Thread: Convince Me
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Old 12-27-2004, 07:38 PM
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Navarre Navarre is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: North Carolina
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What is the community like? Absolutely great. People are so respectful, kind and courteous. When I lived up north, I don't think my neighbors and I exchanged more than 5 words in 10 years.
What are the schools like? They suck....big time. Definitely not what I'm used to. Private or parochial schooling is the only option.
What are the employment options? If you're in manufacturing, sorry. All the jobs have gone to China. If you're in the service industry, then no problem.
Cost of living??? Ranges from about to one third to one half less than what it costs to live in Minneapolis. $130,000 gets you a house here that would cost around $225,000 up north.
Crime rate? Average here. Nothing startling.
Big city or country? I live out in the country where it is and one half miles from the city. The triad area has a population of around 600,000. The mountains are 3 1/2 hours west and the Atlantic Ocean is 3 1/2 hours east. When I went to lunch around the tenth of this month I put the top down on the Miata. 'Nuff said?
"Old age and Treachery will overcome Youth and Enthusiasm...Everytime!"
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