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Old 07-13-2002, 01:37 PM
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Reverend Silky Reverend Silky is offline
Dollar Store Mackin'!
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: The Grove
Posts: 411
if i was a bird
and you was a fish
what would we do?
i guess we'd wish for
wouldn't it be
a sensation
to come back to it like reincarnation

if i was a tree
and you were a flower
what would we do?
i guess we'd wish for the power of
wouldn't it be a sensation
to come back to it like reincarnation

i love you
and dontcha know i always will
yer a girl, i'm a boy
but suppose you were a rooose
and i was a whipporwhill

'Reincarnation', Roger Miller

not my all-time favorite to sing, but it's the current pick. i know i'll've met the chick that's meant for me when i think of her everytime i hear it. bank on it. i might get bored later and type out some Cash lyrics... if yer good.
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