All of them were quite. They looked around the farm. Louis knew that they were wanting to see if he was alone. Since his wife, Bertha, had died five years ago, it had only been him and Danny. Danny had turned down two marriage proposals so that she could stay with her father and help him. He was now glad that he had sent her away on her horse. He only hoped that she showed how smart she was and wouldn't return until the men had gone. Or better yet, wait for him to get her.

The mean looking one in the center coursely said, "We've got a wounded man and he needs care." Louis looked at the man. He was indeed bleeding from a wound in his shoulder.

"Come in," Louis said to them, "I'll see what I can do."

"Don't need you tending him," the man said as he grinned. "Your wife can do it just fine. You can go about your business. She'll call you when she has supper fixed."

The other men chuckled at their leaders remark. Louis knew what would have happened to Bertha if she was still alive. And to Danny as well if he hadn't sent her away. Their bodies would have been ravaged and he wouldn't have been able to stop it.

"My wife died five years ago," Louis said. "I live here alone. So, if you want his wound tended too, it will have to be me that does it." The man frowned and before Louis knew it, a pistol was pointed at him.

Danny had just reached the bottom of the hillside. The trail to the right led to the cave. Old man Slade's home was a few more miles away to the left. Amos Slade was a widowed man like her paw. He had took to living in a small shack up in the woods. He had become a trapper and was rarely seen. The only thing she knew about him, other than being a widower, was that he was a tall man and had became very bitter after his wife's death. The men in town didn't dare trifle with him; his bitterness had turned a good man wrong. But her father, however, had spoken often of Amos as a dear friend; that was... the Amos Slade before he had married and lost his wife fifteen years ago.

Just as Mariah was able to start the climb to the large cave, a single shot sounded from the direction of her family farm. She froze on her horse. She wanted to turn Mariah back towards the farm, but thought better. She looked up the hillside where the cave was; that option didn't seem much better. Taking a deep breathe, she pointed Mariah in the direction of old man Slade's shack.

Danny pounded on the door of Amos Slade's shack. For some time she pounded in the dark. "Please Mr. Slade," she pleaded, "I am in need of your help." She was still desperately pounding on the door and pleading. The noise was so loud that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. "What do you want," Amos Slade growled. She jump. Her voice froze in her throat. She stared at the tall man that stared at her. He looked just the way she had pictured him.

"I'm in need of help, Mr. Slade," Danny cried. "It's my father."

"I have no time for you father," Amos growled as he roughly pushed Danny aside, nearly knocking her to the wooden planks that made a porch. She pushed her way inside his door before he fully closed it.

"Once you know who my father is, I have no doubt that you'll find time," Danny growled back. Amos stared at her. "My father is," she said and then looked down, "or rather was," she looked back up, "Louis Willard." She watched as the tall man fell into a chair. Danny then began the story of how she came to be at his shack at the late hour.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-21-2007, 02:45 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Part One

It had been a little over a year since Louis Willard had been killed. Ever since that night, Danny had refused to return home. Both she and Amos knew that it was fear that was keeping her away. So when a man came wanting to buy the farm, she had almost said "yes" before considering it. She told him that she would think about it and then get word to him when she made her decision. She wanted rid of that farm. Wanted rid of it desperately. But where would she go? How would she support herself? The only family she knew was dead and she didn't have a clue about any others. The thought of staying with Amos sounded very nice; but would he want her too?

Danny sat on the porch in the rocker that Amos had made for her. She sipped at her evening coffee as she watched the rain clouds in the distance move closer towards the shack. It was going to be a big one; one that would probably last all night. Amos sat in a larger rocker just a few feet away, sipping on coffee as well. They had come to enjoy the evening times together. Amos' shack was quite and peaceful with only the sounds of nature.

Danny's thoughts began to drift back to how Amos had been when she first arrived. He was bitter and cared little for others. But since she had came here, he had soften. He was no longer the bitter man that he once was. He now seemed to enjoy life again. He even enjoyed making trips into town with her. She knew that she had been the one to change that. Everyone told her so. But she still wondered; would he let her stay? A loud clap of thunder made her jump. The coffee that she held in her hands had went cold. Had she sat there that long thinking? She looked over at Amos. He was staring at her..., no he was smiling at her. "What," she asked with a light giggle. "Nothing," he said smiling, shaking his head as he said it.

Danny continued to look at him; she couldn't help it. Her eyes were glued to him. He was a tall man, six feet or more, with a gruff, clean shaven face. His eyes were a greenish yellow, like those of a cats. His black hair was graying and hung down just past his ears. She had kept it trimmed for him since she had arrived. She once thought that he was scarry and dangerous, but no longer. She had seen first hand, however, that he wasn't a man to be trifled with. She now wondered what it would be like to taste those lips of his and feel his rough trapper's hand as they felt her soft skin..., breasts, and... Oh my gosh. She slightly gasped as she wondered where that though had come from.

Amos couldn't help but wonder what Danny was thinking about. She had a smile of complete happiness on her face and her cheeks were going flush. He knew that he too had a smile and it was thanks to her. She had made him remember how life could be. He hoped that she sold her farm and stayed with him. But would she want too? Would she be happy here with him? She seemed to be at present. If she wasn't, wouldn't she have let by now. Since she had arrived at his shack, he had slept on the hard floor instead of his bed. He now longed to return to that bed, but not alone. He wanted her there in it. Yes..., he was twice her age and... her father had been his best friend. But Louis was gone now; so was his wife, Katrina, for that matter. Why couldn't they both start a new with each other? In each other's arms. And in his bed.

Amos looked Danny's body over as she turned her attention back to the approaching storm. She was a half foot shorter than him with long blond hair that hung down her back, stopping just short of her round ass. She wore it in a braided bun during the day, but at night he was able to see just how long and flowing it was. Her violet/blue eyes always beamed at him, even more when he returned home after several days of trapping. Her tight dresses revealed her small breasts, tight waist, and flat stomach well. Oh, how he longed to touch her soft skin. To kiss her soft pouty lips. To feel her body beneath his own. To move in her warm...

"Dear God," Amos thought as he felt his arousal taking hold. He knew that he had to calm himself down and quick. But why? Why should he? She was only a few feet away from him. He made up his mind. He would ask her to stay. And if she said "yes", then he would she if she was willing to let him bed her.

Danny looked at Amos as soon as he softly called her name. "Are you happy here," he asked. Danny didn't have to think about the answer. Leaning forward in her rocker, she sat her coffee cup down on the small table he had made. She gave the only answer she knew to give. "I've never been more happier. If I were to die tomorrow, I would die a very happy woman." She watched as he looked at her longingly.

"Have you made a decision about what to do with the farm?"

Danny felt herself blush. "I know the answer that I'd like to give the man. But if I do, where would I live?"

"You could live here with me." His voice was soft and sensual.

It was still slightly light out, but if it hadn't been for the flash of lightning, Danny would have not seen that Amos was serious. Taking a chance, she said, "If I stay, I don't want to sleep alone anymore."

Danny didn't have to wait for his answer. Before she could say anything more, Amos and pulled her to him. His lips pressed hard against hers. She felt his tongue part her lips and slip into her mouth. He tasted so good. He pulled her waist tighter to him; she could feel his arousal pressing against her stomach when he did. She moaned as his hands rubbed up and down her back; one coming to rest on her ass, the other on the back of her neck and head.

Danny felt her knees go out from under her and was glad that Amos held her waist so tightly. Her arms instinctively wrapped around his neck and pulled him down closer to her. "I take that as a yes," she said breathlessly as he sat her back down. "It's more than a yes," he said in a husky voice, "it's the answer I was hoping for."

The storm was in full rage as Amos carried Danny into the small shack. Her dress was quickly removed, leaving her in her corset; she had found no need for any other under garments since moving into his shack. Her small, yet perky, breasts fit nicely into the corset's breast cups. Her soft blond curls cascaded over her shoulders and came to rest just above the patch of blond hair between her legs. She heard him groan as he looked upon her nearly naked body.

Amos removed his shirt, revealing his large muscled chest and the thick, graying black hair covering it. He felt the heat from her eyes as she stared at his body; watching him as he unbottoned his pants and pushed them down. The hair from his chest trailed down to his manhood and he watched her eyes as they followed the trail. On more than one occassion, Katrina had told him that he was "hung like a horse" and from the gasp Danny gave, he was inclined to really believe it. He knew he was big; but now having two women give the same reaction after seeing it the first time did his male ego wonders.

Picking Danny up in his arms, Amos carried her to his bed. She felt so light in his arms; as if he wasn't carrying her at all. He deeply breathed in her womanly scent as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder. He felt the warmth radiating from her. Damn did it feel good! Laying her down, he noticed the damn corset still on her. He smiled as she unbottoned the row of buttons in the front of it; her small breasts remaining in place as their restraint was moved away. Her nipples were hard peaks that he hungered to taste.

Danny moaned as Amos took one of her breasts into his mouth and gently sucked. White hot passion shot through her body as he hoovered over her body, giving her pleasure she never knew existed. His hand covered the other, rubbing it as he continued to suck. She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to her wanting body. "Amos," she moaned. "Oh, Amos."

Danny arched her back as Amos ran his hand down her stomach. His fingers parted her blond pubic hair and found her swollen clit. She gasped as he kissed over to the other breasts and made small circles on her clit at the same time. She drew in a deep breathe and then almost soundlessly screamed. Her body shook with pleasure just as a clap of thunder shook the house. God, what was he doing to her. She had never dreamt that being with a man could be this... this... pleasureable. And he still hadn't entered her yet.

Danny felt Amos's finger slip into her warm hole. She arched her back more and heard him moan. "Come for me, Danny," he urged. "Come for me, darling." She felt his finger moving in her; hitting that wonderful spot over and over again. She felt her body tighten and then explode with passion. The explosion rippled from her womanhood and through out every part of her body. She shivered, but was not cold. She noticed that her breathing was deep and heavy, taking every bit of her strength to bring it under control. Thru a pleasure ladden haze, she looked at his smiling face as lighting hit outside. She watched as he placed the finger that had been inside of her into his mouth. "MMM," he moaned, "But I want more."

Amos spread Danny's leg wide. He softly kissed the inside of each thigh, causing her to squirm and coo with delight. He spread the thick tuff of blond hair covering her womanhood and kissed her swollen clit. His tongue flicked at it, causing her to raise her hips up. He exerted little pressure to keep her hips from rising to high. "MMM," he moaned as he tasted the juices flowing from her. He again tortured her womanhood; and again she came for him.

Wiping his mouth of Danny's tasty juices, Amos again hoovered over her. He placed his knees next to her thighs. He watched her as the lightning flashed all around his shack. He could fell her trying hard to catch her breathe again. Once she had, she smiled at him. He had allowed her time to regain her composure before sending her in the deepths of pleasure again. She wrapped her arms around his neck. With the aide of the storm, he continued to watch her eyes as he pushed into her. Another flash showed that they were open wide and full of surprise.

Amos's well muscled arms held his broad shoulders above Danny's dainty body as he again pushed in her. His hips slowly pushed forward, allowing her virginal womanhood to expand around him; swallowing him slowly into the deepths of her warmth and wetness. "Danny," he moaned as he hit her maidenhead. A hard thrust and he broke through. She screamed and raised her body up. His hard body kept her from escaping. He pulled his hips back before pushing back into her. Her tightness... her warmth... her wetness... It was almost too much. He had forgotten how wonderful a woman could be; their perfectness under his body, and surrounding his manhood.

Danny felt pleasure spreading through her body as Amos moved in her. She was scared that his largeness would rip her apart; literally spliting her in half, but it hadn't. It was bringing her pleasure that she never thought possible. His massive chest hovered above her, never moving, yet his hips moved with intent and purpose, hitting the same spot his finger had earlier. She gasped with pleasure as he thrusted himself in her over and over again. "Amos," she panted softly. "Amos."

Danny felt her body tighten again just before exploding once more. It was sweet bliss to feel this pleasure again and yet he contuined to move in her. Did he not know that she had felt that exposion again? She looked up at him. A flash of lightening revealed that he knew. Oh... he knew! He was once again going to bring that pleasure to her. His eyes showed passion and desire that only she could fullfill and she welcomed that job eagerly.

Danny pulled Amos to her, kissing him softly on the lips. She had expected him to become still due to the closeness, but instead he pushed deeper and harder into her as they passionately kissed. Her legs raised high; her feet touched the back of his legs and rubbed higher up still, stopping at his ass. He was now as deep into her as their bodies would allow and still she wanted more. She nibbled his bottom lip as he pulled his mouth away from hers. Pure ecstacy had taken over her body. Her whole body shook with unbridled passion and desire for him.

Amos felt Danny's body shake as she climaxed again. He wouldn't have thought it possible, but her wetness and warmth increased. Her juices coated him completely and he could feel it running out of her. Pulling completely out, he laid on his side and roll her onto hers. Slipping an arm under her leg, he raised it high before pushing back into her. He closed his eyes with pure pleasure as she again engulfed his manhood. "Danny," he said huskily into her ear as he moved in her, "you are pure pleasure." He kissed and nibbled at her earlobe.

Amos slide his hand up her stomach, raising her leg higher as he did, and began to massage her breasts as moved in her. He softly kissed her neck. He felt her shiver with pleasure again. Leaning forward, almost on top of her, he thrusted harder and deeper into her. The lightning flashed again and he could clearly see her gripping the sheets in her fist. Another flash revealed a look of pure ecstacy on her face as she screamed his name.

Amos felt his balls tighten just before releasing into Danny. Her tightness milked him of every drop as he gave a few hard and long thrusts into her. "Oh God, Danny," he shouted as he held her tight to him. Her felt her body shaking harder now. She sounded as if she was crying. Had he hurt her? It was possible as big as he was.

"Are you alright," Amos asked as he let out a long, deep breathe. "Better than alright," Danny said, still shaking and crying. He then remembered Katrina crying like this several times after making love. She had said that it was because it had felt so good. Could this be the same with Danny? "How was it," he asked. "Oh Amos," she cried. "Will every time be this wonderful?" She didn't wait for an answere. "I hope so. Beacause if it is, I'll be crying tears of pure pleasure everytime we make love."

Amos was happy with answer. He had completely satisified Danny... and himself. As she fell asleep in his arms, he couldn't wait until the next time. He did want to make it as pleasurable everytime for her as it had been this, her first time.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-22-2007, 05:26 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Part Two

It was a warm summer's morning as Danielle Slade sat on the porch of Amos Slade's shack. She sat in his large rocker with a cup of coffee lightly clutched in her hands. Her legs were pulled up under Amos's large shirt. She stared out at the woods, not looking at anything really, just staring. Amos had left early that morning to check his traps. She sat thinking about the things that had transpired over the last few weeks. She and Amos had made love, several times, he proposed a week later, and three days ago they were married. She tapped her silver wedding band on her cup. Amos had made her the happiest woman alive and she wanted to return the favor.

In the distance, the banging of Amos's traps could be heard. Danny smiled a devilish smile as she sat the cup down. She unbottoned his shirt just enough to reveal her small and perky breasts. Next she placed each of her luscious legs on the arms of the rocker. If she knew Amos as well as she thought she did, he wouldn't be able to continue with his day until he had had his way with her. She watched as he came in view of the shack; his pack mule loaded heavily. She couldn't wait until he caught sight of her.

Amos looked up at the shack. He saw his beautiful wife, Danny, sitting there on the porch. His heart swelled, as did his manhood. He might be twenty years her senior, but his eye sight was still good and he could clearly make her out. Her long blond hair hung down over her shoulders. He could see his shirt was open, revealing her small, yet perfect, breasts. Her lusious legs were spread wide and his shirt bottom rested just above the patch of blond hair between her legs. "MMM," he moaned. Did she know what she was doing to him? He saw the devilish smile on her face. Oh yeah, she knew exactly what she was doing him. Damn did she ever know.

Amos stopped his horse next to his shack. "Good morning, Mr. Slade," Danny sexily said. It didn't take him long to dismount his horse and wrap the reigns around a post. Pulling her to him, he hovered his mouth just above hers. "Good morning to you, Mrs. Slade," he said in a husky voice, just before passionately kissing his wife.

Placing his hands on Danny's ass, Amos lifted his wife up to his waist. She instantly wrapped her legs around him. He stared into her desired filled eyes as he pinned her to the side of the shack. He slipped his britches down just enough to release what it was she so desired. He pushed himself into her, causing her to gasp. He watched her closely as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. "Amos," she gasped. "Oh god, Amos." She now stared at him.

Danny ran her fingers through Amos's hair as he worked himself in her. His large chest pressed against just hard enough to pin her but without crushing her. "Oh Danny," he growled into her ear, his hands roughly massaging her ass. "Why do you torment me so with your body?" "I didn't know that this was torture," she replied as his kissed her neck.

Danny felt Amos thrust harder and deeper into her. They both panted with lust and desire for the other. She made a fist with both hands, gripping his shirt in them. She felt herself explode as he pushed her harder against the wall of the shack. "Amos," she screamed as she felt his release in her. Together they came. Releasing her hold on his shirt, she wrapped her arms around his neck, tightly pulling him to her. "I love you," she gasped. "And I love you," he panted.

Amos stayed in Danny; he didn't want to lose the closeness of being in his wife. "That felt so good," she cooed. "I've missed you so much." "I've only been gone a few hours, my dear," he replied. She began wiggling her hips around. "But it was a few hours too long," she moaned as she began to pleasure herself on him once again. Amos moaned as Danny moved on him. It took all the strength he could summon to ask, "What are you doing, Danny?" He felt her arms pulling him closer to her. "What does it fell like," she cooed.

"I now what you it feels like. And I know what it is. But why?"

"To torture you, my love."

Amos grinded his hips into Danny once again. He hadn't yet had time to soften in her, but her actions had certainly prevented it from happening. Brushing his shirt she wore aside, he kissed her breasts as he continued to pleasure them both. Her fingers again ran thru his hair as he deeply kissed her. Their tongues mated as his hips thrusted hard in her again. Once again they came in unison.

Amos released his hold on Danny's ass. They both smiled with pleasure as her feet found the ground. "Get dressed woman," he huskily growled, "I have too much to do to be distracted by your idea of torture." His heart soared as she laughed. God he loved to hear her laugh. He smiled at her as he pulled his britches back up. That smiled spread as he said, "But I'll be happy to allow you to torture me some more later tonight."

Later that night, Danny stared at herself in the mirror as she pulled her hair up into an easy to release bun. A violet satin and lace gown, one she had purchased months ago in hopes that Amos would one day see her wear it, drapped her body. It's small straps hung sexily on her shoulders. She adjusted the top of the very revealing gown so that her breasts fit nice under the lace top. She wanted Amos to not only want her, but to ache for her so bad that it hurt. She gave herself one last look in the mirror.

Danny lit the lamp on the table. It was soon be dark and she wanted just enough light to set the mood. She then stood in the center of the one room shack. Amos had went to the creek to wash up and would be returning very soon. They had had an early supper so that she could continue with the "torture" she had started earlier in the day. She heard his footsteps on the wooden planks outside. "Are you ready," he chuckled. "Yes," she called. Danny held her breath as Amos entered.

Amos had to stopped in the doorway. He held his breathe as he stared at Danny in awe and amazement. He knew just how beautiful his wife was, but he didn't think it was possible that she could be even more. Dropping his boots and shirt beside the door. The noise of the boots hitting the floor reminded him to breathe. "My God, Danny," he groaned as he slammed the door shut behind him; forgetting that it took very little effort from him to slam the door. He felt his manhood grow, aching to be in her. No..., It didn't just ache for her; it throbbed painfully for her.

Amos watched as Danny played with the violet satin in her fingers. He smiled as she did. He eyes focused on her face, down her throat, her breasts, the length of the snug night gown, and then back to her smiling face. "Do you like," she asked, her fingers still playing with the material. "Yes," he said as he exhaled a deep breathe. Then, as he sucked the air in for another breathe, he said, "I love it." He continued to stare at her as her cheeks redden. He was frozen by her beauty.

Amos stared at Danny as she pulled out the two pins holding her long blond hair into place. It cascaded down sexily when she did. He walked towards her, stopping just in front of her. He thought she looked like a fragle doll that would break if touched. But he wanted to touch her; to feel her soft skin against his rough palms. And yet..., he was afraid she just might break if he did. He was glad when she ran her fingers along his chin and releaved that fear.

Danny drew in a deep breath as Amos pulled her to him; his one arm around her waist as his other cupped her small breast. She felt his arousal pressed hard against her stomach. She moaned from the thought that it would soon be in her. Her heart pounded in her chest, causing her pulse to race rapidly thru her veins. God, how she loved this man and all the things he made her feel! She placed her hands on his broad shoulders momentarily before running her fingertips across them and up his neck.

Darkness had completely consumed the shack as Danny moved with Amos to the bed. The glow from the lamp on the table gave the room just enough light. She laid down on the bed as he removed his only artcle of clothing; his britches. She couldn't keep from smiling as he laid next to her. She shivered with anticipation as he ran his fingertips along her jaw and cheek. He then kissed her neck before nibbling on her ear lobe. She closed her eyes and moaned as his hand rubbed her breasts. She was sent to unknown places just from his touch.

Danny raised her knees slightly as Amos deeply kissed her. She shivered as his hand slid from her breast, along her side, passed her hip, and down her leg. His fingers slowly pull the bottom of the satinly fabric upwards until he held it in his hand. She held her breath as his hand touched her bare leg and progressed upwards, pushing the fabric upwards as well. When he reached that certain place, she inhaled deeply. She spread her legs slightly, allowing his finger access to her womanhood.

Amos kissed down Danny's neck as his finger slipped into her warmth. Her moans filled his ears as he kissed further down. He liked the feel of the cool satin, but it was her hot skin that he really wanted to feel, and see. He continued to kiss her bare skin; not just kissing it, but tasting and savoring her flavor. Sitting up, he slipped the straps from her shoulders. His eyes took in all of her beauty as he pulled the straps from her arms. Gathering the fabric together at her waist, he pulled it down her legs before tossing it to the floor. In the glow of the lamp light, he stared at her body. He felt the painful throbbing in his manhood again. He had tasted her skin, now he wanted to taste her womanhood.

Amos teased Danny's pretty pink clit with his tongue, feeling the heat from her womanhood as he did. He heard her gasp as he plunged his tongue into her. He felt her legs close around his head; covering his ears, but not preventing him from hearing her screams of ecstacy. Her juices flowed onto his tongue, causing him to eagerly lapped at her more. He rubbed his prickly face against the softness of her thighs. His smiled when he saw the redness on them as he sat up on his knees and pulled her body to him.

Amos propped himself up on one arm as the other slide under Danny's shoulders. He pulled her shoulders up to him; her arms wrapped around his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist. He sucked her breasts; teasing her hard nipples with his teeth. He slid himself into her, causing her nails to dig into his neck. He barely felt them, but her arousal only made him ache for her more. She moaned as he pulled all but the head of his manhood out of her wetness and then plunged back in her.

"Amos," Danny gasped as he pumped himself in her. She felt his tongue as he ran it from between her breasts and up her throat, flicking it when it came to the ended of her chin. She moved in rhythem with him. Her whole body shook as she felt herself climax. "MMM," he moaned as did.

Danny rolled with Amos as he laid on his back; her legs straddled his hips. Placing her hands on his muscled chest, she pushed her light frame up and down on him. She knew that he barely even felt the pressure that she was exerting as she rode his very thick shaft. He raised his hands above his head and watched her as she rode him. Thanks to the lamp glow, she could see the smile of pleasure on his face. He moaned and groaned as she rode him; his eyes closing and opening as she did. The more she pleased herself, the more she pleased him. "Oh God," she screamed as she came again. She settled herself back down on his entire shaft. She rolled her head around in pleasure, causing her long blonde hair to lightly touch him.

Danny fell foward onto Amos. She gave into him when he pushed her off of him. She laid in a fetal postion, trying to regain her spent strength and control her breathing. She felt him kneel behind her before pulling her hips up to him. Then came the feeling of his manhood as he buried himself deep inside her. She was finally able to get herself up onto her elbows, but just didn't have the strength to push herself up any further.

Amos gripped Danny's smooth, sensual hips. Her waist was so small that he could make his thumbs and middle fingers met, but that's not what he wanted do right now. He stayed still on his knees as he moved her on him. He loved her tightness. She was almost as tight as when he first entered her a few weeks ago. She was no longer a virgin, but she was his; all his.

Amos felt the pain move from his hardness and into his balls. He needed to cum. Gripping her slender hips tighter, almost to the point of bruising her, he rammed himself into her. He growled with ecstacy just as she came again. Her elbows went out from under her and she now laid on her face and shoulders as she screamed his name over and over into the bed. It pleased him when they came together. She turned her face towards him. He watched the tears stream from her eyes as his milked his balls with her tightness.

Amos laid them down on their sides; his manhood still buried deep in Danny. He tenderly kissed her where ever he could. Her tears contuned to flow and her body shook as it slowly came down from the sexual high she had just received. He wrapped one arm around her waist as the other slide under her and pressed against her breasts. He held her tight to him. She felt so fragle in his arms. He thought about how fragle she had looked in the nightgown that had been discarded some time ago. He wanted to keep her in his arms forever. To protect her fragleness. He didn't want what had happened to Katrina to happen to her. But with all the love making they had been doing, it was inevitable that she would soon be carrying his child.


Not only did Danny carry Amos's child, but she birthed him three sons. All of them took after their father and hunted and trapped for a living. They each married. He saw most of his grandchildren before his death. Danny lived nearly fifteen years more than him, but never remarried. Her children buried her next to her one true love.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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