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Old 04-28-2007, 01:12 PM
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The Betrothal


Russia; early 1800's

Baron Yuri Rauh entered the study of that of his boyhood friend, King Stefan Pekov. He was one of the few people who were privilaged enought to enter the King's chambers unannounced or to called the King by his given name. The room was one of the smaller ones in the castle and the fire kept it fairly warm. The summons he had received just days ago was clutched in his hands. It only said that his presence was urgently requested. What was so important that had to be done during the worst part of the year for traveling? The snow was already a foot deep and more was to come. It had taken him a full day's travel just to reach the castle. Usually it would have just been a half day's ride, but the snow had hindered that. He stared in silence at his friend's troubled face.

King Stefan Petkov sat in his large, over-stuffed chair, holding a piece of parchment in his hands. His eyes showed the tiredness that his body felt. He had pondered this proprosal ever since he had learned that his best friend, Yuri Rauh, would be a father again. And now that Yuri had been blessed with the birth of a girl, the proposal seemed even more realistic. His eldest son, Prince Vlad, was already ten years old. By now, an arrangement like this would have already taken place. With Vlad being the son of a King, of course no other noble man would come to him with this proposal. If they had, he would have known what their true intentions were. He wondered if he hadn't been waiting all this time for Yuri to have a little girl so that the proposal could be made only to his best friend.

"Yuri," the King cheerfully called when he saw his boyhood friend standing in the doorway of his study. "Come in. Come in. Would you like a glass of brandy?" Yuri nodded and took the chair next to his friend. He held the glass of brandy in his hand and stared at his best friend. He knew that Yuri must have ridden all day in this frightful weather just to reach her before nightfall. He was greatful for that. Yuri had always been faithful and loyal. It honored him to see that he still was.

"What was so important that I had to come to the castle in the worst weather we've had this year, Stefan?" Yuri half joked with his friend before taking the parchment that Stefan had been studing. A look of surprise fell across his face as he read the words. He couldn't believe it; just couldn't believe it! Looking back to his King, his best friend, he said, "But she will only be a Baroness, Stefan. Don't you want Vlad to marry a princess?"

"But she will become Queen," Stefan said smiling. "Don't you want your only daughter to be something better than a Baroness when she marries? Don't you want her to be Queen when she is older? She will never have to want. Everything will be handed to her without question. She has an older brother that will inherit your land. What will she have to show for her life as a Baroness? Nothing." The king slammed his fist down hard on the arm chair before continuing. "Nothing, that's what. We've been friends too long, Yuri. I want what's best for your family as well as mine. Let me ensure that not only your lands, but your family, will be provided for long after the two of us are gone. Damn it, man." Again his fist slammed. "You're my best friend and nothing will ever change that. I think of you as a brother. Not let's make us family for real."

Yuri couldn't believe it. His best friend was offering his only daughter the chance to be Queen when she grew up. How could he not sign the betrothal?! Gabrielle may grow up a Baroness, but she would die a Queen. He signed his name to the parchment and then watched Stefan do the same. He smiled. He knew that when Gabrielle became of age, she would become Prince Vlad Petkov's bride; and then she would become Princess Gabrielle Petkov before becoming Queen.

Yuri returned home the next morning. That evening he found his wife, Baroness Anya Rauh, nursing their two month old daughter. He looked down at her tiny hands and feet. One day, some eighteen years from now, those tiny hands and feet would be those of a princess. And then years from that day, a queen. "What did he want," Anya asked. He couldn't answer. He simply handed the parchment to his wife. He thought she would faint when she had read it. Looking up at him she smiled and said, "I'm nursing our countries future queen, Yuri. Our future queen." Yuri smiled with delight and then told his wife what had happened.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-28-2007, 09:36 PM
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Chapter One

Eighteen years later.

Baroness Gabrielle Rauh felt like a caged tiger inside of her bedroom; she was even pacing the floor like one. Every once in a while her deep chocolate brown eyes glared at the door, daring anyone, especially her father, to enter her room. "How dare he," she ranted as she continued to pace. She made quick, sharp turns as she did. Her long raven black hair was trying to escape the tightly wound bun that it was in. If she had been wearing a dress, and not the male clothing she always did when home, it would have swished with each turn that she made. She ranted again, "How dare he betroth me to that man?!"

Just hours ago her father, Baron Yuri Rauch, had told her of the bertothal that had been signed when she was still an infant. It was law that if a woman stayed unwed until her twentith birthday, she would be a free woman; free to do as she wished with her life and live it the way she choose. She was just days away from her eighteenth birthday and now her father was telling her that she was batrothed. And not betrothed to just any, but betrothed to the crown Prince, Vlad Petkov. She cringed with anger as the thought of her freedom, thou it be two years away, had been so close and now was completely gone.

Not wanting them too, Gabrielle's thoughts turned to her betrothed. She sighed as she had to admitt that his tall, well muscled body was pleasing to her eye. She had seen his bare tanned skin during the hot summer months when he and some of his friends had been swimming in the river when she had went to water her horses. His long golden hair hung to his shoulders. It had waved slightly in the breeze as he and his friends enjoyed their childish games.

On the occassions she had done business with Prince Vlad, Gabrielle had noticed just how dark his sapphire blue eyes were. Those eyes, along with the improper suggesions he made every time they were alone, filled her dreams at night with a buning desire. Her fingers longed to feel just how soft his hair was. And her loins... God, her loins were driven mad with the thought of the pleasure he could bring to her virginal body. Those improper suggestions were reaking havoc on her senses as she wanted desperately to feel him preforming them.

Gabrielle felt her cheeks go flush from the thoughts. Shaking her head, she cleared her mind of Prince Vlad. "No," she said aloud to herself, gasping as she did and leaning against the wall, "he'll never know how my body feels under his. And I shall never know his."

The sound of the door opening reminded Gabrielle of her anger and she turned to pounce on whomever it was that dare to enter her lair. She glared at her mother, Baroness Anya Rauh. "How could you and father do this to me," she said rather loudly, but still trying to keep from shouting. "How dare you betrothe me to the one man I absolutely CAN NOT STAND!" The last three words were difinately shouted. "I know you've had some run-ins with Prince Vlad over your horses," her mother said softly, "but your father was thinking of your future when the betrothal was made. A week, or there abouts, after your eighteenth birthday, you and he will wed. You will become a Princess, my dear. You no longer will be just a Baroness, but a crowned Princess who will one day be queen." The Baronesses face showed great excitement for her daughter. She only wished her daughter would share the same.

"I don't want to be a Pincess and I have even less intentsions of being Queen," Gabrielle retorted wtih a deadly glare in her eyes. "Prince Vlad thinks my horses are the finest he's ever seen, yet refuses to pay the price I ask for them." "He is royality," Anya calmly said; her shoulders shrugging as her hands went out, her palms up in a sigh.

"Yes," Gabrielle continued, both in her ranting and pacing, "and he's a pompus ass as well. Not only does he insult me over my finely breed horses, but he thinks that because he's the crowned Prince, he can bed any woman he wants, including me. No husband of mine, Prince or not, will bed any woman he wishes. My husband will be true to me and me alone."

"But he is royality," Anya again said to her enraged daughter, hoping to calm her down. Gabrielle stared at her mother with a look that let her know quickly that she was far from calm. "How long has he known," she asked her mother as she glared at her. "He has known that he's been betrothed for about two years now, but he does not know to whom." "Will you at least bathe before we go to the castle for your birthday celebration," she asked. "Why," Gabrielle asked, knowing that her work with her horses did make her smell rather unwomanly, "so that my true apprience won't be shown as I am introduced as the Prince's bride-to-be at the same time. I think not." Her glare turned lethal as she calmly replied, "I will not be going."

Gabrielle and her mother hadn't notice her father's entrance into her bedroom. "You will be going," Yuri demanded. "And you will be going in the dress that Queen Titania had made especially for you and that glorious evening. And you will mind your manners young woman, or I'll... I'll..." "You'll what, father," she asked, her tone vicious now, like a snake striking it's prey. "I'll have you horse whipped," he yelled. "Yuri," Anya screeched, "you'll do no such thing. She can not be mared in any way. And besides, you know that you could never harm your own flesh and blood that way."

Gabrielle watched her father's anger deflate as her mother's words reached his ears. "Your right," Yuri said, slumping against the wall. She could tell that his heart hurt for thinking, and especially for speaking, the words he just had. "I'm sorry," he said. Then pleadingly, he asked his daugher, "Will you please try to be the lady that I know is hidden under that male facade of yours. I know that you are a great horse breeder and trainer. Even the crown Prince knows as well or he wouldn't continue to buy only from you. I feel that he picks the fights with you just so that he can be close to you. You must try to at least get along with him regardless. Please don't dishonor yourself?"

Gabrielle felt her anger leave her. How could she tell her father "no"? She had never been able too. "Yes, father," she finally said. Her voice had been low, but her promise was there and regardless how mad see was, she would never break her promise. Nor would she dishonor herself, or her family, in any way. She would attend the celebration in honor of her birthday and engagement. And she would be on her best behavior. She would even marriy the Prince. But, she would not give in to the desires that her body felt each time she was near him. He would have to really work to break down her defenses and consumate their marriage.

Two days later.

Prince Vlad Petkov stood before his mirror, dressing himself for the celebration that was getting underway in the castle below him. Next to him was his best friend and personal body guard, not that he needed one, Petroff Boleslav. "How long have you known," Petroff asked his friend. "Known what," he replied casually. Petroff hit his elbow against Vlad's and continued to tease, "You know... That Gabrielle was your betrothed?" "That's the funny part, Petroff," he said, grinning at their reflections. "I've known for two years now that I had a betrothed, even hoped beyond hope that it would be her. But it wasn't until we went to her stables a few days ago did I learn it was her. You remember. We overheard her and her father agruing over the betrothal."

Vlad stood back and looked at himself. His massive body adorned in the regal dark blueish purple fabric; his cape bore the royal Petkov Family crest on it. His belt was sinched tightly to his slightly smaller hips. At twenty-eight, he was a mountain of a man. At six foot six, he stood just a few inches taller than Petroff. His arms, legs, chest, everything about him larger than any normal sized man. His father, the King, was a massive man, but he was bigger than even he.

"You know," Vlad said aloud, "I'd give up all my mistresses here in the castle and around the country side if Gabrielle was to ask me to do so. Not that I'm going to tell her that, but if that was what she wanted, I would." "You," Petroff chuckled, "give up all those women." "Yes," he said glaring at his friend. "I would give them up only with the condition that she was willing to give into me whenever I wanted to have her. Otherwise..., I'll have to keep them around. And..." He held a finger up before saying, "I'm the only one she lays with."

Vlad thought about all those times that he had looked down into Gabrielle's desirable brown eyes. Her large breasts rising and falling with each breathe she drew in. He had seen her when she didn't know he was around and could easily see the change in her breathing when he was near her. He knew that try as she may, Gabrielle wanted him; at least her body did, her mind and heart would come around to it soon. His body ached to touch every part of her, to kiss her everywhere, and to place his face between those large mounds and smother himself in their glory.

"Vlad. Vlad."

Vlad shook his head to remove the thought of her naked body, or what he imagined her to look like naked, from his mind. "What," he said smiling back at Petroff, his mind finally back to where it needed to be. Petroff began laughing uncontrollably. "Your never going to make it through tonight," he said as he laughed. "You haven't even seen her yet tonight, let alone danced with her, and already your mind is on bedding her."

Vlad knew that Petroff was right. His loins were already aching just from the thought of her. How would his body reacted when he shared their betrothal dance together? Would he be able to control his urge to have her? He'd have too. There was still a week until the wedding. He wondered if he would ever be able to make it.

Moments later, Vlad and Petroff stood next to his parents, King Stefan and Queen Titania. Once all the guest had been greeted, King Stefan nodded to the hearlds to summon Baron Rauh and his family. Vlad stood next to his parents as they each took their own throne. He took in a deep breathe as the hearld announced, "Baron Yuri Rauh and his wife, Baroness Anya". He watched as his future in-laws entered the room and made their way to his parents and bowed before taking their own respectful seats on either side of his parents. The doors had closed behind them and he now held his breath as the hearld announced, "Baroness, and future Princess, Gabrielle Rauh". He continued to hold his breathe as the doors opened again. His worst fear, that she would not be on the other side of them, was put to rest as she entered the grand room.

Vlad felt his lungs crying for air and drew in a much needed breathe. He almost went breathless again as he watched Gabrielle glide across the room towards him in the glorious dark blue gown that his mother had ordered as a gift for her future daughter-in-law. The fancy white lace trimmed the neck, arms, and bottom. The gown revealed her breasts beautifully and he was once again aching to touch them.

At that moment, Vlad knew Petroff was right. He was never going to make it through this night with out wanting to bed her, or at the very least, touch her as he soon would in private. He gave a sideways glare at Petroff and saw that his best friend was trying to keep a straight face and from laughing out loud. Vlad planned to beat the hell out of Petroff when they met for their training session tomorrow. But for now, the sideways glare had to suffice.

Vlad's eyes went back to his betrothed. Gabrielle was now bowing in front of him. Taking his cue, he descended the few steps and bowed to her. Taking her hand in the formal stance, he led her to the center of the room. Still holding her hand out with his own, he pulled her waist tight to him with his other. Their bodies were tightly molded together as she look up at him and finally placed her other hand on his shoulder with a "hmph". The music started and they began to dance. His sapphire eyes went from her brown ones, to her pert nose, then noble chin, and finally to her breasts before returning to her face.

"You look beautiful, Gabrielle," Vlad said. "And happy birthday as well." The closeness of their bodies was causing his manhood to harden. "Thank you, your Majesty," she said through clenched teeth. He pressed himself harder against her, causing her to say, "I suggest you keep your favorite part sheathed until we are married." A smile then spread across her face. "You may even be required to keep it sheathed then as well." "Come now, my dear," his tone turning quit sensual, "it will be released on our wedding night when we consumate our marrige."

Vlad noticed Gabrielle's eyes darken just before she said, "I demand that once we are married, you have no other woman besides me. No mistresses inside or outside of the castle." He smiled and wondered if Petroff had told her about their converstaion, but knew he hadn't. He had been by his side since the conversation. "Very well, Gabrielle," he said smiling. "But I have a demand of my own. It is that you are willing to allow me the pleasure of your body whenever I wish. If not," he shrugged his shoulders for effect, "I'll keep them and will flaunt them before you. Do we have a deal?"

Gabrielle's long pause troubled him at first, but then Vlad realized that she was actually contenplating the idea of actually having to willing allow him the pleasure of her body whenever he wished it. "And when is this willingness expected to begin," she asked. "As soon as we are alone together to comsumate our vows," he said smiling a victorious smile at her. "Agreed," she said with a forced smile on her face. Knowing that she was proud and her promise was never broken, he used it to his advantange and asked curiously, "Is that a promise, Gabrielle?" Her eyes widen and her nostrils flared at this request. Again her teeth were clenched when she answered, "I promise".

It was only when King Stefan tapped Vlad's shoulder did either of them noticed that the music had stopped. They both blushed, for neither had heard it stop, nor did they know how long ago it had. He watched Gabrielle as she turned and walked back towards her parents as his father announced that everyone could dance now that the betrothed were finished. Several times that night, he took her away from her parents to dance. Each time, "accidently" feeling a part of her body that would be only his to touch soon. He wanted to see if she would be able to resist him once married. He noticed that her ability to deny him grew less as the night wore on. And when they parted late that night, he kissed her deeply in the shadows of the castle. He knew that their wedding night would be worth the week's wait when she hadn't argued over the kiss and had indeed passionately kiss him back.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 04-29-2007, 03:10 PM
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Chapter Two

At the request of Queen Titania, Gabrielle and her parents would remain at the castle until the wedding. The Queen wanted her future daughter-in-law there so that she would be able to answer questions and help make arrangements for the wedding. She also needed to be fitted for her wedding gown, so staying at the castle only made sense. The Baron would ride home every few days to check up on things. The path to and from the house was clear since it was still late autumn and the snows had yet to fall.

It was late morning, the day after her eighteenth birthday, when Gabrielle rose to greet the day. Clutching her robe around her body, she looked out the window and towards the training grounds. She watched as her betrothed and his friend trained. From her high perched window, she watched his magnificant body as he moved to fight not just one, but four "enemies" at once. He was good with his sword and dagger. If he had truly been in battle, he would have won the battle against the four men. She smiled as she watched. She too had a weapon of her own. She was not only known for her horse breeding and training, but for the leathel use of a whip as well. She had once nearly whipped a man to death for abusing one of her precious horses. Everyone, including her father, stayed clear of her when she was in reach of one.

Gabrielle watched as Vlad and Petroff continued. A knock at the door caused her to say "Come in" over her shoulder, her eyes nevering leaving Vlad's muscled body. "Good morning, Baroness," Queen Titania greeted. She turned to greet the woman. "Good morning, your Majesty," she said as she bowed. "Oh please," the Queen said, throwing her hands out in disgust, "you only have to address me that way when we're in public. You're soon to be my daughter-in-law. You may call me Titania, mother, or Tanya. Tanya is what most of my closer friends call me since it is short for Titania. " "I like Tanya," Gabrielle said, her cheeks flushing as she thought of speaking to the Queen in such an informal way.

Titania moved to the window to see what held Gabrielle's attention so. She watched as the young Baronesses cheeks redden at having been caught admiring her son's body. "He loves you," the older woman said. "He only picks fight over your horses just to be near you." Turning to face the younger one, she continued. "Did you know that he has already arranged for your horses to be brought over here? He is having a grand stable built so that you may continue doing what you love to do." "He has," the younger asked in a surprised tone. "Yes. He does not wish to saddle you with the title of 'Princess', although you will wear it, but rather allow you to go on as you have before."

Gabrielle continued to watch her betrothed. Anger flushed her as she remembered his mocking of her horses; her babies. It then subsided as she took in the Queen's words. He loved her. And to an extent, she would retain her freedom to contining her working with horses. But most of all, she loved him. She knew now that she couldn't hide that fact any longer. She wanted to tell him. Her mother had joined them by now and with both women's help, she dressed quickly and headed for the training field.

Vlad leaned his tall, muscled body against the table that displayed the wide variety of weapons. He and the other men took in deepth breathes as they rested before continuing in their training. His back was turned towards the castle and he didn't see Gabrielle as she approached them. Neither had the others until she cleared her throat. "May we talk in private," she asked softly. "Of course, Baroness," he said as he walked towards her. The other men walked away too, allowing the betrothed privacy.

Following a few steps behind her, Vlad notice that her raven black hair was only half up this morning. If fact Gabrielle looked as if she had been rushed from her bed. Her brown eyes sparkled as she turned back to face him. Her face was well tanned from working out doors with her horses, but her cheeks redden as she stared him in the eyes before speaking. "Your mother has told me what you are doing for me. Errr..., that is..., for my horses." He watched her eyes go from his, to his bare muscled chest, and then back to his face. Her eyes fluttered and she drew in a deep breathe. "Your welcome," he said in a husky tone. He touched her cheek with the back of his hand. She brought her hands to her chest and played with the necklace she wore. "It's the least I can do for the woman I love...," he paused, allowing his mouth to loom just above hers and finishied, "and will soon marry."

Vlad pressed his mouth hard to Gabrielle's. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close to his bare chest. Her hand dropped the necklace. Her palms pressed his massive chest, feeling not only their strength and hardness, but the fast beating of his heart as well. His tongue plunged into her mouth. He moaned with desire as she allowed it entrance. His tongue mated hers as his hands pressed her harder against him. Oh, how he wanted to lay with her now?! It was obvious to them both as his erect manhood pressed hard against her belly.

Gabrielle moaned as he broke their kiss. Vlad's voice was heavy with desire as he said, "You had best return to the castle, my love, or we will be finding a place where I can have my way with you right now." "I love you," she said as she stepped back from him, yet still in his arms, "and I look forward to our wedding night." He moaned again as she slipped through is arms and headed back for the castle. He watched her go, tasting her on his lips as she did.

Reaching the castle, Gabrielle caught her breathe. She didn't know if it was from Vlad's kiss or her run to the castle, but she was out of breathe. She needed to speak to Tanya and ask for a favor. She rushed into find her. The wedding was a week away and she needed this done before then.

Finding the Queen, along with her own mother, in the great hall, Gabrielle approached them. "I need a favor," she softly said to Tanya. "What kind of favor, my dear," the older woman asked in a tone just as soft. Waiting for the few servants to pass by she said, "A special bedding gown. One for the wedding night." The older woman smiled and nodded. She watched as one of the queen summoned on of the tailors passing by. "The Baroness," she began, "needs a special bedding gown made, sir. One that will melt Vlad's heart when he sees her wear it. One that only he will see her wear, you understand." "Ahhh," the tailor replied. Taking Gabrielle by the hand he said, "Come Baroness, I think I know what you would like."

During the next week, the days passed by so quickly, yet the nights seemed to drag on for Gabrielle. The only time she was able to see Vlad was when the two families ate. She was aching for some time alone with him. From the looks he gave her at dinner, and the secretive touching he done under the table, she too knew that he also wanted some time alone with her. But they would have to wait. Titania and Anya had allowed their children one last kiss before they hid Gabrielle away from Vlad 'til the wedding the next day. She watched over her shoulder as she was led away. Vlad never moved the entire time that she could see him.

The night seemed to drag by, but yet when the sun rose the next morning, Gabrielle found she had little time to breathe. From bathing, dressing, a few quicks bites, last minute alterations on her wedding gown, and varies other things, she found that the day actually passed by very quickly. And before she knew it, she stood outside the doors of the same doors that she had entered when she was introduced as the soon-to-be Princess. She smiled at her at the wedding march was sounded.

Gabrielle felt her legs trying to give out as she walked towards Vlad. Her palms sweated in the long white gloves she wore. Her skin looked even more tanned next to the pure white material of her bridal gown. She stared at him. His massive body looked even more so in his royal robes. Reaching him, she blushed as he said, "You look even more beautiful than you did a week ago." She couldn't speak, but her smiled answered for her.

Gabrielle didn't know how she made it through the ceremony, but she was now waving "good-bye" to her friends and family as she and Vlad left their wedding celebration. "I want you get my maid for me," she requested as they reached his room, which was now her chambers as well. "Gabrielle," he groaned, "I can't wait any longer." "I promise," she said, giving his a pout, "this will be worth waiting for." The two guards posted outside of their door tried to hid their smiles after overhearing their converstation. Again he groaned, but turned quickly to find her chamber maid.

Vlad paced outside his room as Gabrielle and her maid worked quietly inside. Only a few minutes had passed since the maid had entered, but it felt like an eternity. He was just about to knock when the door open very little and the maid slipped out. The young maid's surprised face changed quickly to a smile as she said, "She ready for you now, Your Majesty." He gave the maid time to disappear down the corridor before opening the door.

Vlad looked around the room in shock as the heavy door closed behind him. Along with the fire in the fireplace, there were at least a hundred candles burning brightly, giving the room a very romantic glow. He fumbled with the door latch, not even looking at it, but stareing at her. He then noticed the rose petals everywhere he looked. Looking towards his bed, he saw her in the candle light glow. Gabrielle was leaned up against the tall bed post. Her raven hair hung down past her waist, revealing it's true length to him for the first time. He could see the candle light flicking in her eyes. Her long slender arms were behind her. And then he noticed her bedding gown.

The long, white material flowed down her body; revealing her curves and large breasts nicely. A single white string hung over her shoulders, disappearing into white lace that covered her breasts, leaving very little for Vlad's imagination. Right below her breasts, the lace met the silk white material that flowed down to the top of her bare feet. He took long, quick strides and now stood before her. He hadn't realized he had been holding his breathe until he released it now and drew in another one. "Gabrielle," he groaned as he quickly removed his cape. "I told you it would be worth the wait," she sexily replied. He was now glad he had.

Removing his own boots and shirt quickly, Vlad then pulled Gabrielle to him. Her large breasts touched his bare muscled chest through the lace of her gown. He felt her hard nipples as they poked into his skin. His finger tips lightly ran up and down her spine, causing her to shiver in his arms. He felt her fingers graze his shoulders and neck before slipping into his shoulder length golden hair. He was a foot taller than her, but he eagerly bent down to kiss her. His lips first grazed over hers as his eyes stared into hers. They both closed their eyes as he pushed his mouth onto her hard. His hands pressed her harder to him. He heard her moan and felt the heat of her womanhood thru his pants. His own hardness pressed against her belly. "Damn you taste good," he growled after releasing her from his kiss.

Gabrielle slipped back from Vlad and onto his bed, pulling the covers down as she did. She stretched her body out and laid her head on his over sized pillows. She watched with anticipation as he removed his pants. Her body ached with desire as he saw that he was truly well-muscled all over. Not only was his chest, arms, and stomach hard muscles, but his legs and manhood as well. She had never seen a man naked, but something told her that the size, both length and girth, of his hardness was not normal. She wondered if it would fit into her... and how bad would it hurt. As if reading her mind, he sensually said, "It will fit. It will stretch you to do it, but it will fit."

Gabrielle deeply breathed in his manly scent as Vlad crept his completely naked body onto her. She touched his tanned skin lightly with her finger tips; he felt hard and muscled, yet soft and smooth at the same time. She moaned loudly as he took one of her breats into his mouth; lace and all. "Vlad," she gasped as he satisified himself with her breasts. His hands slipped the straps from her shoulders and pulled them down her arms. She arched her back with pleasure and he quickly used the moment to remove the top of the sexy gown off her breasts and stomach, stopping it at her waist.

Gabrielle gripped Vlad's strong arms and dug her nails into them as she felt an explosion in her womanhood. "Oh Vlad," she screamed, not caring that the guards on the other side of the door could hear. Her pulse raced as white hot passion ran through her veins. She couldn't beleive that she was already feeling flushed and he still hadn't even touched her virginal womanhood yet. She continued to moan as he light bit her nipple and slightly tugged. His large hand moved down her stomach and under the silky material that still laid from her waist to her feet. She felt his fingers part her black pubic hair before one began an assault on her womanhood.

Vlad kissed his way down his Princess bride's stomach. His one hand touched her femaleness as the other completely removed the silky material from her legs. She quirmed under him as he pleased her. With her bedding gown now gone, he parted her legs and kissed the black hair there. His thumb rubbed her clit as his tongue tasted her. He felt her body arch just seconds before she released onto his tongue. He moaned as he tasted her again.

Vlad smiled as Gabrielle shook with pleasure. She tasted good, but he wanted himself buried as deep into her as possible. Kissing his way back up her stomach, he pressed his lips hard to hers as his knees pushed her thighs further apart. With is hips now settled where he wanted them, he eased the tip of his massive manhood in her very warm and wet hole. With his elbows next to her breasts, he watched her eyes. They had been closed, but now that he inched his way into her, they sprang open.

Vlad pulled out slowly before pushing back in, muffling Gabrielle's scream of pain with his mouth. Her nails dug into his arms as he again, pulled back, and then broke through her innocence. He felt the air leave her lungs and saw the tears stream down her cheeks. He quickly kissed them away as he moved slowly in her. "Breathe," he whispered into her ear. He too took in a deep breathe as she drew in one. "Vlad," she cried. "Oh God, Vlad!" He heard both pain and pleasure in her voice. Raising up onto hands from his elbows, he watched her face as he pulled all but the tip of him out, then thursted himself deep into her.

Gabrielle gasped. The pain was slowly subsiding and extreme pleasure was now taking it's place. She silently chided herself on not asking about this before. Had she had known, would she have welcomed the expected sensual pain that was there now or would she have dreaded it. No. She was glad that she hadn't been told. She looked into his shappire eyes. He smiled at her as he moved himself in her. She raised her feet up along his legs, allowing him more access to her womanhood. She felt his next push go deeper and she gasped; his smile widen as she did.

Gabrielle felt Vlad's massive body shift and then found herself on top of him. He pulled her legs down beside his hips and onto the bed. His large hands grapped her ass and began lift her up and down on him. She placed her hands on his massive chest, her fingers touching the golden hair there, and straigten out her arms. Without being told too, she began to raise and lower herself on him. She smiled as he placed his hands behind his head and watched her, moaning occassionaly. Pushing back just a little, she allowed that certain area of her womanhood to be pleased on his manhood.

Gabrielle closed her eyes and tilted her head back as an explosive wave of pleasure swept over her. She felt tears flow as she heard him softly say, "That's it Gabrielle. Cum for me again, my love. I want to feel your sweet juices flowing on me again." His massive hands now massage her large breasts; roughly pinching the hard nipples. "Vlad," she screamed as she again felt the pleasureable explosion between her legs. "Vlad! Vlad! Oh God, Vlad." She felt as if she was going to collapse and was thankful for his hands as they held her up.

Vlad felt his bride's body going limp with pleasure and rolled Gabrielle off of him. He smiled as her body shook with pleasure. She laid on her side in his bed. HIS! Getting behind her, he raised her upper leg up and cradled it in his arm. He then slid himself back into her. His other arm slipped under her body, even with her breasts, and pulled her tight to him. He kissed her neck and ear as he pushed harder and faster into her. He was pleased when she moved her hips in time with his, makeing the pleasure for both of them even better. He felt his balls tense and then explode. Her pace slowed down on him and he laid still as she milked him of his seed.

Vlad laid Gabrielle's leg back down; her tightness almost too painful around him. He now wrapped that free arm around her, holding her in both arms now. He lightly kissed her neck and shoulder. He felt her body still shaking with pleasure. The room began to feel cool as their bodies began to settle down. He noticed the fire had died down. Not wanting to leave her warmth, he effortlessly pulled the covers up over them. "How was that," he asked before kissing her shoulder softly again. "Oh Vlad," she gasped breathlessly, "it was beyond wonderful. It was... It was... pure ecstacy."

Vlad held his bride tightly. "When you've caught your breathe," he teased, "we'll start all over again." He couldn't keep from laughing as she asked sexily, "You promise." "I promise," he said. "And I always keep my promises." "So do I," she cooed. "So do I."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 05-01-2007, 08:17 PM
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Chapter Three

Vlad woke the next morning with the sun shining brightly through the stain glass windows of his room. At some point, the chamber maid had been in and had rebuilt the fire because the room was warm. When he and Gabrielle had final fell asleep, sometime after midnight, the room was growing cold. He had not wanted to leave their bed, nor their lovemaking, to keep the firing burning. He turned his attention now to her. She lay sleeping peacfully in his arms. Her long black hair laid spread out on her pillow, his arm, and the matteress next to her. Her beauty took his breathe.

Vlad pulled the covers back and stared at Gabrielle's naked body. Her large breasts rose and fell as she slept. He traced her breasts and nipples before gliding his finger up her neck to her chin. He looked at her. She was now awake and watching him. "Good morning, Princess," he said. "Good morning, my sweet Prince." Her voice set his pulse and heart to racing. "Are we really married," she asked. "Yes," he smiled. "And we really made love three times last night," she asked shyly. "Yes," he answered again as he moved his body onto hers. "Let's make sure that we're not dreaming and make love again just to be sure." Her smile and cooing was all the encouragment he needed.

The morning passed quickly and Vlad knew that at some point they would have to leave their room. He knew that she would want to work with her horses. And he wanted to make sure that the construction of her stables was being done correctly. Besides that, they hadn't ate since their wedding ceremony the night before and both of their stomachs rumbled. He watched her dress as he did so himself. He had to restrain himself from removing her tight fitting boyish britches just as soon as she had them on. There was still some breakfast left in the kitchen and he and Gabrielle hurriedly ate. Petroff came in and join them for a quick meal. When finished, Gabrielle excused herself and headed out for the stable.

"Have you time to talk," Petroff asked. "For my best friend, anytime," Vlad said smiling. He could see the troubled look on Petroff's face. "What's wrong," he asked. His friend looked at him with a worried face. "We had some trouble last night after you and Gabrielle left the ceremony. Marrisha tried to get into the celebration. It took three guards to restrain her. She was determined to kill Gabrielle and reclaim you for herself. She got away from us just before we got her to the dungeon. She took my ivory handled dagger. We've not been able to find her since."

Vlad thought as he and Petroff left the castle kitchen and headed for the stables. He knew that Marrisah had been upset when he released her from her mistress duties. He had went to her the morning after his engagement was announced and told her. She had been very upset, but he had dismiss it and just knew that she would get over it. Apprently she hadn't. She was clever, he had to give her that. But the real question was: Where was she now? His question was answered when he heard Gabrielle scream. Within seconds, Vlad, Petroff, and several of his guards were heading to the stable.

Gabrielle stood stareing at the woman who had just surprised her. She cluched the handle of her whip in her hand. It was wrapped twice around her body, diagonal from her left shoulder to her right hip. The woman wasn't nearly as tall as she, but close. Her hair was a desheveled firey red. Her green eyes blazed with a hatred all their own. "You took him from me, you wench," she exclaimed. Just then Vlad, Petroff, and the guards arrived.

"Marrisha," Vlad yelled, "dropped the dagger." "Never," she called, "Say 'good-bye' to your precious Princess, Vlad. Then you and I can be together." "It's over between us, Marrisha. I told you that last week. Now drop the dagger!"

"No Vlad," Gabrielle said calmly, removing her whip. A smile of satisifaction spread across her face as she said, "I'll take care of this." Marrisha stared at her; Petroff's dagger still in hand.

"You think I took him from you, Marrisha," Gabrielle said calmly. "He was never yours for me to take. We have been betrothed since my birth. So tell me, how was he ever yours."

Marrisha glared at her. "I had him before you ever knew that you were betrothed."

"You don't have to do this, Gabrielle," Vlad gruffly said aloud to them both. "No Vlad, this is between Marrisha and I," Gabrielle calmly said, still staring at the other woman, her whip in hand. "Come on Marrisha. Come and get me." She watched as the woman lunged at her. Gabrielle gave a simple flick of her wrist and the dagger fell from Marrisha's hand.

"You bitch," Marrisha yelled.

"Still want more," Gabrielle asked, a mocking smile on her face.

"You'll never have him," Marrisha said as she scrambled for the dagger.

Gabrielle gave another flick of her wrist and the dagger jumped from the ground and out of her enemies reach. "I've had him four times since our wedding ceremony," she said proudly. Marrisha gave a loud scream and charged her. She let her get just close enough and then stepped aside, sending her enemy around her body and into a pile of manure. She gave a whistle and jump bareback onto her trusted mare. Another crack of her whip and Marrisha found herself being dragged by one leg out of the stable and into the yard. Vlad, Petroff, and the guards ran after them. She again flicked her wrist and released the woman a few feet outside of the stable.

"I'm giving you a chance to leave here, Marrisha," Gabrielle said softly, but loud enough for Vlad to hear. "I know how you feel for him because I love him as well. But he is mine now and I will fight to the death for him." She then turned to Vlad. He stared in amazemnt at her. "What do you want done with her," he asked, his uncareing tone showed he didn't have any use for her. "I want her gone," she said. "Sell her. Send her away on the next ship. I don't give a damn! Just get rid of her." She tapped her mare with her hills and headed back into the stable.

Gabrielle stood in an empty stall for what seemed like an eternity before Vlad arrived. She stood there with her back turned to him for sometime, not a word said between them. She finally broke the silence by asking, "Are you mad at me?" "No," he said as he walked towards her. She felt his arms around her. "I'm proud," he whispered into her ear. Turning in his arms she buried her face in his clothed chest. Her tears fell as she said, "I'm glad you are becasue I've never been that jealous..., outraged..., or scared in all of my life. And I'm now embrassed for my behavior." She felt his hand lifting her chin. His lips on hers. His body walking hers backwards until she reached the wall. He now pressed her against it hard. She couldn't breathe. Her lungs finally filled with air when he released her from their kiss.

Vlad heard Petroff clear his throat behind them. "Is everything okay," the guard asked. "Everything's fine," he answered. "Could you please close the stable door, post a gurad at each entrance and give us some time alone?" Petroff laughed as he answered, "Yes my Lord." As soon as the stable door was closed, he pulled her shirt off. He wanted her. Her display with the whip had impressed him now just as it had the last time he had watched her use it. But her caring/undersatnding attitude towards Marrisha did him in.

Gabrielle's large breasts were tightly held her corset. Vlad loved the way they look and kissed them as he pulled her boyish britches down. He pulled his own down enough to reveal his hard shaft. Lifting her up by her ass, he pushed her harder against the wall and placed her on him. God he wanted her! He moved fast and hard in her and in moments they reached their own climaxes together. He kept her pinned there as they both caught their breathe. The rest of the day, he kept her within sight of him. He didn't want any more "close calls" for a while.

Vlad and Gabrielle joined Petroff and some of the guards for supper that night. The talk was light hearted and fun. He flinched though when someone mentioned what had happened early that day. Petroff laughed as he said, "I'll never forget the look on Marrisha's face when her feet went out from under her and Gabrielle drug her out into the yard. Oh Princess, it was worth it. She would never have left you and Vlad alone if you hadn't." He felt a swelling of pride in his chest. He had plans for her again tonight and they included a nice warm bath in their chambers.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by Moonshine : 05-01-2007 at 08:42 PM.
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Old 05-02-2007, 07:14 PM
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Chapter Four

Vlad and Gabrielle walked hand in hand up the stairs toward their room. Just as the reached the top, King Stefan called them. "May I have a word with you, Vlad," the King called. "I'll go on," Gabrielle said. Vlad kissed her cheek. "I'll be there in a few minutes," he said smiling. "Don't start wtihout me." Gabrielle walked alone to their room. The chamber maid had built a fire and the room was warm and cozy. She saw the tub; bubbles filled to the top and steam rose in the air. Oh, it looked so inviting. She walked to the window and watched the snow as it drifted down. A shiver ran thru her. She turned just as Vlad entered the room.

"What did he want," Gabrielle asked. Vlad smiled as he walked to her. "He heard about what happened in the stable today and was curious." She felt ashamed. "Was he mad," she asked. "No," he said, taking her in his arms, "he found it very funny actually. He said that he hoped that he never made you mad. He doesn't want you coming after him with it." She laughed into his chest. He held her tightly; she loved the feeling of being in his arms. Quickly they removed their clothes and slipped into the warm, inviting tub.

Gabrielle slipped under the water, allowing the water to cover her head. The warm water felt good on her aching muscles. She resurfaced just in time to see Vlad doing the same. She watched him lean back against the tub, placing his hands behind his head. "What," she asked as he stared at her. "I want to watch you wash your body." She felt her cheeks go flush as she realized he was serious. He knew her body intimately, but she had never dreamt of him watching her as she washed herself. A devilish smiled spread across her face. "I'll wash in front of you under one condition," she said. "What condition," he asked in a tone of couriosity, his face showing it as well. Her smiled widen. "You can not touch me nor yourself as long as I have the washing clothe in my hand. Deal," she asked sexily. His eyes narrowed as he stared at her. "Your not serious," he asked. "Very," she said, still using the sexy tone. "Fine," he growled.

Gabrielle sat up on the side of the tub so that Vlad could fully see her naked body. She lathered the clothe and began to rub it on her face and neck. She heard him moan slightly. Next she washed her arms and legs. He smiled as he watched her. She rubbed the soapy clothe across her breasts; teasing him, reminding him that she could touch them and he could not. He groaned and leaned forward. "No. No," she said, "No touching." He narrowed his eyes again and returned to his original position. She continued to rub the clothe on her breasts, making sure they were completely covered. She then slid it down her stomach and back up. Back down it went again, but this time all the way down. She rubbed the black hair between her legs, soaping it up just as much as her breasts. "God wench," he said through clenched teeth.

Dripping the clothe back into the water, Gabrielle rinsed the soap from it. She then rinsed her face. Again it went into the water. She let the water drip from the clothe and onto her breasts, letting the water cascade down them. "Gabrielle," Vlad hissed, "I can't take much more." "You'll have to too," she smiled. "I'm not done." He growled at her. She dipped the clothe once more. This time allowing the water to run down her stomach before rinsing the hair between her legs. "Sit up on the edge," she said. "You have not yet been washed, sweet prince." It took him only seconds to raise from the tub and do as she asked.

Vlad groaned with pleasure as Gabrielle rubbed the once again soapy clothe on his chest and arms. In twenty-eight years he had never bathed with, let alone been washed by, a woman. He was loving it, but damn did he want to touch her. She slid the clothe down, up, and then back down his stomach and chest. She wrapped it around his hard shaft and gently washed him. "Gabrielle," he growled, "If you don't let me touch you soon, I'm gonna die!" She laughed as again rinsed the clothe. She slowly rinse his chest, stomach, and then hardness. "Drop the clothe, Gabrielle," he snarled. "Why," she asked, pretending to have forgotten the deal. "Drop it," he growled.

Vlad smiled victoriously as Gabrielle dropped the clothe. In a second he was pulling her to him, his mouth pressing hard on hers. One of his hands grabbed her ass as the other pressed her back, forcing her stomach hard against his own hardness. "Now, princess," he said huskily, "some torment and torture for you." He smiled as she gasped when he entered her. "Vlad," she moaned as he moved in her. Her arms wrapped around his neck. His own arms slid up her back and grip her shoulders. He moved forcably in her causing her to climax instantly. She again called his name. He loved hearing her say it. In a swift move, he lifted them from the cooling water. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her. He walked them over to the fireplace and to the large bear skin rug before it. "Get on your hands and knees," he whispered into her ear.

Vlad smiled as Gabrille done as he asked. His large hands grabbed her waist and pushed himself in her. Her warmth and wettness surrounded him again. He squeezed her hips tighter and moved them in rythem. Her moans filled the room as she climaxed, he too felt his own release. Pulling from her, he laid on the rug, trying to catch his breathe. She laid next to him, her fingers running through his chest hair. When he was able too, he carried her to bed and fell asleep with her in his arms.


Thirty years passed. King Vlad Petkow and Queen Gabrielle celebrated their thirty wedding anniversary with their five children; four boys and one girl. Their happy celebration was celebrated with a grand ball. Though the passing of the King Stefan a few years before had dampened it, they were honored that Queen Titania was there to celebrate. Gabrielle still contiuned to work her horses. And Vlad still was unable to resists his queen's body.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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